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1、和同學(xué)合作翻譯的,時間緊促,不免有些錯誤,還請見諒! 和同學(xué)合作翻譯的,時間緊促,不免有些錯誤,還請見諒!1.東方紅廣場 東方紅廣場 Dongfanghong Square東方紅廣場于 1966 年修建而成,當(dāng)時湖南大學(xué)的學(xué)子們懷著對毛主席的熱愛,修建了這個廣場,并由湖南大學(xué)美術(shù)系設(shè)計了這座毛主席雕像。我們從這兒可以看到,毛主席雙手背在后面,右腳放前面,正深情地凝望著這片他年青時熟悉不過的土地。Dongfanghong Square w

2、as built in 1966.Out of their deep love for Chair Mao ,the students of Hunan University that time built the square .Now ,we can see a statue of Mao Zedong .The building design of the statue was completed by the students

3、from the Fine Art Academy of Hunan University.Let’s walker closer to have a better view of it .As you can see from here ,Mao are gazing affectionately at the the piece of the land which he could’t be more familiar with

4、in his young age .He kept his hands behind his back, with his right foot in front of the left.東方紅廣場是湖南省所有大學(xué)里面唯一的紅色廣場,自卑亭和東方紅廣場在這里重合,湖湘文化與現(xiàn)代文明在這里交匯,使湖湘文化的精神內(nèi)涵在這里得到了淋漓盡致的表達(dá)。2008 年奧運火炬長沙站的傳遞就是從我們腳下的東方紅廣場開始的。Dongfanghong Squ

5、are is the only Red Square among all universities in Hunan Province, with self-esteem kiosks and Dongfanghong together. Hunan culture and modern civilization meet here in many aspects. It won’t be exaggerating to say tha

6、t the spiritual content of Hunan Culture has been vividly expressed here. And I believe , all of us will have a glimpse of Hunan Culture by visiting Dongfanghong Square .Oh ,this is another thing I want to mention,that

7、is ,during the torch relay of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 ,Dongfanghong Square was the first station in Changsha .2.岳麓山大門 岳麓山大門 The Gate of Yuelu Mountain岳麓山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)系國家級重點風(fēng)景名勝區(qū),位于古城長沙湘江兩岸,岳麓山有許多著名的旅游景點,如愛晚亭、麓山寺、云麓宮、白鶴泉和

8、飛來石等。這里又是許多老一輩無產(chǎn)階級革命家早年從事革命活動的地方。As a national important scenic region and a famous city mountain scenic area, the whole YueLu Mountain Scenic Area lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha. The whole formally set

9、 up in the ninth year of the Kai Bao Reign of the Northern Song Dynasty (976). Yuelu Academy, surviving the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, was converted into Hunan Institute of Higher Learning in 1903, and Hunan No

10、rmal College, Hunan Public Polytechnic School in succession, and was finally named Hunan University in 1926. The Academy has witnessed a history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it is called a “one-tho

11、usand-year-old academy”.現(xiàn)在,讓我們走近一些。我們可以看到懸掛在書院門口的這幅對聯(lián)。 “惟楚有材,于斯為盛” ,的確道出了岳麓書院人才輩出的事實。Now,let’s walk up to the gate to have a look .Well,you may see the couplet hanging on the two sides of the doorway .It reads “The Kingd

12、om of Chu, the unique home of talents; the Academy of Yuelu, the very cradle of all”, a quotation which acknowledges the greatness of Yuelu Academy, and points to the historical fact that Yuelu Academy has been considere

13、d by many the cradle of the great people of Hunan province. 4.愛晚亭 愛晚亭 Aiwan Pavilion愛晚亭位于清風(fēng)峽上,建立于公元 1792 年。愛晚亭原名為紅楓亭,后人根據(jù)詩人杜牧的著名詩句將其更名為愛晚亭。這首詩估計大家都耳熟能詳,其中最廣為流傳的一句是“停車坐愛楓林晚,霜葉紅于二月花” 。Aiwan Pavilion lies in Qingfeng Gorge

14、and was built in A.D.1792. Its original name 哇塞 Red Leaf Pavilion and later according to the poem written by Du Mu, it was changed to Aiwan Pavilion. I guess many of you are very familiar with the poem ,of which the most

15、 famous verse is “Stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in February.“ 毛澤東在長沙求學(xué)期間,曾來此地游玩學(xué)習(xí)。上世紀(jì)五十年年代,青年時代的毛澤東常與羅學(xué)瓚、張昆弟等人一起到愛晚亭下,縱談時局,探求真理。因為這個緣故,1952

16、年重修愛晚亭時,湖南大學(xué)校長李達(dá)致書毛主席,請求題寫亭名,毛主席愉快地接受了請求。所以,我們現(xiàn)在所看到的就是毛主席的題字。Mao Zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period.Mao Zedong ,in his youth ,often invited his classmates,including Luo Xuekun ,Zhang Kundi


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