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1、<p>  虛擬現(xiàn)實技術(shù)的發(fā)展過程及研究現(xiàn)狀</p><p>  虛擬現(xiàn)實技術(shù)是近年來發(fā)展最快的技術(shù)之一,它與多媒體技術(shù) 、網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)并稱為三大前景最好的計算機(jī)技術(shù)。與其他高新技術(shù)一樣,客觀需求是虛擬現(xiàn)實技術(shù)發(fā)展的動力。近年來,在仿真建模、計算機(jī)設(shè)計、可視化計算、遙控機(jī)器人等領(lǐng)域,提出了一個共同的需求,即建立一個比現(xiàn)有計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)更為直觀的輸入輸出系統(tǒng),成為能與各種船感器相聯(lián)、更為友好的人機(jī)界面、人能沉浸其

2、中、超越其上、進(jìn)出自如、交互作用的多維化信息環(huán)境。VR技術(shù)是人工智能、計算機(jī)圖形學(xué)、人機(jī)接口技術(shù)、多媒體技術(shù)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)、并行計算技術(shù)等多種技術(shù)的集成。它是一種有效的模擬人在自然環(huán)境中視聽、動等行為的高級人機(jī)交互技術(shù)。</p><p>  虛擬現(xiàn)實 (Virtual Reality ):是一種最有效的模擬人在自然環(huán)境中視、聽、動等行為的高級人機(jī)交互技術(shù),是綜合計算機(jī)圖形技術(shù)、多媒體技術(shù)、并行實時計算技術(shù)、人工智能、

3、仿真技術(shù)等多種學(xué)科而發(fā)展起來的 20世紀(jì)90年代計算機(jī)領(lǐng)域的最新技術(shù)。VR以模擬方式為使用者創(chuàng)造一個實時反映實體對象變化與相互作用的三維圖像世界,在視、聽、觸、嗅等感知行為的逼真體驗中,使參與者可直接探索虛擬對象在所處環(huán)境中的作用和變化;仿佛置身于虛擬的現(xiàn)實世界中,產(chǎn)生沉浸感 (immersive)、想象(imaginative和實現(xiàn)交互性 interactive) 。</p><p>  VR技術(shù)的每一步都是圍

4、繞這三個特征而前進(jìn)的。這三個特征為沉浸特征、交互特征和構(gòu)想特征。這三個重要特征用以區(qū)別相鄰近的技術(shù),如多媒體技術(shù)、計算機(jī)可視化技術(shù)沉浸特征,即在VR提供的虛擬世界中,使用戶能感覺到是真實的進(jìn)入了一個客觀世界;交互特征,要求用戶能用人類熟悉的方式對虛擬環(huán)境中的實體進(jìn)行觀察和操縱;構(gòu)想特征:即“從定性和定量綜合集成環(huán)境中得到感性和理性的認(rèn)識:從而化概念和萌發(fā)新意”。</p><p>  1.VR技術(shù)發(fā)展的三個階段&l

5、t;/p><p>  VR技術(shù)的發(fā)展大致可分為三個階段:20世紀(jì)50年代至70年代VR技術(shù)的準(zhǔn)備階段;80年代初80年代中期,是VR 技術(shù)系統(tǒng)化、開始走出實驗室進(jìn)入實際應(yīng)用的階段;80年代末至90年代初,是VR技術(shù)迅猛發(fā)展的階段。</p><p>  第一階段:50 ~70年代,為虛擬現(xiàn)實的探索階段1965年由美國Morton Heileg開發(fā)了一個稱Sensorama的摩托車仿真器,不僅具有

6、三維視頻及立體聲效果,還能產(chǎn)生風(fēng)吹的感覺和街道氣1968年,美國計算機(jī)科學(xué)家I1E1Sutherland在哈佛大學(xué)組織開發(fā)了第一個計算機(jī)圖形驅(qū)動的頭盔顯示器HMD及頭部位置跟蹤系統(tǒng),成為VR 技術(shù)發(fā)展史上的一個重要里程碑,為虛擬現(xiàn)實的發(fā)展奠定了基礎(chǔ)。</p><p>  第二階段:80年代初至80年代中期,開始形成VR技術(shù)的基本概念,開始由實驗進(jìn)入實用階段,其重要標(biāo)志是:1985年在Michael McGreev

7、y領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下完成VIEW虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng),裝備了數(shù)據(jù)手套和頭部跟蹤器,提供了手勢、語言等交互手段,使VIEW成為名副其實的虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng),成為后來開發(fā)虛擬現(xiàn)實的體系結(jié)構(gòu)其他如VPL公司開發(fā)了用于生成虛擬現(xiàn)實RB2軟件和Data Glove數(shù)據(jù)手套,為虛擬現(xiàn)實提供了開發(fā)工具。</p><p>  第三階段:80年代末至90年代初,為虛擬現(xiàn)實全面發(fā)展階段虛擬現(xiàn)實技術(shù)已經(jīng)從實驗室的試驗階段走向了市場的實用階段:對虛擬現(xiàn)實技術(shù)的研

8、究也從基本理論和系統(tǒng)構(gòu)成的研究轉(zhuǎn)向應(yīng)用過程中所遇到的具體問題的探討。在虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng)中只有各種交互設(shè)備還不夠,還必須提供基本的軟件支撐環(huán)境,用戶能方便地構(gòu)造虛擬環(huán)境并與虛擬環(huán)境進(jìn)行高級交互。為了使VR 技術(shù)得到廣泛應(yīng)用,很有必要分析虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng)軟件支撐環(huán)境體系結(jié)構(gòu),例如Dialogue系統(tǒng),提出了一種通過基于事件驅(qū)動的中驅(qū)用戶接口管理系統(tǒng)(UMIS) ,能進(jìn)行多進(jìn)程通訊的軟件體系結(jié)構(gòu),解決了虛擬現(xiàn)實的動態(tài)靈活性問題,推進(jìn)了軟件支撐環(huán)境的發(fā)

9、展。為了滿足虛擬現(xiàn)實對計算復(fù)雜性的幾是無限的要求,虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng)必須提供足夠強(qiáng)的靈活性及可擴(kuò)充性。要做到這一點,可以從軟件與硬件兩方面來考慮,在硬件體系結(jié)構(gòu)方面,DIVISO公司在SuperVision系統(tǒng)中提出了一種基本的并行模型,開發(fā)了相關(guān)的并行處理器件和DVS 操作系統(tǒng),使虛擬現(xiàn)實得以全面發(fā)展。</p><p>  2.VR技術(shù)在美國的研究開發(fā)</p><p>  20世紀(jì)40年代初,

10、作為虛擬現(xiàn)實前身的飛行仿真器在美國出現(xiàn)。1966年,美國MIT林肯實驗室在海軍科研辦公室的資助下,研制出了第一個頭盔式顯示器 (HMD) ,隨后又將模擬力和觸覺的反饋裝置加入到系統(tǒng)中。1970年,研制出了第一個功能較齊全的HMD系統(tǒng)。自80年代后期起,美國VPL公司陸續(xù)研制出較實用的頭盔式三維顯示器、能提供六個自由度的數(shù)據(jù)手套、立體聲耳機(jī)及相應(yīng)的計算機(jī)軟硬件系統(tǒng)。80年代初,美國的DARPA(Defensen Advanced Rese

11、arch Projects Agency) 為坦克編隊作戰(zhàn)訓(xùn)練開發(fā)了一個實用的虛SIMNET。SIMNET系統(tǒng)中的每個獨立的模擬器都能單獨模擬M1坦克的全部特性,包括導(dǎo)航、武器、傳感和顯示等性能,對坦克裝置上的武器、傳感器和發(fā)動機(jī)等的模擬是在特定的作戰(zhàn)環(huán)境下進(jìn)行的。DPRPA計劃進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)大仿真數(shù)據(jù)庫,從目前的1000個對象擴(kuò)大100000個(2000年前完成。北大西洋公約組織(NATO)計劃把各個不同國家的兵力逐步“匯集入SIMNET而

12、成為一個虛擬戰(zhàn)場”,然后把空戰(zhàn)仿真系統(tǒng)AWSIMS -(Air Warfare Simulation</p><p>  3.VR 技術(shù)在歐洲的研究開發(fā)</p><p>  VR在英國的研究與開發(fā)。VR應(yīng)用的關(guān)鍵是尋找合適的場合和對象,即如何發(fā)揮想象力和創(chuàng)造性。選擇適當(dāng)?shù)膽?yīng)用對象可大幅度地提高效率,減輕勞動強(qiáng)度,提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。為了達(dá)到這一目的,必須研究VR開發(fā)工具。例如,VR系統(tǒng)開發(fā)平臺、

13、分布式VR技術(shù)等,這些都直接與計算機(jī)技術(shù)、多媒體技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展密切相關(guān)。在VR開發(fā)的某些方面,特別是在分布并行處理、輔助設(shè)備 (包括觸覺反饋) 設(shè)計和應(yīng)用研究方面,在歐洲英國是領(lǐng)先的。以下是英國從事VR的四個主要中心。Windustries (工業(yè)集團(tuán)公司)位于英Leicester,是國際VR界的著名開發(fā)機(jī)構(gòu),在工業(yè)設(shè)計和可視化等重要領(lǐng)域占有一席之地。British Aerospace英國航空公司BAe的Brough分部正在利用VR技術(shù)

14、設(shè)計高級戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)座艙,BAe開發(fā)的大項目VECTA (Virtual Environment Configurable Training Aid是一個高級測試平臺,用于研究VR技術(shù)以及考察)用VR替代傳統(tǒng)模擬器方法的潛力VECTA的子項RAVE Real And Virtual Environment)就是專門為在座艙內(nèi)訓(xùn)練飛行員而研制Dim</p><p>  VR 技術(shù)在我國的研究開發(fā)</p>&

15、lt;p>  我國對VR技術(shù)的研究起步20世紀(jì)90年代初,發(fā)展到現(xiàn)在已初步取得了成果。國內(nèi)的一些科研單位如清華大學(xué)的臨場感應(yīng)技術(shù)重點實驗室、北京航空航天大學(xué)的三系、中國民航學(xué)院、浙大計算機(jī)仿真重點實驗室、空軍第二航空學(xué)院、空軍工程學(xué)院和解放軍信息工程大學(xué)等,對虛擬現(xiàn)實的研究取得了重要成果,在某些方面的研究已經(jīng)接近國際先進(jìn)水平。</p><p>  對于海浪、海灘浪、碎浪等的模擬研究有些基礎(chǔ),國外學(xué)者如Pea

16、chey D、Alain Fournier、WilliamT1Reeeves 、Beesel1F 、Lebelond ,Paul H1都有較深入研究;國內(nèi)浙江大學(xué)CAD&CG國家重實驗室、國防科技大學(xué)、哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)、北京航空航天大學(xué)等也有不同程度的研究。這些研究雖與海洋有關(guān),但偏重于“浪”這一具體現(xiàn)象,并沒有把海洋當(dāng)作一個整體來對待,但它的理論與方法可以被海洋三維地形景觀模擬系統(tǒng)所采用。</p><p>

17、;  目前,國內(nèi)從事海域整體模擬研究的還不多。西北工業(yè)大學(xué)航海工程學(xué)院應(yīng)用Visual C ++和Open GL在高檔微機(jī)上實現(xiàn)了虛擬海洋環(huán)境,該系統(tǒng)能較逼真的模擬海洋環(huán)境,有簡單的魚群、海洋植物和海流聲音。現(xiàn)在中國測繪科學(xué)研究院正承擔(dān)著國家863“海洋3D”項目,有望在海洋三維模擬方面產(chǎn)生一些重大成果。在國外, University of Hull ,Department of Computer Science 等研究部門有關(guān)于海床

18、的研究,效果很逼真。</p><p>  原文出處:W.Fellner,Armin Hoop. USA. Department of Computer Science University of Technology</p><p>  Virtual reality technology development process and research status of</p&g

19、t;<p>  Virtual reality technology in recent years, one of the fastest growing technology,and multimedia technology, network technology and known as the three best prospect of computer technology. And other high-t

20、ech, external demand is the motive force of the development of virtual reality technology. In recent years, in simulation modeling, computer design, visualization in scientific computing, remote control robot fields, pre

21、sents a common demand, namely the establishment of a more intuitive than th</p><p>  Virtual reality ( Virtual Reality VR ), is one of the most effective human analogue in the natural environment, in listeni

22、ng, dynamic behaviors such as advanced human-computer interaction technology, is an integrated computer graphics technology, multimedia technology, real-time parallel computing technology, artificial intelligence, simula

23、tion technology and other subjects developed in twentieth Century 90years generation computing machine in the field of new technology. VR to simulate the way </p><p>  VR technology every step is around the

24、three characteristics and the. These three characteristics for immersion, interaction characteristics and conception characteristics characteristics. The three important characteristics used to distinguish adjacent techn

25、ology, such as multimedia technology, computer visualization technology immersion feature, whereby the VR provides a virtual world, so that the user can feel it is true in an objective world; interactive features, requir

26、es that the user can </p><p>  1.Three stages in the development of VR Technology</p><p>  The development of VR technology can be divided into three stages: nineteen fifties to 70 time, VR is t

27、he preparatory stage; at the beginning of the 80's to mid 80's, is a VR technology systematic, began to move out of the laboratory into practical application stage; at the end of the 80's to early 90's, i

28、s the rapid development of VR technology stage.</p><p>  The first phase,50to 70 years, as the virtual reality the exploration stage of the United States in 1965 by Morton Heileg developed a motorcycle simul

29、ator called Sensorama, not only has a three-dimensional video and stereo effect, can have a feeling of wind and streets smell1968, American computer scientist I1E1Sutherland at the Harvard University developed the first

30、computing machine graphics driver helmet mounted display HMD and head position tracking system, become the VR technology history a</p><p>  The second stage, the early 80's to 80time metaphase, begin to

31、form the basic concept of VR, started by the experiment into the practical stage, an important sign of which is that: in 1985 Michael Mc Greevy finished under the VIEW virtual reality system, equipped with a data glove a

32、nd head tracker, provides gestures, language and other means of interaction, make VIEW be be worthy of the name of the virtual reality system, later to become the development of virtual reality system structure of oth<

33、;/p><p>  The third stage, the late 80's to early 90's, as the virtual reality development virtual reality technology from laboratory experimental stage to market a practical stage, on the virtual reali

34、ty technology research from the basic theory and system structure of steering application encountered specific problems. In the virtual reality system only a variety of interactive device is not enough, must also provide

35、 basic software support environment, user can facilitate the construction of virtual env</p><p>  Environmental development. In order to meet the needs of virtual reality on the computational complexity of t

36、he few is infinite, the virtual reality system must provide sufficient flexibility and scalability. To do this, can from hardware and software two aspects to consider, in the hardware system structure, DIVISON in SuperVi

37、sion system presents a basic model, the development of the relevant parallel processing device and the DVS operating system, so that the virtual reality is able to develop</p><p>  2.Research and development

38、 of VR technology in the United States of America</p><p>  The early nineteen forties, as the virtual reality Flight Simulator formerly appeared in the United states. In 1966, the United States MIT Lincoln L

39、aboratory at the office of naval research funding, developed the first helmet mounted display ( HMD ), then the simulation of force and tactile feedback device is added to the system. In 1970, developed the first complet

40、e function of the HMD system. Since 80 time later period, the United States of America VPL company have developed a practical helmet</p><p>  3.Research and development of VR technology in Europe</p>

41、<p>  Research and development of VR in the uk. Application of VR is the key to finding the right places and objects, i.e., how to develop imagination and creativity. Select the appropriate application object can gr

42、eatly improve efficiency, reduce labor intensity, improve the quality of products. In order to achieve this goal, must study the VR development tools. For example, the VR system development platform, distributed VR techn

43、ology, these are directly and computer technology, the rapid developmen</p><p>  Editor and visualization modules of three parts. Graphics editor used to create three-dimensional objects, predefined pattern

44、are placed on the world editor world coordinate system, visualization programs permit the user to move in the virtual world and interact with it, by space ball and mouse commands. Divi sion Ltd, founded in 1989, is locat

45、ed in Bristol. The company in the development of Vision, ProVision and Supervi / sion system for modular high speed graphics engine, take the lead in usin</p><p>  4.VR technology research and development in

46、 our country</p><p>  Our research on VR started in the early nineteen ninties, develop up to now already has achieved initial results. Some domestic scientific research units such as Tsinghua University dur

47、ing induction technology key laboratory, Beihang University three Department, China Civil Aviation College, Zhejiang University computer simulation laboratory, air force second Aviation Institute, Air Force Engineering U

48、niversity and The PLA Information Engineering University, the virtual reality research achieved</p><p>  For the waves, waves, surf beach and simulation study of some foundation, foreign scholars such as Pea

49、chey D, Alain Fournier, WilliamT1Reeeves, Beesel1F, Lebelond, Paul H1has more thorough research to the domestic CAD&CG; Zhejiang University State Key Laboratory of National University of Defense Technology, Beihang U

50、niversity, Harbin Institute of Technology, also have different degrees of. These studies are related to the sea, but the emphasis on the" wave" of this specific phenomenon, and not t</p><p>  At pr

51、esent, domestic engaged in the whole area simulation study is not more than. Northwestern Polytechnical University College of marine engineering application of Visual C + + and Open GL in the high-end PC virtual ocean en

52、vironment, the system can be more realistic simulation of the marine environment, a simple fish, marine plants. </p><p>  And the current voice. Now the Chinese Academy of Surveying and mapping is the commi

53、tment of national"863marine 3D" project, is expected in the3D marine simulation produced some significant results. In foreign countries, University of Hull, Dep artment of Computer Science Research Department o

54、f the sea the study on the bed, the effect is very realistic.</p><p><b>  分享到 </b></p><p><b>  翻譯結(jié)果重試</b></p><p>  抱歉,系統(tǒng)響應(yīng)超時,請稍后再試</p><p>  支持中英

55、、中日在線互譯</p><p>  支持網(wǎng)頁翻譯,在輸入框輸入網(wǎng)頁地址即可</p><p>  提供一鍵清空、復(fù)制功能、支持雙語對照查看,使您體驗更加流暢</p><p>  顯示對應(yīng)的拉丁字符的拼音</p><p>  字典 - 查看字典詳細(xì)內(nèi)容</p><p><b>  朗讀</b><

56、/p><p>  顯示對應(yīng)的拉丁字符的拼音</p><p>  字典 - 查看字典詳細(xì)內(nèi)容</p><p>  顯示對應(yīng)的拉丁字符的拼音</p><p>  字典 - 查看字典詳細(xì)內(nèi)容</p><p><b>  朗讀</b></p><p>  顯示對應(yīng)的拉丁字符的拼音<


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  • 5. 眾賞文庫僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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