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1、英語聽力 英語聽力測? 試題 試題一 Part 1 Short?dialo? gs and multi? ple choic? e quest? ions 1. A. He has learn? ed to make sound? s like a cat. B. He found?food for the woman? 's cat. C. He has becom? e team capta? in. D. He

2、 has attra? cted the woman? 's atten? tion. 2. A. The woman?wants?to play golf while?the man wants?to play tenni? s. B. The man wants?to play golf while?the woman?wants?to play tenni? s. C. Both the man and woma

3、n?sugge? st playi? ng golf. D. Both the man and woman?sugge? st playi? ng tenni? s. 3. A. An excit? ing footb? all match? . B. A beaut? iful scene? . C. The man's inter? est in her. D. The man's invit? ing

4、 her to a footb? all match? . 4. A. He must go and buy gifts? . B. He does not like the woman? . C. He must prepa? re for a new lesso? n tomor? row. D. He must prepa? re for a makeu? p exam. 5. A. The woman?thin

5、k? s unive? rsity?educa? tion is impor? tant while?the man does not. B. The man think? s unive? rsity?educa? tion is impor? tant while?the woman?does not. C. Both the man and woman?attac? h impor? tance?to unive? rsity

6、?educa? tion. D. Both the man and woman?attac? h impor? tance?to busin? ess exper? ience? . Part 2 Compo? und dicta? tion What is happi? ness? Where?do you find it? If you have troub? le answe? ring those?quest? ions, y

7、ou are not alone? . Philo? sophe? rs and scien? tists?puzzl? ed (S1) 1.over them for ages. Proba? bly you gave many of the same answe? rs. Did you say happi? ness comes?from music?or good food or (S2) 2. compa? nions?

8、hip ? Perha? ps you agree? d with Chopi? n's (S3) 3. lover ? when she said, “There?is only one happi? ness in life: to love and to be loved? .“ Those?are the usual?answe? rs, but they do not const? itute?a compl?

9、ete (S4) 4. defin? ition?of happi? ness. Happi? ness may also exist?in unlik? ely place? s. Anne Frank? , a Jewis? h girl, hid from Nazi soldi? ers in a small?attic?for two years? . Food was (S5) 5. scarc ? e and the thr

10、ea? t of death?never?far away. Yet she recor? ded in her (S6) 6. diary ? frequ? ent momen? ts of happi? ness. The (S7) 7.sight ? of new green?leave? s on tree tops broug? ht her joy. Lord Nelso? n, the famou? s Engli?

11、 sh admir? al, found?happi? ness when he was near death?with a painf? ul wound? . (S8) 8. After?he learn? ed he had defea? ted the enemy?fleet? , he spoke?his last words?with a smile? :“Thank?God, I've done my duty.“

12、 Those?stori? es show that peopl? e in a diffi? cult or even painf? ul situa? tion may also feel happy? . Conve? rsely? , happi? ness may lead to an unhap? py situa? tion. (S9) 9. In a workf? orce made up entir? ely of

13、happy?peopl? e, the compe? titiv? e edge would?soon be lost. On the other?hand, mildl? y B. How to overc? ome depre? ssion?after?job loss. C. Long-lasti? ng depre? ssion?from job loss. D. Depre? ssion?from undes? irabl

14、? e reemp? loyme? nt Part 5 Short?passa? ges and multi? ple-choic? e quest? ions 1. Why didn't the man sleep?a wink last night? ? A. He was so excit? es about?the big proje? ct. B. The woman?no longe? r loved?him.

15、 C. The boss exert? ed great?press? ure on him. D. All of the above? . 2. Why does the man want to talk to the woman? ? A. Becau? se he wants?to relie? ve his anxie? ty. B. Becau? se the woman?is exper? ience? d in f

16、indi? ng a way out. C. Becau? se he wants?to resum? e frien? dship?with her. D. Becau? se he wants?to comfo? rt the woman? . 3. What does the man think?will happe? n if he asks for an exten? sion of one week? A. The

17、boss will demot? e him to a lower?posit? ion. B. The boss will fire him. C. The boss will allow?him to take his time. D. The boss will give him an assis? tant. 4. What does the woman?imply?when she final? ly says, “T

18、he only thing?we have to fear is fear itsel? f“? A. There?are too many worry? ing thing? s. B. There?is nothi? ng to worry?about? . C. If you are not afrai? d, you can finis? h the task in time. D. Even if you have g

19、reat?coura? ge, you canno? t finis? h the task in time. 5. What is the dialo? g mainl? y conce? rned with? A. A man's colla? pse under?press? ure. B. Press? ure from an appro? achin? g deadl? ine. C. A woman? 

20、9; stron? ger willp? ower. D. Ways to persu? ade a boss. Part 6 Long dialo? gs and True/False?quest? ions 1. Those?who conce? aled their?anger?or quick? ly becam? e irrit? able were 50 perce? nt more likel? y than the a

21、vera? ge perso? n to have an early?heart?attac? k. T F 2. The study?invol? ved over 1,000 subje? cts who were follo? wed for an avera? ge of 36 years? . T F 3. The quest? ionna? ire colle? cted infor? matio? n on

22、 how the subje? cts react? ed to press? ure or stres? s. T F 4. By age 76, nearl? y two third? s of those?who were class? ified?as most angry?had devel? oped cardi? ovasc? ular disea? se at an avera? ge age of 56. T


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