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1、中文 中文 4250 字, 字,2200 英文單詞, 英文單詞,13500 英文字符 英文字符出處: 出處:Dávideková M, Mjartan M, Gregu? M, et al. Utilization of Virtual Reality in Education of Employees in Slovakia[J]. Procedia Computer Science, 2017, 113:253-

2、260.Utilization of Virtual Reality in Education of Employees in SlovakiaMonika Dávideková, Michal Mjartan, Michal Gregu?AbstractInformation and communication technology (ICT) enriched learning in many ways and

3、made the knowledge of the society accessible to everyone at any time and everywhere through the Internet. Learning represents a life-long ongoing activity that allows innovation of processes by establishing new ways of e

4、xecution in organizations. By introducing dynamics and interactivity, education and acquisition of new knowledge became more attractive. Virtual reality (VR) enables dynamic forms of learning by creating artefacts in vir

5、tual environment with activities triggered by learner’s interaction. This paper analyzes current state of VR applications in education of employees in various economy sectors in Slovak Republic based on conducted survey.

6、Keywords: Virtual reality (VR); innovation in education; learning by doing;1. IntroductionInformation and communication technology (ICT) changed the known way of living beyond recognition. New discoveries and innovative

7、approaches of processing enabled to invent new methods and procedures for executing various activities. It bolstered the productivity1 and uncovered new opportunities.By storing immense volumes of data, it allowed captur

8、ing and collecting knowledge of human society much faster than it was possible ever before. At the same time, through ubiquitous internet connectivity, flexible mobility and affordability provided by the omnipresent mobi

9、le wireless telecommunication networks, the content stored became accessible anytime everywhere through the Internet. Knowledge and know-how in diverse fields are spread over the world enhancing possibilities of educatio

10、n and enriching learning with new procedures, systems and activities. ICT has the potential to increase equitable access to quality learning that is essential for development of skills. The widespread ICT improves active

11、 participation3 of individuals by introducing dynamics and interactivity. The education became more attractive to learners through increased motivation stemming from reactive response and gaming influence during learning

12、4. The highest interactivity provided by ICT denote virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) that are simulating the physical reality in virtual environment. Just like in the surrounding physical real world, indiv

13、iduals can interact with artifacts and train their skills and abilities. Learning in VR enables simulating of various situations that may be not attainable otherwise due to danger, high costs, etc. Such situations can be

14、 simulated multiple times and trainees can learn by doing. Furthermore, they can learn from their mistakes also by watching the record of their performance afterwards. This all without no additional risk to their health

15、e.g. in cases of simulating natural catastrophes, emergency behavior and health issues.VR allows training of individuals in new processes in business organizations where the availability of skills has become the key to a

16、chieving innovation5 and assurance of sustainable successful existence of business entities6. Virtual reality allows creating situations that are impossible or hard to simulate in real world and provide motivation for in

17、dividuals to learn topics that would not be in their focus otherwise7 and developing their skills. The application and importance of VR for educational purposes is increasing also in business organizations to train form

18、of electronic questionnaire via Google Docs consisting of various types of questions: single selection, multiple selection and open questions for arbitrary input. The survey was spread over social network and email to va

19、rious companies including private sector (business organizations) and governmental agencies.The received responses consisted of 106 respondents, however, were filled with nonsense, and therefore those were excluded from

20、the analysis. The resulting sample consisted of 100 respondents. The sample characteristics are showed in fig.1 and fig.2.Based on the content of questions, the questionnaire was divided in a few sections:?identifying sa

21、mple attributes like gender, age, industry categories for further analysis;?finding out the frequency of undergoing a training;?determining the primary need for arranged training;?used and practiced forms of training in

22、surveyed organizations with focus on VR and ascertaining whether the provided forms of training are perceived as sufficiently motivating for learners.The assessment of survey results is described in the next section.3. S

23、urvey findingsFor the convenience of the reader, this section provides survey results followed by brief discussion to each analyzed questionnaire aspect.As it can be seen in fig. 3, the most common form of educating in b

24、usiness organizations if self-education denoting 34% of all trainings underwent in companies and institutions. This means that the development of employee skills is consigned to individual self-development and self-impro

25、vement in 1/3 of all cases when the employee has to acquire the necessary skill level by himself/herself.The support of the organization through a leading expert for instructing, couching, mentoring and briefing is provi

26、ded in 42% of all trainings where a more experienced employee schools less experienced ones.The job rotation practice is not practiced in education, machinery and health sectors, nut in energetics and transport whereas t

27、he self-education is included in each industry and denotes the prevalent form of educating employees.The composition of practiced methods in individual economy sectors differs (fig. 4), yet in all sectors represents the

28、self-education the most utilized type of training in organizations. The highest share of self-education is used in tourism, education, government and health sectors whereas the job rotation is spread in energetics and Tr


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