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1、Further Development,Writing Model & Practice,Extraction & Application,Interactive Reading,Warming-up Activities,Warming-up Activities,Background Information,,Charity (1/3),The word “charity” can be traced back

2、 to the Old French word “charité” which was derived from the Latin “caritas”(means preciousness, dearness, high price ). However, English word took the meaning of direct love. Despite the various means of g

3、iving, such as food, money, clothing and health care, etc, there are generally three main kinds of charity: pure, public, and foreign.,,Word Study,Video Watching,Jotter,,Background Information,Charity (2/3),Pure charity

4、is entirely gratuitous. Public charity is charity that benefits the whole rather than the individual. Foreign charity is when the beneficiary lives in a country different from where the funds or services are being s

5、ent from. Most forms of charity are concerned with providing basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, healthcare and shelter, but other actions may be performed as charity:,,Word Study,Jotter,Video Watching,,

6、Background Information,Charity (3/3),visiting the imprisoned or the homebound, ransoming captives, educating orphans, even social movements. Donations to causes that benefit the unfortunate indirectly, such as donatio

7、ns to fund cancer research, are also charity.,,Word Study,Jotter,Video Watching,,Background Information,Donation,A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for char

8、itable purposes and/or to benefit a cause. A donation may take various forms, including cash offering, services, new or used goods such as clothing, toys, food, and vehicles. It also ma

9、y consist of emergency, relief or humanitarian aid items, development aid support, and can also relate to medical care needs as i.e. blood or organs  for transplant. Charitable gifts&#

10、160;of goods or services are also called gifts in kind.,,Word Study,Jotter,Video Watching,擦亮(v.),polish,粘貼(v.),歷史的,historical,paste,剪輯,clip,生銹(v.),不配對的,mismatched,rust,等待 (v.),感激 (v.),appreciate,await,相反情況,reverse,

11、抱怨 (v.),complain,感激的,grateful,傾倒 (v.),摞起 (v.),塞 (v.),剝?nèi)?(v.),strip,stuff,dump,stack,沒有人情味的,impersonal,使尷尬,embarrass,捐贈,donation,瘟疫,plague,家長整理,Parent’s straightening,孩子的物品,Child’s clutter,情緒變化,Emotional changes,,Topic-ce

12、ntered Study of New Words,,,Background,Jotter,Topic?,,Loving Family,Video Watching,Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Words,,,Background,Jotter,How can you be so ___________ to say that your teacher’s instruction was no

13、thing but nonsense? Mrs. Blair____________ me with the difficult question I could not answer.Her “Dear John” letter finally caught up with me while I was _________ the job interview.Instead of __________him, his unive

14、rsity courses hardened his will rather.What ________her for years was her child’s rebellious attitude toward her instruction.,impersonal,embarrassed,awaiting,polishing,plagued,,Video Watching,Fill in the Blanks with the

15、 Correct Words,,,Background,Jotter,I don’t think I’m a(n) ____________ person, but watching that film did move me to tears.Before my graduation from Columbia, the family met with severe financial _________.On her 20th

16、anniversary celebration, the university received large sums of alumni __________.I deeply ___________ your kindness in helping pull me through the difficulties.The man who likes to beef often has little to __________ a

17、bout.,appreciate,emotional,reverses,donation,complain,Video Watching,Video Watching,key,key,,Topic I: What is the major reason for their quarrel?,Topic II: If you are confronted with such kind of problem, what will you d

18、o?,click here,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,As shown in the video, the dispute arose from Anna’s desire to attend her own band’s audition instead of her mother’s rehearsal dinner, thus makin

19、g the mother think her special night meant nothing to Anna. Before long, the dispute became a quarrel. Neither of both made any sign of give-and-take. Looking into the matter, we can find out the cause of it. Clearly, it

20、 was the lack of mutual understanding that led them to fall out with one another. Actually, such quarrels are a common sight in every family, and it is largely due to generation gap.,Discussion — What is the major reason

21、 for their quarrel?,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,,Generation gap is a common phenomenon that can be seen almost everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the young. It refers to the difference in attitude

22、toward things or the lack of communication between generations. Generally speaking, it results in different interpretations of the great and constant changes of the world, different reactions to new things, and different

23、 attitudes toward traditional principle and beliefs. Therefore, we can say where there are the old and the young there is the generation gap. The best way for us to bridge the gap is put ourselves in parents’ shoes and v

24、ice versa.,Discussion — What is the major reason for their quarrel?,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,,If I am confronted with such a problem, I will try to solve it from the following aspects: To keep the lines of communic

25、ation open between my parents and me. Since I know that communication is the best strategy in resolving problems, I will keep my minds open to exchange ideas with them in a frank way. To be specific, I will urge my paren

26、ts to spend some time with me every week so as to achieve mutual understanding, which provides us chances to notice the things that we have overlooked in our everyday life.,Discussion — If you are confronted with such ki

27、nd of problem, what will you do?,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,,To be a good listener. Only when I become a good and patient listener am I able to listen to what they have to say and fully understand their intentions. Wh

28、en disputes arise, I will try to stay calm and hold my temper, listening to them until they cool down. As respect returns respect, I am sure that, with my respect and patience, my parents are willing to treat me the

29、 way I want them to.To look at the problems from my parents’ point of view. Since I bear it in my mind that he who loves well chastises  well, I know full well that everything they have done

30、 for me,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,,Discussion — If you are confronted with such kind of problem, what will you do?,is out of love and the reasons why they place restrictions onme is that they care for me. No matter

31、what happens, they willalways act as an anchor of my life, preventing me fromdifficulties and danger. As an old Chinese saying goes:“The tree would like to be quiet but the 

32、;wind is blowing whilechildren would like to support but parents can’t wait,therefore, I will cherish my parents’ love and repay theirupbringing. If I could do tha

33、t, I believe, I can resolve any conflict with my parents, let alone the generation gap.,,Background,Word Study,Jotter,,Discussion — If you are confronted with such kind of problem, what will you do?,Interactive Reading

34、of Text,,Q. Suppose you were the author, how would you organize the whole passage?,A child’s clutter awaits an adult’s return,,Interactive Reading of Text,,Now let’s make a detailed analysis of the text through dynami

35、c interaction:,,Summary,Jotter,Part I Situation(Para. 1—?),Part I (Para. 1—4) General situation and my responses.,,Interactive Reading,A child’s clutter awaits an adult’s return,,Summary,Jotter,,,,Q1: What’s the mother’s

36、 attitude toward her daughter’s leaving for independence?,The mother has a feeling of relief but meanwhile wonders if her daughter could take good care of herself.,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,Part II Problems (P

37、ara.5—?),Part II (Para. 5—12) The mess left in my daughter’s bathroom and bedroom and my response.,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,,Problems,Mess in her bathroom (Para. 5),Mess in her bedroom. (Para. 6),Various unso

38、rted books. (Para. 7),Clothes and other things. (Para. 8-11),,,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,,Problems,Responses,,I stack them onto a single bookshelf to deal with later. (Para. 7),Various unsorted books: comic bo

39、oks, teen fiction, romantic novels, historical novels, and textbooks (Para. 7),Problems,Mess in her bedroom: mismatched socks, purple pants, and school papers that fill the desk drawers. (Para. 6),,Interactive Reading,,S

40、ummary,Jotter,Responses,Pack the desk contents into a box. I leave six months for her to collect her belongings, and after that, I will throw them away. (Para. 6),,,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,Problems,Responses

41、,,,,Solution: I will turn her room into a crafts room or fancy guest room. (Para. 12),,Q2: How does the mother feel when she straightens up her daughter’s clutter?,Through the description of these problems and her respon

42、ses, the mother shows mixed feelings of anger, sadness, frustration and concern after her daughter has left.,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,Part III Solution (Para.13—?),Part II (Para. 13—22) Solution to the proble

43、ms of my daughter’s leaving— the changes of my attitudes.,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,Because she hits upon a large brown envelope containing old family photographs, letters, greeting cards, love notes, and comi

44、cs clipped from newspapers and magazines, all of which brings back her fond memories.,Why does the author feel an attack of emotion? (Para. 13),,,What makes the mother change her attitude? And why? (Para. 14-15),The wor

45、ds on the envelope as well as the contents of the envelope change her mind. “As I read through the cards and notes I think, maybe the truck wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe it helps her to feel less small in a big world. Wh

46、en I try to think the problems from her perspective, I begin to understand her.”,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,,What change takes place in the mother’s attitude towards her daughter?(Para.16-20),We can feel an abo

47、ut-turn in her attitude from her words as well as her actions: “I reverse myself and bring back the garbage bags from the car and the curb. Clothes and shoes go back into the closet. I remake the bed and pile it with stu

48、ffed animals. … ‘I don’t mind.’”,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,,What is the author’s response to her husband’s sad words “She’s not coming back.”? (Para. 21-22),The author fells her throat tighten at the sadness i

49、n his voice. She tries hard to keep back her tears. But meanwhile she is confident that her daughter will eventually return as a grown-up, and they will await her return with open arms.,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jott

50、er,,Q3: How to describe the change of the mother’s attitude toward her daughter? (Whole Text),A mix of relief and concern about her leave; Conversion of intolerance into tolerance to her messy room; A hear

51、tfelt expectation of her return.,,Interactive Reading,,Summary,Jotter,Despite my objection, my daughter has left home for independence. While I am happy with my freedom from 18 years of_______________, I worry if she can

52、 take good care of herself. She left me a _________ to clear up. Both her bathroom and bedroom are a(n)________________ of clutters — empty tubes of toothpaste, nail polish, and mismatched socks. With an ill grace, I be

53、gin to _________ drawers, sweep shelves clear, and clean the sink. I _________ the desk contents into a box and, before throwing them away, will give her six months to collect her belongings. Since I love books as much a

54、s she does,,responsibilities,mess,embarrassment,dump,pack,,Summary of Text,,Text Analysis,Jotter,I _______ them onto a single bookshelf to deal with later. I separate the clothes and shoes into two piles: one for _______

55、__ , the other for trash. As I turn the bed over, a large brown envelop marked “DO NOT THROW AWAY” catches my eyes. Inside it are all the memorable things we gave her. All of a sudden, I feel very __________. With an ab

56、out-turn in mind, I reverse myself and put back all the items ______________ , as they are no longer a mess to my eyes. Just as all these tokens of her childhood will await her return, so will we, ______________.,stack,c

57、harity,in their place,with open arms,emotional,,Summary of Text,,Text Analysis,Jotter,,,Extraction & Application,,,With productive patterns as its concrete attributes,,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,,Productive pattern

58、 I,“Her bathroom is an embarrassment of damp towels, rusted shaving blades, hair in the sink, and nearly empty tubes of toothpaste” (Para. 5, Text) is declarative knowledge. To make it possible to use creatively, however

59、, we have to convert it into procedural knowledge as follows:,,X is an embarrassment of Y; where X, and Y are variables that vary from context to context. [應(yīng)用提示] 表述令人難堪的境況,,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,In this context, X

60、 = “his college life”, Y = “one failure after another in exams”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,His college life is an embarrassment of one failure after another in exams.,,Context I,他的大學(xué)生活是在一次又一次考試不

61、及格的窘境中度過的。,,LexicalCollocations,Productive Pattern — X is an embarrassment of Y.,Jotter,In this context, X = “her first day in college”, Y = “her failure to attend the first class on time”. So the new declarative knowl

62、edge arises as follows:,Her first day in college was an embarrassment of her failure to attend the first class on time.,,Context II,大學(xué)第一天令她困窘不已,她未能按時上第一節(jié)課。,,LexicalCollocations,Productive Pattern — X is an embarrassmen

63、t of Y.,Jotter,,“I am a plague of locusts emptying the closet.” (Para. 8, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,Productive pattern II,,X is a plague of locusts doing Y; where X and Y are variables that vary

64、 from context to context.[應(yīng)用提示]表述做事的徹底性,,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,In this context, X = “our Party”, Y = “corruption in the circles of officials”, and “doing” = “rooting up”; 在人民心中的威望: fame among the people. So the ne

65、w declarative knowledge arises as follows:,If our Party is a plague of locusts rooting up corruption in the circles of officials, her fame among the people will go up in time to come.,,Context I,如果我們黨能徹底根除官場腐敗,那么黨在人民心中的威

66、望的提升指日可待。,,LexicalCollocations,Productive Pattern — X is a plague of locusts doing Y.,Jotter,In this context, X = “our university”, Y = “cheating in exam”, and “doing” = “putting an end to”; 誠信與公平: honesty and fairness

67、. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,If our university is a plague of locusts putting an end to cheating in exams, honesty and fairness will come back into our campus life.,,Context II,如果校方徹底杜絕考試作弊問題,那么誠

68、信與公平會回歸校園生活。,,LexicalCollocations,Productive Pattern — X is a plague of locusts doing Y.,Jotter,,“I am earning myself sweat and sore shoulders.” (Para. 10, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,X earns its

69、elf Y; where X, and Y are variables that vary from context to context. [應(yīng)用提示] 表示事物自身所得,,Productive pattern III,,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,In this context, X = “we”, Y = “better knowledge about our own merits and deme


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