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1、<p><b>  中文3620字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)</p><p>  外 文 翻 譯</p><p>  外文出處 University Robert Schuman, </p><p>  Strasbourg III Insti

2、tutd’Etudes Politiques </p><p>  外文作者 Brigitte Godbillon </p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Credit Risk Management in Banks:</p><

3、;p>  Hard Information, Soft Information and</p><p>  Manipulation</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  Information remains a crucial input for the banking industry. Banks are confronte

4、d to information’s asymmetry problems because of borrowers’ informational opacity. This opacity varies borrower’s type, SMEs being considered as the most opaque (because of lack of public information). In order to resolv

5、e this informational asymmetry, the bank can acquire two types of information: hard information, which is external, via public information (balance sheet data, rating, scoring . ), and soft informati</p><p>

6、  Recent research on risks management in banks puts forward the importance of information’s treatment. Hakenes (2004) considers the banker as a “specialist” of information’s treatment and risk’s monitoring. Danielsson et

7、 al. (2002) analyze bank’s choice of risks management system, investigating different levels of power delegation implying more or less transmission of information. However, this stream of research doesn’t distinguish har

8、d and soft information.</p><p>  Therefore, this article investigates the impact of information’s type on the balance sheet structure and organization in terms of credit risk management of the bank. We propo

9、se a theoretical model of the credit decision within a principal-agent framework with a bank director (or a director of the credit risk department) and a credit officer (or a bank’s agency clerk). The director allocates

10、equity for Value at Risk coverage. He also decides on the officer’s budget, as well as her wage, which are</p><p>  We find several interesting results. We show that taking into account soft information in r

11、isk management can allow to economize equity for VaR coverage, under certain conditions. However, we also verify the existence of the soft information’s manipulation incentive by the officer. We then propose a wage schem

12、e to impeach this manipulation. The influence of soft information on banks’ organizational structure is modelled through a specific salary package. The comparison of solutions from the two </p><p>  The rest

13、 of this article is organized as follows. In section 2, we present elements allowing to distinguish between hard and soft information, as well as recent theoretical research investigating information’s type influence on

14、banks’ organizational structure. The credit risk decision model is presented in section 3. Sections 4 and 5 provides results in the hard information’s case, and deduce pros and cons of soft information, in particular the

15、 existence of a manipulation incentive in presence o</p><p>  Regarding soft information, its most particular characteristic is to be tightly linked to the environment and context where it was produced. In t

16、he banking framework, this environment is the bank-borrower relationship, which, through multiple interactions in time, gives access to private and confidential information, superior to publicly available information (Be

17、rger, 1999; Boot, 2000; Berger and Udell, 2002; Elsas, 2005). Thus, soft information has the advantage to increase the predictive capac</p><p>  The adaptation of the organizational structure to the type of

18、information used in banking has also received theoretical and empirical evidence. Stein (2002) investigates the influence of banks’ organizational structure on their optimal funds allocation’s decision. In a large bank,

19、processes of collecting and treating information, needed for credit decision, are separated. Thus, the information must be easily transmissible to superior hierarchical levels. Also, it should also be easily interpreta&l

20、t;/p><p>  versus non-hierarchical and decentralized). He then shows the existence of an adequacy between organizational structure and information type, allowing optimal funds’ allocation, through better incent

21、ives. Soft information is associated with decentralized organizations, because they provide the agent more power and authority. In such a framework, she has better incentives to make efficient use of her information in t

22、he funds’ allocation process. Hard information is associated with centralized org</p><p>  Several empirical studies confirm this theoretical evidence (Berger and Udell, 2002; Berger et al., 2001; Berger et

23、al., 2002a; Berger et al., 2005). In a bank-borrower relationship framework, information’s production and treatment is delegated to a credit officer, who therefore receives strong authority and power, because of possible

24、 soft information’s manipulation. In this context, the officer has a crucial position within the bank. Small, less hierarchical and decentralized organizations are </p><p>  Another strand of literature inve

25、stigates wages’ structure and budgets’ allocation role in driving proper incentives of credit officers in charge of information’s treatment. Bernardo et al. (2001) consider a risk-neutral firm with an investment project

26、for which optimal fund allocation depends on uncertain project’s quality. A manager can be hired in order to produce information about this quality. She enjoys private benefits from controlling the allocated budget and r

27、eports project’s non verifi</p><p>  Another model considers several agents within the same firm (Ozbas,2005). This author studies information asymmetries’ problems in a model of internal competition for res

28、ources between managers in a firm. These managers have access to information qualified as specific knowledge. The model focus on the concept of strategic communication between a principal - firm’s director - and the agen

29、ts - firm’s managers. These have a utility define on budget, thus inciting them to exacerbate return’s predict</p><p>  A study of information’s role in financial markets is provided by Ozerturk (2004). This

30、 author investigates the influence of wage scheme on funds manager incentives to acquire precise information. The wage scheme includes fees and is also indexed on managed fund’s returns. The fund manager - the agent - ex

31、ergues costly effort in order to observe assets’ return for the benefit of a investor - the principal. Her effort influence information’s precision, which is modelled through a signal. Precisio</p><p>  In w

32、hat follows, we aim at linking these two separate strands of literature, one dealing with the relationship between the type of information and organizational structure, and the other dealing with optimal wage in a princi

33、pal-agent framework with hidden information (?), focusing on the process of bank risk management organization.</p><p>  Information’s quality, produced by the bank, determines its risk taking characteristics

34、. Existing literature treats this problem with a distinction of hard and soft information (Petersen, 2004). Acquiring this information can be done through two methods: transaction lending or relationship lending. The for

35、mer can use statistical methods of hard information’s treatment. This type of information presents several advantages, as low cost, economies of scale and the possibility to measure Value at Ri</p><p>  In t

36、his article, we have focused on information’s type role in credit risk management in banks. In a principal-agent model with moral hazard with hidden information where a banker requires information on assets’ return in or

37、der to manage credit risk through equity allocation for VaR coverage, we show that using additional soft information allows to economize equity, thanks to soft information’s higher precision. However, this type of inform

38、ation being not verifiable, it requires to implement a p</p><p>  These results provide theoretical evidence on soft information’s advantage in credit risk management, as we show that VaR can be reduced, whi

39、ch allows to economize equity, even if the bank must implement a specific organizational structure and an adequate wage scheme.</p><p>  Source:University Robert Schuman, Strasbourg III Institut d’Etudes Pol

40、itiques</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  銀行信用風險管理:硬信息,軟信息與控制</p><p><b>  介紹:</b></p><p>  信息仍然是銀行業(yè)的關鍵投入點。面對銀行,仍然存在借款人的信息不透明與信息的不對稱問題。這種不透明在不同借款人的類型,


42、可查性,但也有非可操縱的劣勢。這種類型的信息可影響銀行的信貸風險管理,但也可能使銀行的組織結構,適應軟信息,以避免處理成本造成的后果和影響。</p><p>  在銀行的風險管理的最新研究提出了信息處理的重要性。哈格森(2004)認為是專家對信息的處理和風險的監(jiān)測的分析家對分析銀行的風險管理制度的選擇,調查不同層次的權力下放意味著多少的信息傳輸。但是,這種研究流派不區(qū)分硬信息和軟信息。</p>&l

43、t;p>  因此,本文探討了信息的資產負債表結構和組織形態(tài)的銀行信貸風險管理方面的影響。我們建議與銀行的董事(或信貸風險部主任)和信貸人員(或銀行的代理員)委托代理框架的信貸決策理論模型,主導在風險保障分配公平方面的價值。他還決定對有關人員的預算,包括工資,這都是一個信號函數(shù)的唯一方面或硬信息和軟信息相結合的基礎。信號之間差異的兩種類型的本質在于,更準確的核查其可操作性,以及它們的精確度。一個軟硬結合的信息更精確,比硬信息更利于參

44、考,但無法證實作為軟構件是否可操縱。因此,一個軟信息與隱藏的信息道德風險源是一個組織的修改關鍵,該銀行的潛在驅動以限制道德風險問題。</p><p>  我們發(fā)現(xiàn)一些有趣的結果。在考慮到風險管理軟信息的情況下可以允許在某些條件下節(jié)約風險保險的權益。然而,我們也驗證了軟信息的人員操縱激勵的存在,因此我們提出了一個工資計劃來彈劾這種操縱。關于銀行的組織結構是通過一個具體的薪酬待遇來仿照軟信息的影響。從兩個框架的解決方

45、案比較(硬信息與硬軟信息的組合),與數(shù)值模擬的實現(xiàn),證實了軟信息的組件可以提供一個優(yōu)勢。</p><p>  本文的其余部分組織如下:在第二節(jié),我們對現(xiàn)在銀行的組織結構元素允許區(qū)分軟,硬信息,以及最近的理論研究,及調查資料類型的影響。在第三節(jié)提出信貸風險決策模型。第4和第5節(jié)規(guī)定,從硬信息案件的結果,推導出一個基于軟信息的信號存在的優(yōu)點和缺點,特別是軟信息操縱激勵的存在。第六節(jié)為有關人員獎勵工資計劃操作并提出解決

46、問題。最后,從硬盤結果和軟硬結合的信息情況下進行比較,用數(shù)值解答,并在第7節(jié)提出,在第8節(jié)結束這篇文章。</p><p>  關于軟信息,其最特別的一點是緊密地聯(lián)系在一起的環(huán)境和背景。在銀行的框架下,這個環(huán)境是銀行借款人的關系通過長時間的相互作用,使之進入私人和機密的信息,公開資料的優(yōu)越性(伯杰,1999年;布特,2000年;伯杰和德爾,2002年;阿爾薩斯,2005年)。因此,軟信息的優(yōu)點是能增加硬信息的預測能


48、散,顯得更穩(wěn)定。該組織結構適應了在銀行使用的信息類型,也得到理論和經驗。斯坦因(2002)考察了銀行的組織結構對優(yōu)化資金配置的決策影響。在大型銀行,流程信息的收集和處理為信貸決策需要是分開的。因此,信息必須容易傳播到高級的層次水平。此外,還應該更容易解釋以統(tǒng)一的方式生產</p><p>  幾個實證研究用證據(jù)證實了這一理論(伯杰和德爾,2002; 伯杰,2001)。在銀行借款關系的框架下,信息的生產和處理委托給信

49、貸人員,因此誰獲得強大的權力和力量,就有可能對軟信息進行操縱。在這種情況下,有關人員需要在銀行內部有一個關鍵的位置。小型,低層次和更分散的組織關系更合適銀行。小銀行被認為具有銀行借款人長期合作關系的軟信息處理中框架的優(yōu)越能力(伯杰,2004;德?lián)P等人,2004;斯科特,2004)。當中小企業(yè)面臨外部資金的選擇時,他們通常喜歡選擇小銀行來減少信貸配給。</p><p>  調查的另一派別認為該利用工資結構和預算對信


51、種工資和預算的優(yōu)化組合情況下存在:低報項目的質量意味著沒有預算中,平均質量意味著預算中,但沒有在工資制度變量和高品質組別中意味著預算和工資計劃中的一個變量項目。</p><p>  另一種模式認為在同一公司(歐巴斯,2005年)有幾家代理人,具有在內部管理人員之間的競爭資源與在企業(yè)模型筆者研究的信息不對稱的問題。這些管理人員獲取信息的具體知識是合格的。公司的董事——代理——公司經理對概念之間的主要溝通模式是戰(zhàn)略重

52、點。這些具有實用定義的預算,加劇煽動他們對返回成本的預測,以增加獲得更多的資金的幾率。然而,他們的預言實現(xiàn)并非減少經理人的聲譽,戰(zhàn)略溝通之間的委托人和代理人的質量惡化與組織的整合以及兩種類型的代理人(好的和壞的)和兩個項目(高回報和低回報)類型的存在。不良代理人低回報項目的項目經理具有良好的確定性,可以有高或低回報的概率為p和1 - P的分別。歐巴斯(2005)研究多種類型的組織(有不同程度的整合)并認為在預算分配硬性規(guī)定下可以提高通信

53、的質量和效率,減少管理人員的內部競爭。集權可以提高工作效率,但只有當溝通是有效的時候。一個更高水平的集權意味著溝通的惡化,這仍然是有效分配資金的關鍵因素。</p><p>  一個信息在金融市場的研究中提供了作用(歐組特,2004)。筆者探討了基金管理人獎勵工資計劃的影響并獲得準確的信息。該計劃包括工資費用,也是對管理基金回報的索引。該通過基金經理——代理的努力,來觀察資產為一個投資者利益的回歸 ——這是最重要的

54、。它的努力影響信息的精度,這是通過一個信號建模來實現(xiàn)的。精密和努力以及信號的實現(xiàn)是不可觀察的主體。當市場的參與者有理性的預期時,一個線性工資的投資組合回報將鼓勵代理獲取更多的信息。由于資產價格對需求的依賴,影響經理人獲得更精確的信息的激勵機制。</p><p>  接下來,我們的目標是連接這兩個派別,一個處理之間的信息和組織結構類型之間的關系,以及最佳工資與其他交易在委托代理框架下的隱藏信息,重點是銀行風險管理的

55、組織過程。</p><p>  信息的質量是由銀行制定的決定其承擔風險大小的特點。現(xiàn)有文獻對待硬信息和軟信息(彼得森,2004年)區(qū)別這個問題中認為,獲取這些信息可以通過兩種方式:貸款或交易關系的貸款。前者可以使用硬信息的處理的統(tǒng)計方法。這種類型的信息呈現(xiàn)諸多優(yōu)勢,成本低,具備規(guī)模效益和可以在可能范圍內來衡量信用風險模型的風險值。另一方面,還獲得貸款提供的軟信息從而增加它對借款人素質的預測估計精度,而且意味著將有

56、操作的問題,因為這種類型的信息是無法證實的。</p><p>  在這篇文章中,我們著重于信息在銀行信貸風險管理中扮演的角色。在一個隱藏的信息中,有一個銀行家需要資產回報的資料,用以管理信貸風險,并通過股權的分配風險與保險道德風險建立委托代理模型,我們表明,通過其他信息,軟信息將節(jié)約股權,且使軟信息的精度更高。然而,這種類型的信息不被核查的,它需要實現(xiàn)一個特定的工資計劃以避免信貸人員進行操作。</p>


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