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1、,一、翻譯的基本技巧1. 詞性轉換法一個穿著講究的人上了車。他的外表和談吐都像個美國人。A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car. 證券法要求公司給所有持股人既合理又平等的待遇。Securities laws require companies to treat all shareholders reasonab

2、ly equally.,,2. 增減重復法她比皇家成員更有皇家氣質。 She was more royal than the royals.你必須九點前回來,沒有什么可商量的余地。You must come back before nine. Period!,,他本不應該占她的便宜。He shouldn't have taken advantage of her sexually.他們的關系已經(jīng)鬧得滿城風雨,人人

3、皆知了。There had been too much publicity about their relationship.,3. 反面著筆法然而爭取男女平行的過程仍然是一項未竟之業(yè)。Yet the process of achieving gender equality is still an ongoing one. 由于對硅谷房價出奇的高早有所聞,所以看到房子還過得去,真出乎我意料。 With Silicon Val

4、ley’s notorious housing prices in mind, I expected to see a much worse house.,4. 分合移位法越來越多的西方知識分子當時接受這種看法,雖然從數(shù)量上說,他們仍是少數(shù)。 And a growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed.若以過去的增長率來預測未來,會顯得考慮欠周,因為那種預測會嚴重夸大未來的實際增

5、長。 A naïve projection of their past growth rates into the future was likely to greatly overstate their real prospects.,就職典禮那天天氣晴朗,寒風凜冽。The Inauguration took place on a bright, cold, and windy day. 謝謝您的忠告.Thank y

6、ou for your advice and counsel. 什么地方發(fā)生過盜案或者兇殺案,什么地方有鬼魂出現(xiàn)過,我都知道。 I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed or a ghost seen.,二、漢英段落翻譯實踐1. 詞義的理解為促進統(tǒng)一,就要有個適當?shù)姆绞?。To promote the reunification of the

7、motherland, we must find a proper means.當今只有少數(shù)幾個國家有資格打世界大戰(zhàn)。Only a few countries can afford to fight a world war.,2. 詞義的表達漢語中的“水平”,英語根據(jù)不同搭配用不同的詞:提高生活水平upgrade the living standard提高會話水平 improve one’s conversational a

8、bility提高領導水平 improve the art of leadership提高文化水平 raise the intellectual level (of people)提高英語水平 to improve English,清華附中的小記者走出校門,采訪了76位路人。A group of teenage reporters from the middle school to Qinghua University took

9、a poll on the street on 76 passersby.3. 添加主語讀書可以增長知識。Through reading one can acquire knowledge. 得第一名獲金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing.,4. 信息主語報告的其他部分沒有提到這一

10、點。The speaker made no mention of this point elsewhere in his report.This point was not mentioned anywhere in his report.到去年年底,已與好幾個國簽訂了建造拉索橋的合同或協(xié)議。By the end of last year, contracts or agreement were signed with some

11、 countries for the construction of chain bridges.,5. 連貫主語五十年代初期,美國企圖征服朝鮮,但是中朝軍民共同努力,最后打敗了他們。In the early 1950s, the U.S tried to conquer Korea, but finally were defeated by the joint efforts of the army and people of

12、Korea and China.,8. 斷句與合句世界上一些國家發(fā)生問題,從根本上說,都是因為經(jīng)濟上不去,沒有飯吃,沒有衣穿,沒有房住,工資增長被通貨膨脹抵消,生活水平下降,大批人下崗和失業(yè),長期過緊日子。Basically, the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their economy. Consequ

13、ently they lack food, clothing and shelter, and their wage increases are offset by inflation. With a decline in living standards, widespread layoffs and unemployment, people have to suffer chronic hardships.,這五年,首先農(nóng)村改革帶來

14、許多新的變化,農(nóng)作物大幅度增產(chǎn),農(nóng)民收入大幅度增加,鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)企業(yè)異軍突起。During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes: a great increase in crop production and in farmers’ income as well as the rise of rural enterprises as a new force.,9.

15、 理關系分主次相當多的國有企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營困難,下崗和失業(yè)人員增多,就業(yè)壓力加大。Quite a number of State-owned enterprises are experiencing difficulties in production and management, causing an increase in unemployment and consequent pressures in employment.,1

16、0. 突出信息重心經(jīng)過多年的努力,我們國家已能用僅占世界百分之七的耕地,養(yǎng)活了占世界百分之二十二的人口,使十一億人民基本解決了溫飽問題。Now it has solved the problem of food and clothing to a point where it has managed to feed its 1.1 billion people, 22 percent of the world’s total pop

17、ulation, with only 7 percent of the world’s cultivated land.,11. 句子的調整貪污腐化,奢侈浪費等現(xiàn)象仍在蔓延滋長。Corruption, extravagance and waste are still growing and spreading.,12. 語義性添詞發(fā)展才是硬道理。Economic growth is most important.我們確定搞兩

18、個開放:一是對內開放,一個是對外開放。We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely to open both within the nation and to the world.,13. 連貫性添詞他在考察的過程中,從不盲目迷信書本上的結論,從不把權威看作是真理的唯一基礎。他發(fā)現(xiàn)前人研究的地理記載中有許多不可靠的地方。He never blindly acce

19、pted the conclusions given by books, nor did he treat authority as the sole basis for truth. As a result, he found many inaccuracies in the notes on geography written by his predecessors.,14. 表達性添詞中國的影響,中國的成就,在世界上到處可見。

20、The signs of China’s influence and success abound in the world.最近幾年,考托福的人大大減少了。In recent years, the number of people who take the TOEFL test has decreased.,15. 句內重復信息省略海峽兩岸的中國人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。The Chinese on both sides of

21、 the Taiwan Straits are of the same blood.他雖然帶著五七分酒意,卻裝做十分醉的,前顛后仰,東倒西歪。He was not really drunk, but pretended he was intoxicated and staggered along.,16. 詞內重復信息省略由于各種各樣的原因,他們常常感到心情壓抑,事業(yè)受挫。They often feel depressed an

22、d frustrated for a variety of reasons.這份雜志內容有趣,文字淺顯,立即暢銷全國。The magazine has gained immediate nationwide popularity at once as it is interesting and easy.,17. 代詞性替代這個代價還不只是環(huán)境上的。代價還有社會風氣的變壞。The cost is not only enviro

23、nmental, it is also more serious in terms of the decline in public morals.他討厭失敗,他一生中曾戰(zhàn)勝失敗,超越失敗,并且藐視別人的失敗。He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, and despised it in others.,18. 同義詞替代在科技界,醫(yī)學界

24、和體育界,同樣存在相同的情況?!@種情況相當糟糕。……這種情況一直到九十年代初才有所改變。A similar story has been told in science, medicine and sports circles … The situation was so grim… It didn’t change much until the early 1990…,這項政策能確保發(fā)展中國家不斷提高生活水平,確保發(fā)達國家的經(jīng)濟

25、持續(xù)發(fā)展。The policy will ensure a rising standard of living for the developing countries and sustained economic growth for the developed world.,,19. 概括詞替代由十余位中國和美國教師開設碩士水平的各種課程。美國學生由中國教師負責教學,主要研究中國問題。用漢語上課。Under them, up

26、to a dozen faculty members of both nationalities will offer a variety of courses at the master’s level. The Americans, studying with Chinese professors, will concentrate on China.,這樣我就開始準備寫“中國的詞”的論文。其實,童年在家里我喜歡讀詞讀賦,但對于詞,

27、我并沒有好好研究過。So I began to prepare my dissertation on Chinese Ci, a subject of which I had never made a thorough study though I liked to read this kind of poetry in my childhood.,20. 結構性替代說到埃及,人們不可能不想到金字塔,同樣,說到中國,人們也不可能不想

28、到長城。One can’t speak of Egypt without thinking of the Pyramids, nor of China without the Great Wall.說一個人自私自利,不只是因為他只圖自己的利益,而是因為他不顧鄰人的利益。A man is called selfish, not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his nei

29、ghbor’s.,21. 修飾語的處理學校的任務是培養(yǎng)德智體全面發(fā)展,能熟練運用外語從事外事和文化交流工作的合格人才。The university aims to train morally, intellectually and physically developed students with a good command of foreign languages and qualified for foreign affai

30、rs and cultural exchange with foreign countries.他們在這里修建了一座足以通過重型卡車的橋梁。They built up there a bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries.,22. 漢語動詞的處理人際關系就是一種善于聽取別人意見,體察別人的需要,虛心接受批評的能力Interpersonal skills are nothing

31、 but the ability to a be good listener, to be sensitive toward others’ needs, to take criticism well.,,這就給幾十萬在高峰時間乘車上下班的人帶來了很大的不便。Thus hundreds of thousands of rush hour commuters are greatly affected.他一張飽經(jīng)風霜的臉上,雙眉緊瑣,顯

32、得心事重重。There was a troubled frown on his weather-beaten face.,23. 抽象名詞的運用這部短小精焊的書一問世立即受到人們,特別是大學生的青睞,并多次再版。無須解釋人們?yōu)槭裁催@么喜愛這本書,因為只要稍加瀏覽,就可以看到書里收集的格言反映了文明社會中對于友誼的看法。This short work enjoyed an immediate acceptance, especial

33、ly among college students, and was reprinted many times. Its popularity needs no explanation, for a brief perusal of the questions shows that they embody the notions of civilized friendship.,在經(jīng)濟發(fā)展中,我們要控制人口,節(jié)約資源,保護環(huán)境,并把它們

34、放到重要位置上。Great importance must be attached to population control, the conservation of resources and environmental protection in economic growth.,24. 換一種說法土地的緊張迫使人們越來越多地砍去森林,造起住房。And land hunger is forcing more and more

35、 homes to be built on the land once covered with the forests.這是一出超越民族局限的戲。The play has universal appeal.,25. 抽象化表達冬季您若怕冷的話,可以到?jīng)]有酷暑和嚴冬的“春城”昆明。If you dislike the cold in winter, you can visit Kunming, the “Spring City”


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