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1、<p>  外文標(biāo)題:ELECTRONIC SERVICE QUALITY AND ITS IMPACTON BUILDING BRAND LOYALTY IN THE APPAREL E-RETAILING INDUSTRY</p><p>  外文作者:Art Shala, Driton Balaj</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)出處:Review of Innovation

2、 and Competitivness,Volume2,Issue2,2016,5-30</p><p>  英文2978單詞, 16786字符,中文4489漢字。</p><p>  此文檔是外文翻譯成品,無需調(diào)整復(fù)雜的格式哦!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!只需二十多元。</p><p>  ELECTRONIC SERVICE QUALITY AND ITS I

3、MPACTON BUILDING BRAND LOYALTY IN THE APPAREL E-RETAILING INDUSTRY</p><p>  Art Shala, Driton Balaj</p><p>  Art Shala, Marketing Department, Univerity of Tirana, Tirana, Albania (2) Prof. Dr.

4、 Driton Balaj, Finance Department, University of Prishtina</p><p><b>  ABSTRACT</b></p><p>  Online service quality is of high importance to the overall user experience within e-comm

5、erce platforms. The website service quality is considered to be a good predictor of customers’ brand loyalty intents. In this study four attributes of the electronic retailing service quality [website design, reliability

6、/fulfillment, security/privacy and customer service] are studied based on the implications each one of them has towards brand loyalty [being measured through intention store purchase from the</p><p><b>

7、;  Keywords:</b></p><p>  brand loyalty, online service quality, local vs global, fuzzy-set</p><p>  INTRODUCTION</p><p>  During the last 15 years, there has been immense gro

8、wth on the apparel industry providers offering products online. This segment of the market has seen high growth and is still considered on having potential to grow more. With the existence of global providers there have

9、been as well local providers offering such services. This has mainly been as a consequence of better understanding local fashion trends; feature that has caused retailers to be more efficient with their stock. Offering g

10、ood serv</p><p>  Identify key service quality attributes that impact upcoming repurchasing behavioral intents;</p><p>  Identify key service quality attributes that incentivize customers to pa

11、y a price premium;</p><p>  Assess the relationships between the service quality attributes and behavioral intents in situations where customers are purchasing from local versus global brands.</p><

12、;p>  A plausible answer to these questions is beneficial in contributing to the current academic discussion in the area; as well as for assisting practitioners operating in this field, taking into account that this re

13、lationship directly affects their profitability on the long run.</p><p>  CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK</p><p>  In order to answer the questions this study poses, we proceed with presenting previously

14、conducted research on the constructs of the study, being brand awareness, brand loyalty and e-commerce service quality attributes. </p><p>  In transaction there are always risks that are encountered between

15、 the buyer and the seller, where brands are found to have a high importance benefit as risk reducers (Roselius, 1971). Based on research conducted by Keller (2012),brands are regarded to reduce risk perceptions in a bu

16、ying decision. According to Pan et al (2012), customers perceive the online environment to be riskier due to the non-physic existence of the stores. Consequently, in the online, they base their buying decision on </p

17、><p>  Based on these determinants related to brand awareness and the benefits of local vs global brands, we assume brand awareness and country of origin to play a crucial role in the perceptions towards servic

18、e quality attributes that this research aims to study. According to Oliver (1999), loyalty is described as the “commitment to rebuy or re-patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causing

19、repetitive same-brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational influ</p><p>  Measuring Electronic Service Quality [eTail Quality]</p><p>  Positioning the consumer as the focal point o

20、f the study and offering a good service quality online is a key determinant in fostering web sales and profits for the company. In addition to the quality of goods or services offered, other determinants in being success

21、ful are the website presence and a low price of goods or services offered. Studies on the online environment and the service quality offered in e-commerce platforms have been researched from different perspectives: sat

22、isfaction with </p><p>  Customer service refers to the care that the online retailer has shown towards situations where customers face challenges with the framework. According to Wolfin- barger and Gilly (2

23、003), employees’ skills or technological tools that offer prompt solutions to customers facing these challenges play a crucial role at this point. Thinking of it, the customer service is regarded as the process of not a

24、llowing any problem occurrence within the system, however if challenges are faced, the efficiency </p><p>  To measure the customer service offered online these characteristics are used: The option of contac

25、t us for any issue that you face with the framework or shipping issues is available; A phone line is given, offering assistance for any questions that the consumer might have; An immediate chat option is offered, so that

26、 customers get an immediate response regarding the challenges that they are facing.</p><p>  CONCLUSIONS & MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS</p><p>  There are three basic questions that the study aim

27、s to provide an answer: [i] Which are the strong eTail quality attributes that impact behavioral intents regardless of where a brand is local or global, in this case OXYS vs ASOS brands? [ii]Which are the strong eTail Q

28、uality attributes that impact behavioral intents when consumers buy from a local brand, in this case OXYS? And [iii] Which are the strong eTail Quality attributes that impact behavioral intents when consumers buy from a

29、 global br</p><p>  Attributes that are considered sufficiently strong towards the outcome to happen in both the groups [regardless of being local or global] have been found to be:</p><p>  Web

30、site design towards paying a price premium for the OXYS & ASOS brand.</p><p>  Based on the cases that were studied; being aware of the brand or not being aware of the brand has not much influence in ter

31、ms of paying a price premium for an e-commerce platform that offers a website design which is considered great by the user. Characteristics of a great website design are: great look, user friendly and easy to navigate, f

32、ast loading of pages and finally offering convenience. These findings can be enforced through previous literature on website design and the satisfaction fro</p><p>  With regards to the analysis towards the

33、eTail Quality attributes that impact behavioral intents towards a global brand customer service appears to be sufficient for both the outcomes: paying a price premium and repurchasing in coming occasions. Customer servi

34、ce expresses the relationship between the customer and the company, if customers are satisfied with the service offered this link strengthens which results in greater perceptions of service quality. According to Sundhar

35、esalingam and Padma</p><p>  REFERENCES</p><p>  Alpar, Paul. “Satisfaction with a web site: Its measurement, factors and correlates.” In In Electronic Business Engineering, Physica-VerlagHD, (1

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59、/p><p>  Pastrick, Greg. “Secrets of great site design.” InternetUser (1997): 80-87</p><p>  Peter, J. Paul., Gilbert A. Churchill Jr, and Tom J. Brown. “Caution in the use of difference scores in

60、consumer research.,,Journal of Consumer Research (1993): 655-662</p><p>  服裝電子零售業(yè)電子服務(wù)質(zhì)量及其對建立品牌忠誠度的影響</p><p><b>  摘要:</b></p><p>  在電子商務(wù)平臺(tái)中,在線服務(wù)質(zhì)量對整體用戶的體驗(yàn)非常重要。網(wǎng)站的服務(wù)質(zhì)量可以被看


62、析是基于模糊邏輯的。分析表明,當(dāng)客戶面對全球品牌時(shí),諸如網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)、客戶服務(wù)和可靠性/履行等服務(wù)質(zhì)量要素是創(chuàng)造品牌行為意向的良好預(yù)測因素。而當(dāng)客戶面對本地品牌時(shí),服務(wù)質(zhì)量要素(如安全/隱私性,可靠性/完成性和網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì))對客戶的行為意圖具有高度的影響。</p><p><b>  關(guān)鍵詞</b></p><p>  品牌忠誠度,在線服務(wù)質(zhì)量,本土vs全球,模糊集</

63、p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  在過去的15年中,在線提供產(chǎn)品的服裝行業(yè)供應(yīng)商的數(shù)量一直在大幅增長。這部分市場已經(jīng)經(jīng)歷了高速增長,并且仍然被認(rèn)為具有增長潛力。隨著全球提供商的不斷涌入,也有本地提供商提供此類服務(wù)。這主要是由于更好地了解當(dāng)?shù)貢r(shí)尚趨勢的結(jié)果;零售商能更有效的管理庫存。提供良好的服務(wù)質(zhì)量似乎是在線環(huán)境中取得成功的關(guān)鍵。從組織角度來看,這

64、些問題的相關(guān)性主要關(guān)注服務(wù)質(zhì)量屬性是如何影響客戶在線體驗(yàn)其行為意向的。當(dāng)客戶從當(dāng)?shù)鼗蛉蚱放瀑徺I時(shí),這就凸顯了在線服務(wù)質(zhì)量的重要性,這也是本次研究的目的之所在:</p><p>  ?確定在接下來的購買行為意向中關(guān)鍵的服務(wù)質(zhì)量屬性對它的影響</p><p>  ?確定激勵(lì)客戶支付溢價(jià)的關(guān)鍵服務(wù)質(zhì)量屬性;</p><p>  ?在客戶從本地品牌與全球品牌進(jìn)行采購的情況

65、下,評估服務(wù)質(zhì)量屬性與行為意向之間的關(guān)系。</p><p>  這些問題的合理答案有利于促進(jìn)該領(lǐng)域目前的學(xué)術(shù)討論;并且協(xié)助從事這一領(lǐng)域工作的從業(yè)人員,同時(shí)考慮到這種關(guān)系會(huì)直接影響其長期盈利能力。</p><p><b>  概念框架</b></p><p>  為了回答這項(xiàng)研究提出的問題,我們提前進(jìn)行了本次研究結(jié)構(gòu)的分析,即品牌知名度,品牌忠誠

66、度和電子商務(wù)服務(wù)質(zhì)量屬性。</p><p>  在交易中,買方和賣方之間總會(huì)遇到風(fēng)險(xiǎn),品牌被認(rèn)為是在降低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)方面極為重要(Roselius,1971)。根據(jù)Keller(2012)的研究,品牌被重新定義為在購買決策中減少風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的認(rèn)知。根據(jù)Pan等人(2012)的觀點(diǎn),顧客認(rèn)為在線環(huán)境由于缺少實(shí)體商店的可見性而風(fēng)險(xiǎn)更大。因此,他們在網(wǎng)上購買決定的基礎(chǔ)是他們知道的品牌,因此知名品牌在本地或全球知名品牌中很是突出。從影響

67、客戶的不同角度可以看出,也有提供類似服務(wù)的本地品牌與全球品牌。自我認(rèn)同或成為社區(qū)的一部分,可以被視為賦予當(dāng)?shù)仄放茩?quán)力的主要因素。先前的研究已經(jīng)證明,在發(fā)達(dá)國家,消費(fèi)者更喜歡與當(dāng)?shù)赜兄鴱?qiáng)大聯(lián)系的品牌(Zhang and Khare,2009)。然而,這種關(guān)系在發(fā)展中國家值得商榷,因?yàn)橐紤]到他們對進(jìn)一步踏入發(fā)達(dá)國家文化和生活方式的渴望(Chiu,2015)。全球品牌被視為向全球多個(gè)國家銷售的品牌。全球品牌影響的杠桿效應(yīng):良好的質(zhì)量感知,聲

68、望和心理效益水平(EM Steenkamp,Batra和Alden,2003)。</p><p>  基于這些與品牌知名度和本地品牌與全球品牌效益相關(guān)的決定因素,我們假設(shè)品牌知名度和原產(chǎn)國在在對服務(wù)質(zhì)量屬性認(rèn)知上具有極其關(guān)鍵的作用,這也是本文研究的目標(biāo)所在。根據(jù)奧利弗(Oliver,1999)的觀點(diǎn),忠誠度被描述為“承諾在將來重復(fù)或重新推崇優(yōu)選的產(chǎn)品/服務(wù),從而帶來重復(fù)的同品牌或同一品牌的購買,盡管有情境影響和營


70、復(fù)購買和態(tài)度依戀來定義的。通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)獲取客戶的成本很高,而且由于競爭只是鼠標(biāo)點(diǎn)擊,所以客戶的電子忠誠度在經(jīng)濟(jì)和競爭意義上都是必不可少的(Gustafsson等,2005)。因此,電子忠誠被定義為“消費(fèi)者對電子零售商的有利態(tài)度,進(jìn)而帶來重復(fù)購買的行為</p><p>  衡量電子服務(wù)質(zhì)量[網(wǎng)購購物質(zhì)量]</p><p>  將消費(fèi)者定位為研究的焦點(diǎn)并在線提供良好的服務(wù)質(zhì)量是促進(jìn)公司網(wǎng)絡(luò)銷售和利

71、潤的關(guān)鍵決定因素。除了所提供的商品或服務(wù)的質(zhì)量外,成功的其他決定因素還包括網(wǎng)站的服務(wù)和低廉的商品或服務(wù)價(jià)格。 研究網(wǎng)絡(luò)環(huán)境和E-COM所提供的服務(wù)質(zhì)量,電子商務(wù)平臺(tái)已經(jīng)從不同的角度進(jìn)行了研究:網(wǎng)站的滿意度(何昕,1999年;布盧特等人,2015年)網(wǎng)站的成功與否(劉和阿內(nèi)特,2000年);意向購買和打算重新訪問(Loiacono,Watson和Goodhue,2007);在線體驗(yàn)(Novak,Hoffman和Yung,2000)以及顧客

72、忠誠度(Srinivasan,Anderson和Ponnavolu,2002)。所有這些研究都指出了在線服務(wù)質(zhì)量的屬性,但缺乏服務(wù)質(zhì)量衡量的一般意義,缺乏從購買前,購買到購買后的審查過程。 Wolfinbarger和Gilly(2003)提出了在線服務(wù)質(zhì)量的全面評估,稱為電子零售服務(wù)質(zhì)量[eTail Quality],該質(zhì)量體系用于在整個(gè)電子商務(wù)平臺(tái)中全面衡量網(wǎng)站服務(wù)質(zhì)量與客戶的互動(dòng)。從信息搜索、網(wǎng)站導(dǎo)航提供的服務(wù)、訂購商品的過程,賣方

73、和買方之間潛在的客戶服務(wù)通信等方面描述了通過在線購</p><p>  客戶服務(wù)指的是在線零售商在客戶面臨框架挑戰(zhàn)的情況下所表現(xiàn)出的關(guān)懷。根據(jù)Wolfinbarger和Gilly(2003)的觀點(diǎn),員工的技能或技術(shù)工具能夠?yàn)槊媾R這些挑戰(zhàn)的客戶提供及時(shí)的解決方案,在這一點(diǎn)上起著至關(guān)重要的作用??紤]到這一點(diǎn),在服務(wù)客戶的過程中,不允許系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)任何問題。但如果面臨挑戰(zhàn),則需要衡量解決這些問題的效率。借助社交媒體框架,人

74、們可以在幾秒鐘內(nèi)輕松地將不好的評論分享給成千上萬的人。因此,客戶服務(wù)對整體體驗(yàn)和行為對品牌忠誠度的影響是非常重要的。 Wolfinbarger和Gilly(2003)在本研究中將客戶服務(wù)定義為“快速響應(yīng)客戶詢問的樂于助人、樂于服務(wù)的響應(yīng)”。</p><p>  為了衡量在線提供的客戶服務(wù),可以使用以下特征:可以選擇聯(lián)系我們,解決您在框架或傳輸問題上遇到的任何問題;提供電話號碼,為消費(fèi)者可能遇到的任何問題提供幫助;

75、提供即時(shí)聊天選項(xiàng),以便客戶能夠立即響應(yīng)他們面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。</p><p>  結(jié)論和管理上的意義 </p><p>  這項(xiàng)研究旨在提供一個(gè)答案,有三個(gè)基本問題:[i] 不管是本土品牌還是全球品牌,抑或是OXYS 對 ASOS 品牌,哪一項(xiàng)網(wǎng)站購物質(zhì)量的屬性才是真正強(qiáng)烈影響客戶行為意圖的? [ii]若是客戶從當(dāng)品牌中購買,在OXYS情況下,哪一項(xiàng)網(wǎng)站購物質(zhì)量的屬性才是真正強(qiáng)烈影響客戶行為意

76、圖的? [iii]若是客戶從全球牌中購買,在OXYS情況下,哪一項(xiàng)網(wǎng)站購物質(zhì)量的屬性才是真正強(qiáng)烈影響客戶行為意圖的?</p><p>  根據(jù)我們所研究的案例,了解品牌或未意識(shí)到品牌在支付電子商務(wù)平臺(tái)的價(jià)格溢價(jià)方面沒有太大影響,該平臺(tái)提供用戶認(rèn)為很棒的網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)。一個(gè)偉大的網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)的特點(diǎn)是:美觀、用戶界面友好、易于瀏覽、快速加載頁面并最終提供便利。這些發(fā)現(xiàn)可以通過以前的網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)文獻(xiàn)和交易滿意度來強(qiáng)化,這與品牌忠誠意

77、圖有關(guān)。 (羅森,2004)指出,設(shè)計(jì)良好的網(wǎng)站有許多有益的影響,比如對公司的信任和信心,以及建立形象,功能和實(shí)用性。除了這些好處之外,它還可以告知訪問者公司的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)范圍以及再次返回的原因(Toufaily,Ricard和Perrien,2013)。根據(jù)Pastrick(1997)的說法,提供快速、整潔和易于瀏覽的電子商務(wù)網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)已經(jīng)在統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)上證明為網(wǎng)站沖浪者提供了樂趣和滿意度。我們研究的案例報(bào)告認(rèn)為,網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)是Satisfacto

78、ry組中的一員,第1組為67.86%,第2組為71.43%。基于模糊集理論的發(fā)現(xiàn)(Zadeh,1965),似乎品牌足以支付價(jià)格溢價(jià)。盡管從以前的研究中對網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)行了冗余研究,但仍然有強(qiáng)有力的研究表明它仍然是影響忠誠度的在線服務(wù)質(zhì)量的主要維度之一(Collier and Biens</p><p>  關(guān)于影響客戶行為意圖的網(wǎng)站購物質(zhì)量屬性對全球品牌消費(fèi)者服務(wù)似乎足以證實(shí)這兩個(gè)結(jié)果:</p><

79、;p>  支付價(jià)格溢價(jià)并在未來適合場景重新購買。 客戶服務(wù)表達(dá)了客戶與公司之間的關(guān)系,如果客戶對所提供的服務(wù)感到滿意,彼此的聯(lián)系就會(huì)加強(qiáng),從而提高服務(wù)質(zhì)量。 根據(jù)Sundharesalingam和Padmavathy(2016)的數(shù)據(jù),對于在線企業(yè)而言,保留客戶以增加客戶忠誠度基數(shù)的是客戶服務(wù)的第一個(gè)特點(diǎn)。</p><p>  REFERENCES</p><p>  Alpar,

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