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1、<p>  中文3200字,1950英文單詞,1萬英文字符</p><p>  文獻出處:Dwarakish G S, Salim A M. Review on the Role of Ports in the Development of a Nation [J]. Aquatic Procedia, 2015, 4(9):295-301.</p><p>  Review o

2、n the Role of Ports in the Development of a Nation</p><p>  G.S Dwarakish, Akhil Muhammad Salim</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  The transportation sector is a strong f

3、actor in terms of economic and regional balanced development, as well as also having a great influence on national integration to the world economic market. India has a rich history of trade across seas. Ports constitute

4、 an important economic activity in coastal areas. The higher the throughput of goods and passengers year-on-year, the more infrastructure, provisions and associated services are required. These will bring varying degrees

5、 of benefits to the e</p><p>  Keywords: Ports; Economy; Economic Development; Export; Import; GDP; Container; Shipping; Coastal Industries</p><p>  1.Introduction</p><p>  Oceans h

6、ave always been an alien realm for humans. Ancient humans dared not sail too far into the ocean for fear of falling off the edge of the world. As science progressed, humans began to understand more about this unknown wor

7、ld. Ancient civilizations had trade relations between the coastal cities. The age old belief was broken when the planet was proven not to have edges according to Castro et al. (1970).</p><p>  The extensive

8、trade networks of the Ancient Maya contributed largely to the success of their civilization spanning three millennia. Moderately long distance trade of foreign commodities from the Caribbean and Gulf Coasts provided the

9、larger inland Maya cities with the resources they needed to sustain settled population levels in the several thousands as per Foster (2002). Due to the action of wind and waves, the sea surface is never still. The phenom

10、enon of tides also adds to this. The wobbling </p><p>  This paper is intended to provide an overview of the role played by ports in the development of a nation by reviewing studies conducted on the signific

11、ance of ports and economic reports from several ports across the globe. The following sections consist of the literature review section, followed by regionalized reviews of the impacts of various ports and finally the co

12、nclusions.</p><p><b>  2.Ports</b></p><p>  A port is a location on a coast or shore containing one or more harbors where ships can dock and transfer people or cargo to or from land.

13、 Port locations are selected to optimize access to land and navigable water, for commercial demand, and for shelter from wind and waves. Harbors can be natural or artificial. An artificial harbor has deliberately constru

14、cted breakwaters, sea walls, or jetties, or otherwise, they could have been constructed by dredging, and these require maintenance by further </p><p>  3. Economic Impacts</p><p>  Common ways o

15、f measuring economic impacts are the quantity of jobs, sales, and tax receipts associated with an activity. These metrics are often reported as evidence that the welfare of a community will be (or is being) enhanced by a

16、 policy decision. Common measures of economic impacts are employment, wages, output or revenue, and tax revenues. While the methodologies that are used to estimate these impacts vary widely in sophistication and detail,

17、the metrics that are reported tend to be consis</p><p>  Up to 600,000 tons of goods (imports & exports) flow yearly through Port of Beirut (POB). Hence, an incident at the port (Natural or manmade) that

18、 results in its congestion or blockage will have distressing consequences not only to the Lebanese community, but also to the regional trade and economy.</p><p>  Utilizing regression analysis, the role of p

19、orts on a nation’s development as a part of transportation services is examined in Berköz (1999). In the regression analysis, Gross National Income is taken as the dependent variable and port length, total traffic f

20、igures, imports and exports, ship visits, number of workers and storage/warehousing are considered to be the independent variables. Trade being carried out at ports and by means of seaway transportation is one of the fun

21、damental elements hav</p><p>  In the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of Guangdong Province in China, port systems have been heavily intensified in the recent decades. As per Guoqiang et al. (2005), GDP of Gu

22、angdong province increased from 573.4 billion Yuan in the initial reform year 1979 to 1362.6 billion Yuan in 2003; and in the same period annual growth rate of GDP per capita reached 11.4%.Container logistics systems in

23、these areas have been amazingly changed in recent decade as per Wang, (1998).</p><p>  The Latvian ports handle on average 60 million tons per year. The transportation and storage account for approximately 1

24、3% of the Latvian GDP, and the total revenues from transit cargoes account for approximately 4.4% of the GDP and are equal to 27.7% of the total volume of the export of services according by Rijkure and Sare (2013).</

25、p><p>  In 2011, the ports sector directly employed 117,200 people. This was 0.4% of total employment in the UK, or 1 in every 270 jobs. Of these, the majority (44%) were employed in either transport or transpo

26、rt-related activities. As per Maritime UK (2013), the ports sector made a value-added contribution to UK GDP of £7.9 billion, equivalent to 0.5% of UK economic output. This was a larger contribution than made by the

27、 aerospace and hotel accommodation sectors.</p><p>  4. Discussion and Conclusions</p><p>  Results of the various reports from ports around the world clearly put forth the idea that ports are a

28、 vital part of a country’s economy. The growth of ports will unerringly boost the country’s economy. The growth and development of ports leads to greater trade activity, increased supply, greater foreign reserves and red

29、uced prices for commodities as a whole. Improvement in the port infrastructure has shown very good reflections in the GDP in the cases discussed.</p><p>  In our globalized world, companies look to expand th

30、eir businesses overseas through export tactics. As a result, a country’s GDP is significantly affected by the ability of companies to export their goods and services globally. Convenient, effective transportation ports h

31、ave the potential to significantly increase economic growth and success of nations as per Sleeper (2012). As a result of intense competition in the port industry, the container shipping industry has changed significantly

32、. Major </p><p>  Also the competitive battle among ports will increasingly fought ashore. Rising concerns about capacity issues have led market players to secure terminal and corridor capacity. Ports have b

33、ecome more dependent on the intermodal carriers. Thus Notteboom, (2008) presses the argument that the port authorities co-ordinate with logistics networks to promote an efficient intermodal system to secure cargo under c

34、onditions of high competition.</p><p>  Exports have a profound effect on a country’s GDP. According to Sleeper (2012), when comparing the change in percentage of China and Brazil’s GDP and exports, there is

35、 a consistent trend that suggests a link between the two sets of data. Port efficiency, which ultimately affects total exports, is important when attempting to increase GDP. Countries with more efficient and/or numerous

36、ports also tend to have higher overall GDP. China has 12 ports listed in the “Top 50 World Container Ports” ranki</p><p>  If port systems are not continuously updated, they face the threat of becoming obsol

37、ete and eventually too inefficient to run. As a result, port owners need to constantly reserve funds for upgrades and maintenance costs. Due to the exorbitant nature of these projects, public-private partnerships are oft

38、en pursued. Unfortunately, large infrastructure projects often face delays and unexpected cost increases, resulting in the inability to deliver completion by the original deadline or within budget</p><p>  論

39、港口在一個國家發(fā)展中的作用</p><p>  G.S Dwarakish, Akhil Muhammad Salim</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  交通運輸業(yè)是經(jīng)濟和區(qū)域協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展的有力因素,也對世界經(jīng)濟市場一體化有著重要的影響。印度有悠久的海上貿(mào)易歷史。港口是沿海地區(qū)經(jīng)濟活動的重要組成部分。隨著貨物的生產(chǎn)量和旅


41、廠也影響著員工及其間接資助者的生活。本文旨在探討港口在國家發(fā)展中的地位作用。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:港口;經(jīng)濟;經(jīng)濟發(fā)展;出口;進口;國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值;集裝箱;船舶;沿海工業(yè)</p><p><b>  1介紹</b></p><p>  海洋一直是人類的一個異己王國。古代人類不敢揚帆出海太遠,因為害怕從世界的邊緣跌落。隨著科學(xué)的發(fā)展,人類開

42、始更多地了解這個未知的世界。古代文明在沿海城市之間有著貿(mào)易關(guān)系。根據(jù)卡斯特羅等人的說法,當(dāng)?shù)厍虮蛔C明不是邊緣時,古老的信仰被打破。(1970年)。</p><p>  古代瑪雅的龐大貿(mào)易網(wǎng)絡(luò)在很大程度上促成了他們?nèi)甑奈拿鞯某晒?。加勒比和海灣地區(qū)的外國商品的適度長途貿(mào)易為更大的內(nèi)陸瑪雅城市提供了所需資源,以維持每年數(shù)千人的定居人口水平(2002年)。由于海風(fēng)和海浪的作用,海面不動,潮汐現(xiàn)象也是如此。由于這些原因

43、,船只的搖晃使貨物裝卸和乘客具有挑戰(zhàn)性。因此自然保護領(lǐng)域被用于對接船舶。。根據(jù)lorenzi (2013年),發(fā)現(xiàn)最古老的港口是4500年歷史。這個港口是在埃及的瓦洼地發(fā)現(xiàn)的。海港是一個船舶可以尋求庇護的地方。在"庇護所"的概念中,必須包括固定點、海灘上的著陸地點和具有諸如、通道、防波堤、碼頭、著陸階段、碼頭、倉儲商品和設(shè)備的倉庫、船舶棚屋和船舶交付使用的港口。即使在黑暗時代,港口在貿(mào)易、商業(yè)和政治方面發(fā)揮了巨大的作

44、用。帝國變得更為富有,通過征服而變得更強大。羅馬及其四個港口(Portus Tiberinus, Portus Claudius, Portus Trajanus 和 Ostia)。雅典及其在比雷埃夫斯((Kantharos, Munychia, Zea))和phaleron的4個港口。亞歷山大港及其2個海港(Portus Mag</p><p>  本文旨在通過回顧有關(guān)全球港口和經(jīng)濟報告的重要性的研究,概述港口

45、在一個國家發(fā)展中所起的作用。下面的部分是文獻綜述部分,其次是區(qū)域化對各港口的影響,最后得出的結(jié)論。</p><p><b>  2.港口</b></p><p>  港口是指海岸或海岸上的一個港口,它包括一個或多個港口,船只可以在碼頭停靠,將人或貨物運到陸地。港口選址是為了優(yōu)化對土地和通航的利用,以滿足商業(yè)需求和避風(fēng)港。港口可以是天然的,也可以是人工的。人工海港建造防

46、波堤、海堤或碼頭, 或以其他方式,可由疏浚建造, 而這些需要進行進一步的定期疏浚工程。相比之下,一個天然的港灣在幾個側(cè)面被日珥環(huán)繞著。在公元45 -47年的hippalus發(fā)現(xiàn)季風(fēng)之前, 印度東海岸的水手們意識到了季風(fēng)的風(fēng)和洋流, 并將其用于海運貿(mào)易。根據(jù)tripati ( 2011),從印度到東南亞的海上貿(mào)易是一個季節(jié)性現(xiàn)象。印度的航海歷史始于公元前3世紀(jì),印度河流域的居民開始與美索不達米亞的海上貿(mào)易,如喬杜里(1985年)。到了奧古

47、斯都的時候, 每年有120艘船從 Myos Hormos 開往印度。隨著印度和格列柯-羅馬世界之間的貿(mào)易增加,香料成為從印度到西方世界的主要進口品,根據(jù)Ball (2000)。根據(jù)Rao ( 1992年)和( 1965年),在洛塔爾碼頭建立了哈拉帕的航海能力,這并沒有得到廣泛好評,因為它不符合leshnik (1968年)的船塢的所有要求。</p><p><b>  3.經(jīng)濟影響</b>&

48、lt;/p><p>  衡量經(jīng)濟影響的一般方法是工作崗位的數(shù)量、銷售和稅收的情況。這些指標(biāo)經(jīng)常被看成是政策決定影響社會福利的證據(jù)。經(jīng)濟影響的一般措施是就業(yè)、工資、產(chǎn)出或收入,以及稅收收入。雖然用來估計這些影響所使用的方法在復(fù)雜程度和詳細程度方面有所不同,但是所指出的指標(biāo)往往是一致的。這是因為海洋領(lǐng)域經(jīng)濟影響的研究往往釆用輸入輸出(I/O)的經(jīng)濟學(xué)模型。這是為用戶提供分析本地和區(qū)域港口最常用的模型。</p>

49、<p>  每年通過貝魯特港(POB)的(進口&出口)貨物流量多達60萬噸。因此,在港口的一個突發(fā)事件(自然的或人為的),就會造成擁擠或堵塞,這不僅對黎巴嫩社區(qū)有嚴重影響,而且對區(qū)域的貿(mào)易和經(jīng)濟也有所影響。</p><p>  利用回歸分析,柏遼茲(1999)已經(jīng)驗證作為運輸服務(wù)的一部分港口在一個國家的發(fā)展中起到重要作用。在回歸分析中,國民收入總額作為因變量,而港口長度,總交通量、進出口、船

50、舶來訪量、工人數(shù)量、倉儲量等均為自變量。在港口開展的貿(mào)易以及通過海路運輸方式而進行的貿(mào)易是對國家的宏觀經(jīng)濟有直接影響的基本要素之一,是影響國家經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的因素之一。在回歸分析中,總的進出口負重和船舶來訪量與國民收入總額高度相關(guān)。另一方面,關(guān)于港口規(guī)模、工人數(shù)量和庫存量與國民生產(chǎn)總值有關(guān)的這一假設(shè)沒有被證實。</p><p>  在中國廣東省珠江三角洲(PRD)地區(qū),港口系統(tǒng)己在最近幾十年來嚴重加劇。按照國強等人(2

51、005)的觀點,廣東省的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值從1979年改革開放的5734億元,增加到2003年的13626億元;而同期國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的年增長率達到了11.4%,根據(jù)王(1998)的觀點,在這些領(lǐng)域的集裝箱物流系統(tǒng)在最近十年已經(jīng)發(fā)生驚人的改變。</p><p>  拉脫維亞港平均每年處理6000萬噸的貨物。根據(jù)瑞庫爾和薩雷(2013)的觀點,運輸和儲存的貨物約占拉脫維亞GDP的13%,運輸貨物的總收入約占GDP的4.4%,

52、相當(dāng)于27.7%的服務(wù)出口總額。</p><p>  在2011,港口業(yè)直接雇用117,200人。占英國的總就業(yè)人數(shù)的0.4%,或這說每270個崗位就有一個是港口業(yè)提供的。這些當(dāng)中的大多數(shù)(44%)從事運輸或運輸相關(guān)的活動。根據(jù)海上英國(2013)的觀點,港口業(yè)對英國GDP產(chǎn)生的附加值約為79億英鎊,相當(dāng)于0.5%的英國經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)出。其貢獻遠遠比航空航天和酒店住宿行業(yè)要多。</p><p>&

53、lt;b>  4.討論與結(jié)論</b></p><p>  從世界各地港口提供的各種報告中可以清楚地得出,港口是一個國家經(jīng)濟的重要組成部分。港口的增長必將提升國家的經(jīng)濟。港口的增長和發(fā)展會帶來更多的貿(mào)易活動,從整體上增加供應(yīng),增加外匯儲各,降低商品價格。在探討國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的案例中,港口基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的改進就得到了較好的反響。</p><p>  在全球化的世界中,企業(yè)通過出口策略

54、來拓展海外業(yè)務(wù)。因此,企業(yè)在全球范圍內(nèi)出口其商品與服務(wù)的能力極大的影響著一個國家的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值。由于港口業(yè)的激烈競爭,集裝箱航運業(yè)發(fā)生了顯著的變化。在面臨利潤率下滑的情況下,主要的航運集團試圖通過合資,兼并等等使其服務(wù)全球化。港口在一個國家的經(jīng)濟中一直起著重要的作用,其有效性會影響經(jīng)濟效益的好壞。此外,任何希望提升其全球經(jīng)濟實力的國家,都面臨著建立大型高效出口港口的挑戰(zhàn)。</p><p>  港口之間的競爭也將日

55、益激烈。對容量問題的日益關(guān)注,己經(jīng)使得市場參與者重視終端及通道容量。港口己經(jīng)越來越依賴聯(lián)合運輸運輸公司。因此,諾特布姆(2008)支持,在激烈競爭的情況下,港口當(dāng)局與物流網(wǎng)絡(luò)協(xié)調(diào)促進高效的聯(lián)運系統(tǒng)以保障貨運的這一觀點。</p><p>  出口對一個國家的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值有著深遠的影響。據(jù)斯利珀指出(2012),在比較中國和巴西的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值和出口的百分比的變化時,有一個相同的趨勢,表明兩個數(shù)據(jù)的集合有聯(lián)系。當(dāng)想要提


57、><p>  如果港口體系不再繼續(xù)更新,他們將面臨著過時的威脅進而導(dǎo)致因效率低下最終無法運行的地步。因此,港口運營者需要不斷儲備資金進行港口的升級和維護。由于這些項目斥資巨大,公私伙伴關(guān)系經(jīng)常備受青睞。但是,依據(jù)瓦伊寧和博德曼(2008)的觀點,大型基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施項目往往面臨拖延和意外增加成本的風(fēng)險,導(dǎo)致無法按原來的期限或在預(yù)算內(nèi)完成。在這一方面投入的研究不斷增加,將大大受益伙伴關(guān)系,對承包商和政府來說是一個明智的投資。&


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