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1、Section A 1a-1c,,Unit 6When was it invented?,What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China?,Do you know?,Chinese four great ancient inventions,compass,gun powder,printing,Paper making,Modern inventions,A: I thin

2、k the TV was invented before the car.B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car.,Talk about with your parterner.,A: I think the calculator was invented before the computer.B: Well, I think the

3、 calculator was invented after the computer.,Talk about with your parterner.,,,1,2,3,4,1a,年份的讀法,,,,,兩個(gè)數(shù)字一組,分為前后兩組,1,2,1865 eighteen sixty five1989,千年的讀法,two thousand 2001,two thousand and one,nineteen eight

4、y nine,,,3,前兩個(gè)數(shù)字不為零,后兩個(gè)數(shù)字為零。,eighteen hundred1900,nineteen hundred,,,4,非四位數(shù)的年份的讀法!,531 five hundred and thirty-one,翻譯下列年代:,1 nineteen seventy-one____________ 2 eighteen eighty-five__________3. eighteen sev

5、enty-six 4.1927_________________ 5.1976______________________ 6. 2008____________________,1971年,1885年,1876年,nineteen twenty-seven,nineteen seventy-six,Two thousand and eight,__ 1976__ 187

6、6__ 1927__ 1885,telephone car television computer,When was it invented?,b.,d.,c.,a.,_______was invented in _______.,,,telephone,手機(jī):,mobile phonecellphone,A: When was the …invented?B: It was invented in

7、 _____.,1c,,TV,,television,A: When was the … invented?B: It was invented in _____.,,computer,私人電腦,,筆記本電腦,,personal computer,notebook computer,A: When was the … invented?B: It was invented in _____.,,car,Benz(奔馳),A: Whe

8、n was the … invented?B: It was invented in _____.,electricity /ilektris?ti/ n. 電;電能,heel /hi:l/ n. 鞋跟;足跟,scoop /sku:p/ n.勺; 鏟子,style/stail/ n. 樣式; 款式,project /pr?d?ekt/ n. 項(xiàng)目;工程,daily /deili/ adj. 每日的;日常的,website /w

9、ebsait/ n. 網(wǎng)站,pioneer /pai?ni?/ n.先鋒;先驅(qū),list /list/ n. 列表;列清單,,A: When was the _______ invented?B: I think it was invented in ______.,Review,1976,1885,1876,1927,1、【要點(diǎn)點(diǎn)撥】be used for doing sth. 表示“被用于干某事”意思與be use

10、d to do sth.相同。如:The camera is used for taking photos. = The camera is used to take photos.,【拓展延伸】◆be used as sth. 表示“被用作某物”。如:English is used as the second language in many countries. ◆be used by sb. 表示“被某人使用”,后接動(dòng)作的

11、執(zhí)行者。如:These textbooks are used by students. ◆be / get used to doing sth. 表示“習(xí)慣于做某事”。如:She is used to running every morning. ◆used to do sth. 表示“過(guò)去常常做某事”。如:Miss Li used to dance after work.,light bulb1879,When was it i

12、nvented?,It was invented in 1879.,Who was it invented by ?,It was invented by Edison.,What’s it used for?,It’s used for seeing in the dark.,Car1885,When was it invented?,Who was it invented by ?,What is it used for?,Ben

13、z.,It was invented in 1885.,It is used for traveling fast.,It was invented by Benz.,invent v. 發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造,,發(fā)明家,創(chuàng)造者,,n. invention,inventor,Edison was a great ______. He _______ 1093 things. His _________ are very important to

14、 us.,愛(ài)迪生是一位偉大的發(fā)明家,他發(fā)明了1093樣?xùn)|西,他的發(fā)明對(duì)我們很重要。,inventor,invented,inventions,Guessing game!,potato chips,1850 1870,,,1853,When was it invented ?,lollipop,1950 1980,,,,1958,,When was it invented ?,,What are the

15、se?They are zippers.What are they made of?They are made of plastic or metal.What are they used for ?They are used for locking clothes, bags and so on.,Lead-in,背誦2d對(duì)話,Paul: Hey Roy, the subject for my school

16、 is “Small inventions that changed the world.” Can you help me think of an ?Roy: My pleasure! Let me think ... hmm ... I know! The zipper!Paul: The ? Is it really such a great i

17、nvention?Roy: Think about how often it’s used in our lives. You can see zippers on dresses, trousers, shoes, bags ... everywhere!Paul: Well, you do to have a point ...,invention,z

18、ipper,project,daily,seem,Roy: Of course! I thought about it because I saw a last week. The of different inventions were there. For example, it

19、 that the zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893. But at that time, it wasn’t used .Paul: Really? So when did it become ?Roy: Around 1917.,website,pioneers,mentioned,listed,widely,popu

20、lar,Section A 3a-3c,Unit 6When was it invented?,雙頭牙膏,不倒翁牙刷,坐欄花盆,創(chuàng)新縫紉針,帶轉(zhuǎn)向燈的騎車夾克,提包雨傘,USB迷你冰箱,擠牙膏的小工具,泄憤砸核桃器,包餃子神器,Feelings,If we use our head and can have a try , all of us can be inventors in a normal life.Believe in

21、that small inventions can change the world greatly.,boil /b?il/ v. 煮沸;燒開(kāi),smell /smel/ n. 氣味v. 發(fā)出氣味;聞到,saint/seint/ n. 圣人;圣徒,doubt /daut/ n. 疑惑;疑問(wèn) v. 懷疑,How many kinds of drinks do you know? Can you name some?,coke,wate

22、r,juice,coffee,tea,the most popular drink in the world (except water),tea,green tea,How many kinds of tea do you know?,black tea,white tea,oolong tea,scented tea 花茶,pu'er tea,What are the effects (功效)of tea?,,Make y

23、ou more beautiful Keep cancer from you Help you lose weight Make your mind clear……..,Some questions about tea: 1. Tea was first invented in _______. 2. Tea comes from ___________. 3. Tea trees mostly grow in th

24、e ______ of China. 4. Tea was brought to the Western world in _______________ .,China,tea trees,south,1610,Tea has a long history.,Shen Nong is a Chinese ruler.,Tea was invented by Shen Nong.,快速閱讀文章回答下列問(wèn)題 :,Who invente

25、d tea ?Who was tea invented by?,神農(nóng)嘗百草的故事,在中國(guó)古代漢族神話傳說(shuō)及《中國(guó)神話傳說(shuō)》中非常精彩。神農(nóng)氏傳說(shuō)身體透明,頭上長(zhǎng)有兩角,即牛頭人身。因?yàn)樗牟柯渚幼≡谘谉岬哪戏?,稱炎族,大家就稱他為炎帝。他見(jiàn)鳥(niǎo)兒銜種,由此發(fā)明了五谷農(nóng)業(yè)。他看到人們得病,又取瑤草而遇天帝贈(zèng)神鞭。神農(nóng)嘗百草多次中毒,都多虧了茶解毒。因誓言要嘗遍所有的草,最后因嘗斷腸草而逝世。人們?yōu)榱思o(jì)念他的恩德和功績(jī),奉他為藥王神,并建藥

26、王廟四時(shí)祭祀。在我國(guó)的川、鄂、陜交界傳說(shuō)是神農(nóng)嘗百草的地方,稱為神農(nóng)架山區(qū)。,Paragraph 1 Lu Yu and his book Cha JingParagraph 2 How tea spread to other countriesParagraph 3 How tea was inve

27、nted by accident,,,,3a 把每段的主要意思配對(duì)。,閱讀短文第一段,連接句子。,The tea,was first drunk,nearly five thousand years ago.,Shen Nong,was boiling drinking water,over an open fire,Some leaves,fell into,the water,The ruler,was brave

28、enough,to taste the brown water,,,,,,,,,Ly Yu and Cha Jing,《茶經(jīng)》,是中國(guó)乃至世界現(xiàn)存最早、最完整、最全面介紹茶的第一部專著,被譽(yù)為“茶葉百科全書(shū)”,由中國(guó)茶道的奠基人陸羽所著。此書(shū)是一部關(guān)于茶葉生產(chǎn)的歷史、源流、現(xiàn)狀、生產(chǎn)技術(shù)以及飲茶技藝、茶道原理的綜合性論著,是一部劃時(shí)代的茶學(xué)專著。它是中國(guó)古代專門論述茶葉的一部重要著作,推動(dòng)了中國(guó)漢族茶文化的發(fā)展。,3b 仔細(xì)閱讀文章,回

29、答下列問(wèn)題。,1. When was tea first drunk? 2. How was tea invented?3. Who is called “the saint of tea”?,Tea was first drunk nearly 5,000 years ago .,It was invented by accident .,Lu Yu .,4. What is Cha Jing about?,It ment

30、ioned Shen Nong. The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.,5. When was tea brought to other countr

31、ies?,Tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea didn’t appear until around 1660.,Goodbye!,Section A 4a-4c,Unit 6When was it invented?,最糟糕的發(fā)明,“二十世紀(jì)最糟糕的發(fā)明是什么 ? ”就是人們每天大量使用

32、的塑料袋。 誕生于上個(gè)世紀(jì)三十年代的塑料袋,其家族包括用塑料制成的快餐飯盒、包裝紙、餐用杯盤、飲料瓶、酸奶杯、雪糕杯等等。這些廢棄物形成的垃圾,數(shù)量多、體積大、重量輕、不降解,給治理工作帶來(lái)很多技術(shù)難題和社會(huì)問(wèn)題。 比如,散落在田間、路邊及草叢中的塑料餐盒,一旦被牲畜吞食,就會(huì)危及健康甚至導(dǎo)致死亡。填埋廢棄塑料袋、塑料餐盒的土地,不能生長(zhǎng)莊稼和樹(shù)木,造成土地板結(jié),而焚燒處理這些塑料垃圾,則會(huì)釋放出多種化學(xué)有毒氣體,其中一種稱為二噁英的化

33、合物,毒性極大。,boil /b?il/ v. 煮沸;燒開(kāi),smell /smel/ n. 氣味v. 發(fā)出氣味;聞到,fridge /frid?/ n. 冰箱,saint/seint/ n. 圣人;圣徒,doubt /daut/ n. 疑惑;疑問(wèn) v. 懷疑,translate /trænsleit/ v. 翻譯,lock /l?k/, /la:k/ v. 鎖上;鎖住,earthquake / ?:(r)θkwei

34、k/n. 地震,biscuit /biskit/ n. 餅干,cookie/kuki/ n. 曲奇餅干,instrument /instrum?nt/ n. 器械; 儀器;工具,Grammar Focus,中考真題鏈接,1. — I feel very happy that I ____ to be the host. — Congratulations! (07’ 江西) A. choose

35、 B. am chosen C. was chosen D. haven chosen 2. Today Chinese ________ by more and more people around the world. (07’北京) A. was spoken   B. is spoken  C

36、. spoke  D. speak,3.(課改實(shí)驗(yàn)區(qū)考生做) (07’重慶)  — Your hometown has changed a lot.  — Yes. Take a look at these tall buildings. They ______ last year.    A. build&

37、#160; B.built   C. was built  D.were built  (非課改實(shí)驗(yàn)區(qū)考生做) — Why is the classroom so dirty? — Sorry, sir. It _______ yesterday. We forgot to do it. A.

38、don’t clean  B. didn’t clean  C. weren’t cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned,Section B 1a-1e,Unit 6When was it invented?,Review,Translate the phrases.,spread to other countriesby accidentIt is said

39、…over an open firefall into the watertake place without doubt,流傳到其他國(guó)家偶然;意外地?fù)?jù)說(shuō)…在戶外的火上掉入水中;落入水中發(fā)生毫無(wú)疑問(wèn);的確,crispy salty,What is it?How does it taste?,,,sour,,sweet,salty,hot,Do you like eating potato chips?Whic

40、h kind of taste do you like? Do you know how they were invented?,Free Talk,1a. Fill in the blanks with the words given.,sour,sweet, crispy, salty, sour,salty,crispy,sweet,salty,1c. Listen and circle “T” or “F”.,1.

41、 by mistake 錯(cuò)誤地 I took his backpack by mistake. 我錯(cuò)拿了他的書(shū)包。 He put salt in her cup of tea by mistake. 他錯(cuò)把鹽放進(jìn)她的茶杯里了。,Language points,完成句子別再犯如此愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤了,否則你只能另謀高就了。Don’t  ________________

42、_____________, oryou will have to find another job.,make such silly mistakes any more,/ make such a silly mistake any more,完成句子抱歉,我錯(cuò)拿了你的包。Sorry, I took your bag ______ ______ .那個(gè)小孩在登山中意外地摔傷了腿。That child broke his le

43、g ______ _______ whenhe was climbing the mountain.,by  mistake,by  accident,1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2. They were invented in 1863. 3. The customer thought the potatoes weren’t thin en

44、ough. 4. The customer said they weren’t salty enough. 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. 6. The customer was happy in the end.,T,F,T,F,F,T,The history of Potato Chips,Do you know how potato chips were invent

45、ed? Potato chips ________________ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in ______. George Crum cut the potatoes really, really ______ and then cooked them for a long time until they were ___________. Finall

46、y he put lots of salt on them so they were _____________.,were invented,1853,thin,crispy,1d Listen again. Complete the sentences.,really salty,Make a conversation about the invention of potato chips.,Pair Work,2. 薯片是一個(gè)名

47、叫喬治·克拉姆的廚師發(fā)明的。Potato chips _______ _______ _______ a cook _______ George Crum. 3. 而且他在它們上面放了很多鹽。And he _______ lots of salt _______ them.,完成句子。1. 薯片是由于失誤而被發(fā)明的。 Potato chips _______ _______ _______ _______ .,Exe

48、rcise,were,invented,by,mistake,were,invented,by,called,put,on,4. 根據(jù)句意填入合適的形容詞。 Candy is ______, salt is ______, vinegar (醋) is _____, and potato chips are _____.5. 翻譯下面的句子。 那個(gè)廚師錯(cuò)把糖放進(jìn)了湯里。 The cook put sugar int

49、o the soup by mistake.,sweet,salty,sour,crispy,單項(xiàng)選擇1.—Sorry, I took your umbrella ______ mistake. —It doesn’t matter. A. with B. by C. at D. in2. I know that potato chips __

50、____ by George Crum. A. invented B. was invented C. are invented D. were invented,B,D,3. Mom added salt to the soup, but it still wasn’t _______ . A. enough sw

51、eet B. sweet enough C. salty enough D. enough salty4. This kind of soup should be boiled _______ a long time. A. for B. in C. with D. at,C,A,5.

52、Hold on to your dreams, and they may come true _______ . A. at the end B. by the end C. in the end D. on the end,C,,Section B 2a-2e,Unit 6When was it invented?,Cana

53、dian /k?neidi?n/ a. /n.加拿大/人的,divide /divaid/ v. 分開(kāi);分散,the Olympics /?ulimpiks/ 奧林匹克運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì),hero /hi?r?u/ n. 英雄;男主角,basket /ba:skit/ n. 籃;筐,Do you often do sports? What sports do you usually do? Can you list eight

54、 sports played in China?,Warm up,Do you know them?,football,Ping-pong,學(xué).科.網(wǎng),badminton,table tennis,tennis ball,gymnastics,swimming,skidding of wheel,basketball,Do you like basketball?How much do you know about basketbal

55、l?,basketball court,Equipment about basketball,basketball,metal hoop,backboard,net,wooden floor,,,,,,How many players are there in each team?,How many teams are players divided into (被分成)?,They are divided into two team

56、s.,,How many minutes are there in the game?,Forty minutes.,Five.,閱讀文章第一段,概括大意。,Para. 1 — Introduction to basketball.,閱讀文章第二段,概括大意。,Para. 2 — How the basketball was invented.,閱讀文章第三段,概括大意。,Para. 3 — The popularity of bask

57、etball today.,1. The number of foreign players, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased. the number of表示“……的數(shù)量”,跟復(fù)數(shù)名詞連用作主語(yǔ),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞要用單數(shù)。 The number of students in our class is

58、 50. 我們班學(xué)生的數(shù)量是50人。The number of people who are ill is five. 生病的人數(shù)是 5 個(gè)。,1.Now the number of Chinese people working in Africa _______ more than one million. A. is B. are C. was D. were2

59、. — What _______ the number of the girls in your class?   — About twenty.   A. is  B. am  C. are  D. be,A,A,a number of 意思是“許多;大量的”, 后接復(fù)數(shù)名詞, 謂語(yǔ)通常用復(fù)數(shù)。A

60、60;number of students were absent from the meeting. 許多學(xué)生沒(méi)有到會(huì)。A number of my students are from south. 我的學(xué)生中許多人來(lái)自南方。,1) The number of ____ in our class ____ fifty. A. studen

61、t; is    B. the students; are  C. the students; is   D. students; are2) In our school library there _____ a number of books on science and the number of them

62、 _____ growing larger and larger. A. is; are  B. are; is  C. has; is   D. have; are,C,B,Ⅰ. 根據(jù)開(kāi)頭字母,補(bǔ)全單詞。,1. Do you know who the computer was i _______

63、by?2. The seat belt on a plane are a _______.3. It was a big m______ to leave my umbrella at home.4. A c______ is a hundred years.5. Boys, stop t_______ stones to the poor dog.,invented,adjustable,mistake,centur

64、y,throwing,Ⅱ.中考鏈接,( )1. They’re making too much noise here. Let’s go ____. A. somewhere quiet B. nowhere quiet C. everywhere noisy D. anywhere noisy( )2. —Didn’t he go home last Sunday?

65、 —______. A. Yes, he did B. No, he did C. Yes, he didn’t D. No, he doesn’t( )3. ______ on real ice is very exciting. A. Skate B. Skates C. Skated

66、 D. Skating,A,A,D,( )4. We have ______ our sports meeting till next Monday because of the bad weather. A. put on B. put off C. put down D. put up( )5. ______ the students in

67、the primary school is about three thousand, and ______ of them are girls. A. A number of, two third B. The number of, two thirds C. A number of, two thirds D. The number of, two third,B,B

68、,Homework,1. Choose an invention and do research on it. Write a paragraph about the story of it. 2. Discuss the good things and difficult things about being a basketball player.,Section B 3a-3c,Unit 6When wa

69、s it invented?,根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞。1. These people were divided into two groups according to their ages.2. Look, a few pears remain on the trees. Let’s pick them.3. It’s said that the potato chips were invented by mistake.


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