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1、學校代碼:10270 分類號: J20 學號:122200627碩 士 學 位 論 文生本能和死本能的表達:巴爾蒂斯和培根繪畫作品中潛意識的解讀學 院 : 美 術(shù) 學 院專 業(yè) : 美 術(shù) 學研 究 方 向 : 具 象 油 畫 ( 坦 培 拉 )研究生姓名 : 洪 娜指 導 教 師 : 侯 偉完 成 日 期 : 2 0 1 5 年 4 月上海師范大學碩士學位論文 英文摘要Abstract AbstractThe distinct in

2、sub-consciousness is a great influence factor in painting works. The distinct can include life instinct and death instinct, the former stemming from sexual instinct with protecting life and seekingpleasure as the basic t

3、one, while the opposite death instinct reflecting the request of the life into the inorganic statistic status. These twoinstincts are opposite but also interdependent; contradictorily coexisting in the whole process of l

4、ife. The thesis selects the painting works of Balthus and Bacon’s as the typical and valuable research targetsin the research on the relation between human unconsciousness and painting creation.Adopting the research meth

5、od of aesthetic psychoanalysis, the research has been conducted in the thesis by the approach of spiritual analysis and image analysis; with the painting works of Balthus and Bacon’s asthe examples, the writer has respec

6、tively and connectively explained thecreative psychology behind, and thus got the awareness of their different psychological features and artistic styles due to the contradiction andintegration of the life instinct and d

7、eath instinct in sub-consciousness. In comparison and analysis, there appeared a strong spiritual collisioncaused by their distinct aesthetic positions, and thus leading to sucha conclusion: as seemingly different their

8、works are, they came from thesame source of creativity—the common coexistence of life instinct anddeath distinct in human sub-consciousness. It is right their coexistencethat made their works achieve an integration of su

9、bjective and objectiveelements. When the two instincts were expressed in their works, they alsoserved as psychotherapy for the painters. The integration of the worksand the painters developed the completeness of painters

10、’ personality and achieved the successful unification of subjective and objective elements.And then starting from the relation of the painters and viewers, the thesisdrew a conclusion about the aesthetic experience by an

11、alyzing the reasons for the strong artistic appeals in their works, in hope to offer a reference for our painting creation.Key words:aesthetic psychoanalysis, sub-consciousness, life instinct,death instinct,subjective an


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