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1、<p><b>  附錄1 外文文獻(xiàn)</b></p><p>  Research on Waste Filling Technology and It s Matching</p><p>  Equipment in Coal Mining</p><p>  ZHANG Wen hai, ZHANG Ji xiong,ZHAO

2、 Ji Sheng,WEI Shu qun ,JU Feng</p><p>  1、The School of Information and Elect rical Engineering ,China University of Mining & Technology , Xuzhou ,Jiangsu 221116 , China ; </p><p>  2、Xingta

3、i Coal Mine,Hebei Jinniu Energy Group Co. Ltd , Xingtai , Hebei 054000 , China ;</p><p>  3、School of Mining and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China)<

4、;/p><p>  Abstract : When the waste stowing technique is used in coal mining , the waste conveyor has some problems which are </p><p>  frequent movement of the conveyor </p><p>  freq

5、uent dismounting of its frame </p><p>  continuous shortening of the conveyor belt </p><p>  4) the joint between the discharge end of the conveyor and the position where the wastes fill.Aiming

6、at these problems,the existing DSP1010/ 650 conveyor which was of the head-driving style was transformed into the tail-driving based on theoretical calculation , and an automatic tension device was installed for the tele

7、scopic belt conveyor . In addition , the waste filling technique was designed successf ully applied in Xingdong coal mine.The result shows that this matching equipment not only ca</p><p>  Key words : waste

8、filling ; filling roadway ; tail-driving ; automatic tense equipment ; waste conveyor ; filling technology</p><p>  Coal production with lots of solid waste gangue emissions, the traditional approach is to t

9、he surface by underground coal accumulation, forming the unique characteristics of gangue surface buildings "mountain".According to not complete count, the coal gangue piled up accumulated about 45 million t, l

10、arge waste mountains and land occupied more than 1,600 about 1, 5 million ha, but also to 1 year accumulation quantity, 5-2, 0 million t speed increase.Waste discharge for human survival environment </p><p>

11、  1 tail drive type coal conveyor design requirements.</p><p>  Coal gangue is filling coal mining and industrial buildings replacement coal exploitation, the square before heading for the coal gangue on fil

12、ling in coal, and then turn on lane on recovery of coal gangue roadway from inside to outside for filling.In the process of coal gangue, filling the filling of filling machine with filling, from external to the filling l

13、ane.As the coal gangue filling facilities can be filled with the belt, and through the back of automatic adjustment or in simple manually</p><p>  because of coal gangue hardness is larger, the choice should

14、 satisfy the gangue belt requirement of strength, .</p><p>  2) according to waste filling machine and filling of the need, retreats system.thus the conveyor belt should be able to adapt to the deviation of

15、filling, .</p><p>  3) coal conveyer with self-advance of filling out a move that, through the tension device realizes discharging bottles and filling of the right, </p><p>  4) to improve the d

16、isassembly and retracement speed, should try to reduce weight, head position.</p><p>  2 tail drive type coal conveyer parameters.</p><p>  Theoretical analysis and calculation 2.1. Tail driv

17、e type coal conveyer belt conveyor is the basis for the thorough reform drive mode, the parameters including bandwidth B, speed, driving the circumference of roller V, drive roller for its strength and power for making m

18、otor power N, analysis and calculation are as follows.</p><p>  1) speed and bandwidth B V.The best bandwidth and speed.Bandwidth that machine, covering widened, cost, but excessive increase speed, also can

19、bring negative effect, if needed, motor power will improve operating expenses.Another choice of bandwidth and the biggest chunk of the material.Speed is one of the important factors to choose motor speed, the correct cho

20、ice and the types of materials, also have a direct relationship with the bandwidth.According to the general coal geology condition, and r</p><p>  2) drive roller circle of its power.The circumference of the

21、 force driving drum saw its calculation of (1).</p><p>  Fu = gfl[ (2qB +qG)cosβ+qRO+qRU ] +qGLsinβ+Fs1+Fs2 , (1)</p><p>  Type: g for gravity acceleration, 9.81m/s2, .</p><p>  F f

22、or simulating the friction factor, L for conveyor length, m, .</p><p>  For every meters long belt qB/kg of quality, .</p><p>  For every meters long qG conveying material quality, kg/m, .</p

23、><p>  Beta is working Angle belt conveyor, (°), .</p><p>  QRO roller bearing branch for each part of the quality of spinning meters long, kg/m, .</p><p>  QRU for return branch

24、roller rotation every meters long, kg/quality of parts; m .</p><p>  Fs1 for special major resistance, kN, </p><p>  Fs2 special additional resistance, kN.</p><p>  drive roller for

25、 making power.Drive rollers power calculation formula for making saw type (2).Making = its v / 1000, (2).Type of v belt speed, for m/s.</p><p>  motor required power N.Motor power N calculation formula f

26、or see type (3).N = making/η m = its η / 1000 m, (3).Type in η m for transmission efficiency, general motors.85-0.95.</p><p>  2.2 equipment parameters.</p><p>  According to the test of coal mi

27、ne coal mining area filling, choose DSP1010/650 belt conveyor, its main parts are as follows: the transformation.1) reform drive device driver for the tail drive nose.He 2) SZL type extensible belt conveyor tensioning de

28、vice automatically.SZL type extensible belt conveyor by automatic tension device for hydraulic pump, taut oil cylinder, slow drawwork, explosive electric energy, and accessories, etc, and its principle of work is as tape

29、 appeared slack, tension dec</p><p>  3 coal gangue filling process design.</p><p>  3.1 test geological conditions.</p><p>  Coal mining site in filling XingDong coal industry squa

30、re and prior to the village to protect pillar.This area is located in the east, south China 760 - adjacent to the dark portal, to the north, east is the F21 fault deep mining coal mine.South area, average length 455 m wi

31、de area 680 m, on average, 30.94 million m2.This area NW29 toward NE2 ° seam, coal, ° en in the thickness of the coal seam average of 2 # 4.35 m, Angle and depth of coal seams 10 ° ~ 81 842.In simple struc

32、ture, stable coal se</p><p>  3.2 waste filling process.</p><p>  Coal mine filling process design, namely, the research method of filling is the key technical engineering application.Through th

33、e investigation and analysis of underground coal processing filling, scheme for transport, gangue, belt conveyor filling machine.And through the neighboring filling lane (this side of the coal roadway 15m in grouting rei

34、nforcement filling lane).3.2.1 waste filling lane.Coal seam roadway along the design of filling, filling lane for excavation was wide, high for 4.35 m (</p><p>  3.2.2 waste filling process.</p><p

35、>  Through investigation and analysis of coal mine, combining site selection (or filling technic development) below the 1: coal equipment developed by filling machine (6), TLL21 / cart machine, FDBZ21/6 dumper, K3200A

36、 to machine, DSP1010/650 tail drive type coal conveyer.Filling process is as follows: the gangue harvesters pusher is pushed into a tractor.Machine, double to coal gangue dumper by coal warehouse bottom storehouse, feede

37、r, the mouth will be reprinted to fill with coal transport, fillin</p><p>  3.2.3Three coal roadway filling process filling.</p><p>  Tail drive belt drive part of coal in zhangjiakou, fixed in

38、filling the tail of roadway exit, filling with coal roadway conveyor with tail lap.The client accepts from coal gangue, filling the lane with coal transporting conveyor and filling machine and filling of cohesion, as the

39、 unloading of filling, filling with coal gangue conveyor with filling machine, its outward constantly tension device makes the conveyor belt coal gangue shrink, filling work continuously.</p><p>  附錄2 外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯

40、</p><p>  矸石充填采煤工藝及配套設(shè)備研究</p><p>  張文海, 張吉雄 , 趙計(jì)生 , 魏樹群 , 巨 鋒</p><p>  1、中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)信息與電氣工程學(xué)院, 江蘇徐州 221116 ;</p><p>  2、河北金牛股份有限公司邢東煤礦, 河北邢臺 054000 ;</p><p> 

41、 3、中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)能源與安全工程學(xué)院, 江蘇徐州 221116)</p><p>  摘要: 矸石充填采煤對充填巷內(nèi)矸石運(yùn)輸設(shè)備有以下要求:矸石輸送機(jī)在矸石充填過程中不斷外移、機(jī)架不斷拆除、皮帶不斷縮短、機(jī)尾卸矸點(diǎn)與矸石充填部搭接問題等。通過理論計(jì)算與分析,將現(xiàn)有DSP1010/ 650 機(jī)頭驅(qū)動式膠帶輸送機(jī)改造為機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式,并安設(shè)可伸縮帶式輸送機(jī)自動張緊裝置;設(shè)計(jì)了矸石充填工藝,并在邢東礦井得到成功應(yīng)用。試驗(yàn)表

42、明:該配套設(shè)備不但完全滿足矸石充填采煤工藝系統(tǒng)對其性能要求,而且充填效率高、性能穩(wěn)定、拉緊裝置的可靠性強(qiáng)、運(yùn)行良好,解決了矸石充填配套設(shè)備影響充填速度的問題。該項(xiàng)技術(shù)實(shí)現(xiàn)了矸石井下處理與建筑物下煤炭資源的充分利用。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞: 矸石充填;充填巷;機(jī)尾驅(qū)動;自動張緊裝置;矸石輸送機(jī);充填工藝</p><p>  煤炭生產(chǎn)中伴隨著大量的固體廢棄物矸石的排放,其傳統(tǒng)的處理方式是

43、由井下提至地表堆積,形成煤礦特有的地表特征“建筑物”矸石山。據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計(jì),目前全國歷年累計(jì)堆放的煤矸石約45 億t ,規(guī)模較大的矸石山有1600多座,占用土地約1、5萬ha ,而且堆積量每年還以1、 5~2、 0 億t 的速度增加。排放矸石對人類的生存環(huán)境和條件帶來很大的威脅與危害,主要表現(xiàn)在:侵占土地;污染環(huán)境;危害人類安全 。</p><p>  此外,我國“三下”(建筑物下、鐵路下、水體下)積壓著大量的煤炭

44、資源。 據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì),目前我國僅統(tǒng)配煤礦的生產(chǎn)礦井“三下”壓煤就達(dá)137、9 億t ,其中</p><p>  建筑物下94、68 億t ,占總壓煤量的69 % 。</p><p>  因此,如何解決建筑物等下煤炭資源回收和矸石(本文主要指來自井下巖石及煤2巖巷道、硐室掘進(jìn)所出矸石) 的井下處理問題已成為煤礦開采的重大技術(shù)難題。本文以河北金牛能源股份有限責(zé)任公司邢東煤礦為例,研究利用矸石充填開采

45、建筑物、工業(yè)廣場煤柱的回采工藝及主要配套設(shè)備,以解決上述技術(shù)難題。</p><p>  1機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī)設(shè)計(jì)要求</p><p>  矸石充填采煤是指利用矸石置換開采建筑物、工業(yè)廣場煤柱,其開采方式為在煤柱中先掘進(jìn)矸石充填巷進(jìn)行采煤,然后依次對采出煤炭的巷道由內(nèi)向外進(jìn)行矸石充填。在矸石充填過程中,矸石充填機(jī)的充填部隨充填的進(jìn)行,向充填巷外部退移。 作為矸石充填的配套設(shè)備矸石輸送機(jī),應(yīng)

46、能隨著充填部退移,通過自動調(diào)整或在簡單的手動調(diào)整后,較快的恢復(fù)正常工作。 而一般的輸送機(jī)驅(qū)動方式屬于機(jī)頭驅(qū)動式,在</p><p>  生產(chǎn)中由于其體積及重量大,向后退移困難,嚴(yán)重影響矸石充填的速度與效率。 因此,本文主要針對矸石充填采煤配套設(shè)備之一的機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī)進(jìn)行研究。矸石輸送機(jī)由膠帶、托輥、驅(qū)動裝置、機(jī)架、拉緊裝置和清掃裝置構(gòu)成 ,其作為矸石充填采煤中的承擔(dān)自充填巷入口至矸石充填迎頭運(yùn)輸設(shè)備,根據(jù)其

47、運(yùn)行工作狀態(tài),應(yīng)滿足以下要求:</p><p>  1) 由于矸石硬度較大,對矸石輸送機(jī)的選擇應(yīng)滿足矸石強(qiáng)度的要求;</p><p>  2) 根據(jù)矸石充填機(jī)充填部回撤和轉(zhuǎn)動的需要,矸石輸送機(jī)的膠帶應(yīng)能適應(yīng)充填部的跑偏;</p><p>  3) 矸石輸送機(jī)隨自移充填部的退移而隨時(shí)張緊,應(yīng)通過拉緊裝置實(shí)現(xiàn)卸矸點(diǎn)與充填部的恰當(dāng)匹配;</p><p&

48、gt;  2機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī)參數(shù)確定</p><p><b>  2.1理論分析計(jì)算</b></p><p>  機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī)是在原膠帶輸送機(jī)基礎(chǔ)上對其驅(qū)動方式進(jìn)行全面改造,其參數(shù)確定主要包括帶寬B ,帶速V , 驅(qū)動滾筒的圓周力Fu , 驅(qū)動滾筒所需功率NA , 電動機(jī)所需功率N , 分析計(jì)算如下 。</p><p>  1) 帶

49、寬B 與帶速V 的確定</p><p>  最佳帶寬與帶速有關(guān)。 帶寬大,以致整機(jī)加重、占地加寬、造價(jià)升高,但過分的提高帶速,也會帶來負(fù)面效應(yīng),如所需電機(jī)功率加大,運(yùn)營費(fèi)用也會提高。另外帶寬的選擇也與所運(yùn)物料的最大塊度有關(guān)系。帶速是影響電動機(jī)選擇的重要因素之一,帶速的正確選擇與所運(yùn)物料的種類有直接關(guān)系,也與帶寬相互制約。 </p><p>  2) 驅(qū)動滾筒的圓周力Fu</p>

50、<p>  驅(qū)動滾筒的圓周力Fu Fu = gf l [ (2 qB + qG) cosβ+ qRO + qRU ] +qGL sinβ+ Fs1 + Fs2 </p><p>  式中: g 為重力加速度,9。 81m/ s2 ; </p><p>  f 為模擬摩擦因數(shù); L 為輸送機(jī)長度, m; </p><p>  qB 為每m長輸送帶的

51、質(zhì)量, kg/ m; </p><p>  qG 為每m長輸送物料的質(zhì)量, kg/ m;</p><p>  β為輸送機(jī)的工作傾角, (°) ; </p><p>  qRO 為承載分支托輥每m長旋轉(zhuǎn)部分的質(zhì)量, kg/ m;</p><p>  qRU 為回程分支托輥每m長旋轉(zhuǎn)部分的質(zhì)量, kg/ m;</p>&l

52、t;p>  Fs1 為特種主要阻力, kN; Fs2 特種附加阻力, kN。</p><p>  3) 驅(qū)動滾筒所需功率NA</p><p>  驅(qū)動滾筒所需功率NA </p><p>  NA =Fu v/1000</p><p>  式中:v 為輸送帶帶速,m/ s。</p><p>  4) 電動機(jī)所需功率

53、N</p><p><b>  電動機(jī)所需功率N </b></p><p>  N =NA/ηm=Fu/1000ηm</p><p>  式中:ηm 為電機(jī)傳動效率,一般取0.85~0.95。</p><p>  2.2 設(shè)備參數(shù)確定</p><p>  根據(jù)試驗(yàn)煤礦矸石充填采煤區(qū)域的采礦條件,選

54、用DSP1010/ 650 膠帶輸送機(jī)進(jìn)行改造,其主要改造部位如下:</p><p>  1) 改造驅(qū)動裝置機(jī)頭驅(qū)動為機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式。</p><p>  2) 安設(shè)SZL 型可伸縮帶式輸送機(jī)自動張緊裝置SZL型可伸縮帶式輸送機(jī)自動拉緊裝置由液壓泵、拉緊油缸、慢速絞車、隔爆電控箱、蓄能站及附件等組成,其工作原理為當(dāng)膠帶出現(xiàn)松弛、拉力隨之降低時(shí),張緊油缸與膠帶之間的拉力失去了平衡,因此,在泵站和

55、蓄能站的共同作用下,張緊油缸就迅速收縮,拉動游動小車移動,直到膠帶重新張緊到設(shè)定的拉力狀態(tài)。改造后的DSP1010/650型膠帶輸送機(jī)帶寬B為650mm ,帶速V取2.5 m/s ,代入式(1)~(3),得驅(qū)動滾筒的圓周力Fu 為11 kN,驅(qū)動滾筒所需功率NA為28kW,電動機(jī)所需功率N為31 kW(DSP1010/650機(jī)頭驅(qū)動式膠帶輸送機(jī)電機(jī)功率為40kW,可以滿足要求)其主要性能指標(biāo)見表1。</p><p&g

56、t;  表1 設(shè)備選型一覽表</p><p><b>  3矸石充填采煤工藝</b></p><p>  3.1試驗(yàn)區(qū)域的采礦地質(zhì)條件</p><p>  矸石充填采煤試驗(yàn)地點(diǎn)在邢東煤礦工業(yè)廣場和先于村保護(hù)煤柱中。 該區(qū)域位于- 760 大巷東側(cè),南鄰主副暗斜井,北鄰F21 斷層,東面是本煤礦深部采區(qū)。 規(guī)劃區(qū)南北平均長455 m ,東西平均寬

57、680 m , 面積30。 94 萬m2 。 該區(qū)域煤層走向NW29°~NE2°,傾向NE ,煤礦主采2 # 煤層平均厚度4。 35 m ,傾角10°,煤層賦存深度842~975 m。區(qū)內(nèi)構(gòu)造簡單,煤層賦存穩(wěn)定。</p><p><b>  3.2矸石充填工藝</b></p><p>  矸石井下充填工藝設(shè)計(jì),即充填方法的研究,是這項(xiàng)技術(shù)

58、工程應(yīng)用的關(guān)鍵。 通過調(diào)研分析,確定矸石井下處理充填方案為:膠帶輸送機(jī)運(yùn)輸,矸石充填機(jī)充填。 并通過鄰近充填巷(距本填巷一側(cè)15m 的矸石充填巷) 進(jìn)行注漿加固。</p><p><b>  1)矸石充填巷布置</b></p><p>  設(shè)計(jì)矸石充填巷道沿煤層掘進(jìn),充填巷寬為5m ,高為4。 35 m(同煤層厚度) 。</p><p>  3

59、.2.2 矸石充填工藝流程</p><p>  經(jīng)調(diào)研分析并結(jié)合現(xiàn)場,矸石井下充填工藝選用(或研制) 以下設(shè)備各1 臺:矸石充填機(jī)(自行研制) , TLL21/ 6 推車機(jī), FDBZ21/ 6 翻車機(jī), K3200A給機(jī),DSP1010/ 650 機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī)。充填工藝如下: 矸石礦車經(jīng)推車機(jī)推入翻車機(jī),翻車機(jī)翻矸到矸石倉,由矸石倉下口入給料機(jī),將矸石轉(zhuǎn)載到充填配巷的運(yùn)輸機(jī)、充填巷機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī),

60、然后運(yùn)至充填機(jī),由充填機(jī)充填到充填巷內(nèi)。 并在鄰近充填巷(距本填巷一側(cè)15m 的矸石充填巷) 內(nèi)進(jìn)行注漿強(qiáng)化加固,其工藝流程如圖2所示。</p><p>  3.2.3 矸石充填巷充填工藝</p><p>  機(jī)尾驅(qū)動式矸石輸送機(jī)驅(qū)動部分位于機(jī)尾,固定于充填巷道的出口處,其機(jī)尾與矸石充填配巷輸送機(jī)機(jī)尾搭接。 該端接受來自矸石充填配巷的矸石,并通過矸石輸送機(jī)運(yùn)輸?shù)脚c充填機(jī)充填部銜接的卸載端,


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