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1、 Procedia Engineering 165 ( 2016 ) 1784 – 1793 1877-7058 © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Pe

2、er-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.923 Scienc

3、eDirectAvailable online at www.sciencedirect.com15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development” Optimize the use of a parking space in a residential area

4、 Irina Duvanovaa*, Tatyana Simankinab, Anastasia Shevchenkoc, Tatiana Musorinad, Anna Yuferevae a BONAVA Building Company, Engineer, M.Sc., St. Petersburg, Russia b St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Institu

5、te of Civil Engineering, Docent, St. Petersburg, Russia c St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Institute of Civil Engineering, Student, St. Petersburg, Russia d St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Ins

6、titute of Civil Engineering, Student, St. Petersburg, Russia e St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Institute of Civil Engineering, Student, St. Petersburg, Russia Abstract Development of a multi-storey buildin

7、g is gaining popularity in modern conditions; however, the designers do not pay enough attention to the organization of the parking space. This leads to a chaotic “parking function“ machines in intrayard territories. C

8、ars are on the lawns, playgrounds and intradomestic driveways forming traffic congestion for special service cars. It can be noted in the result of analysis that different types of parking in residential complexes widel

9、y used both abroad and in Russia, in particular, there is a tendency to introduce the practice of mechanized and combined (ramp and mechanized) parking (underground and surface). Objective: to optimize the organizatio

10、n of a parking space in a congested residential area on the criterion of maximizing the use of intrayard space. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific com

11、mittee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development. Keywords: parking; residential area; infrastructure; parking place; intercepting parking; l

12、eveed parking; * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7(921)799 6988. E-mail address: duvanova.i@mail.ru © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommo

13、ns.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development1786 I

14、rina Duvanova et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 ( 2016 ) 1784 – 1793 Parking for short-term storage of vehicles, are used for shops, health centers, business centers. For these garages are characterized by low h

15、eight (from 1 to 4 floors) and the location within walking distance [8]. For long-term storage of cars parking parking includes more levels than for short-term storage, which is reflected in planning decisions and appea

16、rance. The underground and aboveground parking lots are considered as variants diked car park. This type of garage is used in areas with a complex relief. Dike garages provide the ability to use natural terrain area to

17、 minimize the impact on the environment (surrounding buildings), to reduce the costs of alignment of the construction site (Figure 1.3). [8] Sites for storage of cars in residential areas is the simplest and most popu

18、lar type of parking. They are part of the Accomplishment of territory and have the necessary coverage. However, at the present level of motorization, outdoor parking lots, cannot satisfy the needs of the residents of a

19、n apartment house in the temporary storage of vehicles. There is a need for the design of new types of car parks, providing a high degree of compactness when placed near a residential complex. Increase the distance to

20、the car park from the property, in addition to the discomfort for the residents, resulting in an increase of the road network, utilities. 3. Experience of parking spaces in residential areas Main problems of the organiz

21、ation of the permanent storage of cars in Russia are: ? shortage of space for the organization of permanent storage of vehicles, especially in the central area of the planning area; ? the prevalence in the structure of

22、 their permanent storage of vehicles garages boxes and outdoor parking lots, determines the low efficiency of land use; ? insufficient access to their places of permanent storage of cars. According to European Union st

23、andards, the problem of parking in the city is considered solved if seats are provided, at least 60% of registered vehicles in the city. The problem of parking is solved multilaterally in many European countries: first

24、ly, the majority of the population as possible moves on the bike; Secondly, there are underground car parks are being built; third, it works developed eco-parking network [19]. About 250 parking spaces in the garage fo

25、r every 100 flats falls in USA, which is located within the structure of a house. When this calculation is no shortage of parking spaces for both residents and visitors [1-5]. In Japan, selling machines only in the pres

26、ence of a garage. Therefore, buying a car, it is necessary, first of all, think of the parking lot. Parking spaces in an area of 15-30 sq.m. It may be intended only for parking one car, depending on the level of comfor

27、t. [8-9] The urgency of the problem is proved by the results of the parking study IBM «Global Parking Survey», which surveyed 8,042 motorists in 20 cities around the world. It was found that: ? More than 30%

28、 of traffic jams in the cities of the world stem from the fact that drivers are looking for parking spaces create obstacles on the road; ? 6 out of 10 drivers surveyed at least once had to give up the search space for

29、 temporary parking of your car and go to another place; ? Over a quarter of respondents entered into a dispute with other drivers for a parking space; Foreign experience in operating multi-storey car parks shows that

30、comfortable in the garage of levels considered to be up to 5 and a capacity of up to 500 cars. The second factor is the environmental pollution when driving a vehicle under its own power. The more structure for storage

31、 of vehicles, the greater the distance required to reach the car parking space. In the process of evolution in the vehicle storage area making the transition from single-storey garages and parking in multi-storey. At th

32、e forefront issues of placing a large number of private vehicles close to residential homes. Inconvenience sites for placement of garages leads to an increase in the number of storeys of buildings. The most popular are


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