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1、<p>  2000單詞,1萬(wàn)英文字符,3500漢字</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)出處:Bullington K E. Lean supply strategies: Applying 5S tools to supply chain management[J]. International Supply Management, 2005, 90(1): 1-5.</p><p> 

2、 Lean Supply Strategies: Applying 5S Tools to Supply Chain Management</p><p>  Kimball E. Bullington, Ph.D., P.E., CSSBB</p><p>  Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management</p><p

3、>  Middle Tennessee State University</p><p>  90th Annual International Supply Management Conference, May 2005</p><p>  ABSTRACT:Supply strategies in a lean environment should support the ope

4、rations strategy. It is appropriate then to use lean concepts and lean terminology in the creation of supply strategy for lean operations. This paper examines supply strategy development in a lean production environment

5、by utilizing 5S, a key lean concept. The concepts of lean supply and 5S will be introduced followed by a discussion of how the 5S methodology may be used to develop and implement a supply strategy.</p><p>  

6、Key words:lean;5s;supply strategy;</p><p>  1 Lean Supply. </p><p>  The term “l(fā)ean supply” implies that the supply chain is appropriate for lean production. Lean production is a concept of wast

7、e elimination in processes, which has enjoyed popularity in manufacturing companies. The basic tenets of lean production as outlined by Womack and Jones (1996) include the following、Specify value、Identify the value strea

8、m、Organize the value stream to promote flow、Communicate demand through pull、Strive for perfection[1].</p><p>  It is appropriate for the supply management function in a lean environment to integrate lean con

9、cepts and terminology into the development of supply strategy. One of the foundational lean concepts that serves as a basis for all of the tenets given above is 5S.</p><p>  1.1 What is 5S? </p><p

10、>  The 5S’s are lean concepts derived from the Japanese words: seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine or purity), seiketsu (standardize), and shitsuke (sustain) (Hirano,1996). Companies adopting the lean pr

11、oduction philosophy often implement the 5S process to bring order to the workplace and thereby support lean production.</p><p>  2 Why Use the 5S Concept as a Model for Lean Supply Strategy? </p><

12、p>  5S is a proven model for organizing and maintaining a lean production environment. The relationship between purchasing or supply and the general management of operations may be improved through the use of a common

13、 vocabulary built around concepts familiar to the organizational head and the heads of other departments. For this reason, 5S is an appealing model for the development of supply strategy in a lean production environment.

14、 A model for using 5S to develop supply strategy follows.</p><p><b>  2 Sort: </b></p><p>  2.1 Remove All But the Necessary Materials, Equipment and Supplies. </p><p> 

15、 Typically, the first step in a producer’s implementation of 5S will be a tour of the target area marking with red tags those items that appear out of place or unnecessary. After reviewing each item, the item will either

16、 be put in its proper place or removed if it is unnecessary or redundant. The Sort process is essential to developing the organization of the workspace needed for lean production[2].</p><p>  Sorting the sup

17、ply base includes selection of suppliers to add to the system and selecting suppliers to eliminate (supply base consolidation or rationalization). Implementing Sort in the supply base through supplier consolidation achie

18、ves the following benefits. It reduces the waste of inefficient work methods by reducing the number of suppliers that must be managed by the procurement staff. Sorting reduces the waste of selecting the wrong suppliers b

19、y focusing efforts of selection, evaluation, </p><p>  So for the management of supply, the primary implementation of Sort is selection. There are several criteria that may be used to identify candidates for

20、 elimination in the sorting process.</p><p>  First, a performance review (i.e., review of quality, delivery, and price performance) isolates some candidates for elimination. Next, a review of redundant supp

21、liers is conducted. How many suppliers have identical or overlapping capabilities? Finally, a review of the number of part numbers purchased from each supplier will often result in identification of a large number of sup

22、pliers providing only one or a few parts.</p><p>  All of the sorting or consolidation is an effort to approach an optimum number of suppliers. Multiplying suppliers increases variation and overhead. The pra

23、ctice of utilizing multiple suppliers for a single part in order to reduce risk often increases risk, just as increasing the number of components in an assembly usually increases the probability of failure.</p>&l

24、t;p>  2.2 Set in Order: Arrange Product and Equipment So It is Easy to Find and Easy to Use. </p><p>  Equipment and storage locations are labeled so equipment or tools will be easy to identify and put aw

25、ay when they are no longer in use (e.g., tool cutouts or outlines on a peg board or in a tool chest). The labeling of storage locations with tape on the floor or the work station facilitates visual management. A glance i

26、s sufficient to identify missing tools or tools not properly stored.</p><p>  Arranging suppliers so they are easy to use brings to mind the concept of segmentation. Segmentation provides a “place for everyt

27、hing” and allocates “everything in its place.” The supply base is sorted or segmented by value potential and risk, by strategic value and opportunity for cost improvement, by value potential and criticality, or other suc

28、h criteria. The proper “place” for a supplier is a location in a segmentation matrix. The value of this exercise comes from clearly identifying how eac</p><p>  The key suppliers for lean production companie

29、s tend to be in the high risk – high value potential or “partnership” category of the supplier segmentation matrix. Partnership suppliers represent a higher risk to the company in terms of design complexity, startup comm

30、unication, custom tooling, overall higher demand for buyer input, and schedule pressures (e.g., just-intime support). Risk can also be thought of as the level of opportunity for adverse effects on value (e.g., deteriorat

31、ion in deliver</p><p>  The other supplier segments have different needs. The low risk – high value potential segment may include commodity items where price dominates other considerations. If the risk may b

32、e reduced for high risk – high value potential items, significant savings may be realized by some form of competitive bidding.</p><p>  The high risk – low value potential suppliers affect value by the natur

33、e of the factors that make them high risk. Risk factors could include demanding delivery requirements, advanced technology, etc. Temporary situations, such as cash flow problems or capacity limitations, could be the majo

34、r risk factors. Segmentation helps prevent the supply manager from overlooking these potential problem suppliers.</p><p>  Finally, the low risk – low value potential suppliers typically have relatively high

35、 transaction costs as compared with the value of the product. The opportunity for adding value comes by consolidating these purchases and reducing transaction costs.</p><p>  Several different segmentations

36、may be conducted in order to properly categorize the suppliers. The segmentation of suppliers may also include an evaluation of quality (e.g., certified, conditional, approved status). Performance measures may be helpful

37、 in segmenting the remaining supply base. Hau Lee (2002) suggests the use of an uncertainty framework as a means of segmenting the supply base for demand and supply uncertainty.</p><p>  The location aspect

38、of Set in Order may be addressed by identifying the location value of each supplier on a large map. This may identify further opportunities for consolidation by grouping suppliers locally or in targeted areas or along tr

39、ucking routes so more than one supplier may be visited on a single trip. Other considerations for</p><p>  2.2.1 Keep Everything Swept and Clean. </p><p>  Cleaning implies system maintenance an

40、d inspection. As a work area is cleaned, problems such as oil leaks or other maintenance issues, become more apparent before they have a chance to affect performance. The inspection of suppliers implies surveys or audits

41、. The objective of auditing suppliers is to obtain objective evidence that supports the Sort and Segmentation decisions or evidence that supports action of a different sort, such as risk reduction and continuous improvem

42、ent. These audits may </p><p>  For key suppliers (identified in the Set in Order or Segmentation stage), on-site visits should be scheduled with a frequency appropriate to the relationship. For example, hig

43、h risk-high value potential suppliers usually receive the highest frequency of visits followed by high risk – low value potential, and low risk - high value potential suppliers respectively. Low risk – low value potentia

44、l suppliers are generally not surveyed except for mail surveys of regulatory compliance issues.</p><p>  2.2.2 Integrating the First Three S. </p><p>  Standardize ensures that your implementati

45、on of the Sort, Set in Order, and Shine doesn’t deteriorate over time. It formalizes the procedures, schedules and practices that sustain the system and drive future improvements[3]. Problems avoided by Standardize inclu

46、de:</p><p>  Firstly,the number of suppliers grows unchecked,</p><p>  Secondly, the segmentation deteriorates and the classification of the suppliers becomes unknown,</p><p>  Thir

47、dly, suppliers are not visited on a regular basis,</p><p>  Fourthly,surveys are conducted informally or with renegade processes.</p><p>  How can you standardize? Assign 3S duties. Ensure that

48、the personal plans or objectives of the supply management personnel cover the sort (supplier consolidation), set in order (segmentation), and shine (audit) issues necessary.</p><p>  Strategic buyers, commod

49、ity managers, or the purchasing manager are charged with the responsibility of surveying the charts in each buyer’s area to ensure they are kept current. The results of these surveys may be displayed on checklist charts

50、demonstrating the level of implementation.</p><p>  Often the motivation for adding suppliers comes from outside of the purchasing function. Do these functions understand why consolidation is valuable? One a

51、dvantage of the 5S approach is that a common language will be used between purchasing and manufacturing. This should facilitate the communication between these groups, but what about interactions between design engineeri

52、ng and purchasing? This is a critical interface for two reasons. First, engineering is the source of many requests for new su</p><p>  programs that promote rigid discipline. Engineers have complained that t

53、hey see no reason to limit their supplier selections just so the buyers can play more solitaire on the computer. The 5S program provides reasoning behind the consolidation efforts.</p><p>  Survey schedules

54、are maintained using software that reminds the process owner and the appropriate managers. In some organizations, the quality assurance department can serve a role as a third party to the process with supplier delivery p

55、erformance being considered with quality performance for preferred supplier status. Supplier surveys or audits should be part of the personal evaluation process for the owners of this process (e.g., buyers, supplier qual

56、ity engineers, commodity managers).</p><p>  3 Discipline Starts With the Leadership.</p><p>  Do you care enough to be consistent with your message and vision? Are you communicating the strateg

57、y, including the reasons for your actions, outside of the procurement function? Are you training new employees properly? Does the proper structure exist to support this strategy? These are issues for leadership. No 5S pr

58、ocess for supply management will be effective without vigilant leadership. Lean producers have used this process effectively, but consistent leadership over time is necessary to pre</p><p>  4 Summary. </

59、p><p>  Each element of the 5S technique corresponds to an element of supply strategy for a lean supply chain. 5S is a powerful tool in manufacturing, in part, because of its simplicity. Simplicity makes 5S a p

60、owerful supply management tool as well. </p><p>  REFERENCES:</p><p>  [1] Hirano, Hiroyuki. 5S for Operators: 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace, Portland, OR:</p><p>  Productivity

61、 Press, 1996.</p><p>  [2] Lee, Hau. “Aligning Supply Chain Strategies with Product Uncertainties”, California</p><p>  Management Review, vol. 44, no. 3, spring, 2002.</p><p>  [3]

62、 Womack, James P. and Jones, Daniel T. Lean Thinking, New York: Simon and Schuster,</p><p><b>  1996.</b></p><p>  精益供應(yīng)策略:將5S工具運(yùn)用到供應(yīng)鏈管理中去</p><p><b>  卡波爾 布林頓博士<

63、/b></p><p><b>  供應(yīng)鏈管理副教授</b></p><p>  美中部田納西州立大學(xué)</p><p>  發(fā)表于第90屆年度生產(chǎn)管理會(huì)議 2005年5月</p><p>  摘要: 一個(gè)高效環(huán)境中的供應(yīng)策略應(yīng)該是支持公司生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)中的策略。其次,用高效的理念和術(shù)語(yǔ)去為高效的公司創(chuàng)造生產(chǎn)策略才是適當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

64、。這個(gè)報(bào)告通過(guò)運(yùn)用5S這樣一個(gè)重要的高效概念,去驗(yàn)證了供應(yīng)策略在高效生產(chǎn)環(huán)境中的發(fā)展。在高效的概念和5S的介紹之后,我們還會(huì)介紹5S的方法論是怎樣發(fā)展和運(yùn)用到供應(yīng)策略中去的。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:精益;5s;供應(yīng)策略;</p><p><b>  1 精益供應(yīng). </b></p><p>  “精益供應(yīng)”一詞意味著供應(yīng)鏈適合精益生產(chǎn)。精

65、益生產(chǎn)是在加工過(guò)程中減少浪費(fèi),這在制造業(yè)企業(yè)中贏得好評(píng)。精益生產(chǎn)的基本原理是由沃馬克和瓊斯(1996)提出的,包括以下幾項(xiàng),確定價(jià)值、識(shí)別價(jià)值流、組織價(jià)值流以促進(jìn)流動(dòng)、通過(guò)推動(dòng)以協(xié)調(diào)需求、力求完美[1] .</p><p>  供應(yīng)管理能在一個(gè)高效的環(huán)境中,綜合高效的理念和術(shù)語(yǔ),運(yùn)用到供應(yīng)策略的發(fā)展中去,并發(fā)揮很好的作用。以上原則中,最基本的高效理念就是5S。</p><p>  1.1

66、什么是5S呢? </p><p>  5S起源于日本:整理(Seiri)、整頓(Seiton)、清掃(Seiso)、清潔(Seiketsu)和素養(yǎng)(Shitsuke)(希拉諾,1996)。懂得高效生產(chǎn)理念的公司通過(guò)運(yùn)用5S的程序,使生產(chǎn)車(chē)間整然有序,已達(dá)到支持精益生產(chǎn)的效果。</p><p>  2.為什么運(yùn)用5S的概念作為精益供應(yīng)策略的模型呢? </p><p>

67、  實(shí)踐證明,5S是一個(gè)組織維持高效生產(chǎn)環(huán)境的可行的模型。對(duì)于5S的理念,許多組織管理者和各部門(mén)主管均廣為熟知,成功運(yùn)用5S,對(duì)采購(gòu)或供應(yīng)以及一般的生產(chǎn)管理關(guān)系都會(huì)得到改善。所以,5S對(duì)一個(gè)高效的生產(chǎn)環(huán)境的供應(yīng)策略的發(fā)展來(lái)說(shuō),是一個(gè)相當(dāng)有吸引力的模型。下面利用5S模型對(duì)如何發(fā)展供應(yīng)策略進(jìn)行分析。</p><p><b>  2 分類(lèi): </b></p><p>  2

68、.1 調(diào)配所有有用的資源,設(shè)備和供應(yīng) </p><p>  通常來(lái)說(shuō),5S生產(chǎn)執(zhí)行的第一步,將會(huì)在出現(xiàn)不協(xié)調(diào)或者多余雜物的目標(biāo)區(qū)域貼上紅色標(biāo)簽。在檢查完每個(gè)項(xiàng)目后,在項(xiàng)目出現(xiàn)不協(xié)調(diào)或者多余的情況下,項(xiàng)目將會(huì)被重新放到合適的地方或者調(diào)移,這種分類(lèi)過(guò)程對(duì)于生產(chǎn)鏈的工作空間需求和組織的發(fā)展是至關(guān)重要的[2]。</p><p>  供應(yīng)基礎(chǔ)分類(lèi)包括選擇供應(yīng)商以添加到系統(tǒng),和選擇供應(yīng)商以刪除(供應(yīng)基


70、伙伴間的合作機(jī)會(huì)。</p><p>  因此,對(duì)于供應(yīng)管理來(lái)說(shuō),在分類(lèi)中需要首要執(zhí)行的是選擇。有許多的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)都可以用來(lái)認(rèn)證在分類(lèi)過(guò)程中消除的候選人。</p><p>  首先,績(jī)效考核(即,質(zhì)量,交貨和價(jià)格績(jī)效的審查)分離出一些可以刪除的候選人。下一步,進(jìn)行冗余供應(yīng)商的審查。多少供應(yīng)商有相同或重疊的供應(yīng)能力?最后,從每個(gè)供應(yīng)商購(gòu)買(mǎi)的零件數(shù)量的審查中,往往會(huì)導(dǎo)致大量的供應(yīng)商被識(shí)別出,而這些往往

71、只提供過(guò)一個(gè)或很小的數(shù)量。</p><p>  所有的整理或合并都只為接近最佳數(shù)量的供應(yīng)商??刂乒?yīng)商增加和過(guò)度開(kāi)銷(xiāo)。利用多個(gè)供應(yīng)商以減少風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的做法往往會(huì)增加風(fēng)險(xiǎn),就像增加組件的數(shù)量通常會(huì)增加失敗的概率。</p><p>  2.2 整頓:整頓產(chǎn)品和設(shè)備,使其很容易找到和易于使用。</p><p>  設(shè)備和存儲(chǔ)位置標(biāo)記,使設(shè)備或工具很容易被找到,并且當(dāng)不再使用的時(shí)

72、候?qū)⑺鼈兎胖煤茫ɡ?,在釘板或是工具箱上放置工具的圖形或是輪廓)。在地板上或工作臺(tái)上放置存儲(chǔ)位置的標(biāo)簽有助于視覺(jué)管理。一目了然就足以確定未正確存儲(chǔ)的或丟失的工具。</p><p>  管理供應(yīng)商,他們很容易的服從分割的概念。分類(lèi)為所有都提供了一個(gè)位置和分配好每一樣事情它自己應(yīng)有的位置。供應(yīng)基礎(chǔ)以價(jià)值潛能和危機(jī)為依據(jù)來(lái)進(jìn)行分類(lèi)。還有的就是在大多數(shù)改進(jìn)中的戰(zhàn)略價(jià)值,機(jī)遇,價(jià)值潛能。對(duì)于供應(yīng)商來(lái)說(shuō),這個(gè)合適的位置就是一

73、個(gè)分割的模型。表1是一個(gè)供應(yīng)商分類(lèi)價(jià)值模型,每年的支出和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)產(chǎn)生的四個(gè)細(xì)分領(lǐng)域的供應(yīng)商提供不同的價(jià)值貢獻(xiàn)。</p><p>  作為生產(chǎn)公司中重要的供應(yīng)商一般都會(huì)趨向處于供應(yīng)商分類(lèi)價(jià)值模型—高價(jià)值潛力或者是伙伴關(guān)系的類(lèi)別。就設(shè)計(jì)的復(fù)雜性,啟動(dòng)分工和顧客分工,對(duì)購(gòu)買(mǎi)者輸入的一個(gè)全面的更高的要求,時(shí)間安排表的壓力來(lái)說(shuō),伙伴關(guān)系的供應(yīng)商往往會(huì)對(duì)公司表現(xiàn)出一個(gè)高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。危機(jī)可以被考慮為對(duì)價(jià)值反作用的機(jī)遇等級(jí)(例如,發(fā)貨,交

74、期,價(jià)格或是質(zhì)量的退化)。</p><p>  其他供應(yīng)商分類(lèi)有不一樣的需求。低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—高價(jià)值潛力分類(lèi)包括價(jià)格控制其它報(bào)酬的商品項(xiàng)目。如果危機(jī)由于高危機(jī)—高價(jià)值潛力項(xiàng)目而減少,那么就有一部分客觀的儲(chǔ)蓄由于競(jìng)爭(zhēng)出價(jià)而實(shí)現(xiàn)。</p><p>  高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—低價(jià)值潛力供應(yīng)商由于創(chuàng)造高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的自然因素而影響價(jià)值。風(fēng)險(xiǎn)因素包括高要求的傳輸條件,先進(jìn)的工具等等。臨時(shí)突發(fā)情況,如公司資金或者能力局限,他們都可

75、以成為主要的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)因素。分類(lèi)能夠阻止供應(yīng)管理者忽略這些潛在問(wèn)題的供應(yīng)商。</p><p>  最后,低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—低價(jià)值潛力供應(yīng)商有相當(dāng)高的交易費(fèi)或者用與產(chǎn)品的價(jià)值相對(duì)比。增加價(jià)值的機(jī)會(huì)使購(gòu)買(mǎi)力得到鞏固和減少交易費(fèi)用。</p><p>  一些不同的分割會(huì)被運(yùn)用在準(zhǔn)備歸類(lèi)供應(yīng)商上。供應(yīng)商的分類(lèi)通常也會(huì)包括一個(gè)質(zhì)量的評(píng)價(jià)(例如,被證實(shí),有條件,被許可的狀態(tài))。工作指標(biāo)對(duì)于分類(lèi)余下的供應(yīng)商有益處。Ha

76、u Lee (2002)建議使用一個(gè)不確定的架構(gòu)作為一個(gè)分類(lèi)不確定的供求關(guān)系</p><p>  一個(gè)地區(qū)位置的合理分配可以通過(guò)在地圖上識(shí)別每個(gè)供應(yīng)商的位置來(lái)識(shí)別他們的地區(qū)價(jià)值。這必須通過(guò)對(duì)供應(yīng)商進(jìn)行地區(qū)性,目標(biāo)地區(qū)或者沿運(yùn)輸路線進(jìn)行分組,由此得到識(shí)別更遠(yuǎn)的機(jī)會(huì)的鞏固。其他需要考慮的事情是:</p><p>  2.2.1 每樣?xùn)|西都保持干凈整潔。 </p><p>

77、;  清潔意味著系統(tǒng)維護(hù)和檢查。如果一個(gè)工作地區(qū)是清潔的話,那么諸如石油緊缺或者其他的維護(hù)保養(yǎng)問(wèn)題也會(huì)在他們影響運(yùn)行之前能夠很清晰的表現(xiàn)出來(lái)。對(duì)供應(yīng)商的檢查暗示調(diào)查和審計(jì)。審計(jì)供應(yīng)商的目的是去獲得支持分類(lèi)的決定或者支持一個(gè)不同分類(lèi)的執(zhí)行證據(jù)的客觀憑證.如危機(jī)的減少和持續(xù)的改進(jìn).這些審計(jì)包括:位置調(diào)查,供應(yīng)商的自我鑒定,長(zhǎng)時(shí)期的調(diào)查,第三方認(rèn)證調(diào)查.供應(yīng)商職工和工作環(huán)境的主要變化不會(huì)被第三方審計(jì)發(fā)現(xiàn),例如ISO標(biāo)準(zhǔn)認(rèn)證/第一方認(rèn)證應(yīng)該被組

78、織成為一種可以被執(zhí)行和職工轉(zhuǎn)變的方式.</p><p>  對(duì)于主要供應(yīng)商來(lái)說(shuō),對(duì)于位置上的訪談應(yīng)該預(yù)定給經(jīng)常性的分配關(guān)系.譬如,高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—高價(jià)值潛力供應(yīng)商應(yīng)該經(jīng)常分別的接受到一些被高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—低價(jià)值潛能和低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—高價(jià)值潛能的供應(yīng)商跟隨的高頻訪談.另外,除去對(duì)服從調(diào)整性的問(wèn)題的調(diào)查,低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)—高價(jià)值潛力的供應(yīng)商一般不愿意被調(diào)查.</p><p>  2.2.2 融合第一個(gè)3S </p>

79、<p>  規(guī)范化能確保你的分類(lèi)的執(zhí)行,合乎程序的配置,并不會(huì)因?yàn)闀r(shí)間的流失而惡化,他協(xié)調(diào)著程序,日程安排表,支持這個(gè)系統(tǒng)體系和駕馭未來(lái)發(fā)展方向的改良的實(shí)踐.可以被規(guī)范化避免的問(wèn)題包括:</p><p>  一.不受增長(zhǎng)限制的供應(yīng)商的數(shù)目,</p><p>  二, 分類(lèi)的惡化和對(duì)供應(yīng)商分類(lèi)的不確定因素,</p><p>  三, 供應(yīng)商并沒(méi)有依據(jù)規(guī)律

80、辦事,</p><p>  四,調(diào)查是進(jìn)行非正式的或變離式的過(guò)程。.</p><p>  怎么能標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化呢?明確3S職責(zé)。確保供應(yīng)管理人員的個(gè)人計(jì)劃或目標(biāo)能夠被覆蓋分類(lèi)(供應(yīng)商整合),設(shè)置訂單(分割),并提供必要的(審核)問(wèn)題。</p><p>  策略性采購(gòu)、商品管理者或采購(gòu)經(jīng)理負(fù)責(zé)測(cè)量每個(gè)買(mǎi)方區(qū)域的圖表以確保他們保持當(dāng)前的趨勢(shì)。這些調(diào)查的結(jié)果可能會(huì)顯示在清單圖表上

81、以展示實(shí)施的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。</p><p>  通常來(lái)說(shuō),增加供應(yīng)商的動(dòng)機(jī)一般來(lái)源于外界的購(gòu)買(mǎi)力。這種方式可以了解到為什么說(shuō)合并是有價(jià)值的。5S其中一個(gè)優(yōu)點(diǎn)就是在購(gòu)買(mǎi)商和供應(yīng)商之間建立一種共同的語(yǔ)言,這為他們之間的溝通帶來(lái)便利。那么設(shè)計(jì)工程和購(gòu)買(mǎi)商之間的相互作用又是怎樣的呢?從兩個(gè)方面可以看出這是一個(gè)重要的接口。第一,制造工程業(yè)會(huì)對(duì)新的供應(yīng)商有很多新的要求,第二,特別是對(duì)于設(shè)計(jì)工程業(yè),他們需要擁有一個(gè)創(chuàng)新的環(huán)境,從而對(duì)僵

82、硬的規(guī)條程序感到拘泥。他們抱怨,他們完全沒(méi)理由去限制供應(yīng)商的選擇,只有這樣采購(gòu)者才會(huì)下更多的電子訂單。5S在合并效用中為其提供了充分的理由。</p><p>  主張使用調(diào)查日程可以適當(dāng)?shù)奶嵝殉绦蛩腥撕凸芾碚摺T谝恍┙M織中,質(zhì)量保證部門(mén)可作為供應(yīng)商傳輸工序的第三方角色。供應(yīng)商調(diào)查和審計(jì)可以是作為工序所有者的自我評(píng)價(jià)。(例如, 買(mǎi)家, 供應(yīng)商質(zhì)量工程師, 商品經(jīng)理).</p><p>  

83、3 紀(jì)律要從領(lǐng)導(dǎo)階層入手.</p><p>  你的言行和舉止相一致嗎?你可以明確表達(dá)出你的策略嗎?包括你行動(dòng)的理由。除去業(yè)務(wù)能力,你有適當(dāng)?shù)膶?duì)你的新員工進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)嗎?是否存在匹配的內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)去支持你的戰(zhàn)略?這是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者應(yīng)該考慮的問(wèn)題。沒(méi)有精益管理者的5S會(huì)得到有效地運(yùn)行嗎?生產(chǎn)鏈已經(jīng)有效地運(yùn)用了這種精益工序,隨著時(shí)間的推動(dòng),那些一貫如一的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者有必要去及時(shí)的阻止系統(tǒng)制度的惡化。</p><p>

84、;<b>  4 總結(jié). </b></p><p>  5S的每個(gè)元素相當(dāng)于供應(yīng)鏈里供應(yīng)策略的一個(gè)元素,5S在制造業(yè)中是一個(gè)強(qiáng)有力的工具,當(dāng)然從某種程度上來(lái)講,是因?yàn)樗暮?jiǎn)單。同時(shí),也正是由于這個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單性,使其成為強(qiáng)有力的管理工具。</p><p><b>  參考文獻(xiàn):</b></p><p>  [1] Hirano,

85、Hiroyuki. 5S for Operators: 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace, Portland, OR:</p><p>  Productivity Press, 1996.</p><p>  [2] Lee, Hau. “Aligning Supply Chain Strategies with Product Uncertaintie

86、s”, California</p><p>  Management Review, vol. 44, no. 3, spring, 2002.</p><p>  [3] Womack, James P. and Jones, Daniel T. Lean Thinking, New York: Simon and Schuster,</p><p><b


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