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1、<p>  中文3600漢字,2000單詞,1.2萬(wàn)英文字符</p><p>  出處:Mejri K, Umemoto K. Small- and medium-sized enterprise internationalization: Towards the knowledge-based model[J]. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2

2、010, 8(2):156-167.</p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目:Small- and medium-sized enterprise internationalization: Towards the knowledge-based model  &

3、lt;/p><p>  出 處: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2010, 8(2):156-167. </p><p>  作 者: Kais Mejri & Katsuhiro Umemoto

4、 </p><p><b>  原 文:</b></p><p>  Small- and medium-sized enterprise internationalization: Towards the knowledge-based model</p><p>  K

5、ais Mejri & Katsuhiro Umemoto</p><p><b>  Abstract </b></p><p>  Firm internationalization research has grown throughout the last 50 years resulting in a number of theories and

6、 models. Although each theory and model enables us to see some parts of the picture, a holistic approach is needed to provide us a full picture. The so-called knowledge-based models proposed so far drew upon the transact

7、ion cost theory, the social capital theory, and the knowledge management models. This paper reviews previous research and builds a more comprehensive knowledge-based mod</p><p>  Keywords Internationalizatio

8、n . SME . Knowledge-based model . Market . Network . Experience . Culture . Opportunity recognition</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  Small-and medium-sized enterprise internationalization has been

9、 studied from a variety of perspectives. Theories and models have been proposed to explain the international involvement of the firm, including: the economic theory, the process or stages models, the innovation-related m

10、odels (I-models), the pre-export and export-start models, the network theory, and the international entrepreneurship theory. Each of these theories and models has shed light on some aspect of internationalization and <

11、;/p><p>  However, previous research in this field has limitations mainly concerning the focus of many studies on some aspect of internationalization and the neglect to consider other aspects. This has resulted

12、 in clarifying some aspects, but still the full picture of internationalization needs to be clarified. Indeed, some research that reviewed the literature about firm internationalization has suggested a holistic approach

13、(Coviello and McAuley 1999; Leonidou and Katsikeas 1996; Ruzzier et al. 2006) to</p><p>  The attempts to create a holistic approach about internationalization have already been started (i.e., Bell et al. 20

14、03; Etemad 2004). But there is still a need for models that succeed to integrate the main findings of previous literature.</p><p>  This paper is an attempt to present small and medium enterprise (SME) inte

15、rnationalization from a knowledge perspective, trying to be more integrative of previous findings. The aim is to present a knowledge-based model of SME internationalization.</p><p>  To attain that objective

16、, we will answer three questions: (1) what are the theories and models of firm internationalization that have been proposed so far? (2) Why there is a need for a new perspective to explain internationalization and partic

17、ularly for the knowledge-based perspective? (3) What are the ‘knowledge factors’ and the model proposed?</p><p>  Theories and models of firm internationalization</p><p>  For few decades, autho

18、rs concerned with internationalization of companies have attempted to define internationalization. One stream sees internationalization as a process in which firms increase their involvement in foreign markets (Johanson

19、and Vahlne 1977; Welch and Luostarinen 1988).1 For another stream, internationalization is the adaptation of firms’ operations to international environments (Calof and Beamish 1995).</p><p>  While the debat

20、e about a precise definition of internationalization is still continuing, the stance adopted in this paper is that internationalization is the expansion of the firm’s operations to foreign markets. Internationalization i

21、s not necessary a process, it could be resulting from punctual and independent action. Accordingly, the review of papers about firm internationalization will cover their different actions as internationalization.</p&g

22、t;<p>  Before reviewing some important research work about SME internationalization, it is important to see the theories and models that have been proposed to explain the international business. Actually, studies

23、 about SME internationalization are relatively new comparing to those about multinational companies or about trade between nations. While economic theories have been proposed since more than two centuries, theories about

24、 SME internationalization have started about two decades ago.</p><p>  Economic theories are the first to explain international trade between nations (i.e., Smith 1776; Ricardo 1817). From the middle of the

25、 twentieth century, research began to focus on the microeconomic level. Economic theories have studied the internationalization of multinational enterprises (MNEs).These theories are mainly the product life cycle theory

26、(Vernon 1966), the transaction cost theory (Williamson 1975), the internalization theory (Buckley and Casson 1976), and the eclectic theory (Dunn</p><p>  Meanwhile, in the 1960s, a behavioral theory of the

27、firm was proposed by Cyert and March (1963) opening new explanations of firm internationalization. Building on that theory, Aharoni (1966) proposed the foreign investment theory, explaining the decision of US MNEs to inv

28、est abroad. During the 1970s, research was carried out in Nordic countries (i.e., Johanson and Vahlne 1977; Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul 1975) about internationalization patterns. This research has resulted in Uppsala m

29、odels (U</p><p>  Other research studies, drawing on Roger’s (1962) work about the diffusion of innovations, proposed innovation-related models (I-models; i.e., Lee and Brasch 1978; Reid 1981; Simmonds and S

30、mith 1968). Another stream tried to explain pre- export (i.e. Olson and Wiedersheim-Paul 1978; Wiedersheim-Paul et al. 1978) and export-start phases (i.e., Dichtl et al. 1984; Simpson and Kujawa 1974). In the 1980s, stud

31、ies began to use network theory (i.e., Johanson and Mattsson 1986; Johanson and Vahlne 1990</p><p>  At the beginning of the 21st century, some integrative models of firm internationalization were proposed (

32、i.e., Bell et al. 2003; Etemad 2004). The most recent models are the knowledge-based models of internationalization (i.e., Kuivalainen et al. 2003; Saarenketo et al. 2004).</p><p>  These theories and model

33、s have clarified different aspects about firm internation- alization. However, there is still a need to see the whole picture.</p><p>  A knowledge perspective to internationalization</p><p> 

34、 While debate exists regarding how to integrate the findings about SME internationalization in one model, the stance adopted in this paper is that a knowledge perspective enables to be more integrative in explaining the

35、phenomenon. That means previous explanations of firm internationalization are seen through the lens of knowledge.</p><p>  During the 1990s, the knowledge-based view of the firm emerged. In this stream, know

36、ledge constitutes the most critical resource for surviving and developing. While some research work focuses on organizational knowledge creation (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995), other views focus on individual knowledge and k

37、nowledge application such as Grant (1996).</p><p>  In this paper, the choice of knowledge perspective is explained by mainly three reasons. First, SMEs compared to big companies have relatively less resourc

38、es, which make knowledge very vital for their survival and growth. The lack of tangible resources has to be compensated by intangible resource, that is knowledge, or it will be difficult to compete. Second, in our view,

39、knowledge has been since thousands of years the core of human achievements. With this stance, we share Grant’s (2000) view th</p><p>  A knowledge-based model of internationalization</p><p>  Th

40、e scope of the knowledge-based model presented below is one particular market and not all the markets in which the firm is involved in.4 The criterion based on which the phases were proposed is the level of experience: p

41、re-internationalization (no experience), novice internationalization (short experience), and experienced internationalization (long experience).</p><p>  Our knowledge-based model of internationalization con

42、sists of three phases during which four kinds of knowledge impact these phases. These phases are the pre-internationalization phase, the novice-internationalizing phase, and the experienced internationalizing phase. As t

43、he border between novice internationalizing and experienced internationalizing is difficult to delineate, we did not make a clear separation between them. Here, by novice, it is meant the person who is just experiencing

44、for the</p><p>  Turning now to knowledge factors, based on literature about SME internationalization, four factors have been found to be influential on the internationalization process. These include market

45、 knowledge and experiential knowledge, which is composed of network knowledge, cultural knowledge, and entrepreneurial knowledge. </p><p>  We will discuss first the point of the categorization of know

46、ledge. In fact, the categorization of knowledge is useful for understanding the effect of knowledge on the internationalization of the firms. A possible categorization is based on the source of acquisition of knowledge.

47、Accordingly, there are two types of knowledge: one is the most objective or explicit and one is more tacit or experiential (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995). The objective knowledge comes from written documents, reports, and e&

48、lt;/p><p>  knowledge which includes different types of knowledge.</p><p>  Market knowledge refers to objective or explicit information about foreign markets. It includes the information about for

49、 instance the market size, the competitors, the regulations, and so.</p><p>  Experiential knowledge of foreign markets has been considered as essential for firm internationalization. This type of knowledge

50、results from practice and “can only be learned through personal experience” (Penrose 1966).</p><p>  There is growing evidence from previous studies showing that SME network is influential on internationaliz

51、ation in both manufacturing (Holmlund and Kock 1998) as well as service sector (Sharma and Johanson 1987).</p><p>  Network knowledge involves both social and business networks that facilitate the internati

52、onalization of the firm. The network knowledge here refers the network itself (as the locus of knowledge).</p><p>  The acquisition of cultural knowledge, as the experiential knowledge, starts when the firm

53、begins its internationalization. The firm gradually knows about how to deal, from a cultural perspective, with partners in the foreign market. As the firm acquire more and more cultural knowledge, the intensity of its ut

54、ilization increases.</p><p>  Entrepreneurial knowledge refers to knowledge of the existence of opportunities and how to exploit them. In fact, opportunity recognition is critical for the survival and the g

55、rowth of the firm. Shane (2004) defines entrepreneurial opportunity as “a situation in which a person can create a new means-ends framework for recombining resources that the entrepreneur believes will yield a profit” (p

56、.18). Opportunity recognition can be considered as a skill, but it becomes useful only when knowing how </p><p>  Conclusion</p><p>  SME internationalization literature has been growing over th

57、e second half of the twentieth century. Theories and models have explained some aspects about internationalization. From about the beginning of the 21st century, some holistic models have been proposed. Building on the a

58、ssumption that knowledge constitutes a valuable resource for the activities of the firm, a knowledge-based model is proposed. In this model, we included knowledge-related factors which have been shown to be si

59、</p><p>  Four factors have been proposed, which are market knowledge, network knowledge, cultural knowledge, and entrepreneurial knowledge. The acquisition and the intensity of utilization of each one duri

60、ng the phases of internationalization is presented in the model.</p><p>  This model is a step added to previous steps done so far in order to understand SME internationalization from a knowledge perspective

61、. Future research could tackle the aspect of the degree of tacitness of the knowledge factors proposed in this model. It could be possible to test the impact of the variables in the model by conducting an empirical study

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