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1、<p><b>  附錄</b></p><p><b>  外文翻譯資料</b></p><p>  the application of Pro/E in tracked vehicles drivetrain system modelling</p><p>  LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPOR

2、ATION</p><p>  Discussed the development of technology to enterprises Pro/ENGINEER secondary importance. 3D CAD made in the software development process should be carried out two notable problems, such as sy

3、stem development purposes, the development of tools used. By the author based on Pro/TOOLKIT tool Pro/ENGINEER tracked vehicle drivetrain system technology in the secondary development of the application modelling, furth

4、er elaborated the development, implementation Pro/TOOLKIT two basic steps to prepare doc</p><p>  Keyword : Pro/ENGINEER, secondary development, models modelling,</p><p>  1 the former statement

5、</p><p>  With computer-aided design and manufacturing technologies supporting rapid development in expanding its field of application, the engineering industry and the manufacturing industry has undergone p

6、rofound changes, which is shown in the structural design of the product is particularly notable. 3D modelling technology, design parameters, such as new technologies and virtual reality technology concepts, new methods h

7、ave permeated the traditional structural design, and play an unprecedented role in </p><p>  PTC is the company Pro/ENGINEER modern CAD system representatives, which spearheaded the introduction of the revol

8、utionary design concepts -- based on the parameters of the design characteristics, leading to the development of modern CAD trend. Its main feature functions : the relevance, based on the characteristics of the model par

9、ameters modelling, advanced information management systems and project management database to use the assembly. Its easy to use, can function in a variety of hardware</p><p>  But just because such a Pro/ENG

10、INEER software and Bo interoperability, it can not be directly applied in the specific handling of specific products because of the design requirements are vastly different enterprises owned design resources and design e

11、nvironment are also different, coupled with external design concepts, standards and internal differences, in the use of the specific software product design will not feel some special convenience. For this reason, in ord

12、er to enable enterprises to P</p><p>  2 Attention should be given to issues in the second development.</p><p>  2.1 Clear the purpose of the secondary development.</p><p>  Prior

13、 to the development of products specifically designed for the nature and capacity, thus establishing the functional design of products, design theory and the required human and material resources, but also to consider up

14、dating and future products to market to maintain long-term availability and vitality products.</p><p>  2.2 development tool choice.</p><p>  Self-developed software products to be compatible wi

15、th others, with special attention to the resources in the establishment of a database information system, development of software to be in the final build to prevent the transmission of data between different software ca

16、n not change the basic parameters of the problem, attention should be paid to solving system-data interfaces. Solutions usually use proprietary interfaces with the media and neutral paper as a central database for data t

17、ransmiss</p><p>  2.3 customized standardized application environment.</p><p>  In order to accommodate all the designers in a line with the international standard working environment, and to en

18、sure the correctness of the design of products, standardization, standardization Pro/ENGINEER users need customized application environment, including setting standards for the working environment, such as the definition

19、 of the three documents and set models templates.</p><p>  2.4 tracked vehicle drivetrain system modelling development thinking.</p><p>  Many companys of products mostly stereotyped products, t

20、he mass production of such products, generic, and the high degree of standardization. These products used in the design of mathematical models and product structures are static, only different sizes of the structure of d

21、ifferent products, the size and structure of the differences were due to the same number of known conditions in the different types of product design specifications for the different value. For such products, could be kn

22、own </p><p>  Figure 1 parameters of CAD design principles</p><p>  Tracked vehicle drivetrain system of mass production, standardization and use of high-level devices. It is different purpose v

23、ehicles important component assumed power transmission, distribution and conversion, and other functions, the vehicle through the system to achieve and meet various traffic demands. Tracked vehicles including armoured ve

24、hicles, logistics vehicles and engineering vehicles. Because of its special purpose and requirements determine the structure, functions and the theory of </p><p>  2.5 Tracked vehicle drivetrain system devel

25、opment tool choice</p><p>  Pro/ENGINEER provided in the secondary development of a variety of tools commonly used include : Family Tab (communal table), Program (Procedure), UDF (user defined characteristic

26、s) and Pro/TOOLKIT. These tools can rapidly secondary development, the development shall be based on the functional use of the ease, designers of high quality products and the structural characteristics of selected integ

27、rated into. In view of the system in a large number of users Pro/ENGINEER environment conventions of </p><p>  Pro/TOOLKIT is the Pro/ENGINEER software system completely based on the C language users of the

28、tool box, also known as the user interface (API), which provided substantial function of the C language. enable external applications (client applications) visit Pro/ENGINEER safe and effective database and application p

29、rocedures. C programming language and through Pro/ENGINEER systems and applications with seamless integration, customers and third parties can add Pro/ENGINEER system required function</p><p>  Overall, ther

30、e were two applications work Pro/TOOLKIT model, a model for synchronous (Synchronous Mode) : a model for asynchronous (asynchronous mode).</p><p>  Synchronous mode includes two models that connect the dynam

31、ic model (DLL mode) and multi-process models (MultiProcess Mode), also known as derived model spawned mode). DLL mode applications will be integrated into Pro/ENGINEER Pro/TOOLKIT the standard method. C language users tr

32、anslation applications, and Pro/ENGINEER the connections. Multiprocess mode will be the second Pro/TOOLKIT support applications and Pro/ENGINEER integrated approach. In such a model, after compilation and linking applica

33、t</p><p>  Two models comparison : in DLL mode, Pro/TOOLKIT Pro/ENGINEER applications and the exchange of information is achieved through direct transfer function; In multiprocess mode, the process is the ex

34、change of information between the information system completed, The system simulated direct access function in the two processes - the identification information and communication function parameters. Asynchronous mode t

35、han synchronous mode with complex code, the slow pace of implementation shortcomings</p><p>  2.6 Based on the secondary development of the basic process Pro/TOOLKIT</p><p>  Development process

36、 consists of three main steps</p><p>  Preparation of source documents. Including resource documents and procedures document. Resources documents including menu resources documents, papers and information re

37、sources window Duihuakuang resource documents.</p><p>  Document procedures used C language resources procedures, the whole Pro/TOOLKIT core of the development process. From the functional hours programming

38、work is reflected in two main areas : First, according to Pro/TOOLKIT Pro/ENGINEER applications in the operating environment for the design of interfaces operating procedures and applications at the end of the terminatio

39、n procedure; 2 Pro/TOOLKIT design is based on functional needs of the main part of the application procedure. The former is part </p><p>  the compilation and linking procedures. VC applications using design

40、 guides can be convenient to establish the basic framework Pro/TOOLKIT applications, and compilation and linking.</p><p>  The procedure for registration and operation. Registration documents to the role of

41、the transmission system applications Pro/ENGINEER information in the form below :</p><p>  NAME // Applications name;</p><p>  STARTUP // Working model(SPAWN or DLL);</p><p>  EXEC_

42、FILE // Generated enforceable documents or dynamic linking the documents;</p><p>  TEXT_DIR // Menu document and the information document window position;</p><p>  REVISION // Used Pro/ENGINEER

43、version;</p><p>  END // end。</p><p>  Registration forms include both automatic and manual.</p><p>  2.7 tracked vehicle drivetrain system modelling parameters of the operation<

44、/p><p>  From the top downward system used in the design model, the operating procedures shown in figure 2, the first task of identifying system under drivetrain system design layout form and the main size para

45、meters. Total system by couplings, transmission gear boxes, main weak, transmissions, fans across devices, to the planets and lateral reducer grade system. The database subsystem from the parts needed for template extrac

46、tion through the deformation system design parameters - driven approach complet</p><p>  Figure 2 workflow system</p><p>  Assembled body in the correct design, the use of automated assembly Pro

47、/MECHANICA module for emulation and limited movement Yuan analysis. Those affected by the power transmission through simulation, the system calculated in the external role of the various components of payload power situa

48、tion. Then adopted Pro/MECHANICA modular structure calculated with the various components of stress response. Through analysis of the calculation results and past experience, that the design of programmes to m</p>

49、<p>  In the operation, taking into account the needs of users, both produced in the world use Pro/TOOLKIT interface, and use the menu, Duihuakuang and information technology shown to help users easily use the syst

50、em.</p><p>  3, concluding remarks</p><p>  Pro/ENGINEER secondary development of powerful software applications 3D CAD functional product design, tailored for users of the most effective design

51、 flow, greatly improving design efficiency and reduce workload. Use of the system designed not only to better accomplish the mission design, and efficient, demonstrate the value of the secondary development of technology

52、 applications.</p><p>  4、References:</p><p>  [1] Tsai-Chi Kuo, 《Manufacturing Engineer development in quality function deployment by using fuzzy logicanalysis》,[J],Electronics and the Environm

53、ent, 2003</p><p>  [2] Aspinwalldm.a(chǎn)ccelerationprofilesforminimizingresidualresponse,asmej.ofdynamicsystems,measurement,andcontrol,1986,102:3-6</p><p>  [3] Jankowskikp.inversedynamicstaskcomtro

54、lofflexiblejointrobots-parti:continuoutimeapproach,partⅱ:discrete-timeapproach,mechanismmachinetheory,1992</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  基于Pro/E在履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)建模中應用</p><p>  LO

55、CKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION</p><p>  本文論述了Pro/ENGINEER二次開發(fā)技術(shù)對企業(yè)的重要性。提出了在三維CAD軟件上進行二次開發(fā)的過程中應值得注意的問題系統(tǒng),如開發(fā)的目的、開發(fā)工具的選取等。通過基于Pro/TOOLKIT工具箱的Pro/ENGINEER二次開發(fā)技術(shù)在履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)建模中的應用,進一步闡述了實施Pro/TOOLKIT二次開發(fā)時基本步驟和源文件的編寫,可執(zhí)行

56、文件的生成、注冊和運行等關(guān)鍵技術(shù)。最后,筆者通過在Pro/ENGINEER中的開發(fā)實踐論證了二次開發(fā)是提高設計能力和效率的必要手段。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:Pro/ENGINEER、二次開發(fā)、模型建模</p><p><b>  1前 言</b></p><p>  隨著計算機輔助設計和輔助制造技術(shù)的飛速發(fā)展,其應用領域在日益擴展,已使工

57、程設計業(yè)和制造業(yè)發(fā)生了深刻的變化,這一點在產(chǎn)品的結(jié)構(gòu)設計方面表現(xiàn)的尤為顯著。三維造型技術(shù)、參數(shù)設計技術(shù)和虛擬現(xiàn)實技術(shù)等新概念、新辦法已滲透到傳統(tǒng)的結(jié)構(gòu)設計中,并發(fā)揮出前所未有的作用,推動工程設計技術(shù)的發(fā)展。</p><p>  PTC 公司的Pro/ENGINEER 是現(xiàn)代CAD系統(tǒng)的代表,由它率先采用的革命性的設計思想——基于特征的參數(shù)化設計,領導了現(xiàn)代CAD發(fā)展的潮流。其主要特征功能有:全相關(guān)性、基于特征的參

58、數(shù)化模型建模、先進的資料管理系統(tǒng)和裝配管理工程數(shù)據(jù)庫再利用等。它易于使用,可在各種硬件平臺上運行??勺屖褂谜咄瑫r完成工業(yè)設計、結(jié)構(gòu)設計功能,模擬加工制造,縮短產(chǎn)品開發(fā)的時間和流程。</p><p>  然而就是由于Pro/ENGINEER軟件的這種廣而博的通用性,使它在具體應用時不能直接處理特定的產(chǎn)品,由于產(chǎn)品設計的要求千差萬別,企業(yè)擁有的設計資源和設計環(huán)境也不同,再加上國外設計觀念、標準存在差異,在使用該軟件進

59、行具體產(chǎn)品設計時會感到有些不是特別方便。基于這一點,為了使Pro/ENGINEER軟件能夠在企業(yè)特定產(chǎn)品設計中最大限度地發(fā)揮潛力,創(chuàng)造效益,就需要對Pro/ENGINEER進行二次開發(fā)。也就是把Pro/ENGINEER進一步充實、完善、改進,進而成為用戶適用的CAD/CAE/CAM應用系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  2二次開發(fā)中應注意的問題</p><p>  2.1明確二次開發(fā)的目的<

60、/p><p>  開發(fā)之前要明確產(chǎn)品的性質(zhì)和所需的設計能力,由此確立所設計產(chǎn)品的功能、所需的設計理論和人力物力資源,還要考慮產(chǎn)品的更新以及未來的市場走向,使產(chǎn)品保持長久的可用性和生命力。</p><p><b>  開發(fā)工具的選擇</b></p><p>  自行開發(fā)的產(chǎn)品要與己有軟件相兼容,特別要注意在建立系統(tǒng)的資源數(shù)據(jù)庫資料時,要在最終開發(fā)軟件

61、中建立,防止不同軟件之間數(shù)據(jù)傳遞后無法改動基礎參數(shù)的問題,還要注意解決好系統(tǒng)間數(shù)據(jù)接口問題。解決方法通常采用專有接口,借助中性文件作為數(shù)據(jù)傳輸媒介和建立中央數(shù)據(jù)庫的數(shù)據(jù)交換通道。</p><p>  定制標準化的應用環(huán)境</p><p>  為了讓所有的設計人員在一個符合國際的規(guī)范化環(huán)境下工作,并確保設計產(chǎn)品的正確性、標準化,需要定制用戶標準化的Pro/ENGINEER應用環(huán)境,包括設定標

62、準的工作環(huán)境、定義等三個配置文件和設定模型模板等。</p><p>  履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)建模開發(fā)思路</p><p>  很多單位的產(chǎn)品大部分是定型產(chǎn)品,此種產(chǎn)品的系列化、通用化和標準化程度很高。進行這些產(chǎn)品設計所采用的數(shù)學模型及產(chǎn)品的結(jié)構(gòu)都是固定不變的,所不同的只是產(chǎn)品的結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸不同,而結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸的差異是由于相同數(shù)目類型的已知條件在不同規(guī)格的產(chǎn)品設計中取不同的值造成的。對于這類產(chǎn)品,可以將

63、已知條件和其他的隨產(chǎn)品規(guī)格而變化的基本參數(shù)用相應的變量代替,然后根據(jù)已知條件和基本參數(shù),由計算機自動查詢圖形數(shù)據(jù)庫,或由相應的軟件計算出繪圖所需的全部數(shù)據(jù),由專門的繪圖生成軟件在屏幕上自動設計出圖形。其工作原理如圖1所示。</p><p>  圖1 參數(shù)化CAD設計工作原理</p><p>  履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)屬于系列化、通用化和標準化程度高的裝置。它是各種不同用途車輛的重要組成部分,承擔

64、功率傳遞、分配和轉(zhuǎn)換等功能,車輛通過該系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn)和滿足多種行駛要求。履帶車輛包括各種裝甲車輛、后勤車輛和工程車輛。由于其特殊的用途和要求,決定了其結(jié)構(gòu)、功能和理論規(guī)律的復雜性。在履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)設計方面,三維參數(shù)化CAD技術(shù)已經(jīng)應用于工業(yè)發(fā)達國家,大大提高了設計效率。</p><p>  履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)開發(fā)工具的選擇</p><p>  在Pro/ENGINEER中提供了多種二次開發(fā)的工具

65、,常用的包括:FAMILY  TAB(族表)、PROGRAM(程序)、UDF(用戶定義特征)和Pro/TOOLKIT等。這些工具都可進行快速的二次開發(fā),使用時應根據(jù)開發(fā)功能的難易程度、設計人員的素質(zhì)高低和產(chǎn)品的結(jié)構(gòu)特點綜合考慮選取。鑒于該系統(tǒng)在Pro/ENGINEER環(huán)境中定制了大量用戶化命令,需要與它低層的數(shù)據(jù)庫信息進行大量交互,完成較復雜的操作,因此,筆者選擇Pro/TOOLKIT工具包作為開發(fā)工具。</p>

66、<p>  Pro/TOOLKIT是Pro/ENGINEER軟件系統(tǒng)提供的完全基于C語言的用戶化工具箱,也稱為用戶接口(API),它提供了大量的C語言庫函數(shù),能夠使外部應用程序(客戶應用程序)安全有效地訪問Pro/ENGINEER數(shù)據(jù)庫和應用程序。并且通過C語言編程及應用程序與Pro/ENGINEER系統(tǒng)的無縫集成,客戶和第三方能夠在Pro/ENGINEER系統(tǒng)中添加所需的功能,并借助第三方編譯環(huán)境進行調(diào)試。</p&g

67、t;<p>  總的來說,Pro/TOOLKIT應用程序有兩種工作模式,一種為同步模式(SYNCHRONOUS MODE):另一種為異步模式(ASYNCHRONOUS MODE)。</p><p>  同步模式包括兩種模式,即動態(tài)連接庫模式(DLL MODE)和多進程模式(MULTIPROCESS MODE),也稱為派生模式,SPAWNED MODE)。DLL MODE是將Pro/TOOLKIT應用

68、程序集成到Pro/ENGINEER中的標準方法。用戶編譯C語言應用程序,與Pro/ENGINEER庫連接。MULTIPROCESS MODE是Pro/TOOLKIT支持的第二種將應用程序和Pro/ENGINEER集成的方法。在此種模式下,應用程序代碼經(jīng)過編譯和連接,生成獨立的執(zhí)行文件。該文件由Pro/ENGINEER派生,并作為Pro/ENGINEER的子進程進行。</p><p>  兩種模式的比較:在DLL

69、MODE下,Pro/TOOLKIT應用程序與Pro/ENGINEER的信息交換是通過直接函數(shù)調(diào)用實現(xiàn)的;在MULTIPROCESS MODE下,信息交換是由進程之間消息系統(tǒng)完成的,該系統(tǒng)模擬直接函數(shù)調(diào)用,在兩個進程間傳遞函數(shù)的識別信息及其參數(shù)。異步模式較之同步模式,具有代碼復雜,執(zhí)行速度慢的缺點。除非特別需要,一般不建議采用異步模式。</p><p>  基于Pro/TOOLKIT二次開發(fā)的基本過程</p&

70、gt;<p>  開發(fā)過程主要包括三個步驟。</p><p>  編寫源文件。包括資源文件和程序文件。資源文件包括菜單資源文件、窗口信息資源文件和對話框資源文件等。 </p><p>  程序資源文件是用C語言程序,是整個Pro/TOOLKIT程序開發(fā)的核心部分。從功能上分,程序設計的主要工作體現(xiàn)在兩個方面:一是按Pro/TOOLKIT應用程序在Pro/ENGINE

71、ER環(huán)境運行的要求設計接口程序和應用程序運行結(jié)束時的終止程序;二是根據(jù)功能需求設計Pro/TOOLKIT應用程序主體部分。前者是系統(tǒng)所要求的初始化部分和終止部分,后者是完成應用程序預定功能的一個或多個CPP源程序。 </p><p>  程序的編譯和連接。利用VC的應用程序設計向?qū)Э梢苑奖憧旖莸貏?chuàng)建Pro/TOOLKIT應用程序的基本框架,并進行編譯和連接</p><p>  程

72、序的注冊和運行。注冊文件的作用是向Pro/ENGINEER系統(tǒng)傳遞應用程序的信息,其形式如下:</p><p>  NAME //應用程序名稱;    STARTUP //工作模式(SPAWN 或 DLL);    EXEC_FILE //生成的可執(zhí)行文件或動態(tài)連接庫文件;    TEXT_DIR //菜單文件和窗口信

73、息文件位置;    REVISION //所使用的Pro/ENGINEER版本號;    END // 結(jié)束。    注冊方式包括自動和手動兩種 。</p><p>  2.7  履帶車輛傳動系統(tǒng)參數(shù)建模的運行    系統(tǒng)采用自頂向下的設計模式,運行流程如圖2所示,首

74、先根據(jù)傳動系統(tǒng)總體設計任務書確定系統(tǒng)的布置形式和主要尺寸參數(shù)??傁到y(tǒng)由聯(lián)軸節(jié)、齒輪傳動箱、主離合器、變速箱、風扇聯(lián)動裝置、行星轉(zhuǎn)向機和側(cè)減速器等分系統(tǒng)組成。各分系統(tǒng)從資料庫中提取需要的零件模板,通過系統(tǒng)提供的變形設計方法完成參數(shù)驅(qū)動,建立新的零件,然后結(jié)合總體設計規(guī)劃的要求完成子系統(tǒng)自動裝配生成整體模型,最后通過檢驗工具對裝配體在靜態(tài)和動態(tài)兩種情況下進行干涉檢查。</p><p><b>  圖2 系統(tǒng)

75、工作流程</b></p><p>  在裝配體正確設計后,使用Pro/MECHANICA模塊對傳動總成進行運動仿真和有限元分析。通過對傳動總成受力的模擬,系統(tǒng)計算出在外部載荷作用下各零件的受力狀況。然后通過Pro/MECHANICA的結(jié)構(gòu)模塊計算出各部分的應力與應變。通過分析計算結(jié)果并結(jié)合以往的經(jīng)驗,確定該設計方案能否滿足設計要求。對于不能滿足要求的零件通過修改和優(yōu)化使其達到設計要求。最后將新前軸設計

76、方案存儲到前軸設計資源庫中,不斷使之完善,并生成詳細系統(tǒng)工程圖、零件屬性列表和細化文檔。</p><p>  在操作中,考慮到用戶化的需要,運用Pro/TOOLKIT編制了人機交互界面,并利用菜單、對話框和信息顯示技術(shù),幫助使用者輕松地使用本系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b>  3、結(jié)束語</b></p><p>  Pro/ENGINEER軟件

77、強大的二次開發(fā)功能應用于三維CAD產(chǎn)品設計中,可為使用者量身定做出最有效的設計流程,大大提高設計效率,減輕工作量。利用本系統(tǒng)進行設計不僅能較好地完成設計任務,而且效率較高,體現(xiàn)出二次開發(fā)技術(shù)的應用價值。</p><p><b>  4、參考文獻:</b></p><p>  [1] Tsai-Chi Kuo, 《Manufacturing Engineer devel

78、opment in quality function deployment by using fuzzy logicanalysis》,[J],Electronics and the Environment, 2003</p><p>  [2] Aspinwalldm.a(chǎn)ccelerationprofilesforminimizingresidualresponse,asmej.ofdynamicsystems


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