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1、<p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  題 目頸椎病病理以及其治療方法</p><p>  學(xué) 院機(jī) 電 工 程 學(xué) 院</p><p>  專 業(yè)機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動(dòng)化</p><p>  姓 名 </p><p>  學(xué)

2、 號 80611017</p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師 </p><p>  2012年 4 月1日— 4月8日</p><p>  頸椎病病理以及其治療方法</p><p>  隨著現(xiàn)代生活和工作節(jié)奏的加快,頸椎病作為一種常見病,嚴(yán)重地影響著人們的生活,已引起了社會(huì)的廣泛關(guān)注,頸椎病患者如果不及早治療很容易導(dǎo)致高


4、><p>  目前,我國國內(nèi)牽引、按摩設(shè)備的大致發(fā)展趨勢可歸納為以下幾點(diǎn):① 功能復(fù)合化。各種牽引、按摩器械的分類逐漸淡化,例如將普通的牽引床加以改造,安裝上振動(dòng)器和熱電阻后,就可實(shí)現(xiàn)按摩、錘擊、熱療的功能 ;通過安裝測力反饋機(jī)構(gòu)可實(shí)現(xiàn)自動(dòng)控制等。② 智能化。設(shè)備的自動(dòng)化程度越來越高,電器元件被廣泛采用,用以實(shí)現(xiàn)位置、壓力、開關(guān)量信號的檢測與控制。③數(shù)字化。人機(jī)交互接口成為設(shè)備發(fā)展的方向,操作人員的工作強(qiáng)度大大降低,

5、通過鍵盤、磁帶、觸摸屏等接口設(shè)備即可完成器械的大部分操作,操作過程簡單易學(xué)。隨著對腰、頸椎病病理研究的深入和自動(dòng)化操作的普及,功能更強(qiáng)大、操作更方便的器械也將不斷出現(xiàn)。當(dāng)然產(chǎn)品價(jià)格往往和功能成正比,各醫(yī)院、診所應(yīng)著眼于自己的實(shí)際需求,合理的選擇自己所須的牽引、按摩器械。</p><p>  頸椎病治療中最為常用的方法之一是牽引,適應(yīng)癥比較普遍,30%以上的頸椎病病例適用于牽引療法。除了傳統(tǒng)的重量牽引外,近年來,機(jī)

6、械式及電動(dòng)式牽引法已逐漸推廣,并得到很好的發(fā)展。牽引有以下作用:</p><p>  1、對頸椎椎間盤突出可起到復(fù)位的作用。</p><p>  2、使頸椎后關(guān)節(jié)嵌頓的滑膜復(fù)位。</p><p>  3、粘連之關(guān)節(jié)囊及神經(jīng)根經(jīng)過牽引可被松懈。</p><p>  4、后縱韌帶被牽有利于頸椎間盤突出物的還納。</p><p&

7、gt;  5、加大椎間孔,改善由于壓迫神經(jīng)根而造成的放射痛。</p><p>  6、端正頸位,使頸部得以松弛,促進(jìn)局部血流。</p><p>  但是,這種牽引同時(shí)也缺乏對個(gè)體差異的選擇方案,也就是說人的個(gè)體差異非常大,牽引力從1.5Kg~15Kg之間,選擇余地很大。</p><p>  由于個(gè)體差異,治療中應(yīng)因人施治,根據(jù)頸椎關(guān)節(jié)部位的病灶,對照X光片采用不同的

8、牽引力度和角度,當(dāng)然目前國內(nèi)的醫(yī)療條件基本上做不到這一點(diǎn)。</p><p>  頸椎牽引是頸椎病保守療法中最主要而且療效確實(shí)的一種方法,其治療作用通過以下幾方面來實(shí)現(xiàn):</p><p>  1、限制頸椎活動(dòng),減少對受壓脊髓和神經(jīng)根的反復(fù)摩擦和不良刺激,有助于脊髓、神經(jīng)根、關(guān)節(jié)囊、肌肉等組織的水腫和炎癥消退。</p><p>  2、增大椎間隙和椎間孔,減輕甚至解除神

9、經(jīng)根所受的刺激和壓迫。</p><p>  3、解除肌肉痙攣,恢復(fù)頸脊柱的平衡,降低椎間盤內(nèi)壓,緩沖椎間盤向四周的壓力。</p><p>  4、牽開小關(guān)節(jié)間隙,解除滑膜嵌頓,恢復(fù)椎間的正常序列和相互關(guān)系。</p><p>  5、使扭曲于橫突孔間的椎動(dòng)脈得以伸直,改善椎動(dòng)脈的血供。</p><p>  6、使頸椎管縱徑拉長,脊髓伸展,黃韌帶

10、皺招變平,椎管容積相對增加。正確的牽引治療不僅可使肌肉痙攣解除,同時(shí)也可改善神經(jīng)根刺激癥狀。</p><p>  不過牽引的治療方法對所有的頸椎病并非百利而無一害,這也有他的適用范圍。</p><p>  1.頸椎牽引主要適用于以下類型的頸椎?。?lt;/p><p>  (1)神經(jīng)根型頸椎病:尤其適用因椎節(jié)不穩(wěn)造成脊神經(jīng)根刺激癥狀者;因髓核突出或脫出引起脊神經(jīng)根受壓者;

11、根性癥狀波動(dòng)較大者。</p><p>  (2)脊髓型頸椎?。哼m用于由于椎節(jié)不穩(wěn)或因髓核突出等造成脊髓前方溝動(dòng)脈受壓所致的脊髓型頸椎病患者。由于此類型的患者在牽引時(shí)易發(fā)生意外,因此要求有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的醫(yī)生負(fù)責(zé)實(shí)施牽引,并密切觀察錐體束征的變化,一旦病情惡化則應(yīng)立即終止?fàn)恳?lt;/p><p>  (3)椎動(dòng)脈型頸椎?。簩︺^椎關(guān)節(jié)不穩(wěn),或伴有骨質(zhì)增生所致的椎動(dòng)脈供血不足的患者療效較佳。</p&g

12、t;<p>  (4)頸型頸椎?。侯i型頸椎病患者采用休息等一般療法就可獲效,頸椎牽引可酌情用于癥狀持續(xù)不消的患者。</p><p>  2.而不適合用牽引治療的情況有:</p><p>  (1)年邁體弱、全身狀態(tài)不佳者:此類病人在牽引時(shí)易于發(fā)生意外,宜慎用。對年齡超過50歲,病程較久的脊髓型頸椎病患者,使用牽引療法可能會(huì)加重病情,故不宜使用。</p><

13、p>  (2)頸椎骨質(zhì)有破壞者:為防止發(fā)生意外,此類病例應(yīng)于牽引前常規(guī)拍攝頸椎正、側(cè)位X線片,以排除結(jié)核、腫瘤等骨質(zhì)破壞和骨質(zhì)疏松癥的患者。</p><p>  (3)頸椎骨折脫位者:頸椎牽引易引起頸椎骨折脫位或加重因頸椎骨折脫位引起的癱瘓,禁用。</p><p>  (4)擬施行手術(shù)者:此類病例多伴有明顯的致壓物,不僅在牽引過程中可能發(fā)生意外,且大重量牽引后易引起頸椎椎旁肌群及韌帶

14、的松弛,以致在手術(shù)后造成內(nèi)固定物或植入骨塊的滑出。</p><p>  (5)枕-頸或寰-樞椎不穩(wěn)者:牽引療法雖然有效,如使用不當(dāng)易引起致命后果,臨床經(jīng)驗(yàn)不足者慎用。</p><p>  (6)炎癥:全身急性炎癥或伴有咽喉部各種炎癥的患者慎用。因?yàn)榇藭r(shí)寰-樞椎處于失穩(wěn)狀態(tài)。</p><p>  (7)其他:凡牽引后有可能加重癥狀者,如落枕、頸部扭傷、心血管疾息及精神

15、不正常者慎用,以防病情加重或發(fā)生意外。</p><p>  頸椎治療儀是將模擬真人推拿、牽引、旋轉(zhuǎn)復(fù)位中醫(yī)傳統(tǒng)手法結(jié)合脊柱外科的矯形術(shù)的手法,直接作用于人體頸部,是專門針對頸椎疾病問題歷時(shí)4年研發(fā)的專用高科技產(chǎn)品,也是目前國際首個(gè)采用“分點(diǎn)牽引、三維矯正”法治療頸椎疾病的產(chǎn)品,針對單一方向牽引對人體損傷較大、治療效果差的弊病,特別從頸椎康復(fù)的關(guān)鍵入手,采用獨(dú)特的推、頂、壓、靠、拉等普通物理治療。而也有許多還采用電

16、子按摩、藥物滲透、互為交叉的交變(動(dòng)、靜)磁場等動(dòng)作分點(diǎn)牽引等方法進(jìn)行分解異常力、分解粘連、回復(fù)生理曲度、養(yǎng)護(hù)關(guān)節(jié),達(dá)到抑制交感神經(jīng),擴(kuò)張血管,促進(jìn)血液循環(huán),增強(qiáng)肌體組織的吞噬作用,消炎、消腫,康復(fù)頸椎的目的。</p><p>  牽引作為頸椎病的一種治療方法,歷史悠久,療效可靠,大部分患者均采用過牽引的方法。因?yàn)槠涑杀镜土?,治療方便且安全可靠。坐式骨椎牽引法是頸部牽拉方法的一種,除了醫(yī)護(hù)操作人員要掌握適應(yīng)癥及正

17、規(guī)的操作方法外。還需要病人的坐位姿勢的配合。如下腹完全放松和屈曲,小腿伸展,雙臂下垂,身體兩側(cè)最大限度放松自己。對于配合不好的患者,可能達(dá)不到滿意的治療效果,特別是老年體弱患者,再加上坐的時(shí)間長會(huì)出現(xiàn)坐姿的改變,頸部固定易變形,不能堅(jiān)持,另外,當(dāng)在治療過程中或當(dāng)突然停止?fàn)恳龝r(shí),有些患者會(huì)出現(xiàn)頭暈等癥狀加重,這可能是影響效果的一個(gè)主要原因。臥位牽引,由于患者仰臥的是硬板床 同時(shí)牽引床頭高于床腳成一定的水平角度( 約水平30度) 臥位姿勢不

18、易變,頸部體位與睡眠體位一致,頸部好固定不易變形,適舒感好。同時(shí),該方法除頸部有重力牽引外,軀體斜向下的重力也有牽拉作用,因此呈雙向牽拉形式。牽引完畢,患者可在床上作少許的休息,減少突然牽引結(jié)束椎體肌腱回復(fù)造成的不適感,患者能堅(jiān)持完成治療時(shí)間。該方法既有達(dá)到坐位牽引的效果,又有減少牽引的副作用的目的。在這兩組患者對比中臥式組療效達(dá)到95.24%。依據(jù)這一點(diǎn),治療儀器設(shè)計(jì)成臥</p><p>  Cervical

19、spondylosis pathology and its treatment </p><p>  With modern life and working rhythm speeding up, cervical spondylosis as a kind of common disease, severely affects people's lives has attracted extensiv

20、e attention of the whole society, cervical spondylosis patients if without early treatment can easily lead to high paraplegia, and the patient's age is young. At the same time with the development of modern science a

21、nd technology, people on the treatment of the disease method emerge in endlessly, treatment equipment, and constantly improve the u</p><p>  At present, China's domestic traction, massage the general dev

22、elopment trend of equipment can be described as the following: (1), multiple functions. All kinds of traction, massage instrument is the classification decline, such as ordinary traction beds are modified, the installati

23、on vibrator and heat resistance, they could achieve massage, hammering, heat treatment function; By installing the force feedback agencies can realize the automatic control, etc. (2) the intelligent. The increasingly h&l

24、t;/p><p>  The most commonly used in the treatment of cervical spondylosis method is one of the traction, indications are quite common, and more than 30% of cervical spondylosis cases used in traction therapy.

25、In addition to the traditional weight traction outside, in recent years, mechanical and electric traction method has gradually promotion, and have a good development. Traction have the following function: </p><

26、;p>  1, of cervical intervertebral disc herniation, can have reset function. </p><p>  2, make cervical vertebra's synovial embedded joint after reset. </p><p>  3, adhesion of the joint

27、capsule and nerve root after drawing can be lax. </p><p>  4, after was led to the longitudinal ligament cervical intervertebral disc herniation of the things HaiNa. </p><p>  5, increase betwee

28、n vertebra hole, improve because oppressive nerve root and the pain caused by radiation. </p><p>  6 and making a neck, make the neck to relaxation, promote local blood flow. </p><p>  But, this

29、 kind of traction and lack of individual differences option, that is the person's individual difference is very big, traction from 1.5 Kg to 15 Kg between, choose room is very big. </p><p>  Because of t

30、he individual difference, treatment should be minimal because, according to the joint parts of the cervical lesions, the comparison X-ray using different traction power and Angle, of course, the current domestic medical

31、conditions basically can't do this. </p><p>  Cervical vertebra traction of the main conservative therapy and curative effect of really a method, the treatment effect through the following aspects to ach

32、ieve: </p><p>  1 limit cervical activities, reduce the pressure of the spinal cord and the nerve roots rubbing and undesirable stimulation, help to spinal cord, nerve root, the joint capsule, muscle groups

33、such as the swelling and inflammation subsidise. </p><p>  2 and increase vertebral clearance and between vertebra hole, reduce or even remove nerve root by stimulating and oppression. </p><p> 

34、 3 relieve muscle spasms, and restore the balance of cervical spine, reduce the pressure inside the intervertebral disc, buffer disc around to pressure. </p><p>  4 small and open joint space, remove synovia

35、l embedded meal, and restore the normal sequence between vertebra and relationship. </p><p>  5 make the distortion in the sudden between holes of vertebral artery to unbend, improve the vertebral artery blo

36、od supply. </p><p>  6 and the longitudinal diameter cervical stretched, spinal cord extend, yellow ligament knit recruit flat, the spinal canal relative increase volume. The drawing of the right treatment n

37、ot only remove muscle spasms, and at the same time also can improve the nerve root stimulating symptoms. </p><p>  But traction treatment of all of the cervical spine is not great benefit to no harm, it also

38、 has his range. </p><p>  1. The traction is mainly used in the following types of cervical vertebra disease: </p><p>  (1) on cervical spondylosis of nerve root type: especially for vertebral i

39、nstability caused by day spinal nerve root stimulating symptoms; Because of nucleus pulposus outstanding or emerge cause spinal nerve root compression; the The root symptoms wave highly actie. </p><p>  (2)

40、the patients with myelopathic type cervical cervical spondylosis: applicable to vertebral quarter due to the instability or because of nucleus pulposus outstanding, have spinal cord pressure caused by a ditch artery ahea

41、d spondylotic myelopathy. Because of this type of patients in traction easily accident, therefore, ask experienced doctors responsible for implementing traction, and close observation of the cone for change, once the wor

42、sening should be immediately terminate traction. </p><p>  (3) of vertebroarterial cervical spondylopathy: to hook vertebral joint instability, or associated with bone hyperplasia of patients with vertebral

43、artery vbi curative effect is better. </p><p>  (4) neck cervical vertebrasickness: neck type cervical spondylopathy were treated by general therapy can rest etc in effect, can drink the traction for patient

44、s with symptoms for it. </p><p>  2. But not share traction treatment are: </p><p>  (1), who is the general state not beautiful person: such patients prone to accidents when in traction, approp

45、riate is used. For older than 50 years, had a long spondylotic myelopathy, use traction therapy may be worse, so unfavorable use. </p><p>  (2) cervical bone have saboteur: to prevent the occurrence of an ac

46、cident, such cases should be in traction before shooting cervical lateral, conventional is an X-ray to rule out tuberculosis, cancer and other bone destruction and osteoporosis patients. </p><p>  (3) the ce

47、rvical spine fracture dislocation: cervical traction easy cause cervical spine fracture dislocation or worsen for cervical spine fracture dislocation cause paralysis, disabled. </p><p>  (4) to the surgery:

48、the cases of pressure without significant things, not only in the drawing process may accident, and large weight after easy cause cervical traction the vertebral muscles and ligaments slack, so that in the cause of inter

49、nal fixation after surgery or plant to the marrow of sliding out of. </p><p>  (5) pillow-neck or atlas vertebral instability-hub of traction therapy although effective, if use undeserved easy cause deadly c

50、onsequences, clinical experience, used the disease. </p><p>  (6) inflammation: acute systemic inflammation or with throat of inflammation of the patients carefully use. Because the atlas-vertebral instabili

51、ty in coffins state. </p><p>  (7) the other: all are likely increase traction symptoms, such as the neck stiffness, neck sprains, cardiovascular disease rate and spirit of the abnormal person with caution,

52、in case of illness or accident. </p><p>  Cervical therapeutic apparatus is simulated real massage, will spin traction, traditional Chinese medicine combined with traditional skills reset the orthopaedic spi

53、nal surgery operation technique, the direct role in human neck, is suitable for cervical vertebra disease problem for 4 years of research and development for high-tech products, it is also the international first use \&q

54、uot;cent point traction, the three dimensional correction\" treatments for cervical vertebra disease products, for singl</p><p>  Traction as a treatment of cervical spondylosis, has a long history, and

55、 the results were reliable, the majority of the patients were used the method of traction. Because of its low cost, convenient and safe reliable treatment. Sitting bone vertebral traction method is a kind of method to dr

56、ag the neck, in addition to health care operators to master indications and the operation of the formal method outside. Still need to patients with the seat of the position. Such as the abdomen completely rel</p>


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