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1、<p><b>  三 江 學(xué) 院</b></p><p><b>  畢業(yè)論文資料</b></p><p>  商學(xué)院 院</p><p>  市場營銷 專業(yè)</p><p>  論文題目 小廚娘青龍山莊酒店的服務(wù)營銷策略研究

2、 </p><p>  學(xué) 號(hào) B08042022 姓 名 馬慧 </p><p>  起訖日期 2011.12——2012.6 工作地點(diǎn) 南京 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師姓名 康麗 </p><p>

3、  指導(dǎo)教師職稱 講師 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師工作單位 三江學(xué)院 </p><p><b>  三 江 學(xué) 院</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)任務(wù)書</p><p>  商學(xué)院

4、 院(系)</p><p>  市場營銷 專業(yè)</p><p>  論文題目 小廚娘青龍山莊酒店的服務(wù)營銷策略研究 </p><p>  學(xué)生姓名 馬慧 學(xué) 號(hào) B08042022 </p><p>  起訖日期 2011.12——2012.6 <

5、/p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師姓名(簽名) 康麗 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師職稱 講師 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師工作單位 三江學(xué)院 </p><p>  院(系)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)簽名

6、 </p><p>  下發(fā)任務(wù)書日期 : 2011年 12月 25 日</p><p>  注:表格欄高不夠可自行增加。此表由指導(dǎo)教師在畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)工作開始前填寫,每位畢業(yè)生兩份,一份發(fā)給學(xué)生,一份交院(系)留存。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)開題報(bào)告</p><p>  注:理工類學(xué)生偏重于對

7、課題相關(guān)知識(shí)的理解和實(shí)施方案的框架結(jié)構(gòu),文管類學(xué)生偏重于對文獻(xiàn)資料的理解與綜述。表格欄高不夠可自行增加。</p><p><b>  三江學(xué)院</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p>  附件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文(約3000漢字);</p><p>  2.外文資料原文(與課題相關(guān)的1

8、萬印刷符號(hào)左右)。</p><p>  附件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文(約3000漢字)</p><p><b>  服務(wù)營銷</b></p><p>  “服務(wù)營銷”是一種通過關(guān)注顧客,進(jìn)而提供服務(wù),最終實(shí)現(xiàn)有利的交換的營銷手段。實(shí)施服務(wù)營銷首先必須明確服務(wù)對象,即“誰是顧客”。像飲料行業(yè)的顧客分為兩個(gè)層次:分銷商和消費(fèi)者。對于企業(yè)來說,應(yīng)該把所

9、有分銷商和消費(fèi)者看作上帝,提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。通過服務(wù),提高顧客滿意度和建立顧客忠誠。服務(wù)營銷的一般特點(diǎn):</p><p><b> ?。?)供求分散性</b></p><p>  服務(wù)營銷活動(dòng)中,服務(wù)產(chǎn)品的供求具有分散性。不僅供方覆蓋了第三產(chǎn)業(yè)的各個(gè)部門和行業(yè),企業(yè)提供的服務(wù)也廣泛分散,而且需供方更是涉及各種各類企業(yè)、社會(huì)團(tuán)體。 </p><p>

10、; ?。?)營銷方式單一性</p><p>  有形產(chǎn)品的營銷方式有經(jīng)銷、代理和直銷多種營銷方式。有形產(chǎn)品在市場可以多次轉(zhuǎn)手,經(jīng)批發(fā)、零售多個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)才使產(chǎn)品到達(dá)消費(fèi)者手中。服務(wù)營銷則由于生產(chǎn)與消費(fèi)的統(tǒng)一性,決定其只能采取直銷方式,中間商的介入是不可能的,儲(chǔ)存待售也不可能。 </p><p>  (3)營銷對象復(fù)雜多變</p><p>  服務(wù)市場的購買者是多元的、廣泛

11、的、復(fù)雜的。購買服務(wù)的消費(fèi)者的購買動(dòng)機(jī)和目的各異,某一服務(wù)產(chǎn)品的購買者可能牽涉社會(huì)各界各業(yè)各種不同類型的家庭和不同身份的個(gè)人,即使購買同一服務(wù)產(chǎn)品有的用于生活消費(fèi),有的卻用于生產(chǎn)消費(fèi),如信息咨詢、郵電通訊等。 </p><p> ?。?)服務(wù)消費(fèi)者需求彈性大</p><p>  根據(jù)馬斯洛需求層次原理,人們的基本物質(zhì)需求是一種原發(fā)性需求,這類需求人們易產(chǎn)生共性,而人們對精神文化消費(fèi)的需求屬

12、繼發(fā)性需求,需求者會(huì)因各自所處的社會(huì)環(huán)境和各自具備的條件不同而形成較大的需求彈性。同時(shí)對服務(wù)的需求與對有形產(chǎn)品的需求在一定組織及總金額支出中相互牽制,也是形成需求彈性大的原因之一。 </p><p> ?。?)服務(wù)人員的技術(shù)、技能、技藝要求高</p><p>  服務(wù)者的技術(shù)、技能、技藝直接關(guān)系著服務(wù)質(zhì)量。消費(fèi)者對各種服務(wù)產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量要求也就是對服務(wù)人員的技術(shù)、技能、技藝的要求。服務(wù)者的服務(wù)

13、質(zhì)量不可能有唯一的、統(tǒng)一的衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn),而只能有相對的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和憑購買者的感覺體會(huì)。 </p><p>  服務(wù)營銷的原則: “顧客關(guān)注”的九項(xiàng)原則</p><p>  1、獲得一個(gè)新顧客比留住一個(gè)已有的顧客花費(fèi)更大。企業(yè)在拓展市場、擴(kuò)大市場份額的時(shí)候,往往會(huì)把更多精力放在發(fā)展新顧客上,但發(fā)展新的顧客和保留已有的顧客相比花費(fèi)將更大。此外,根據(jù)國外調(diào)查資料顯示,新顧客的期望值普遍高于老顧客。這使發(fā)展

14、新顧客的成功率大受影響。</p><p>  2、除非你能很快彌補(bǔ)損失,否則失去的顧客將永遠(yuǎn)失去。每個(gè)企業(yè)對于各自的顧客群都有這樣那樣的劃分,各客戶因而享受不同的客戶政策。但企業(yè)必須清楚地認(rèn)識(shí)到一點(diǎn),即每個(gè)顧客都是我們的衣食父母,不管他們?yōu)楣舅龅呢暙I(xiàn)是大或小,我們應(yīng)該避免出現(xiàn)客戶歧視政策。</p><p>  3、不滿意的顧客比滿意的顧客擁有更多的“朋友”。競爭對手會(huì)利用顧客不滿情緒,

15、逐步蠶食其忠誠度,同時(shí)在你的顧客群中擴(kuò)大不良影響。這就是為什么不滿意的顧客比滿意的顧客擁有更多的“朋友”。</p><p>  4、暢通溝通渠道,歡迎投訴。有投訴才有對工作改進(jìn)的動(dòng)力,及時(shí)處理投訴能提高顧客的滿意度,避免顧客忠誠度的下降。暢通溝通渠道,便于企業(yè)收集各方反饋信息,有利于市場營銷工作的開展。</p><p>  5、顧客不總是對的,但怎樣告訴他們是錯(cuò)的會(huì)產(chǎn)生不同的結(jié)果。顧客不總

16、是對的。“顧客永遠(yuǎn)是對的”是留給顧客的,而不是企業(yè)的。企業(yè)必須及時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)并清楚了解顧客與自身所處立場有差異的原因,告知并引導(dǎo)他們。當(dāng)然這要求一定營銷藝術(shù)和技巧,不同的方法會(huì)產(chǎn)生不同的結(jié)果。</p><p>  6、顧客有充分的選擇權(quán)力。不論什么行業(yè)和什么產(chǎn)品,即使是專賣,我們也不能忽略顧客的選擇權(quán)。市場是需求的體現(xiàn),顧客是需求的源泉。</p><p>  7、你必須傾聽顧客的意見以了解他們的

17、需求。為客戶服務(wù)不能是盲目的,要有針對性。企業(yè)必須傾聽顧客意見,了解他們的需求,并在此基礎(chǔ)上為顧客服務(wù),這樣才能作到事半功倍,提高客戶忠誠度。</p><p>  8、如果你不愿意相信,你怎么能希望你的顧客愿意相信?企業(yè)在向顧客推薦新產(chǎn)品或是要求顧客配合進(jìn)行一項(xiàng)合作時(shí),必須站在顧客的角度,設(shè)身處地考慮。如果自己覺得不合理,就絕對不要輕易嘗試。你的強(qiáng)迫永遠(yuǎn)和顧客的抵觸在一起。</p><p>

18、;  9、如果你不去照顧你的顧客,那么別人就會(huì)去照顧。市場競爭是激烈的,競爭對手對彼此的顧客都時(shí)刻關(guān)注。企業(yè)必須對自己的顧客定期溝通了解,解決顧客提出的問題。忽視你的顧客等于拱手將顧客送給競爭對手。  </p><p><b>  服務(wù)營銷的管理</b></p><p>  為了有效地利用服務(wù)營銷實(shí)現(xiàn)企業(yè)競爭的目的,企業(yè)應(yīng)針對自己固有的特點(diǎn)注重服務(wù)市場的細(xì)分、服務(wù)差異

19、化、有形化、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化等問題的研究,以制定和實(shí)施科學(xué)的服務(wù)營銷戰(zhàn)略,保證企業(yè)競爭目標(biāo)的實(shí)現(xiàn)。 </p><p><b>  1.服務(wù)市場細(xì)分 </b></p><p>  任何一種服務(wù)市場都有為數(shù)眾多、分布廣泛的服務(wù)需求者,由于影響人們需求的因素是多種多樣的,服務(wù)需求具有明顯的個(gè)性化和多樣化特征。任何一個(gè)企業(yè),無論其能力多大,都無法全面滿足不同市場服務(wù)需求,都不可能對所有

20、的服務(wù)購買者提供有效的服務(wù)。因此,每個(gè)企業(yè)在實(shí)施其服務(wù)營銷戰(zhàn)略時(shí)都需要把其服務(wù)市場或?qū)ο筮M(jìn)行細(xì)分,在市場細(xì)分的基礎(chǔ)上選定自己服務(wù)的目標(biāo)市場,有針對性地開展?fàn)I銷組合策略,才能取得良好的營銷效益。 </p><p><b>  2.服務(wù)的差異化 </b></p><p>  服務(wù)差異化是服務(wù)企業(yè)面對較強(qiáng)的競爭對手而在服務(wù)內(nèi)容、服務(wù)渠道和服務(wù)形象等方面采取有別于競爭對手而又

21、突出自己特征,以戰(zhàn)勝競爭對手,在服務(wù)市場立住腳跟的一種做法??蓮囊韵氯齻€(gè)方面著手: </p><p> ?、僬{(diào)查、了解和分清服務(wù)市場上現(xiàn)有的服務(wù)種類、競爭對手的劣勢和自己的優(yōu)勢,有針對性、創(chuàng)造性地開發(fā)服務(wù)項(xiàng)目,滿足目標(biāo)顧客的需要。 </p><p>  ②采取有別于他人的傳遞手段,迅速而有效地把企業(yè)的服務(wù)運(yùn)送給服務(wù)接受者。 </p><p> ?、圩⒁膺\(yùn)用象征物或特

22、殊的符號(hào)、名稱或標(biāo)志來樹立企業(yè)的獨(dú)特形象。 </p><p><b>  3.服務(wù)的有形化 </b></p><p>  服務(wù)有形化是指企業(yè)借助服務(wù)過程中的各種有形要素,把看不見摸不著的服務(wù)產(chǎn)品盡可能地實(shí)體化、有形化,讓消費(fèi)者感知到服務(wù)產(chǎn)品的存在、提高享用服務(wù)產(chǎn)品的利益過程。服務(wù)有形化包括三個(gè)方面的內(nèi)容: </p><p>  ①服務(wù)產(chǎn)品有形化

23、。即通過服務(wù)設(shè)施等硬件技術(shù),保證服務(wù)行業(yè)的前后一致和服務(wù)質(zhì)量的始終如一;通過能顯示服務(wù)的某種證據(jù),增強(qiáng)消費(fèi)者對服務(wù)的感知能力。 </p><p> ?、诜?wù)環(huán)境的有形化。服務(wù)環(huán)境是企業(yè)提供服務(wù)和消費(fèi)者享受服務(wù)的具體場所和氣氛,它雖不構(gòu)成服務(wù)產(chǎn)品的核心內(nèi)容,但它能給企業(yè)帶來"先入為主"的效應(yīng),是服務(wù)產(chǎn)品存在的不可缺少的條件。 </p><p>  ③服務(wù)提供者的“有形化”

24、。服務(wù)提供者是指直接與消費(fèi)者接觸的企業(yè)員工,其所具備的服務(wù)素質(zhì)和性格、言行以及與消費(fèi)者接觸的方式、方法、態(tài)度等如何,會(huì)直接影響到服務(wù)營銷的實(shí)現(xiàn),為了保證服務(wù)營銷的有效性,企業(yè)應(yīng)對員工進(jìn)行服務(wù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的培訓(xùn),讓他們了解企業(yè)所提供的服務(wù)內(nèi)容和要求,掌握進(jìn)行服務(wù)的必備技術(shù)和技巧,以保證他們所提供的服務(wù)與企業(yè)的服務(wù)目標(biāo)相一致。 </p><p><b>  4.服務(wù)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化 </b></p>

25、;<p>  由于服務(wù)產(chǎn)品不僅是靠服務(wù)人員,還要借助一定的技術(shù)設(shè)施和技術(shù)條件,因此這為企業(yè)服務(wù)質(zhì)量管理和服務(wù)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化生產(chǎn)提供了條件,企業(yè)可以把這部分技術(shù)性的常規(guī)工作標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化,可以從以下五點(diǎn)來考慮:</p><p> ?、?從方便消費(fèi)者出發(fā),改進(jìn)設(shè)計(jì)質(zhì)量,使服務(wù)程序合理化。 </p><p> ?、?制定要求消費(fèi)者遵守的內(nèi)容合理、語言文明的規(guī)章制度,以誘導(dǎo)、規(guī)范消費(fèi)者接受服務(wù)的行

26、為,使之與企業(yè)服務(wù)生產(chǎn)的規(guī)范相吻合。 </p><p> ?、鄹纳品?wù)設(shè)施,美化服務(wù)環(huán)境,使消費(fèi)者在等待期間過得充實(shí)舒服,如設(shè)置座椅,放置書報(bào)雜志,張貼有關(guān)材料等,為消費(fèi)者等待和接受服務(wù)提供良好條件。 </p><p> ?、苁褂脙r(jià)格杠桿,明碼實(shí)價(jià)地標(biāo)明不同檔次、不同質(zhì)量的服務(wù)水平,滿足不同層次的消費(fèi)者的需求</p><p> ?、菀?guī)范服務(wù)提供者的言行舉止,營造賓至

27、如歸的服務(wù)環(huán)境和氣氛,使服務(wù)生產(chǎn)和消費(fèi)能夠在輕松、愉快的環(huán)境中完成。 </p><p>  2.外文資料原文(與課題相關(guān)的1萬印刷符號(hào)左右)。</p><p>  Service marketing</p><p>  " Service marketing" is a closely through the customer, and then

28、 provides a service, achieve beneficial exchange marketing. To implement service marketing must first clear the service object. " Who is the customer". Like the drinks industry customers are divided into two le

29、vels: Distributors and consumers. For the enterprise. Should take all the distributors and consumers as God, to provide quality services.To improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty though the service. The gener

30、al cha</p><p>  supply and demand dispersion</p><p>  Service marketing activities, services of supply and demand of the product with dispersion. Not only the cover of various departments and th

31、e industry to the tertiary industry, enterprise services are widely dispersed, but the need for supplier is involved in various types of enterprises, social groups.</p><p>  a single marketing</p><

32、;p>  Tangible products marketing distribution, agents and direct sales to a variety of marketing methods. Service marketing is due to the production and consumption of unity, decide its can take direct way, the middle

33、man's involvement is impossible, impossible also stored for sale.</p><p>  marketing objects are complex</p><p>  Service market buyers is multiple, extensive, complex. Buying service consum

34、er purchasing motivation and different purposes, A service purchasers of products may be involved in the community all the various types of family and individual identity, even to buy the same product or service for life

35、, while others used in the production of consumption, such as information, such as communication of post and telecommunications.</p><p>  the service consumer demand elasticity</p><p>  Accordin

36、g to Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, people's basic material needs is a primary demand, this demand is easy to produce common people, but the people to the spiritual and cultural consumption demand is secondary to

37、demand, the demand for the social environment and each having the condition caused greater elasticity of demand. At the same time, the demand for services and to tangible products demand in certain organization and the t

38、otal amount of spending in the mutual and diversionary, </p><p>  service personnel, technology skills, high art requirement</p><p>  Service technical, skills, skills directly related with the

39、quality of service. Of a variety of consumer service product quality requirements is the service personnel on the technology, skills, technical requirements. Service services quality may not be the only, unified standard

40、s, but only a relatively standard and with the purchaser's sensory experience.</p><p>  Service marketing principles:" customer focus" nine principles</p><p>  1, get a new custome

41、r than to keep an existing customer to spend more. Companies to expand their markets, expand the market share of the time, tend to put more energy on the development of new customers, but the development of new customers

42、 and retain existing customers will cost more than. In addition, according to the survey data show, new customer expectations is generally higher than the old customer. This make the development of new customer success r

43、ate greatly affected.</p><p>  2, unless you can compensate for the loss of soon, or lose customers will lose forever. Each enterprise to their customer base that division, customers and enjoy the different

44、customer policy. But the business must clearly recognize a little, that each customer is God to us, no matter what they are doing for the company is large or small, we should avoid customer discrimination policy.</p&g

45、t;<p>  3, dissatisfied customers than satisfied customers have more " friends". Competitors may use customer dissatisfaction, gradually eroded their loyalty, and in your customer base expanding adverse

46、effects. This is why unhappy customers than satisfied customers have more " friends".</p><p>  4, open communication channels, welcomed the complaints. There are complaints have to work on improvin

47、g the power, the timely processing of complaints can improve the customer satisfaction customer loyalty, to avoid falling. Open communication channels, for enterprises to collect all the feedback information, facilitates

48、 the marketing work..</p><p>  5, the customer is not always right, but how to tell them that they are wrong will produce different results. The customer is not always right. " The customer is always ri

49、ght" is left to the customer, not the enterprise. Enterprises must be found and clear understanding of customer and the position of different reasons, to inform and guide them. Of course, this requires some marketin

50、g art and technique, different methods will produce different results.</p><p>  6, the customer has full power of choice. No matter what industry and what products, even the monopoly, we cannot neglect the c

51、onsumer choice. Market demand is the embodiment of customer demand, is the source of.</p><p>  7, you must listen to the views of customers to understand their needs. Customer service can not be blind, have

52、targeted. The enterprise must listen to the views of customers, understand their needs, and on this basis for customer service, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort, to improve customer loyalty.</p&g

53、t;<p>  8, if you do not believe, how can you hope your customers would like to believe? Enterprises to customers recommend new products or requirements of customers with a cooperation, customers must stand in the

54、 perspective, place oneself in others' position to consider. If you think it is reasonable, do not try. Your force forever and customer conflict together.</p><p>  9, if you do not take care of your cust

55、omers, then people will take care of. The market competition is fierce, competition to each other's customers are always concerned about the. The enterprise must own the customer regular communication and understandi

56、ng, to solve customer problems. Ignore your customer to customer to competitors relinquished.</p><p>  Service marketing management</p><p>  In order to effectively use the service marketing for

57、 enterprise purposes, enterprises should according to their own inherent characteristics of service-oriented market segmentation, service differentiation, materiality is changed, standardization and so on, to formulate a

58、nd implement the scientific marketing strategy, ensure to achieve the goal of enterprise competition.</p><p>  1,service marketing segmentation</p><p>  Any kind of service market, a large numbe

59、r of widely distributed service demand, due to the influence of demand factors are diverse, service demand has obvious personalized and diversified characteristics. Any company, regardless of its ability to much, cannot

60、fully satisfy different market demands for service, it is not possible for all buyers to provide effective services for the service. Therefore, every enterprise in the implementation of the service marketing strategy whe

61、n they need to its </p><p>  2,service differentiation</p><p>  Differentiated service is a service business in the face of strong competition in the service content, service channels and servic

62、e image and adopt different from competitors and highlight their own characteristics, to defeat the competitor, in the service market stand the heel of a practice. From the following three aspects:</p><p>  

63、①Product of service tangibility. Through the service facilities such as hardware technology, assurance services consistent service quality and service through be consistent from beginning to end; can show some evidence o

64、f service to consumers, enhances the perception ability.</p><p>  ②Take different from others' transmission means, quickly and effectively to the enterprise service operation to service recipients.</p

65、><p> ?、跴ay attention to the use of symbols or special symbols, name or logo to establish the unique image of enterprises.</p><p>  3,service tangibility</p><p>  Tangibility of servic

66、e is refers to the enterprise with the aid of a variety of services in the process of material factors, the invisible service product as far as possible entity, tangible, let consumer perception to service products, impr

67、ove the existing product interests enjoy the service process. Tangibility of service includes the content of three respects:</p><p> ?、貾roduct service tangibility. Through the service facilities such as hard

68、ware technology, assurance services consistent service quality and service through be consistent from beginning to end; can show some evidence of service to consumers, enhances the perception ability.</p><p>

69、; ?、赟ervice environment tangible. Service business environment is to provide services and consumers to enjoy the services of specific sites and atmosphere, although it does not constitute the core content of service prod

70、uct, but it can bring to the enterprise" first impressions are strongest " effect, is the indispensable conditions of service products.</p><p>  ③Service provider "tangible". The service

71、provider is the direct contact with the consumer enterprise staff, the service quality and character, behavior and consumer engagement means, method, attitude, will directly affect the realization of service marketing, s

72、ervice marketing in order to ensure the validity, enterprises staff services standardized training, let them understanding of enterprise services content and requirement, master of essential service technology and techni

73、ques, to ensure th</p><p>  4,service standardization</p><p>  As service products is not only by service personnel, but also with certain technical facilities and technical conditions, so the s

74、ervice for the enterprise quality management and standardization of services production provided conditions, enterprises can take the technical routine work standardization, can from the following five points to consider

75、:</p><p> ?、賁tarting from the convenience of consumers, improve design quality, make the service process rationalization.</p><p>  ②Formulate requirements for consumers to observe the contents o

76、f reasonable, civilized language rules, to induce consumers to accept service, normative behavior, and make the enterprise service production norms coincide.</p><p> ?、跧mproving the service facilities, lands

77、caping services environment, so that consumers in the waiting period live comfortable, such as setting seat, placing the books and magazines, post material, as consumers wait and accept services provide good conditions.&

78、lt;/p><p> ?、躎he use of price leverage, clearly marked to indicate the different grades, different quality level of service, to meet different levels of consumer demand</p><p> ?、軸tandard service p

79、rovider behavior, create the guests feel at home. Service environment and atmosphere, make the service production and consumption can be in a relaxed, pleasant environment in.</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表1</p

80、><p>  (本表由學(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表2</p><p> ?。ū颈碛蓪W(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)

81、一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表3</p><p>  (本表由學(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表4</p><p>  (本表

82、由學(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表5</p><p> ?。ū颈碛蓪W(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</

83、p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表6</p><p> ?。ū颈碛蓪W(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表7</p><p> ?。ū颈碛蓪W(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)

84、</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表8</p><p> ?。ū颈碛蓪W(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江

85、學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文指導(dǎo)情況記錄表9</p><p> ?。ū颈碛蓪W(xué)生和指導(dǎo)教師按指導(dǎo)情況分別如實(shí)填寫)</p><p>  注:此頁可根據(jù)需要自行復(fù)制,每指導(dǎo)一次,填寫一次,不受頁數(shù)限制。</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)評(píng)閱表</p><p><b>  (指導(dǎo)教師填寫)</b></p><p

86、>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)評(píng)閱表</p><p><b>  (評(píng)閱教師填寫)</b></p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)答辯記錄及總評(píng)成績表</p><p>  記錄人簽名: 答辯負(fù)責(zé)人簽名: </p><p>  年

87、月 日             年 月 日</p><p>  三江學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)總評(píng)成績表</p><p>  院(系)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)簽名: </p><p>  年 月 日</p><p>  附1:五級(jí)記分與百分制的換算:(優(yōu):95;良:85;中:75;及格:65;不及格:55)&l


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