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1、<p><b>  英文翻譯2</b></p><p><b>  外文原文出處:</b></p><p>  Reza Esmi .Richard Ennals,Knowledge management in construction companies in the UK. AI & Soc, 2009, 24: 197–2

2、03</p><p>  英國建筑公司的知識管理</p><p>  前言:英國建筑行業(yè)的性質</p><p>  第一個作者是一位在建筑業(yè)有豐富經驗的設計師和管理者,他和阿富汗流浪的工人在一起工作。沒有知識管理系統(tǒng)的管理是特別的。假設英國的建筑業(yè)非常發(fā)達的:它是有競爭性的,伴隨著高風險和低利潤。大多數的建筑項目都是獨特的和快速發(fā)展的:組織是動態(tài)的,而且常常需要重組

3、(Oglesby .1989;Sauer .2001)。高資本投資在直到項目結束還沒有回報也是必要的。</p><p>  建筑行業(yè)都采用那些職業(yè)背景和文化多樣化的勞動力?!叭耸撬麄冏畲筚Y產”(Carillo.2004),在這一技術含量低,勞動力密集的行業(yè),他們是很難管理的(Pathirage.2007)。在過去的20年里,很多大型建筑公司都經歷了一個時期的重大變革,在施工過程中成為了管理者而不成為那些勞工的雇主

4、。(Langford .1995)。</p><p>  Luu(2008)表明越南和其他發(fā)展中國家建筑事務所的人力資源管理和現(xiàn)場管理是“Achilles’ heel”。英國的建筑公司正在失去知識。在項目結束時更能改變他們的工作和公司的是工人的誠實而不是公司的誠信。項目是暫時的,那些工人會項目結束后獲得經驗教訓,在一個項目中改變,分割那些有組織的知識。</p><p>  英國建筑工程行業(yè)

5、包括房屋建筑的總產量保持穩(wěn)定是有助于維護工作得到進一步的發(fā)展。自申奧以來建筑業(yè)在蓬勃發(fā)展,其中有改造舊建筑,興建新建筑和交通運輸。</p><p>  信貸緊縮和經濟衰退將會影響奧運交付管理局(ODA)方案的財政可行性。Lawrence Waterman,ODA中頭部的健康和安全,指出“政府花錢建造基礎設施,和基礎設施的長期施工周期,意味著一年的信貸緊縮對建筑公司幾乎沒有任何影響,因為他的工程可以持續(xù)數年”(Wa

6、terman)。</p><p>  項目需要勞動者,高技術工人,管理人員,文職人員,建筑師,工程師。2010年建筑業(yè)中工人的數量會提高到280萬人。建筑公司裁員是為了削減成本和生存,主要是以減少直接勞動者和臨時員工為主。Waterman認為一些大公司會保留他們的高技術員工。 由直接管理者帶領分包單位,這需要經歷一定風險但具有較好的靈活性,不過它需要做得協(xié)調工作會更復雜。承包商必須保持高度的靈活性且具備大量的流動

7、勞動力,并且需要具備管理能力和專業(yè)能力,以及高技術的人力資源和KM(Raiden 2004)。</p><p>  英國建筑文化受年輕人,男人和白色勞動力的影響。創(chuàng)新是最適合這均勻勞動力的。Barthorpe (1999)指出,“建筑行業(yè)隨便的、分立的、層次的性質說明在這個行業(yè)沒有能力做協(xié)調工作,在遇到普通的問題時用同種的方法處理,比如培訓,質量標準,教育,研究和開發(fā),創(chuàng)新,技能檢定,公共關系,營銷和政府的游說。

8、”</p><p>  建筑公司都在努力填補空缺。英國工人的技術短缺意味著需要依靠其他國家來填補。有10%的建筑空缺可能被東歐人填補滿,這樣就抑制了他們工資的增長。在英國新的流動工人在沒有做過不正式的或臨時的工作之前通常不會參加正式的建筑工作,因為進入大公司很困難,比如需要有在英國的工作經驗和推薦信。新一代的員工有男友女還有其他不同民族的群體。員工的多樣化可以幫助公司在將來有更好地發(fā)展和創(chuàng)新。倫敦奧運會提供了一個

9、平臺來提高產能和才能,它是通過多樣化和吸收不同的技術,和對將來的一些明確的和隱性的知識。在奧運會結束之后,那些新的勞動力將回家并且?guī)ё咚麄兊慕涷灪椭R。改變的速度帶來了困難。流動員工在公司之間的知識方面起到了至關重要的作用。技能和知識的短缺,低質的員工滿意度提供了一個挑戰(zhàn)(Dainty 2008)。</p><p>  低迷的經濟有助于大公司的招聘,因為房屋建造商在減少和金融危機還覆蓋了原本就缺少的技術工人。公司

10、需要雇傭有最低限度經驗的工人,并培養(yǎng)他們的技能。他們設法保留當前的工作人員和技術,用以避免培訓新人所需要的額外費用,并保持競爭地位?,F(xiàn)如今人力資本比金融資本更加重要。</p><p><b>  英文原文2</b></p><p>  Knowledge management in construction companies in the UK</p>

11、<p>  Reza Esmi .Richard Ennals</p><p>  1 Introduction: the nature of the construction industry in the UK</p><p>  The first author is an experienced architect and manager in the construc

12、tion industry in Iran, working with Afghan migrant workers. Management is ad hoc, without Knowledge management (KM) systems. The hypothesis is that the UK construction industry is much more advanced: it is competitive, w

13、ith high risk and low profit margins. Most construction projects are unique and fast moving: organizations are dynamic, and often restructured (Oglesby et al.1989; Sauer et al.2001). High capital investment i</p>

14、<p>  The construction industry employs a diverse workforce,in occupational background and culture. ‘‘People are their greatest asset’’ (Carillo et al. 2004), in this low-tech, labour intensive industry, but they ar

15、e difficult to manage (Pathirage et al. 2007). ‘‘Most large construction companies have undergone a period of significant organizational change over the last 20 years, becoming managers of the construction</p><

16、;p>  process rather than direct labour employers’’ (Langford et al.1995).</p><p>  Luu et al. (2008) indicate that poor human resource management and ineffective site management are the ‘‘Achilles’ heel’’

17、 of construction firms in Vietnam, and in other developing countries. In the UK, construction companies are losing knowledge. Workers are project loyal,rather than company loyal, and more likely to change their job and c

18、ompany at the project end. Projects are temporary;the people, and lessons learned, are dispersed when the project ends, and changed during a project, fragmenti</p><p>  In the UK construction and engineering

19、 industry,excluding home building, overall output has remained steady, helped by a rise in repairs. Construction has flourished since the successful Olympic bid, with renovation for old buildings, constructing new buildi

20、ngs, and transport.</p><p>  The credit crunch and recession will affect the financial viability of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) programme. Lawrence Waterman, Head of Health and Safety at ODA, indica

21、tes that: ‘‘Government spending on infrastructure,and the long lead times for infrastructure, means that a year old credit crunch is having virtually no impact on construction firms’ viability, order books, etc. It may d

22、o in a few years’ time’’ (Waterman).</p><p>  Projects require labourers, high skilled workers, managers,clerical staff, architects, and engineers. The number of workers in construction was forecast to rise

23、to 2.8 million workers by 2010. Construction companies downsize in order to cut their costs and survive, cutting their direct labourers and using a casual workforce. Waterman states that major companies are retaining the

24、ir high-skilled employees. Directly employed managers lead outsourced contractors. This allows the contractors to pass </p><p>  projects more complex. Contractors have to maintain a highly flexible and mobi

25、le workforce, with managerial and professional capabilities, and highly skilled human resource and KM (Raiden et al. 2004).</p><p>  The culture of construction in the UK was influenced by its young, male, a

26、nd white workforce. Innovation with this homogeneous workforce was modest. Barthorpe et al.(1999) noted that ‘‘the casual, fragmented and hierarchical nature of the construction industry illustrates the incapability of t

27、he industry to operate in a co-ordinated, homogeneous way when dealing with universal issues such as training,</p><p>  quality standards, education, research and development,innovation, skills certification

28、, public relations, marketing and government lobbying.’’</p><p>  Construction companies are struggling to fill vacancies.The shortage of skilled UK workers has meant relying on other countries to fill the g

29、ap. Up to 10% of construction vacancies may have been filled by Eastern Europeans,restraining wage growth. New migrant workers do not usually join formal construction in the UK without first working in informal and casua

30、l jobs, because major companies have barriers for entry, such as experience in the UK, and references. The new generation of employees comp</p><p>  The downturn helps major companies to recruit, as house bu

31、ilders have downsized, and the financial crisis has covered the shortage of skilled workers. Companies need to hire workers with minimum experience, and develop their skills. They seek to retain current workers and skill


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