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1、<p>  2000單詞,1.1萬英文字符,中文3050字</p><p>  文獻出處:Saat M, Himmelsbach J. Sustainable Merger and Acquisition Transactions–Important Aspects as Part of a Process Model Especially for Enterprises in the Service

2、Market [J]. International Journal of Business and Social Science, (2014):65-74.</p><p>  http://www.wenku1.com/news/E1D29236DEE4E3C4.html</p><p><b>  原文</b></p><p>  Sus

3、tainable Merger and Acquisition Transactions –Important Aspects as Part of a Process Model Especially For Enterprises in the Service Market</p><p>  Maksim Saat</p><p><b>  Abstract</b&

4、gt;</p><p>  The recent years have seen worldwide an unprecedented wave of mergers and acquisitions. However empirical research studies show a high failure rate of implemented M&A transactions in enterpr

5、ises in the service sector. The aim of the paper is to show important success factors for sustainable M&A transactions in enterprises in connection with a newly developed holistic concept for national and internation

6、al M&A processes for the testing service market (TICET market) and for the service sector mark</p><p>  Keywords: Sustainable M&A transaction, holistic M&A Model, Risk Management Model, Innovatio

7、n Management, Competition Analysis, Benchmark Analysis.</p><p>  1. Introduction</p><p>  A lot of publications and studies show the enormous importance of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) trans

8、actions in the context of realising growth and profit targets and the accompanying value increase in an enterprise [2, 3]. Against this background the implementation of sustainable M&A transactions allow the assumpti

9、on that M&A should be a very successful strategy for the development of enterprises. However, an analysis of the numerous available empirical research studies shows a high failure rate</p><p>  In the re

10、levant scientific literature most publications on the topic of M&A only present a rough and not detailed process structuring of M&A transactions and they vary from author to author. For example the authors Picot,

11、 Grill, Bauer, Düsterlho, Berens, Brauner, Strauch [7, 8, 9, 10] present only several parts of a holistic M&A process model. While other authors as Theurl, Tsch pel [11] show only rough structural concepts of M&

12、amp;A processes.</p><p>  However, according to the intense research by the authors, no detailed and holistic concept exists which considers the special features of M&A processes in the testing service m

13、arket and in the service sector market in general. In these circumstances the aim of the authors of the paper in the first step is to show the most important success factors innovation management and the risk management

14、model as parts of a newly developed holistic concept for national and international M&A processes, espe</p><p>  In the second step, the results of the developed holistic M&A process model will be an

15、alysed, measured and objectivised with the help of a case study, and management instruments will be highlighted.</p><p>  As part of the case study the results of M&A transactions carried out by TüV

16、 NORD (more than 10.000 employees) and by its main competitor in the business field – TüV SüD (more than 16.000 employees) – were used [12, 13]. Both enterprises are global leaders in the testing service market

17、 with comparable business activities and with more than 140 years of enterprise history. The testing service market has an estimated market volume of at least €40-50 billion.</p><p>  2. Newly Developed Holi

18、stic National and International M&A Process Model</p><p>  In this section, the most important aspects of the holistic M&A process model, which has been developed by the authors specifically for ente

19、rprises in the testing service market and also for the service market, is presented together with many success factors, by using the example of TüV NORD in comparison with TüV SüD. The newly developed holi

20、stic national and international M&A process model consists of the following three phases, and is shown in the figure 1.</p><p>  With the support of the authors, special attention is given in the followi

21、ng to both the newly developed and implemented the risk management model and the innovation management. These aspects will be shown in the paper and their means of implementation are especially necessary as parts of a su

22、ccessful sustainable acquisition processes.</p><p>  2.1. Risk management model in connection with sustainable M&A transactions</p><p>  In the last seven years, the TüV NORD Group has

23、made 28 acquisitions. 17 of the enterprises purchased are headquartered in Germany and 11 abroad. Due to the acquisitions, the number of employees has increased from more than 2,000 to more than 10,000. At the same time

24、period the TüV SüD Group also has acquired 28 enterprises [14].Against the background of new knowledge and experience gained in connection with the expansion of the TüV NORD Group, the risk management is c

25、ontinuously developed and e</p><p>  In order not to have to register unknown or unforeseen risks in the context of the integration of acquired enterprises, a risk analysis should be performed in the context

26、 of the acquisition process. However, risk analysis is different from operational risk management, in particular with regard to its project character and information basis (publicly available information and information

27、provided by the target enterprise)[15].</p><p>  Risk analysis should include the most important elements of risk management, i.e. risk identification and risk evaluation, and can be integrated into the due

28、diligence process. A due diligence procedure also should be carried out for each acquisition. {According to Section 11 of the US Securities Act of 1933, brokers reproached for having withheld important information from i

29、nvestors were able to relieve themselves from personal liability by the defence of due diligence. To do this, they had to </p><p>  The aim of due diligence has to be the identification of all risks of an en

30、terprise and their subsequent minimization or inclusion into the calculation of the enterprise value. In a due diligence process the enterprises can also cooperate with external advisors such as auditing and law firms to

31、 perform due diligence checks and risk analyses.</p><p>  In the following, the authors will deal with issues of risk management or risk analysis in the acquisition processes which are of great importance fo

32、r every enterprise. For this background to ensure a complete record of all important risks, it is necessary to adopt a systematic process to identify them, which was developed and implemented from the authors in the T

33、52;V NORD Group in the last years to reduce the risks concerning acquisitions. For this the issues will be classified by external and in</p><p>  External Influences on the Enterprise</p><p>  A

34、t the "global environment" risk level, in particular the issues of macroeconomic development, technological development and political-legal development are of very great importance for every enterprise and also

35、 to the TüV NORD Group. Furthermore the issues of socio-cultural and ecological development are to consider.Macroeconomic development in particular includes cyclical risks which find expression in the fluctuation of

36、 economic variables (e.g. gross domestic product) of anational economy and</p><p>  To enable the assessment of such risks for a country in which an acquisition is planned publicly available information prov

37、ided by financial or research institutions can be used. The country-specific risk potential is estimated on the basis of this data. In its assessment of the technological developments and the associated technological ris

38、ks, the TüV NORD Group usually relies on own Know-How which is supplemented by publicly available studies. Where own Know-How does not exist because the acqu</p><p>  Political-legal risks identified by

39、 enterprises basically are the following (additional detailed explanations see [17]):</p><p>  Fiscal risks: Fiscal measures by governments may present a risk to enterprises. Transfer risks: Governments may

40、make retransfer of invested capital, e.g. in the form of distribution of profits, difficult.</p><p>  Expropriation and terrorism risks</p><p>  Corruption risks: Regular publication of country

41、rankings provides an overview which likewise is very important to enterprises due to the corporate governance and compliance obligations.</p><p>  Legal risks: These may be the lack of basic conditions for q

42、uality, liability and protection risks or the general jurisdiction.</p><p>  In the context of an acquisition project, the political-legal risks are also determined, analysed, assessed and compiled. Central

43、to the risk field socio-cultural developments are circumstances and changes in demographic features (e.g. age structure) or social values, attitudes and norms (e.g. attitudes to the environment).Ecological developments a

44、rising from the exploitation of finite resources or changed environmental and climatic conditions (e.g. environmental disasters) may represent risks f</p><p>  At the "competitive environment" risk

45、 level, the competitors, suppliers and customers issues are often of great relevance to enterprises. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the competitor, supplier and customer situation in a country is performed in the cont

46、ext of the acquisition process. For instance, the general price, service and quality level of testing services, the possibility of new customers entering (entry barriers) or the customers' market power and payment be

47、haviour are analysed in con</p><p>  Internal Influences on the Enterprise</p><p>  At the "enterprise internal" risk level, all issues are very important always in the case of acquisi

48、tions which are why during an acquisition process a due diligence check including a risk analysis for the enterprises to be acquired is carried out jointly with local public accountants and lawyers.</p><p> 

49、 With regard to this, risks may result from an enterprise's strategy/corporate governance, e.g. with respect to questions of composition of the service portfolio, choice of location enterprise investments.</p>

50、<p>  Risks in connection with human resources or cultural aspects are of the highest importance for all service related enterprises because the business model is based on the provision of services by people, not m

51、achines. Accordingly, it is important for the management of enterprises to detect risks in connection with key persons (Know-How carriers) at enterprises to be acquired and reduce them by contractually binding these key

52、persons to the enterprise at least for a certain time. Without such agre</p><p>  Jointly with public accountants, the management of enterprises look for financial risks or risks with regard to the assets of

53、 the enterprise to be acquired. These may in particular be found in various items of the balance sheet such as the intrinsic value of receivables from customers or fixed assets (e.g. values of buildings, machines, techni

54、cal installations and the equipment of the IT system), pension plans or risks arising from under-insurance.</p><p>  External lawyers can be involved in particular in the determination of organisation risks

55、or business process or project risks. Risks may concern the operational and the organisational structure or exist in the business processes along the value-added chain. There also may be risks in an individual current or

56、 future project, environmental or quality management.</p><p>  At the end of the acquisition process, all risks in connection with external and internal influences on the enterprise which have been identifie

57、d have to be compiled and assessed.</p><p>  Based on these reports, the board of management and if existing the supervisory board of enterprises have to decide whether or not the acquisition will be made. I

58、n this way, there should be a close interlocking between the enterprisesrisk management and the acquisition management already prior to an acquisition. In the next section especially the innovation management as part of

59、the holistic national and international M&A process model is presented.</p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p>  可持續(xù)的并購業(yè)務——尤其是企業(yè)在服務市場上流程模型的重要方面</p><p><b>  馬克西姆 薩特</b>

60、;</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  近年來出現(xiàn)了全球前所未有的并購浪潮。然而實證研究顯示了企業(yè)服務部門并購交易高失敗率的現(xiàn)實。本文的目的是為企業(yè)并購交易提供重要的成功因素,并且為國家和國際并購流程測試服務市場(TICET市場)和服務業(yè)市場提供一個新開發(fā)的的整體概念。這個重要的成功因素在實現(xiàn)風險管理模型和創(chuàng)新管理上尤其顯著。此外,這個整體性

61、的并購流程模型的結果分析顯示,在案例研究和管理工具的幫助下。作為案例研究結果的一部分,漢德集團和其主要競爭對手德國萊茵南商貿(mào)易將進行并購交易。</p><p>  關鍵詞:可持續(xù)的并購交易,整體并購模型,風險管理模式,創(chuàng)新管理,競爭分析,基準分析。</p><p><b>  1.引言</b></p><p>  大量的作品和研究顯示,合并和收

62、購(并購)在實現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟增長、利潤目標和相應的企業(yè)價值增加的情況下非常重要[2、3]。在此背景下,可持續(xù)的并購交易的實現(xiàn)允許這樣一個假設的存在,并購應該是一個非常成功的企業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略。然而,許多可用的實證研究顯示,企業(yè)并購交易實現(xiàn)的失敗率較高。例如,摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的一項研究顯示,實施并購的失敗率約為40%,失敗的并購交易在服務行業(yè)甚至更高,在50%左右[4、5、6]。</p><p>  在相關科學

63、文獻中大多數(shù)關于并購的主題只是一個粗略的而不是詳細的過程構建,他們的描述因作者而異。例如作者皮科,格里爾,鮑爾,貝朗斯,布拉維恩,施濤河[7, 8, 9, 10]只描述幾個部分的并購流程模型。而其他作者Theurl,,貝利[11]只解釋并購過程的粗糙結構的概念。</p><p>  然而,根據(jù)作者們進一步的研究表明,在考察服務市場和服務行業(yè)市場時,并購過程的特點沒有詳細和全面的概念存在。在這種情況下,作者在第一階

64、段的目是展示創(chuàng)新管理最重要的成功因素,風險管理模型作為國家和國際并購過程一個新開發(fā)的整體概念,特別是考察服務市場(TICET市場)和服務行業(yè)市場。</p><p>  在第二步中,發(fā)達國家整體并購流程模型的結果分析,在實踐性和客觀性案例研究的幫助下,管理工具的優(yōu)勢突出。</p><p>  作為案例研究的一部分,并購交易的結果由漢德集團(超過10000員工)以及在業(yè)務領域的主要競爭對手——

65、德國萊茵南南貿(mào)易(超過16000員工)所使用[12,13]。測試服務市場類似的業(yè)務活動和超過140年歷史的企業(yè)都是全球性的領導者。測試服務市場的市場容量至少有€40 - 50美元。</p><p>  2.新開發(fā)的整體國家和國際并購流程模型</p><p>  在本節(jié)內(nèi)容中,整體并購流程模型最重要的方面即:由作者開發(fā)的專門為企業(yè)測試服務市場和服務市場,加上許多成功的因素,通過應用漢德集團與

66、德國萊茵公司相比較的案例。新開發(fā)的整體國家和國際并購過程模型包括以下三個階段,如圖1所示。</p><p>  在作者的支持下,新開發(fā)和實施風險管理模型以及創(chuàng)新管理得到了特別的關注。這些方面將在本文得到展示,其實施方法在部分成功的可持續(xù)收購流程中尤其重要。</p><p>  2.1風險管理模型與可持續(xù)的并購交易</p><p>  在過去的七年里,漢德集團的收購達

67、28次。購買的企業(yè),總部在德國的有17個,在國外有11個。由于收購,員工人數(shù)已從2000多增加到10000多。同一時期,德國萊茵集團也收購了28家企業(yè),在新知識與經(jīng)驗的背景下,德國萊茵集團得到了擴張,其管理的風險也不斷升級與擴張。</p><p>  在收購企業(yè)的過程中,為了不獲得未知或不可預見的風險,應當在收購的過程中進行風險分析。然而,風險分析不同于操作風險管理,要對其項目特點和信息基礎進行分析(公開信息和提

68、供的信息目標企業(yè)) [15]。風險分析應包括風險管理的最重要的元素,即風險識別和風險評價,可以集成到詳細的調(diào)查過程。詳細的調(diào)查過程中也應該為每個收購進行。{根據(jù)1933年美國證券法案的第11節(jié),經(jīng)紀人責備投資者隱瞞重要信息,從而能夠減輕自己法人責任。要做到這一點,他們必須證明,除此之外,由于合理的調(diào)查結果,他們認為所有的信息發(fā)布都是真實的,沒有省去必要的信息[16] }。</p><p>  調(diào)查的目的是識別一個

69、企業(yè)的所有風險以及企業(yè)價值的計算。在盡職調(diào)查過程中,企業(yè)也可以配合審計等外部顧問和律師事務所進行盡職調(diào)查和風險分析。</p><p>  在下文中,作者將針對風險管理的問題或每個企業(yè)重視的收購過程中的風險分析問題進行探討。在確保一個完整的記錄所有重要風險的背景下,有必要采用一種系統(tǒng)過程來識別他們,從作者開發(fā)和實施在德國萊茵集團在過去的幾年來減少有關收購的風險。對于這個問題將由外部和內(nèi)部分類對企業(yè)的影響(圖2)。對

70、建立的風險水平和風險領域,必須確定所有相關的風險,盡可能精確的測量和描述。</p><p>  外部因素對企業(yè)的影響</p><p>  在“全球環(huán)境”風險中,特別是宏觀經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的問題,技術開發(fā)和政治法律環(huán)境的發(fā)展是每一個企業(yè)、也是漢德集團非常重視的問題。此外,社會文化和生態(tài)發(fā)展的問題也需要考慮。宏觀經(jīng)濟發(fā)展特別是包括周期性風險表現(xiàn)在經(jīng)濟變量(如國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值)國民經(jīng)濟、外國貨幣與通脹風險的

71、波動上[17]。</p><p>  為了確保國家風險評估,應利用金融或研究機構提供的信息進行公開的收購計劃。具有國家特色的潛在的風險評估應建立在這些數(shù)據(jù)的基礎上。在其評估技術發(fā)展和相關的技術風險時,漢德集團通常依賴于自己的技術,輔以公開可用的研究。自己的專門技能不存在,因為收購是建立一個新的業(yè)務部門,企業(yè)經(jīng)常與外部顧問合作,他們準備專家報告,并進一步研究技術開發(fā)市場的問題。在此基礎上評估潛在的風險。</p

72、><p>  企業(yè)的政治法律風險識別主要是以下幾個方面(額外的詳細說明見[17]): 財政風險:政府的財政措施可能會給企業(yè)帶來財政風險。</p><p>  轉移風險:政府可能使投資資本進行再轉移,如利潤分配的形式,困難。 </p><p><b>  征收與恐怖主義風險</b></p><p>  腐敗風險:定期出版的國家

73、排名提供了這樣一個概述,由于企業(yè)治理和合規(guī)義務對企業(yè)來說同樣重要。</p><p>  法律風險:這些可能缺乏基本條件的質(zhì)量、責任和保護風險或普通管轄。 在收購項目的情況下,政治法律風險同樣被確定、分析、評估和編輯。風險領域社會文化發(fā)展的核心是環(huán)境和人口的變化特性(如年齡結構)或社會價值觀,態(tài)度和規(guī)范(如對環(huán)境的態(tài)度)。有限資源開發(fā)引起的生態(tài)發(fā)展或改變環(huán)境和氣候條件(如環(huán)境災難)可能代表一個企業(yè)的風險。</

74、p><p>  在“競爭環(huán)境”風險中,競爭對手、供應商和客戶問題往往與企業(yè)具有很大的相關性。因此,應在收購的過程中詳細分析競爭對手、供應商和客戶的情況。例如, 對測試服務的一般價格、服務和質(zhì)量水平,新客戶進入的可能性(進入壁壘)或客戶的市場力量和與此有關的付款行為進行分析。</p><p>  內(nèi)部因素對企業(yè)的影響</p><p>  “企業(yè)內(nèi)部“風險中,在收購的情況下

75、,所有問題總是非常重要的,這是為什么在收購過程中盡職調(diào)查,包括同當?shù)氐臅嫀熀吐蓭煂ζ髽I(yè)被收購的風險進行分析。</p><p>  關于這個問題,風險可能來自于一個企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略/公司治理,如對服務組合的成分問題,選擇企業(yè)投資的位置進行分析。</p><p>  與人力資源或文化差異有關的風險是所有服務企業(yè)最為重要的部分,因為業(yè)務模型是基于提供服務的人而不是機器。因此,重要的是,企業(yè)的管理檢測

76、風險與關鍵人員(技術運營商)在企業(yè)收購和減少綁定這些關鍵人員上需要一段特定時間。沒有這樣的協(xié)議用來降低潛在風險,收購通常不應當被執(zhí)行。</p><p>  會同公共會計師、企業(yè)的管理通常在尋找金融風險或并購后企業(yè)資產(chǎn)的風險。特別是這些可能出現(xiàn)在資產(chǎn)負債表的各種物品如客戶應收賬款或固定資產(chǎn)的內(nèi)在價值(如建筑物、機器、技術設施和設備的系統(tǒng)的價值),撫恤金制或不足額保險引起的風險。</p><p&g

77、t;  外部律師常常需要參與對組織風險或業(yè)務流程或項目風險的決策中去。風險需要考慮運作或組織結構或存在于業(yè)務流程與增值鏈的問題。</p><p>  在收購過程結束的時候,所有內(nèi)部與外部因素對企業(yè)的影響已確定需要編譯和評估。</p><p>  根據(jù)這些報告,執(zhí)行管理委員會與現(xiàn)有的企業(yè)監(jiān)事會必須決定是否作出收購。通過這種方式,在企業(yè)風險管理與采購管理之間應該有一個關閉聯(lián)鎖。在下文中,創(chuàng)新管


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