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1、<p>  英文2000單詞,10700字符;中文3600漢字</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)出處:Fleck N, Korchia M, Roy I L. Celebrities in Advertising: Looking for Congruence or Likability?[J]. Psychology & Marketing, 2012, 29(9):651–662.</p>

2、;<p><b>  外文文獻(xiàn): </b></p><p>  Celebrities in Advertising: Looking for Congruence or Likability?</p><p>  Nathalie Fleck,Michael Korchia,Isabelle Le Roy</p><p>  I

3、NTRODUCTION</p><p>  Brands all over the world use celebrities to advertise their products. As early as 1890, actress Sarah Bernhardt appeared on posters for La Diaphane, a famous French brand of rice powder

4、 at that time (Lehu, 1993). The use of celebrities in advertising is not, therefore, a new phenomenon, but has become increasingly widespread over the past 20 years. Brands such as Pepsi have featured stars such as Micha

5、el Jackson, Madonna, or the Spice Girls, with varying impact (Erdogan, 1999). Pizza Hut launch</p><p>  The question, for advertising agencies and brands alike, is how to choose a celebrity for advertising.

6、What should one take into account as a priority? Are awareness and the popularity of the celebrity enough to ensure advertisement effectiveness? What are the other factors that could play a role in and explain celebrity

7、endorsement effectiveness? Alongside this phenomenon, research into the role of celebrities in advertising has also increased since the 1990s (Amos, Holmes, & Strutton, 2008; Er</p><p>  CELEBRITY ENDORS

8、EMENT: THEORY AND EFFECTIVENESS FACTORS</p><p>  Celebrity endorsement is a phenomenon where celebrities lend their image to brands. Several researchers have attempted to define endorsement over the last 20

9、years (see Erdogan, 1999), and for McCracken, “the celebrity endorser is defined as any individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an adver

10、tisement” (1989, p. 310).</p><p>  Research has attempted to elucidate the reasons why companies invest so much money in communication featuring celebrities (Erdogan, Baker, & Tagg, 2001). There are many

11、 reasons, but firstly, it is significant that celebrity endorsements are a way of avoiding anonymity and standing out from the competition in saturated markets. For example, in the cosmetics and perfume industry, new pro

12、ducts are being launched all the time. Cosmetics brands can no longer achieve recognition merely due to the intr</p><p>  The impact on sales is more difficult to assess. Recent advertising campaigns for Slo

13、ggi, featuring the French tennis player and singer Yannick Noah, led to a 47% increase in the brand’s sales for the men’s market and 5% for the women’s market over the past 10 months, which is an excellent result in a de

14、clining market (Neumann, 2006). The results of celebrity endorsements are, however, highly variable as there are many factors involved, including the choice of celebrity and the quality of the ad</p><p>  Th

15、is is why it is interesting to understand how endorsement works and identify the decisive factors in its effectiveness. From this perspective, the main models devised to explain the type of relationship that develops bet

16、ween celebrities and consumers are presented. These models are essential to our understanding of the influence of celebrities on brand perception. Of course endorsement effectiveness depends on advertisement execution qu

17、ality, media planning and public relations, etc. but above</p><p>  MODEL CONSTRUCTION</p><p>  To address the research question, the model depicted in Figure 1 has been developed. This model is

18、 inspired by Brown and Stayman’s (1992) meta-analysis, as well as recent research by Bergkvist and Rossiter (2008) and our earlier discussion. Brown and Stayman’s (1992) findings support the dual mediation model (MacKenz

19、ie, Lutz, & Belch, 1986) “which posits a direct effect of ad attitude on brand attitude as well as an indirect effect via brand cognitions”. In their study about advertisement likabi</p><p>  This model

20、includes brand perceptions and purchase intentions, which improves nomological validity. Examination of the relationships will make it possible to compare the respective effects of congruence and attitude toward the cele

21、brity on pre-attitude toward the advertisement (PTA). It would be awkward to use the concept of attitude toward the advertisement, even though it is widely used in this kind of model, because in this study subjects do no

22、t see a real advertisement. Actually, showing a r</p><p>  After exposure to a stimulus (brand endorsement by a celebrity), it can be expected that congruence (and its two dimensions, relevancy, and expectan

23、cy) and/or attitude toward the celebrity influence PTA. Also, as mentioned earlier, we expect an “affective halo” to occur: an individual who appreciates a celebrity may think that she/he is congruent with whatever brand

24、 is endorsed. As demonstrated by Brown and Stayman (1992), PTA has a direct and indirect influence (through brand beliefs and attitu</p><p>  DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION</p><p>  From a theoretica

25、l point of view, a model integrating perceived congruence between brand and celebrity endorser has been proposed. First, the results show that the simple fact to expose individuals to the idea of a celebrity endorsement

26、has an effect on brand image. It seems to confirm the theory of transfer, according to which associating a celebrity to a brand leads to a modification of brand image. Furthermore, the results have shown that the perceiv

27、ed congruence between brand and celebrity i</p><p>  The effect of congruence and likability is essential in terms of advertisement effectiveness given that, as shown by the results, predisposition toward th

28、e advertisement has an indirect positive effect on attitude toward the brand and purchase intention, which is mediated by beliefs about the brand. Like attitude toward the ad, predisposition toward the ad is central as i

29、t has no direct effect on attitude toward the brand or purchase intention, but it has an effect on brand beliefs, which in tur</p><p>  From a managerial point of view, this contribution is also important: b

30、rands usually choose endorsers who are appreciated by their target market. Our research suggests that this is not sufficient and that it is also important to take into account the perceived congruence between brand and c

31、elebrity, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the advertisement. Thus, it would be useful for firms to conduct an ad hoc study on their target audience in order to estimate the levels of congruence and a</p>

32、<p>  Following this study, many future research projects could be conducted. First of all, it would be interesting to extend this work to other brands and other product categories. For instance, could the findings

33、 be generalized to lower involvement products? It could be hypothesized that for lower involvement products and/or less mature brands, brand image is less stable and not so well built (Machleit, Allen, & Madden, 1993

34、). Thus, it should be easier to make brand image evolve than when it is very</p><p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  名人廣告:尋找一致性或喜愛度?</p><p><b>  介紹</b></p><

35、;p>  世界各地的品牌都使用名人來宣傳他們的產(chǎn)品。早在1890年,莎拉·伯恩哈特為當(dāng)時(shí)法國著名的米粉品牌La Diaphane出現(xiàn)在海報(bào)上(勒于,1993)。因此,在廣告中使用名人并不是一種新現(xiàn)象,而是在過去20年中變得越來越普遍。像百事可樂這樣的品牌使用有號召力的明星,如邁克爾·杰克遜、麥當(dāng)娜或者辣妹組合,帶來不同的影響力(埃爾多根,1999)。必勝客在國際市場上推出其餐廳,借用了幾乎被普遍認(rèn)可的偶像,如辛


37、成為某些類別產(chǎn)品廣告的重要組成部分,例如香水廣告和化妝品廣告。由此看來,一旦知名人物變得著名和流行,那么他/她會立即出現(xiàn)在廣告上,有時(shí)會同時(shí)出現(xiàn)在幾個(gè)廣告上。例如,在短短的一個(gè)星期內(nèi),法國足球運(yùn)動員齊達(dá)內(nèi)出現(xiàn)在迪奧香</p><p>  對于廣告代理商和品牌來說,問題是如何選擇廣告名人。優(yōu)先考慮的是什么?名人的知名度和喜愛度是否足以保證廣告效果?在名人代言的有效性中發(fā)揮作用以及進(jìn)行詮釋的其他因素是什么?除了名人代

38、言這一種現(xiàn)象,自20世紀(jì)90年代以來,對名人在廣告中的作用的研究也有所增長(阿摩司,福爾摩斯和斯祖頓,2008;埃爾多根,1999;哈尼,1991;普林格爾和比奈,2005;塞諾和盧卡斯,2007)。這些作品突出了幾個(gè)解釋性因素,一致性是最重要的決定因素之一。一致性對廣告效果的影響是什么?是選擇最受歡迎的名人好,還是選擇與品牌具有一致性的名人好?這些都是本研究將更具體探討的問題。</p><p>  名人代言:理

39、論和有效性因素</p><p>  名人代言是名人把自己的形象借給品牌的一種現(xiàn)象。在過去的20年里,一些研究人員試圖對代言進(jìn)行定義(參見埃爾多根,1999),例如麥克拉肯,“名人代言的定義是,享有公眾認(rèn)可的任何個(gè)人在廣告中出現(xiàn),并使用這種認(rèn)可來代表消費(fèi)者利益”(1989,第310頁)。</p><p>  研究試圖闡明公司在以名人為特色的傳播上投資這么多錢的原因(埃爾多根,貝克和塔格,20


41、這種差異化的目標(biāo)之外,名人代言還使品牌有機(jī)會加強(qiáng)消費(fèi)者頭腦中其品牌的定位。有時(shí),名人代言也給品牌帶來了相當(dāng)大的曝光率,如果名人出席,媒體更有可能報(bào)告關(guān)于品牌的事件(例如品牌推廣方; 埃爾多根,貝克和塔格,2001)。</p><p>  名人代言對銷售的影響更是難以評估。最近Sloggi舉辦的廣告宣傳活動,以法國網(wǎng)球運(yùn)動員兼歌手雅尼克·諾阿作為突出人物,以致于在過去10個(gè)月里,該品牌在男性市場的銷售額增

42、長了47%,在女性市場的銷售額增長了5%,這在逆市中取得了一個(gè)很好的成果(諾伊曼,2006)。然而,名人代言的結(jié)果是非常善變的,因?yàn)樯婕暗皆S多因素,包括名人的選擇和廣告本身的質(zhì)量,以及媒體策劃,甚至新聞關(guān)系。</p><p>  這就是為什么說了解代言工作以及確定其有效性的決定性因素是有趣的。從這個(gè)角度來看,主要模型旨在解釋名人和消費(fèi)者之間發(fā)展關(guān)系類型。這些模型對我們理解名人對品牌認(rèn)知的影響至關(guān)重要。當(dāng)然,代言的

43、有效性取決于廣告執(zhí)行質(zhì)量,媒體策劃和公共關(guān)系等,但最重要的是,代言與名人選擇的關(guān)系,將通過這些不同的模型展示出來。</p><p><b>  模型構(gòu)造</b></p><p>  為了解決研究問題,已經(jīng)開發(fā)了圖1所示的模型。這個(gè)模型的靈感來自布朗和斯泰曼(1992)的薈萃分析,以及貝里奎斯特和羅西特最近的研究(2008)和我們前面的討論。布朗和斯泰曼(1992)的研

44、究結(jié)果支持雙重中介模型(麥肯齊, 盧茨和貝爾奇,1986),“假定廣告態(tài)度對品牌態(tài)度的直接影響,以及通過品牌認(rèn)知的間接影響”。在他們關(guān)于廣告喜愛度(Lad)的研究中,貝里奎斯特和羅西特(2008)評估了Lad對品牌態(tài)度(Ab)、品牌信念和購買意向的影響。在他們的模型中,這后面的三個(gè)變量在兩個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)都被測量了。根據(jù)一個(gè)態(tài)度或信念的最佳預(yù)言者是先前的態(tài)度或信念這一觀點(diǎn),這些變量中的每一個(gè)都影響其對應(yīng)物(即,在t0測量的Ab對幾個(gè)星期后測量的

45、Ab有影響,諸如此類)。</p><p>  該模型包括品牌認(rèn)知和購買意向,這提高了理論效度。對兩個(gè)周期關(guān)系的考查使得將對名人的一致性和態(tài)度的不同影響跟對廣告的預(yù)先態(tài)度(PTA)進(jìn)行比較,變成一種可能。使用廣告態(tài)度這一概念是不合適的,即使它被廣泛地用于這種模型中,因?yàn)樵诒狙芯宽?xiàng)目中看不到真實(shí)的廣告。事實(shí)上,展示一個(gè)真實(shí)的廣告會帶來一些其他的例如與廣告的執(zhí)行情況有關(guān)的偏見。圖像上名人的風(fēng)格和形象可能會有顯著的變化。

46、因此,受試者只簡單地接觸到遵守在這個(gè)品牌的廣告中把名人和品牌聯(lián)系在一起的原則,并且展示了該名人和該品牌標(biāo)志的一副圖像。這就是為什么與其說是一個(gè)對廣告態(tài)度的問題,倒不如說是一個(gè)對將名人X和品牌Y相結(jié)合的廣告的預(yù)先態(tài)度的問題。為了評估刺激前后的概念,在兩個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)(A和B)進(jìn)行了研究。像貝里奎斯特和羅西特(2008)的模型一樣,品牌信念(通過態(tài)度)對購買意向具有直接和間接的影響。</p><p>  在接觸到刺激(名人

47、品牌代言)之后,可以預(yù)見,對于名人的一致性(及其兩個(gè)維度,相關(guān)性和預(yù)期)和/或態(tài)度影響PTA。 此外,如前所述,我們期望“情感光環(huán)”的發(fā)生:一個(gè)欣賞名人的人可能認(rèn)為她/他與其擔(dān)保的任何品牌是一致的。如布朗和斯泰曼(1992)所證明的,PTA(通過品牌信念和態(tài)度)對購買意向具有直接和間接的影響。如拉弗蒂、戈德史密斯和赫爾特(2004),貝里奎斯特和羅西特(2008)所解釋的,在A(第一周期)中測量的所有構(gòu)造將與它們在B(第二周期)中的對應(yīng)

48、物的測量強(qiáng)烈相關(guān)。</p><p><b>  討論和結(jié)論</b></p><p>  從理論的角度來看,已經(jīng)提出了一種整合品牌和名人代言人之間感知的一致性的模型。首先,結(jié)果表明了這種簡單的事實(shí),使個(gè)人接受名人代言的想法對品牌形象有影響。它似乎證實(shí)了遷移理論,根據(jù)該理論將名人與品牌聯(lián)系在一起會導(dǎo)致品牌形象的改變。此外,研究結(jié)果表明,在考慮采用名人代言品牌的廣告的預(yù)先態(tài)


50、終這兩者都要考慮進(jìn)去。當(dāng)名人與品牌一致時(shí),以及當(dāng)名人受到贊譽(yù)或歡迎,這兩個(gè)變量之間具有補(bǔ)償效應(yīng)時(shí),名人代言是有效的。</p><p>  就廣告效果而言,一致性和喜愛度的影響至關(guān)重要,如結(jié)果所示,對廣告的傾向會對品牌態(tài)度和購買意愿產(chǎn)生間接的積極影響,這是由品牌信念導(dǎo)致的。像對廣告的態(tài)度一樣,對廣告的傾向是至關(guān)重要的,因?yàn)樗鼘ζ放茟B(tài)度或購買意向沒有直接影響,但它對品牌信念有影響,這又反過來影響品牌態(tài)度和購買意向。這

51、些結(jié)果與先前的作品一致(例如,貝里奎斯特和羅西特,2008)。有趣的是,并非所有關(guān)于品牌的認(rèn)知都受到一致性和喜愛度的影響,或影響品牌態(tài)度,或影響或購買意圖。事實(shí)上,這取決于與名人相關(guān)的信念和認(rèn)知,這個(gè)過程本身就具有獨(dú)特性,即使這些信念導(dǎo)致一個(gè)共同的文化內(nèi)涵(麥克拉肯,1989)。在未來的研究中,為研究這個(gè)問題,可以探討與名人有關(guān)的聯(lián)系,然后清晰地論證遷移理論,這將是有趣的。</p><p>  從管理層的角度來看

52、,這種貢獻(xiàn)也很重要:品牌通常選擇被他們的目標(biāo)市場所贊賞的人作為代言人。我們的研究表明,這是不夠的,考慮品牌和名人之間的一致性同樣很重要,以便最大限度地發(fā)揮廣告的有效性。因此,企業(yè)對其目標(biāo)受眾進(jìn)行專門的研究,以評估對一系列可能的名人的一致性和態(tài)度的水平,這將是有用的。顯然,目前使用受歡迎或受追捧的名人的措施并不完全適合名人代言的問題。</p><p>  緊隨這項(xiàng)研究之后,許多未來的研究項(xiàng)目都可以進(jìn)行。首先,把這項(xiàng)


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