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1、<p><b>  附 錄</b></p><p><b> ?。ㄒ唬┩馕脑?lt;/b></p><p> C ement Test by Sieve No. 170</p><p>  The fineness of cement affects the quality of the conc

2、rete industry in general. A big</p><p>  cement particle cannot completely react with water as water cannot reach a remaining</p><p>  core in the cement particle. The water propagates through t

3、he cement particles and</p><p>  they start to dehydrate, which causes an increase in temperature, which is the main</p><p>  reason for the forming of hair cracks and preventing stabilization o

4、f cement volume.</p><p>  As a result, an increase in the cement particle size reduces the strength of the same</p><p>  cement content and increasing the fineness of the cement will improve the

5、 workability,</p><p>  cohesion, and durability with time and decrease the water moving upward to the</p><p>  concrete surface.</p><p>  Figure 4.1, from Neville’s book (1983), pre

6、sents the relation between concrete</p><p>  strength and the concrete fineness at different ages. To perform this test, take a sample</p><p>  of 50 g of cement and shake it in a closed glass b

7、ottle for two minutes and then</p><p>  revolve the sample gently using dry bar. Put the sample in a closed bottle and leave</p><p>  it for two minutes. Put the sample in 170 sieve (90 microns)

8、 and move it, shaking</p><p>  the sieve horizontally and rotationally, then confirm finishing the sieve test when the</p><p>  rate of passing cement particles is not more than 0.5 g/min during

9、 the sieve process.</p><p>  Remove the fines carefully from the bottom of the sieve using a smooth brush. Then,</p><p>  collect and weigh the remaining particles on the sieve (W1).</p>

10、<p>  Repeat the same test with another sample. Then the residual weight for the second</p><p>  test is obtained (W2). Calculate the values of the remaining samples through</p><p>  R1 = (

11、W1/50) × 100</p><p>  R2 = (W2/50) × 100</p><p>  The ratio (R) is calculated by taking the average of R1 and R2 to the nearest 0.1%</p><p>  and, in the case of deviating

12、 results of the two samples, more than 1%. Do the test a</p><p>  third time and take the average of the three results.</p><p>  You can accept or refuse the cement based on the following condit

13、ion:</p><p>  For Portland cement t ? he R must not exceed than 10%.</p><p>  ? For rapid hardening Portland cement the R must not exceed 5%.</p><p> Initial and Final Sett

14、ing Times of Cement</p><p>  Paste Using Vicat Apparatus</p><p>  The objective of this test is to define the time for initial and final setting of the paste</p><p>  of water and c

15、ement with standard consistency by using a Vicat apparatus and determine</p><p>  whether the cement is expired or can be used.</p><p>  The initial setting is the required time to set and after

16、 that concrete cannot be poured</p><p>  or formed; the final setting time is the time required for the concrete to be hardened.</p><p>  Vicat apparatus (Figure 4.2) consists of a carrier with

17、needle acting under a prescribed</p><p>  weight. The parts move vertically without friction and are not subject to erosion</p><p>  or corrosion. The paste mold is made from a metal or hard rub

18、ber or plastic like</p><p>  a cut cone with depth of 40 ± 2 mm and the internal diameter of the upper face 70 ±</p><p>  5 mm and lower face 80 ± 5 mm and provides a template of

19、glass or similar materials</p><p>  in the softer surface. Its dimensions are greater than the dimensions of the mold.</p><p>  The needle is used to determine the initial setting time in a stee

20、l cylinder with</p><p>  effective length 50 ± 1 mm and diameter 1.13 ± 0.5 mm. The needle measuring time</p><p>  is in the form of a cylinder with length of 30 ± 1 mm and diamet

21、er 1.13 ± 0.5 mm and</p><p>  held by a 5 mm diameter ring at the free end to achieve distance between the end of</p><p>  the needle and the ring of 0.5 mm.</p><p>  The test

22、starts by taking a sample weighing about 400 g and placing it on an</p><p>  impermeable surface and then adding 100 ml of water and recording zero measurement</p><p>  from the time of adding w

23、ater to the cement and then mixing for 240 + 5 seconds</p><p>  on the impermeable surface.</p><p>  To determine the initial setting time and calibrate the device until the needle</p>&l

24、t;p>  reaches the base of the mold, then adjust the measuring device to zero and return</p><p>  needle to its original place.</p><p>  Fill the mold with cement paste with standard consisten

25、cy and troll the surface,</p><p>  then put the mold for a short time in a place that has the the temperature and humidity</p><p>  required for the test.</p><p>  Specific Surface

26、(Wagner)-m2/kg</p><p><b>  365 days</b></p><p><b>  90 days</b></p><p><b>  28 days</b></p><p><b>  7 days</b></p>

27、<p><b>  20</b></p><p>  150 200 250 300</p><p><b>  30</b></p><p><b>  40</b></p><p><b>  50</b></p><

28、p>  Compressive Strength, Mpa</p><p>  Transfer the mold to the apparatus under the needle, and then make the needle</p><p>  slowly approach the surface until it touches the paste’s surface,

29、 stop it in place for</p><p>  a second or two seconds to avoid impact of primary speed, then allow the moving</p><p>  parts to implement the needle vertically in the paste.</p><p>

30、;  Grading depends on when the needle stops penetrating or after 30 seconds, whichever</p><p>  is earlier, and indicates the distance between the mold base and the end of the</p><p>  needle, a

31、s well as the time start from the zero level measurement.</p><p>  Repeat the process of immersing the needle in the same paste in different locations</p><p>  with the distance between the imme

32、rsing point and the edge of the mold or</p><p>  between two immersing points not less 10 mm after about 10 minutes, and clean the</p><p>  needle immediately after each test.</p><p&g

33、t;  Record time is measured from zero up to 5 ± 1 mm from the base of the mold as</p><p>  the initial setting time to the nearest 5 minutes. Ensuring the accuracy of measurement</p><p>  o

34、f time between tests reduces embedment and the fluctuation of successive</p><p>  tests. The needle is used to identify the final time of setting; follow the same steps</p><p>  as in determinin

35、g time of initial setting and increase the period between embedment</p><p>  tests to 30 minutes.</p><p>  Record the time from zero measurement until embedment of the needle to a distance</p

36、><p>  of 0.5 mm, which will be the final setting time. Control the impact of the</p><p>  needle on the surface of the sample so the final setting time presents the effect of</p><p> 

37、 the needle. To enhance the test’s accuracy reduce the time between embedment tests</p><p>  and examine the fluctuation of these successive tests. Record the final setting time</p><p>  to the

38、nearest 5 mm.</p><p>  According to the Egyptian specifications the initial setting time must not be less</p><p>  than 45 minutes for all types of cement except the low heat cement, for which t

39、he</p><p>  initial setting time must not be less 60 minutes. The final setting time must be shorter</p><p>  than 10 hours for all types of cement.</p><p> D ensity of Cem

40、ent</p><p>  The purpose of this test is to determine the density of cement by identifying the</p><p>  weight and unit volume of the material by using the Le Chatelier density bottle. The</p

41、><p>  determination of the cement density is essential for concrete mix design and to control</p><p>  its quality. This test follows specifications of the American Society for Testing</p>

42、<p>  and Materials, ASTM C188-84.</p><p>  The Le Chatelier device is a standard round bottle. Its shape and dimensions are</p><p>  shown in Figure 4.3. This bottle must have all the requ

43、ired dimensions, lengths, and</p><p>  uniform degradation and accuracy.</p><p>  The glass that is used in the Le Chatelier bottle must be of high quality and free</p><p>  from an

44、y defects. It should not interact with chemicals and have high resistance to</p><p>  heat and appropriate thickness to have a high resistance to crushing. Measurements</p><p>  start at the bot

45、tle’s neck and go from zero to 1 mL and from 18 to 24 mL with accuracy</p><p>  to 0.1 mL. Each bottle must have a number to distinguish it from any other.</p><p>  Write on the bottle the stand

46、ard temperature and the capacity in millimeters over the</p><p>  highest point of grading.</p><p>  Processed sample cement weighing about 64 g to the nearest 0.05 g must be</p><p>

47、;<b>  tested.</b></p><p>  Fill the bottle with kerosene free from water and oil whose density is at least 62</p><p>  API. Up to point gradations between zero and 1 mL, dry the inne

48、r surface of the</p><p>  bottle at the highest level of kerosene if necessary, and use rubber on the surface of</p><p>  the table used for the test when filling the bottle.</p><p>

49、;  The bottle, which is filled with kerosene, is placed in a water bath and the first</p><p>  reading to kerosene level is recorded. To record the first reading correctly install the</p><p>  b

50、ottle in the water bath vertically. Put a cement sample weighing 64 g with accuracy</p><p>  to 0.05 g inside the bottle with small batches at the same temperature of kerosene,</p><p>  taking i

51、nto account when putting the cement inside the bottle to avoid cement dropping</p><p>  out or its adhesion on the internal surfaces of the bottle at the highest level. The</p><p>  bottle can b

52、e placed on the vibrating machine when putting the cement inside the</p><p>  bottle to expedite the process and prevent adhesion of granulated cement with the</p><p>  internal surfaces of the

53、bottle.</p><p>  After laying the cement inside the bottle, put a cap on the bottle mouth and then</p><p>  spin diagonally on the surface so as to expel the air between the granules of cement,&

54、lt;/p><p>  and continue moving the bottle until the emergence of air bubbles stops from the</p><p>  kerosene surface inside the bottle.</p><p>  Put the bottle in the water bath and

55、then take the final reading, and record the</p><p>  reading at the lower surface of kerosene so as to avoid the impact of surface tension.</p><p>  For the first and final readings, make sure t

56、hat the bottle is placed in a water bath</p><p>  with constant temperature for a period not to exceed the difference in temperature</p><p>  between the first and final readings of about 0.2

57、76;C.</p><p>  The difference between the first and final reading is the volume of the moving</p><p>  liquid by the cement sample.</p><p>  The volume of the moving liquid = final

58、reading – first reading</p><p> D efine Cement Fineness by Using Blaine Apparatus</p><p>  This test is used to determine the surface area by comparing the test sample with the</p>

59、;<p>  specific reference. The greater surface area increases the speed of concrete hardening</p><p>  and obtains early strength. This test determines the acceptance of the cement.</p><p&g

60、t;  There are many tests to define cement fineness and one is a Blaine apparatus as</p><p>  stated in many codes such as the Egyptian code.</p><p>  This test depends on calculating the surface

61、 area by comparing the sample test and</p><p>  the reference sample using a Blaine apparatus to determine the time required to pass</p><p>  a definite quantity of air inside a cement layer wit

62、h defined dimensions and porosity.</p><p>  A Blaine apparatus is shown in Figure 4.4. The first step in testing is to determine</p><p>  the volume of the cement layer using mercury in the ring

63、 device of the Blaine apparatus.</p><p>  Cement is then added and by knowing the weight of the cement before and</p><p>  after adding it as well as the mercury density, the volume of the cemen

64、t layer can be</p><p>  calculated.</p><p>  V = W1 – W2/Dm</p><p><b>  where</b></p><p>  V is the volume of cement layer, cm3.</p><p>  Fi gu

65、re 4.4 Blaine apparatus.</p><p>  Concrete Materials and Tests 111</p><p>  W1 is the weight of mercury in grams that fills the device to nearest (0.0 g).</p><p>  W2 is the weight

66、of mercury in grams that fills the device to nearest (0.0 g).</p><p>  Dm is the density of the mercury (g/cm3). From tables, define the mercury density</p><p>  at the average temperature of th

67、e test by using the manometer in the Blaine</p><p>  apparatus.</p><p>  From the previous equation:</p><p>  Sr is the reference cement surface area, (cm2/g).</p><p> 

68、 Dr is the reference cement density (g/cm3).</p><p>  Pr is the porosity of the cement layer.</p><p>  Ir is the air visciosity in the average temperature for reference cement test.</p>&

69、lt;p>  Tr is the average time required for the manometer liquid to settle in two marks</p><p>  to nearest 0.2 sec.</p><p>  K is the Blaine apparatus constant factor defined by the previous

70、equation by</p><p>  knowing the time needed to pass the air in the sample.</p><p>  To retest the sample, we calculate its surface area by using the following</p><p><b>  equ

71、ation:</b></p><p>  Sc = Sr(Dr/Dc) *(Tc/Tr)^0.5</p><p>  According to the Egyptian code, the acceptance and refusal of cement is based on</p><p>  limites shown in Table 4.2.&

72、lt;/p><p><b>  Table 4.2</b></p><p>  Cement Fineness Acceptance and</p><p>  Refusal Limits</p><p>  Cement Types</p><p>  Cement Fineness Not Le

73、ss</p><p>  Than cm2/gm</p><p>  Ordinary Portland 2750</p><p>  Rapid hardening Portland 3500</p><p>  Sulfate resistant Portland 2800</p><p>  Low heat P

74、ortland 2800</p><p>  White Portland 2700</p><p>  Mixing sand Portland 3000</p><p>  4100 fineness 4100</p><p>  Slag Portland 2500</p><p> C omp

75、ressive Strength of Cement Mortars</p><p>  The cement mortar compressive strength test is performed using standard cubes</p><p>  of cement mortar mixed manually and compacted mechanically usin

76、g a standard</p><p>  vibrating machine. This test is considered a refusal or acceptance determination.</p><p>  Compressive strength is one of the most important properties of concrete. The<

77、/p><p>  concrete gains its compressive strength from cement paste as a result of the interaction</p><p>  between the cement and water added to the mix. So it is critical to make sure that</p&g

78、t;<p>  the cement used is the appropriate compressive strength. This test should be done to</p><p>  all types of cement.</p><p>  Needed for the test are stainless steel sieves with sta

79、ndard square holes opened</p><p>  850 or 650 microns. Stainless steel does not react with cement and weighs 210 g.</p><p>  The vibrating machine has a weight of about 29 kg and the speed of vi

80、bration is</p><p>  about 12,000 vertical vibrations + 400 RPM and the moment of vibrating column is</p><p>  0.016 N.m.</p><p>  The mold of the test is a cube 70.7 ± 1 mm, th

81、e surface area for each surface is</p><p>  500 mm2, the acceptable tolerance in leveling is about 0.03 mm, and the tolerance</p><p>  between paralleling for each face is about 0.06 mm.</p&g

82、t;<p>  The mold is manufactured from materials that will not react with the cement mortar,</p><p>  and the base of the mold is made from steel that can prevent leaks of the mortar</p><p&g

83、t;  or water from the mold. The base is matched with the vibrating machine.</p><p>  The sand should contain a percentage of silica not less than 90% by weight and</p><p>  must be washed and dr

84、ied very well. Moreover, the humidity of the sand must not be</p><p>  more than 0.1% by weight for it to pass through a sieve with openings of 850 microns,</p><p>  and for it to pass through t

85、he standard sieve size of 600 microns it should not have</p><p>  more than 10% humidity by weight (Tables 4.3 and 4.4).</p><p>  After performing the tests, the standard cubes will be crushed w

86、ithin one day,</p><p>  which is about 24 ± 0.5 hours, and three days in the limits of 72 ± 1 hour, and after</p><p>  seven days within 168 ± 1 hour, and after 28 days within 672

87、 ± 1 hour.</p><p>  Table 4.5 illustrates the limits of acceptance and rejection according to the cement</p><p>  mortar compressive strength. Note from the table that there is more than on

88、e type</p><p>  of high-alumina cement as the types vary according to the percentage of oxide alumina.</p><p>  The compressive strength after 28 days will not be considered accepted or</p>

89、;<p>  rejected unless clearly stated in the contract between the supplier and the client</p><p><b> ?。ǘ┩馕脑姆g</b></p><p>水泥試驗篩170號</p><p>  水泥的優(yōu)質(zhì)一般影響混凝

90、土行業(yè)的質(zhì)量。一個大的水泥顆粒不能完全與水反應,水不能達到在水泥顆粒余下的核心。通過水傳播的水泥顆粒,然后開始脫水,從而導致溫度上升,這是對裂縫的形成和防止頭發(fā)水泥體積穩(wěn)定性的主要原因。</p><p>  因此,在水泥顆粒大小的增加而減少內(nèi)容相同的水泥強度和提高水泥的優(yōu)質(zhì)將提高可加工的碳黑、 凝聚力和與時俱進的耐久性和減少向上移動到混凝土表面的水。</p><p>  從內(nèi)維爾的書 (1

91、983 年),提供了不同年齡段混凝土強度與混凝土的優(yōu)質(zhì)的關(guān)系。要執(zhí)行此測試、 采取50克簡易的水泥和搖晃它在封閉的玻璃瓶兩分鐘的然后旋轉(zhuǎn)輕輕地使用干欄的示例。在一個封閉的瓶子放在樣品和離開兩分鐘。把170個篩(90微米)樣本,并將其移動,震動篩水平和旋轉(zhuǎn),然后合適的完成篩試驗時,水泥顆粒合格率不超過0.5克/分鐘的過程中篩。小心取出電刺激從使用順利刷篩底部。 然后,收集和打壓篩(W1的)其余顆粒。與其他樣本重復同樣的測試。然后,第二個

92、測試殘余重量獲得(W2)的。其余樣本計算值通過</p><p>  R1 = (W1/50) × 100</p><p>  R2 = (W2/50) × 100</p><p>  (R) 比率的計算到最近的 0.1 和偏差的結(jié)果的兩個樣本,比 1 的情況下采取 R1、 R2 的平均值。做第三次試驗,并采取三種結(jié)果的平均值。</p>

93、<p>  您可以接受或拒絕基于以下條件水泥: </p><p>  ?硅酸鹽水泥的R不得超過10%</p><p>  ?對于快硬硅酸鹽水泥的R不得超過5%</p><p> 最初和最后的設(shè)置時間的水泥粘貼維卡儀</p><p>  此測試的目的是一對多的水和水泥標準的一致性與粘貼的初始和最初設(shè)置的時間使

94、用維卡儀和遏制煤礦水泥是否已過期,或者可以使用。</p><p>  初始設(shè)置為所需的時間,來設(shè)置和后,不能澆混凝土或組成;最初置時要硬化混凝土所需的時間。</p><p>  維卡儀 (圖 4.2) 包括承運人行事前的傳播學重量的針。部分垂直移動無摩擦和不受選舉登記主任高精度或腐蝕。粘貼模具由金屬或硬質(zhì)橡膠或塑料像切錐深度為 40 ± 2 毫米和上游的內(nèi)徑面對 70 ±

95、; 5 毫米和較低的臉 80 ± 5mm,并提供了一個模板的玻璃或類似材料在柔軟的表面。模具的尺寸大于其尺寸。</p><p>  針用于確定初始設(shè)置時間在鋼瓶的有效長度 50 ± 1 毫米和直徑 1.13 ± 0.5 毫米。測量時間的針是缸體長度為 30 ± 1 毫米和直徑 1.13 ± 0.5 毫米和舉行的自由端實現(xiàn)針的結(jié)束和為 0.5 mm的環(huán)之間的距離在

96、5 毫米直徑環(huán)。</p><p>  在測試開始,采取了樣品重量約400克,放在不透水表面,然后加水100毫升和記錄從水泥加水時間為零測量和240混合,然后加5秒鐘不透水表面上。</p><p>  確定初始設(shè)置時間和校準設(shè)備,直到達到針的模具的基礎(chǔ),然后調(diào)整至零,并返回到其原始位置的針的測量設(shè)備。</p><p>  填充水泥模具粘貼有標準的一致性和巨魔表面,然后

97、把一個地方,已一段短時間的模具的溫度和潮濕人體所需的測試。</p><p><b>  混凝土材料和測試</b></p><p>  轉(zhuǎn)移到下針,器具的模具,再慢慢接近表面,直到它牽涉到粘貼的表面,停止它在第二次或兩秒鐘的地方,避免影響的主要的速度,然后允許粘貼在垂直實施針運動部件的針。</p><p>  分級取決于什么時候停針穿透或30秒后

98、,它的一次較早,并指出之間的模具基地和針底的距離,以及從零級測量時間的開始。</p><p>  重復此過程,浸泡針在同一粘貼在不同失水回答了沉浸式的點和邊緣的模具之間或兩個沉浸式點約 10 分鐘后不得少于 10 毫米之間的距離每次測試后立即清洗針。</p><p>  記錄時間被指從達 5 ± 1 毫米的模具基地從零作為初始設(shè)置時間在最近的 5 分鐘。確保措施面向測試之間的時間

99、的準確性,減少了埋和連續(xù)測試的基礎(chǔ)。針用于標識最初時間的設(shè)置 ;按照相同的步驟,以確定時間的初始設(shè)置和增加 30 分鐘埋測試之間的時間段。</p><p>  先進材料和技術(shù)的鋼筋混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)</p><p>  記錄從零測量時間埋針凹槽的 0.5 毫米,直到將會最初設(shè)置時間??刂票砻娴臉悠丰樀挠绊?,所以最初設(shè)置時間呈現(xiàn)針的效果。若要提高測試的準確性減少埋測試之間的時間,并檢查這些連續(xù)測試的

100、基礎(chǔ)。記錄最近的 5 毫米最初設(shè)置時間。</p><p>  根據(jù)埃及的詳細說明初始設(shè)置時間不得少于 45 分鐘為所有類型的水泥低熱水泥、 初始設(shè)置時間必須是少于60分鐘除外。最初設(shè)置時間必須少于 10小時,為所有類型的水泥。</p><p>水泥的密度</p><p>  本測試的目的是材料的通過使用勒判斷失敗密度瓶標識的重量和單位體積確定水泥的

101、密度。水泥密度測定至關(guān)重要的混凝土配合比設(shè)計和控制其質(zhì)量。此測試的測試和材料遵循美國社會的ASTM C188- 84詳細說明。</p><p>  勒判斷失敗設(shè)備是一種標準的圓瓶。其形狀和尺寸如圖 4.3 所示。這瓶必須有所有所需的尺寸、 長度和均勻的退化和精度。</p><p>  用于判斷失敗勒瓶里的玻璃必須的高質(zhì)量并無任何缺陷。它不應與化學品進行交互,并具有高抗熱和適當?shù)暮穸龋懈叩?/p>

102、抗破碎。測量在瓶頸開始,并從零到 1 毫升,18 至 24 毫升與文化中心-0.1 毫升,生動。每個瓶子必須有一個數(shù)字來區(qū)別于其他任何。寫在瓶子上的標準溫度和能力以毫米為單位評分最高點上方。必須測試處理的示例水泥重量約 64 克至最接近的 0.05 克。</p><p>  把瓶子裝滿煤油無水和油的密度是至少 62 API。達點 0 和 1 之間的漸變毫升,干內(nèi)表面在最高的級別,如有必要,煤油的瓶子和使用橡膠表面

103、的表,用于測試時下降瓶子。</p><p>  瓶子,這是用煤油的支撐,放在水浴和記錄讀到煤油水平第。若要記錄第閱讀正確瓶水浴中垂直安裝。把煤油,考慮時把瓶里的水泥,以免水泥-平出或其粘附的最高一級的瓶內(nèi)表面上的溫度相同的精度與小批量的瓶內(nèi) 0.05 克重 64 g 水泥樣品。瓶子時,把加快進程,并防止內(nèi)部表面的瓶子調(diào)粒水泥的粘連瓶里的水泥,可以將它們放在振動的計算機上。</p><p>

104、  鋪設(shè)后的瓶子里的水泥,把對瓶口,然后在表面上對角旋轉(zhuǎn),以驅(qū)逐水泥顆粒之間的空氣,并繼續(xù)從煤油表面移動,直到出現(xiàn)氣泡停止瓶里面的瓶子。 </p><p><b>  混凝土材料和測試</b></p><p>  把瓶子放水浴中采取首次閱讀,然后記錄下表面,以免影響的表面張力的煤油在閱讀。首先最初讀數(shù),對于確保瓶子放水浴恒溫時間不能超過溫度差異和最初讀數(shù)的約 0.2

105、C。</p><p>  首次和最初閱讀之間的區(qū)別是由水泥試樣的移動液體的體積。</p><p>  移動的液體的體積 = 最初讀數(shù)—第一次讀數(shù)</p><p>  轉(zhuǎn)移到下針,器具的模具,再慢慢接近表面,直到它牽涉到粘貼的表面,停止它在第二次或兩秒鐘的地方,避免影響的主要的速度,然后允許粘貼在垂直實施針運動部件的針。</p><p>  當

106、針扎分級取決于停止?jié)B透或30秒后,這曾經(jīng)是得越早,而且表明模座之間的距離和針的盡頭,以及時代的開始從零的液位測量。</p><p>  重復浸泡在不同的存儲器地址的范圍相同的粘貼與點之間的浸泡和模具的邊緣,或浸泡在兩個點不少于10毫米的距離約10分鐘后,針過程中,清潔后立即針測試。 </p><p>  記錄時間是從零到5 ± 1毫米的作為初凝時間5分鐘到最近的模具基地。確保測

107、量的精度測試之間的時間縮短彪嵌入和連續(xù)測試的基礎(chǔ)。該針是用來標識設(shè)置最初時間;遵循在確定初凝時間相同的步驟,增加測試之間嵌入至30分鐘。</p><p>  先進材料和鋼筋混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)技術(shù)</p><p>  記錄從零測量時間埋針凹槽的 0.5 毫米,直到將會設(shè)置最初時間。控制表面的樣品針的影響,所以最初設(shè)置時間呈現(xiàn)針的效果。若要提高測試的準確性減少埋測試之間的時間,并檢查這些連續(xù)測試的基礎(chǔ)

108、。記錄最近的 5 毫米最初的設(shè)置時間。</p><p>  根據(jù)埃及的具體說明初始設(shè)置時間不得少于 45 分鐘為所有類型的水泥低熱水泥、 初始設(shè)置時間必須是少 60 分鐘除外。最初設(shè)置時間必須少于 10 小時,為所有類型的水泥。</p><p>利用水泥細度定義布萊恩裝置</p><p>  這個測試是用來確定它的表面積通過對比測試樣品的</

109、p><p>  具體的參考。更大的表面積增加混凝土硬化的速度</p><p>  并獲得了早期強度。這個測試確定了驗收的水泥。</p><p>  有許多測試,以確定水泥細度、一個是布萊恩儀器</p><p><b>  比如埃及的代碼。</b></p><p>  這個測試取決于計算表面積和樣機試驗

110、的比較</p><p>  參考樣本使用布萊恩儀器來確定所需要的時間,同時會通過</p><p>  一個明確數(shù)量的水泥層內(nèi)空氣來定義尺寸和孔隙度。</p><p>  一個布萊恩儀器如圖4.4。在測試中來確定它的</p><p>  體積然后水泥層利用汞在環(huán)裝置的布萊恩裝置。</p><p>  然后補充說明,水泥是


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