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1、<p>  附錄3外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯</p><p>  The research of Blog advertising in China</p><p> ?、馮he background of the topic</p><p>  In recent years, the Internet industry in China is developing

2、 rapidly, China Internet network information center (CNNIC), which published 《the first 25 times China Internet network development statistics report》 data show that by the end of December 2009, the Chinese Internet user

3、s scale has reached 384 million, growth 8600 million to the end of 2008, Internet penetration rate further enhance , annual growth rate reached 28.9%. The prosperous development of the Internet brings big network market&

4、lt;/p><p>  As a new form of online media, the blog has its own unique charm, plays the advantage which the traditional media does not. With the development of the blog, blog advertising came into being and has

5、 shown a booming trend, it is also changing day by day for the network technology constantly update. The rapid development of advertising’s application needs Follow-up theory, how to rationally understand the new forms o

6、f advertising, and tap its potential commercial value, to better grasp the law of </p><p>  At present,the research on blog advertising is weak, people’ understanding of blog advertising is still in the earl

7、y stages of understanding, it is necessary to carry out research on blog advertising in order to achieve the theoretical follow-up and theoretical reflection.</p><p> ?、騎he value of the topic</p><

8、p>  As a kind of brand-new advertising method and the network marketing tools, blog advertising with unique advantage showed strong vitality and good development prospect, has the high value for study, strengthen the

9、blog advertising to China, to cognitive advertising business practice and advertising to develop the theory of help. This research has important theoretical meaning and realistic significance. </p><p>  Firs

10、t, this research help people better know blog advertising. As a new kind of advertising forms type, Blog advertising is not long, people still stays in the blog advertising first stage, not form a comprehensive understan

11、ding, effect the widespread use of blog advertising and long-term development. The author, based on previous studies, has a Comprehensive exposition on the blog advertising ,for people has a better understanding of blog

12、advertising and grasp the operation of blog advertising.</p><p>  Second, research on advertising theory is a useful supplement. The research of modern advertising, including Advertisement theory research, a

13、dvertising historical research and advertising applied research . Currently the new media advertising, especially the theory of online advertising is still very weak, to carry out research on blog advertising, help to en

14、rich and improve the online advertising research and expand horizons and fields of advertising research. Through the research blog advertis</p><p>  Again, it helps to guide blog advertising practice. Throug

15、h the analysis of the blog emerging advertisement carrier features and operation mechanism and fully exploit the blog platform based on advertising media resources, giving play to the advantage of the blog, with advertis

16、ing body advertisement operation, play a blog media advertising effectiveness provides guidance for advertisers and ad agencies effectively; to the analysis of the main characteristics of the blog, straightening out rela

17、ti</p><p> ?、?The development situation of Blog advertising</p><p>  Blog advertising connotation </p><p>  Blog advertising is attached to the network media technology and produce

18、new forms of advertising, its appearance, is both a form of online advertising, but also expand the dissemination of the contents of online advertising. At present, there is no explicit about blog advertising, the defini

19、tion of the popular definition of domestic have the following kinds:</p><p>  Blog advertising, just as its name implies is to use blog platform for enterprise sells products and services, building brand, Se

20、t up image advertising. This definition is biased in favor of blog advertising in the application of marketing. Blog advertising as a marketing 4P's an important part of business marketing is an important tool and me

21、ans, and it is promotional, public relations, personal selling and other related concepts.</p><p>  The so-called blog advertising, in a word, is published on the blog sites and website advertising, is a new

22、 network form of advertising. This definition focus on blog advertising as Internet advertising form attributes. Posted on his blog to give benefits to enterprises of all advertising practices referred to as "blog a

23、dvertising".This definition focus on blog advertising activity process ,as a whole of the blog advertising the operation process.</p><p>  Combining with the above definition, the author thinks that we

24、should establish the concept of blog advertising in a more broad, so that we can more accurately grasp blog advertising connotation. Therefore, the authors concluded that the understanding of blog advertising. Blog adver

25、tising, is all to blog for the advertisement performance and advertising platform behavior, collectively referred to as "blog advertising". This definition comparative broad, including both dynamic blog adverti

26、sing an</p><p>  Blog advertising also includes dominant and recessive blog advertising blog advertising. Advertising is the dominant blog advertising information in a blog website homepage or personal blog

27、website homepage face, advertising form is more intuitive. recessive blog advertising namely, mainly through advertisements bloggers reputation spread form the advertising message subtly preach handed target audience, in

28、fluence the audience attitude and consumer behavior. This paper discussed blog advertising</p><p>  To sum up, essentially, blog advertising has the essential attribute of general advertising and consist of

29、spread Basic elements. The dependency of speaking, blog advertising from belong to advertising network, is a new kind of Internet advertising should be use, possesses the general characteristics of online advertising, al

30、so has its unique advantage. If use the traditional advertising concepts to measure blog advertising, we will deny features and the most valuable part of Blog advertising be</p><p>  The form of blog adverti

31、sing</p><p>  As a form of online advertising, blog advertising has the general properties of online advertising. According to different forms of advertising to the blog ads are as follows:</p><p&

32、gt;  (1) Blog web sites and the Internet advertising in web pages </p><p>  The same as the Internet advertising, Blog still possesses traditional gateway website properties. This form of advertising is used

33、 in traditional forms of online advertising, such advertising is common in real terms in online advertising. Used in the form of online advertising network banner (Banner) Advertising, buttons (Button) ads, pop-up window

34、 (Pop Up windows) advertising. Usually produces a good online advertising above the blog page or click browse for users to transfer advertising info</p><p>  (2) Released in the form of advertising</p>

35、;<p>  This advertisement, compared with the former type, more covert, more Soft technology. Blogger joined blog with voluntary advertising alliance, advertisements in blogs, and get into advertising fees. Blogger

36、s content in the show Bowen advertiser product information and advertising to product information organically into blog post by writing blog posts. Released in the form of blog advertising bright, this advertisement colo

37、ur of individual character more likely to impress the audience blog identi</p><p>  (3) Blog link advertising </p><p>  Blog link advertising is a common forms of advertising in blog site, adver

38、tising use Super link of network, the audience by clicking on the link to go directly to the advertiser's Web page. The link location of advertisements has many ways, usually on the "my blog template links"

39、 column, also can put in blog post. According to individual interest, audience can decide whether click advertising links. The ads have the minimum of interference to the blog visitors, and the forms of advertising is si

40、</p><p>  (4) Featured Topics blog</p><p>  As the name suggests, enterprise feature blog is enterprise established itself blog, enterprise feature blog has the function of advertising and it is

41、 a means of blog marketing. Enterprise topic blog is both a blog and a advertising, it can represent the essence of blog, and reflect blog advertising characteristic. Enterprise topic blog is mainly used in enterprise pr

42、oduct and brand image publicity and promotion. Enterprise of virtual identity on the network have an equal exchange to users and g</p><p>  Enterprise topic blog in large enterprise marketing plays an import

43、ant role. In the blog birthplace of beauty Countries, many large enterprises have built their own enterprise project blog, conduct blog marketing communication activities. Topics such as Microsoft set up a business blog,

44、 to strengthen exchanges with industry professionals and improve the Microsoft brand in the industry's influence and visibility; General Motors has a corporate blog topic, the use of this information release platf<

45、;/p><p>  Development process of Blog advertising</p><p>  The production and development of Blog advertising is both the development of network technology products and a blog popular and commercia

46、l results. In "universal all blog" boom drive, Blog users to create a stunning hits on the Internet, the commercial value has become increasingly prominent blog, blog advertising is rapidly becoming a major pro

47、fit model. Our advertising has undergone a blog from scratch, from small to large process. During the development of blog advertising, a number of landm</p><p>  November 2005, and the information network to

48、 1,000 yuan per month the price of advertising in the IT person Shi Hongbo personal blog ads to run for three months, this is the first in the personal ads on the blog site, marking the China blog advertising began to gr

49、ow. Since then, the development ushered in a new situation in blog advertising.</p><p>  February 2006, film star Xu Jinglei's Sina blog traffic exceeded 10 million, Sina attracted huge advertising value

50、 of their Web sites and advertisers have concerns. But in terms of advertising costs divided, but because no suitable model caused by the ad into celebrity blog and disputes between the interests of hosting site. Subsequ

51、ently, and information network set up a "blog ad network," which is the first blog advertising agency platform. Then, and News blog advertising network and CITIC Bank</p><p>  March 2006, Xiamen sc

52、holar in IT sector blog - "win the general blog" on the delivery of thousands of advertising, personal blog, which was then acquired the domestic largest single advertising revenue.</p><p>  Since

53、then, some companies realize that a blog important role as a marketing tool and started using blog for marketing, the initial attempt. Rising and information such as blog post in the image of advertising, such as Amazon

54、have launched excellent cooperation with the blog network. Since then, the blog advertising embarked on rapid development.</p><p>  Blog advertising in a short period of few years has been rapid development.

55、 Currently, the blog advertising platform have created a lot of blog ad network set up, blog, advertising agencies have begun to appear and gradually moving towards the right track, my blog advertising into a new period

56、of rapid development.</p><p>  Ⅳ The problems of Blog advertising</p><p>  Blog advertising as a new form of advertising, the spread has its own unique advantages. But behind the development of

57、the advertisement in the blog there are still many problems, these problems are not well resolved, will affect the harmonious relationship between advertising polyhedra, constraints blog advertising development. Therefor

58、e, when they saw their own blog advertising advantages, but also analysis of the development problems in the process to facilitate the development of faster and </p><p>  The regulation Blog advertising <

59、/p><p>  Advertising regulatory issues related to healthy and harmonious development of advertising. Need to regulate traditional media advertising, the lack of a strong "gatekeeper" of the blog ads n

60、eed more supervision. Blog advertising communication in the process, "the gatekeeper of blog advertising play a regulatory role. The so-called" gatekeeper ", refers to the process of information disseminat

61、ion mechanisms or a controlling individual. However, because blog is" a person is not The editorial voic</p><p>  Characteristics of the virtual network, online advertising has been the industry's r

62、egulatory problems, blog ads as well. Because of poor supervision, bloggers may get more ads for the advertisers pay for the hype, there is false or deceptive advertising information. In the United States and Japan, has

63、been the subject of complaints in the case of blog advertising. At present, monitoring specifically for blog advertising content relevant laws and regulations has not been clear, the content of bl</p><p>  2

64、. The credibility problem of Blog advertising</p><p>  Credibility is a measure of media value the important basis for the media to conduct safety and life of the party. Compared with the traditional mainstr

65、eam media, the network caused by the anonymity features of the credibility of online media is not high. Driven by commercial interests in false advertising messages, may be to lower the credibility of online media. Comme

66、rcial interests and the combination of blog advertising messages may appear even cause a false deceptive advertising blog to mis</p><p>  Birthplace of the United States in the blog, fraud blog similar to ha

67、ve occurred, seriously affecting trust in blog advertising. If a beverage brands in the promotion period for a new product, set up a special blog platform, in the blog ads. A large number of bloggers invited to write the

68、 new product-related blog posts bloggers use their products in the form of experience to record notes in a blog, attracting a large number of users browsing. Later, it was discovered blogger arrangements with ad</p>

69、;<p>  3.The effectiveness assessment of Blog advertising </p><p>  Concerned about the advertising, while advertisers pay more attention to ads. Advertisers paid advertising, of course, want to maxim

70、ize the effect of blog advertising. 19th century John ? Wameinake successful entrepreneurs once said: "I clearly know that they spend half the cost of advertising is wasted, but the problem is I do not know which ha

71、lf is wasted?" In the blog ads, advertisers are also concerned about the effect of blog advertising. Performance Evaluation of traditional media advertis</p><p>  The effect of online advertising with t

72、raditional assessment is different, the effect of assessment blog advertising is particularly difficult, more complex than traditional online advertising. Blog advertising a multi-modal communication, both within the sco

73、pe of mass communication "advertisement", there are a small minority within the "narrow divisions", as well as between individuals of the "word of mouth" publicity, plus multi-dimensional pa

74、radigm of advertising communication big blog unpred</p><p>  Although advertisers see the enormous potential value of blog advertising, due to lack of appropriate advertising blog advertising effectiveness e

75、valuation system, many advertisers the effectiveness of blog advertising remains skeptical of the use of advertising media blog takes a positive attitude is not wait and see. The effect of establishing a scientific evalu

76、ation system, advertisers change the attitude of blog advertising, blog advertising it on the smooth development of positive and impor</p><p> ?、?The Strategies of solving the problem of blog advertising<

77、/p><p>  1. Strengthen the supervision of blog advertising, blog advertising solution</p><p>  The so-called problem of blog advertising, blog advertising is spread in the process, the impact of ad

78、vertising polygonal harmonious relations, and constraints hinder the effective operation of blog advertising and healthy development of the advertising. Problem mainly in the blog advertising content, such as false adver

79、tising blog, blog advertising malicious comments, fraud advertising, paid advertising and other spam messages. Question the existence of blog advertising blog advertising is imba</p><p>  Complex form of the

80、 spread of blog advertising, blog, personalized and liberalization of the liberalization of the dissemination of information provided, advertising information in the "gatekeeper" missing or weak power transmiss

81、ion network, transmission, and this is the problem provided a generation of blog advertising growth soil. Personal information posted on the blog can not only spread through the channels of interpersonal communication, b

82、ut also through group communication and mass commun</p><p>  2. Create a blog media credibility and enhance the credibility of blog advertising</p><p>  As mentioned above, the anonymity of the

83、network characteristics that make the blog credibility is not high compared with the traditional media, the problem there is a lot of advertising to your blog also greatly affect the credibility and trust in the audience

84、. Strengthen the supervision to solve the problem blog advertising, blog advertising to enhance the credibility of an important way. In addition, the credibility of the media to create blog, blog advertising will also he

85、lp to enhance credi</p><p>  CCTV as a powerful "endorsement" effect, as new media blog Only the strong backing of media credibility as a support, only possible spread of the influence of blog adve

86、rtising, blog ads to enhance credibility. As a representative of the portal site Sina.com, more emphasis on building the credibility of the media, in Sina's influence in marketing communications, Sina had already pro

87、posed to "influence" theory, emphasizing the credibility of media influence on the importance of advertising communi</p><p>  3. Improve ad performance evaluation system to ensure the effective fun

88、ctioning of blog advertising</p><p>  Advertising effect measurement is a complete course of the campaign necessary and important content, it runs through the entire campaign from beginning to end, and the t

89、est is a measure of the success of advertising campaigns to raise the level of an important means of advertising operations. Advertising effectiveness is an extremely complex phenomenon, the establishment of a scientific

90、 and effective advertising effectiveness evaluation system is the inevitable blog advertising science operation</p><p>  Blog advertising effectiveness evaluation can draw on the effectiveness of traditional

91、 online advertising assessment approach, but it is the effect of online advertising with traditional assessment approach is different. Different forms of blog advertising should be the effect of different metrics. Theref

92、ore, the effect of blog advertising should establish a mature assessment of the operability of the effect of strong evaluation standards.</p><p><b>  我國博客廣告研究</b></p><p><b>  選

93、題背景</b></p><p>  近年來,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)產(chǎn)業(yè)在我國發(fā)展迅猛,中國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)絡(luò)信息中心(CNNIC)發(fā)布的《第25次中國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)絡(luò)發(fā)展?fàn)顩r統(tǒng)計(jì)報(bào)告》數(shù)據(jù)顯示,截至2009年12月,我國網(wǎng)民規(guī)模已達(dá)3.84億,較2008年底增長8600萬人,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)普及率進(jìn)一步提升,年增長率達(dá)到28.9%。蓬勃發(fā)展的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)帶來了規(guī)模巨大的網(wǎng)絡(luò)市場。隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的飛速發(fā)展和普及,繼E-MAIL、BBS、IM之后,博客一躍成


95、活躍程度進(jìn)一步提高,經(jīng)常更新博客的用戶比例為62.7%,活躍博客作者規(guī)模達(dá)到1.13億。蓬勃發(fā)展的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)推動(dòng)了博客的產(chǎn)生和發(fā)展,博客已經(jīng)成為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的基礎(chǔ)應(yīng)用,用戶群規(guī)模的增大,應(yīng)用率趨于穩(wěn)定,</p><p>  作為網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒體的一種新形式,博客擁有自身獨(dú)特的魅力,發(fā)揮著傳統(tǒng)媒體所沒有的優(yōu)勢。伴隨著博客的發(fā)展,博客廣告也應(yīng)運(yùn)而生并呈現(xiàn)出蓬勃發(fā)展之勢,網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的不斷更新也使其處于日新月移的變化中。博客廣告應(yīng)用的快速發(fā)

96、展需要理論的跟進(jìn),如何理性認(rèn)識這一新的廣告形式,挖掘其潛在的商業(yè)價(jià)值,更好地把握其發(fā)展的規(guī)律,已經(jīng)成為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)應(yīng)用中比較緊迫的課題。</p><p>  目前國內(nèi)對博客廣告的研究還很薄弱,人們對博客廣告還處于認(rèn)識的初級階段,有必要開展對博客廣告的研究,以達(dá)到理論上的跟進(jìn)和觀照。</p><p><b>  二、選題價(jià)值</b></p><p> 

97、 作為一種全新的廣告方式和網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷工具,博客廣告憑借獨(dú)特的優(yōu)勢表現(xiàn)出強(qiáng)大的活力和良好的發(fā)展前景,具有很高的研究價(jià)值,加強(qiáng)對博客廣告的認(rèn)知,力求對中國廣告業(yè)的經(jīng)營實(shí)踐和廣告理論的發(fā)展有所助益。這一研究具有重要的</p><p>  理論意義與現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。</p><p>  首先,有助于人們更好地認(rèn)識博客廣告。博客廣告作為廣告發(fā)展的一種新形式,出現(xiàn)的時(shí)間不長,人們對博客廣告還停留在初識階段,沒

98、有形成全面的認(rèn)識,影響博客廣告的廣泛使用和長遠(yuǎn)發(fā)展。筆者在前人研究的基礎(chǔ)上,對博客廣告進(jìn)行了較為全面系統(tǒng)的闡述,有利于人們更好地認(rèn)識博客廣告,把握博客廣告運(yùn)作規(guī)律。</p><p>  其次,對廣告學(xué)理論研究是一種有益的補(bǔ)充?,F(xiàn)代廣告學(xué)的研究內(nèi)容包括廣告理論研究、廣告歷史研究和廣告應(yīng)用研究。目前對新媒體廣告尤其是網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告的理論研究還很薄弱,開展對博客廣告的研究,有助于豐富和完善網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告的研究內(nèi)容,拓展廣告學(xué)的研究


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