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1、5000 英文單詞, 英文單詞,2.7 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 8250 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Anyanwu C I. Project cost control in the Nigerian Construction Industry[J]. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention www. ijesi. org\\volume2Issue12, 2

2、013: 65-71.Project Cost Control in the Nigerian Construction IndustryC.I. AnyanwuABSTRACTThe construction industry being solely responsible for economic growth of the nation will base on the government’s fiscal policy an

3、d budget the formulation of its own policy plan on how to carry out development within that budget and equally give the nation a healthy developed environment. Besides, the overall aim of cost control and management is t

4、o make sure that scarce resources are utilized to the optimum benefits of the main parties to a construction contract. That means that design and execution of a project should produce maximum value for money. Given there

5、fore, the high cost rate of money for construction resources and high interest in this dwindling, deregulated and depressed economy, it is pertinent that efficient costing should be a very strong element in project desig

6、n and implementation.The economic aspects of construction are complicated by the fact that the functions of design and production are generally separated. At the design stage, the designer will usually not know the metho

7、ds and equipment available to the contractor who may ultimately build the project, and who is directly responsible for the materials used, which for most buildings account for about two-thirds of the total cost of the pr

8、oject. This is not to suggest that the contractor has no contribution to make, but since the labour which he controls, cost only about half that of the materials, his efforts can easily be nullified by any design which m

9、akes excessive or unnecessary use of materials. This will have serious adverse effect on the project cost, its execution and completion date and may lead to delay and outright abandonment.The need to have cost data avail

10、able from the earliest stages of the design has encouraged the development of methods of “cost planning“ and the wider application of such techniques if cost is to become as it should be, an integral part of design. All

11、these should be geared towards effective cost management and control as a solution to project abandonment.Management is a leading factor in any investment. Prosperity breeds mismanagement. Paradoxically, management is th

12、e single factor which forces an upturn in a recession. Management is the single factor which separates prosperity and recession. It is the resources well managed or mismanaged today that makes for tomorrow's prosperi

13、ty or depression. The economic depression we are now facing is more out of mismanagement of resources than lack of resources. The key to the success of our construction investment industry is professional management. The

14、re is urgent need for innovations in the cost management of our construction resources for viable products. The vital question however is whether the Project Manager being the construction cost planner is economizing eno

15、ugh the variables that affect the cost of construction which are supposed to be under his control in other to bring down cost of construction to a tolerable level. This is the main focus of the study to unveil the manage

16、ment philosophy, practice and inputs to be affixed in evaluating and monitoring construction cost in order to reduce project abortion and abandonment, which are caused by project cost overruns.Key Words: Project Cost, Co

17、st control, Construction Industry, Project abandonment, Cost over-will have to pay the contractor to construct the building but not the actual cost to the contractor of building it. Precisely, it is the amount paid by th

18、e client for either completed building or for specific section of building.Moreover, Oforeh and Alufohai (2006) wrote that “to the construction economist, the products of the industry are regarded life objects that remai

19、n active throughout their life span. In the process of its existence or activity, some other elements of costs arise, aside from the initial costs. The true cost of a project therefore is an integral of the birth and lif

20、etime cost of the project analyzed over anticipated and defined minimum quality or standard of performance.“On the other hand, management as defined by Stoner and Wankel is “the process of planning, organizing, leading a

21、nd controlling the efforts of organizational members and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated organization goals. Hall (2007) in his write up, defined management broadly as “getting things done t

22、hrough other people“ so as to include top management and lower level management. Thus, there are many systems, techniques, approaches and tools of management. Management includes subjects like human relations, operationa

23、l research, quantitative techniques, project management, Administration etc.Thus, from the above definitions and reviews of cost and management, “the concept of cost management“ in this research work is concisely defined

24、 as the process of utilizing the construction cost related resources of the construction sub- designated objectives. This definition treats the subject matter as a process of getting things done through working with peop

25、le and using other resources. This is a fact because no project success can be achieved without proper integration of the project organization and actors.More so, it has been well established that the activity costs othe

26、rwise known as maintenance costs or cost - in - always affect the initial cost of a project in many ways consequently, various initial costs may be possible for the same project subject to the quality and performance ant

27、icipated. Therefore, the approach of the construction economist is based on both the realistic and actualistic concepts against a background of identifiable performance related factors considered over time. This approach

28、 is the basis of cost planning executed by project managers on individual projects at the micro economic level of construction. Subsequently, apart from decision making, the task before the Project Manager can broadly be

29、 classified into cost planning and cost control.III. COST BUDGETINGThe concept budget defines the translation of an organizational plan into concrete form by way of resources allocation in form of cash. A budget is made

30、up of two sides - Expenditure and Revenue. Just as budget have been used to plan country's economy, firms have been compelled because of the growing complexity in the construction industry to draw up budgets. It is t

31、hrough budgets that plans can be executed. Budgets are used to convert such plans and policies into qualitative and monetary terms which form the fundamental objectives of the firm. The process of budget estimates is use

32、d by firms to decide on policies of either expansion, contraction or maintaining the statuesque. It is this process which helps to shape the policy of the firm as regard future line of action depending on the market situ

33、ation. The execution of any project by a contractor requires cost control.Cost control is done by way of project planning and scheduling using different types of qualitative techniques available to the industry. The logi


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