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1、<p><b>  外文資料翻譯</b></p><p><b>  ABSTRACT</b></p><p>  In this paper, a multi-channel taximeter that is able to deal with more than one passenger simultaneously is pr

2、oposed.</p><p>  In order to demonstrate the theory of operation of the proposed system, a complete design for an experimental three-channel taximeter (whose prototype has been built under grant from the Egy

3、ptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research) is presented.</p><p>  System location, outline, block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams for the experimental taximeter are also included.

4、</p><p>  1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>  Transporting people in the morning from their homes to their works and back in the afternoon has become a big problem in big cities especially in undeveloped c

5、ountries. As a partial solution of this problem, the authorities in some countries had, unofficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry different passengers to different places at the Same time. For example, a taxicab wi

6、th four seats may carry four different passengers without any relation between them except that their way of travelling i</p><p>  Accordingly, it has become very difficult to rely on the present conventiona

7、l single-channel taximeter to determine the fare required from each passenger separately. Accordingly, an unfair financial relation was created between the taxicab driver, owner, passengers and the state taxation departm

8、ent.</p><p>  Under these circumstances, taxicab drivers force the passengers to pay more than what they should pay. In some cases passengers had to pay double fare they should pay. With the present conventi

9、onal single-channel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determine the daily income of their taxicab.</p><p>  In some cases (a taxicab with four seats) they may only get one quarter of the income of th

10、e taxicab (collected by the taxicab driver). From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in addition to the car depreciation. As a matter of fact the p

11、osition of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems. A general agreement has been reached between the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guarantee a fixed daily inc</p><p>  In order

12、 to face this problem, the state taxation department had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the income of the taxicab. In this paper, we introduced a multichannel taximeter that can d

13、eal with more than one passenger simultaneously. I t should be pointed out that by the term passenger we mean a one person or a group of related persons. I t should also be pointed out that our proposed multi-channel tax

14、imeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts. As </p><p>  Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experimental three-channel taximeter are also included. A prototype has been built und

15、er grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research.</p><p>  2. AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETER</p><p>  Theory of operation of our experimental device to work a

16、s an electronic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact thathe speedometer cable rotates one revolution for each meter of travelling distance.</p><p>  Accordingly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with

17、a speed sensor that generates a single pulse for each meter of travelling distance, then our taximeter could be three up counter modules associated with a speed sensor unit.</p><p>  However, our experimenta

18、l taximeter is not simply a three display readouts. As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per kilometer of travelling distance or per minutes of waiting time according to the n

19、umber of passengers hiring the taxicab. The device may be splitted into two main parts: The first is the speed sensor unit which may be located anywhere in the taxicab such that an easy coupling to the speedometer cable

20、can be achieved. The second unit con</p><p>  A possible components locations is shown in Figure 1.</p><p>  A. Speed Sensor Unit</p><p>  The main function of this unit is to suppl

21、y train of pulses whose frequency is proportional to the angular rotation of the wheels. A possible form of a speed sensor is shown in Figure 2.</p><p>  If may consist of a tj.pica1 permanent magnet sine wa

22、ve generator with its output connected to a pulse shapping circuit (two general purpose silicon diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger inverter).</p><p>  In order to find some way to detect the movem

23、ent of the taxicab, the output of the sine wave generator is rectified through a general purpose silicon diode Dl then smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor. The output voltage at terminal Q is then limited to the value of 4.7

24、volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as a zener diode ZD. The level of the voltage at terminal Q would be high whenever the taxicab is moving and will be zero otherwise. This voltage can be used for the automatic sw

25、itching from di</p><p>  B. Main Electronic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the main electronic and</p><p>  display unit is shown in Figure 3. The control and display panel contains all

26、' controls necessary for operating the taximeter as well as four readout displays. The first channel will give the sum of money required from the first passenger, while the second and third readouts are for the secon

27、d and third passengers, respectively. The fourth readout will give the total income of the taxicab.</p><p>  The contents of the last readout should be nonvolatile and be able to be retained even during park

28、ing the taxicab. The channel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/anticlockwise positions. In the fully anticlockwise position, the counter of the corresponding readout is blancked and disabled.</p

29、><p>  In the fully clockwise position, the counter is unblanked, cleared to zero and enabled to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the first, second and third passengers, respectively.</p&

30、gt;<p>  Pushing the total sum pushbutton 4 unblanks the fourth readout enabling any person to retain the readout corresponding to the total income. After the release of the pushbutton, the fourth readout will be

31、blanked again. This unit also contains the main electronic circuit which will be fully described in the following section.</p><p>  3. DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT</p><p>  The gen

32、eral block diagram of the main electronic circuit is shown in Figure 4. It consists of five subcircuits designated by the symboles CTI up to CT4supporting circuits, these are: The number of passenger deticition circuit C

33、TI, travelling distance scaling circuit CT2, waiting time scaling circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which generates clock pulses for the display circuit.</p><p>  A. Number of Passengers Detection Circuit CT1 As show

34、n from the general block diagram, the circuit CTI has three inputs I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L. The function of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at terminals J, K or L if and only if one,

35、two or three passengers are hiring the taxicab, respectively. The term passenger, here, means one person or a group of related persons. When a passenger is getting into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display b

36、y turni</p><p>  This will automatically disconnect the corresponding terminal I, 2 or 3 from ground. The logical relation between various input terminals I, 2 and 3 and the output terminals J, K and L is sh

37、own in Table 1.</p><p>  As a combinational circuit we start the design by deriving a set of boolean functions. A possible simplified boolean functions that gives minimum number of inputs to gates may be obt

38、ained from Table I.</p><p>  A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressions is shown in Figure 5.</p><p>  It consists of two inverters, four 2-input AND, to3-input AN

39、D two 3-input OR gates B. Tavelling Distance Scaling Circuit CT2</p><p>  As shown from the block diagram of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four input J, K, L and E and one output M. The function of the circu

40、it is to supply a single pulse at the output M for a certain number of pulses generated at the output of the speed sensor (certain number of meters travelled by the taxicab), according to the number of passengers hiring

41、the car. A suggested fare per kilometer of travelling distance is shown in colomn two of Table 2. the circuit, in this case, should supply a single</p><p>  according to the level of voltage at input termina

42、le 3, K or L, respectively.</p><p>  Our circuit could be, as shown in Figure 5, three decade counters, connected as a three digit frequency divider whose dividing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically s

43、elected by the voltage level at terminals J, K and L, respectively.</p><p>  A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above function is shown in Figure 6. It consists of three decade counters type 7490

44、, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-input AND, one 3-input ANDone 2-input AND two 3-input OR gates.</p><p>  C. Time Scaling Circuit CT3</p><p>  As shown in the block diagram, the t

45、ime scalingcircuit will have four inputs J, K, L and F and one output N. The function of this circuit and accordingto colomn three of Table 2 (fare per 2 minuts of waiting time) is to supply a single pulse at the output

46、N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the input terminal F from the I Hz clock according to level of voltage at inputs J, K and L, respectively.</p><p>  Time scaling circuit would be similar to the

47、 distance scaling circuit but with different diving ratios. A Possible circuit diagram is shown in figure 7.</p><p>  It consists, in this case, of three decade counter type 7490, two 3-input AND, one 5-inpu

48、t AND, one 2-input AND one 3-input OR gates.</p><p>  D. Circuit CT4 Which Generates Clock Pulses for Display Circuit</p><p>  The function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses

49、at the output terminal R for each pulse generated at any of the terminals N or M, according to the voltage level at the input terminals J, K or L, respectively. The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse generated

50、at any of the input terminals N or M. This function can be performed by the circuit shown in Figure 8, it consists of one ripple counter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, t</p&

51、gt;<p>  the function of the channels rotary selector switchs.</p><p>  E. Display Circuit</p><p>  As shown in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give

52、the sum of money required from each passenger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total income of the taxicab. A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is shown in Figure 9. Rotating any

53、 of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise direction will supply the corresponding display by5 volts through terminals 1, 2 and 3, respectively.</p><p>  The corresponding display will be unblanked

54、by supplying a low level of voltage through terminals A, C and G, respectively. Keeping terminals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero. The corresponding display is then enabled by removing

55、 the low voltage from terminals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresponding passenger starting from zero.</p><p>  The counting pulses for these three

56、 displays are supplied through terminal P. The total sum</p><p>  display will be enabled whenever any of the three displays is enabled (this is done by a 3-input OR gate as shown in Figure 8). Retaining the

57、 contents of the last display will be done by unblanking it by supplying a low level of voltage to terminal I as shown in Figure 10 b.</p><p>  F. Changing Over Between Time and Distance Fares</p><

58、;p>  In the following part, two different methods for changing over between time andistance fares</p><p>  are suggested:</p><p>  The first is to switch to time fare whenever the distance fa

59、re is less than the time fare. Hence,</p><p>  a simple look to fares table (Table 2) can show that time fare should be used whenever the taxicab moves with speed less than 50 m/min. A possible circuit</p

60、><p>  that can perform this switching action is shown in Figure IO c. It contains one rpm limit switch</p><p>  and a one inverter as well as two 2-input AND gates.</p><p>  The conta

61、cts of the limit switch are normally closed and will be opened whenever the angular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp. The second alternation is to connect the input of the inverter in Figure 10 c. to the outpu

62、t terminal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.</p><p>  In this case, the switching into time fare will be done whenever the taxicab is at stand still.</p><p>  G. Function of the Rotary Sel

63、ector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied by</p><p>  the terminals of the rotary selector switches in order to ensure proper operation by the electronic</p><p>  circuit are giv

64、en in Table 3. Connection of three rotary selector switches each witb four decks of</p><p>  five poles each, that satisfy the logic function of Table 3, is shown in Figure 10 a. Rotating any of the three sw

65、itches into fully clockwise direction will pass through five positions. The function of the rotary selector switches can be described starting from the first position passing through variousteps until reaching the final

66、position as follows:</p><p>  Initial position: In this position a low voltage level is applied to terminals I, 2 and 3, this will disconnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three i

67、nputs of the number of passenger detection circuit CTI to low level. A low voltage level is applied to terminals 8, D and H, this is to ensure that the total income display is disabled.</p><p>  Voltage leve

68、ls at terminals A, C, G and S are at no care condition.</p><p>  Step I: Rotating any of the rotary selector switches one step toward clockwise direction will supply 5 volts to the corresponding display, pro

69、vides a high level voltage at terminals 1, 2 or 3 indicating that one passenger have entered the taxicab. A high level voltage should be applied to terminals A, C or G in order to ensure that the corresponding display is

70、 still blanked. Other terminals B, D, H and S are kept unchanged. Step 2: Rotating the rotary selector switch one</p><p>  step further, will change the state of voltages at terminal A, C or G to be at low l

71、evel and unblanks the corresponding display. States of voltages at terminals I, 2, 3 and S are remained unchanged.</p><p>  Terminals B, D and H should be remained at low level to ensure that the correspondi

72、ng readout</p><p>  is cleared to zero while unblanking the display.</p><p><b>  二、中文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  本文提出了一種出租車多通道計價的方案,能同時處理

73、一個以上乘客的情形。 為了從理論上說明本方案,提出了一個實驗上的三通道型的士的完整設(shè)計(其原型是根據(jù)埃及科學(xué)和技術(shù)研究學(xué)院的研究而建成得)。 </p><p><b>  1 .導(dǎo)言 </b></p><p>  在不發(fā)達(dá)的國家,早上把人們從他們家送到工作的地方,然后下午送回來已成為一個大問題,尤其是在大城市。</p><p>  作為解決這個

74、問題的一個部分,在某些國家出租車用來解決這個問題,送人們從一個地方到另外一個地方。 例如,出租車的四個席位可攜帶四個不同的沒有任何關(guān)系的乘客,除了他們的路線是相同的。 </p><p>  因此,依靠目前的傳統(tǒng)的單車道計價以確定所需的票價,把每個乘客的計費(fèi)分開,這已成為一個非常困難的問題。因此,在出租車司機(jī), 車主,乘客和國家稅務(wù)部門之間存在著不公平的財政關(guān)系。 </p><p>  在這

75、種情況下,出租車司機(jī)強(qiáng)迫乘客支付多于他們所應(yīng)付的。在某些情況下乘客支付了他們應(yīng)付車費(fèi)的雙倍。</p><p>  本常規(guī)單頻道計程車,出租車司機(jī)不能夠確定出租車日常收入。 在某些情況下(出租車的4個席位) ,他們可能只有出租車四分之一的收入 ( 大部分的出租車司機(jī))。從這些支付工資的出租車司機(jī)以及作為燃料費(fèi)用外,還要維修以及汽車折舊等費(fèi)用。事實上,出租車業(yè)主并非似乎如此糟糕 。一項在出租車司機(jī)和車主之間的協(xié)議已經(jīng)

76、達(dá)成,司機(jī)應(yīng)保證每天固定收入,以及向業(yè)主支付燃料以及維修的費(fèi)用。即使如此,還是有的出租車司機(jī)的很大一部分份額之收入的出租車?,F(xiàn)在還存在的單聲道計價,已經(jīng)變得非常,國家稅務(wù)部門也知道這種困難 每年估計出租車業(yè)主的收入支出,以及應(yīng)支付的稅務(wù)也很困難。</p><p>  為了應(yīng)對這一問題,國家稅務(wù)部已實行固定估計稅,每個座位的出租車不論收入。在本文中,我們介紹了多通道的士計程表,可處理超過一名乘客同時進(jìn)行的情況。我應(yīng)

77、該指出,我所說的長期旅客指一個人或一組相關(guān)的人。我同時也應(yīng)指出,我們提出的多渠道的計價,不是簡單地說,一個多顯示讀數(shù)。作為一個先進(jìn)的事項,事實上它包含邏輯電路,可以自動計算變化的車費(fèi)以及每公里行走距離或每分鐘的候車時間按照乘客人數(shù)雇用出租車。 在下面的部分,我舉出一個例子,我們將介紹一個完整的三通道計價。 框圖以及詳細(xì)的電路圖,實驗三通道計價功能也包括在內(nèi)。原型下已建成 埃及贈款科學(xué)學(xué)院 和技術(shù)研究。</p><p&

78、gt;  2 .實驗THREECHANNEL </p><p>  出租車計價器理論的運(yùn)作我們的實驗裝置從事電子數(shù)字計價依據(jù)。事實上速度電纜旋轉(zhuǎn)1 圈的每米距離行駛。因此,如果車速電纜耦合與速度傳感器,產(chǎn)生一個單脈沖每平方米的旅行距離,那么,我們的的士可以三倍于反模塊相與速度傳感器的單位。然而,我們的實驗是計價而不僅僅是只顯示三個讀數(shù)。事實上,它包含邏輯電路,可以根據(jù)每公里的行駛距離或每分鐘等候時間按照乘客人數(shù)雇

79、用出租車來自動改變車費(fèi)。該裝置可能會分成兩個主要部分組成:第一是速度傳感器,這個傳感器可位于任何地方,在出租車內(nèi)進(jìn)行這樣一個簡單的耦合車速電纜是可以實現(xiàn)的。</p><p>  單位包含了主要的電子電路,顯示器以及控制面板。該單位應(yīng)位于前排的司機(jī)和乘客之間。</p><p><b>  速度傳感器 </b></p><p>  其主要職能是本單

80、位提供脈沖的培訓(xùn),這個脈沖的頻率會于旋轉(zhuǎn)角度相適合。一種可能的形式一個速度傳感器。如果可以包含正弦波發(fā)生器的輸出連接到脈沖整形電路的永磁器件(2通用芯片二極管,1000歐姆的電阻和施密特觸發(fā)逆變器) 。 </p><p>  為了找到某種方式來檢測出租車的運(yùn)動,正弦波發(fā)生器的輸出是糾正通過一個通用的硅二極管延胡索乙然后平滑的1000年F電容。那個輸出電壓在終端Q是當(dāng)時限于價值4.7伏特用益歐姆的電阻以及一個齊納二

81、極管ZD 。出租車的終端電壓在終端Q將高電壓降為零。這電壓可作為改變出租車從距離計費(fèi)到時間計費(fèi)方式的開關(guān)電壓。</p><p>  主要的電子和顯示單元 </p><p>  一個建議是主要形式的電子和顯示單元。控制和顯示器面板包含所有'控制所必需的經(jīng)營的士以及四個可讀顯示器。第一頻道將給出從第一乘客,第二乘客,第三乘客分別應(yīng)付的費(fèi)用,第四個會給出總收入給予出租車。最后讀出的數(shù)據(jù)會

82、包括停車的費(fèi)用等等費(fèi)用。頻道選擇器開關(guān)1,第2和第3個,按順時針/逆時針的立場。在充分逆時針的立場,反相應(yīng)的讀出是未標(biāo)明和殘疾人。以順時針方向則是未定義的,清除為零,對于第一第二第三的乘客分別計費(fèi)。第四號推進(jìn)總鈕第四次讀出,使任何人保留讀出相應(yīng)的總收入。經(jīng)過釋放按鈕,第四次讀出將再次保留。這個單位還包含主要電子電路將在下一節(jié)充分描述。</p><p>  描述的主要電子電路 </p><p&g

83、t;  它由五個部分指定的電腦符號與電話系統(tǒng)整合成為4個支撐電路,它們是:判斷乘客數(shù)量電路CT1,旅行距離電路CT2,等待時間電路CT3,時鐘脈沖顯示電路CT4。 </p><p>  乘客人數(shù)檢測電路CT1如圖所示的一般框圖,該電路電腦與電話系統(tǒng)整合有三個輸出:1,2和3相對應(yīng)于三個輸出J ,K和L。</p><p>  這個循環(huán)電路函數(shù)包含高電壓的終端 J,K或L,如果有1個或者2,3

84、個乘客分別租用出租車。這個組里的任意乘客都是一組相關(guān)的人。當(dāng)一個乘客進(jìn)入出租車后,我們只是表示這樣一種情況,自由讀出顯示在談到相應(yīng)的旋轉(zhuǎn)選擇開關(guān),以一個完全順時針方向。 這將自動斷開相應(yīng)的終端1,2或3個從地面。邏輯關(guān)系各種輸入端子之間第1,第2和第3個輸出端J,K和L是列于表1 。 作為一個組合電路,我們開始設(shè)計產(chǎn)生了一系列布爾函數(shù)。</p><p>  一種可能的邏輯圖的基礎(chǔ)上,它包括兩個變頻器,4個2輸入和

85、3輸入以及2個3輸入或門。B.行駛距離標(biāo)量環(huán)路CT2 ,電路CT2有4個輸入J,K,L及E和1個輸出M,輸出功能的電路是供應(yīng)單脈沖的輸出M的某一些脈沖產(chǎn)生的輸出的速度傳感器(出租車行駛了一定得距離),根據(jù)乘客的人數(shù)租用的汽車。我們建議票價按每公里行駛距離顯示在兩個表格2里面。</p><p>  表2 這個環(huán)路,在這種情況下,應(yīng)提供單脈沖的輸出M的每100,125或143脈沖所產(chǎn)生的輸入端根據(jù)級別的電壓輸入終端3

86、,K或L。</p><p>  我們的電路按圖5顯示,三個十年的計數(shù)器,作為一個三位數(shù)分頻器的分比率100 ,125和143個自動選定的電壓一級終端J ,K和L分別。一種可能的線路圖可被驗證,它包括三個十年的計數(shù)器7490,一個聲BCD -以杜威解碼器輸入7445,3個4輸入和1個3輸入以及1個2輸入和2個3輸入或門。</p><p>  時間縮放電路CT3.</p><

87、;p>  時間縮放電路含有4個輸入端 J ,K ,L及F和一個輸出端N,這個電路的函數(shù)根據(jù)表格2的意思(車費(fèi)每2分鐘的等待時間)是在J , K和L分別供應(yīng)單脈沖到輸出端N時,提供單脈沖的輸出N。時間縮放電路將類似于距離標(biāo)量環(huán)路,但是有不同的行駛比率。它包括3個十進(jìn)制計數(shù)器7490 ,2個3輸入與門和一個5輸入與門,1個2輸入與門和一個3輸入或門。</p><p>  電路產(chǎn)生時鐘脈沖的顯示電路CT4<

88、/p><p>  這條電路的作用根據(jù)電壓電平在輸入終端J、K或者L,分別供應(yīng)1,2或者脈沖在每脈沖的輸出終端R引起在任何終端N或M。無論輸入端N或者M(jìn)中的誰發(fā)送脈沖,都只有一個脈沖能被輸出端P接收。它由一個反向計數(shù)器7493構(gòu)成 ,其中一半是雙JK主從觸發(fā)器電路,型號為7476,包括三個變頻器,三個2輸入與門,一個3輸入與門,1 2輸入或門以及一個3輸入或門。當(dāng)脈沖引起在輸入的終端N或M,觸發(fā)器的輸入Q上將產(chǎn)生高級電

89、壓。這個門信號將被連接到計數(shù)器的輸入A并且連接到輸出終端R。當(dāng)?shù)谝?,第二或第三個脈沖由漣波計數(shù)器開始計數(shù),J,K,L端會分別根據(jù)電壓的大小來使產(chǎn)生重置或者翻轉(zhuǎn)來改變狀態(tài),然后Q端變?yōu)檩敵龅碗妷?。因此? KHz信號沒有能力到達(dá)輸出端R或是計數(shù)器的輸入端A。為了確保電路的函數(shù)準(zhǔn)確無誤,當(dāng)切換到新頻道時,觸發(fā)器要清零。對于功能選擇開關(guān)旋轉(zhuǎn)渠道的描述,稍后會以一個成功的5輸入門函數(shù)來解釋。</p><p><b&

90、gt;  顯示電路</b></p><p>  該顯示面板將包含三個4位數(shù)顯示器,這樣可以給出每個乘客應(yīng)付車費(fèi)的總和,一個六位數(shù)顯示器可以給出出租車的總收入。以順時針方向旋轉(zhuǎn)所選擇的開關(guān)將提供相應(yīng)的顯示,這可以通過5伏電壓來分別控制1,第2和3終端。對應(yīng)的顯示通過供應(yīng)低級電壓通過終端A、C和G,分別。保持終端D和H在低級狀態(tài)下重置為零對應(yīng)的顯示分別通過終端B,D,H而改變低壓狀態(tài),并準(zhǔn)備好從對應(yīng)的乘客

91、那里計算出相應(yīng)的計數(shù)款額,計數(shù)脈沖這三個顯示器通過終端提供總額。計數(shù)器還將通過終端P為3個顯示器提供脈沖只要這三個顯示器中任意一個是正常的,那么總額將被顯示出來。</p><p>  時間和距離變化時車費(fèi)的改變</p><p>  在下面的部分,兩種不同的方法使得時間和距離改變從而導(dǎo)致車費(fèi)發(fā)生變化,有如下建議:首先是當(dāng)以路程計價的費(fèi)用低于以時間計費(fèi)的費(fèi)用時,采用時間計費(fèi)。從此,一個簡單的票

92、價表顯示當(dāng)出租車移動速度小于50米/分時應(yīng)該采用時間計費(fèi)方式。一種可能的電路可以執(zhí)行此開關(guān)行動如圖10c,它包含一個轉(zhuǎn)速限位開關(guān)和一個反轉(zhuǎn)器以及兩個2輸入與門。接觸的限位開關(guān)通常是封閉,只有當(dāng)角速度超過50RMP的時候才會打開。第二個改變將中斷連接到圖10C的輸入端,輸出端Q連接速度的電路。在這種情況下,只要出租車的狀態(tài)保持靜止,那么計費(fèi)開關(guān)就會處于關(guān)閉狀態(tài) 。</p><p><b>  功能選擇旋轉(zhuǎn)

93、開關(guān)</b></p><p>  功能選擇開關(guān)旋轉(zhuǎn)的電壓應(yīng)提供的該終端的旋轉(zhuǎn)選擇開關(guān),以確保正常運(yùn)行的電子電路列于表3。每5個桿就有4個板連接著3個旋轉(zhuǎn)選擇開關(guān),每個符合邏輯功能表3,旋轉(zhuǎn)任何三個切換到完全順時針方向?qū)⑼ㄟ^5個職位。功能的旋轉(zhuǎn)選擇開關(guān)可以說是從第一的位置通過直到達(dá)到最后的立場如下:</p><p>  初始位置:在這個位置上的低電壓電平適用于第一第二和第三終端,

94、浙江斷開來自三個中一個顯示器的5伏特電壓供應(yīng),設(shè)置三個顯示器,乘客檢測電路并與電路系統(tǒng)整合到較低的水平。終端D,H采用低電壓,這是為了確保顯示的總收入選項已被禁用。</p><p>  步驟1:以順時針方向旋轉(zhuǎn)任何旋轉(zhuǎn)選擇開關(guān)一格將提供5伏特電壓到相應(yīng)的顯示,提供一個高等級的電壓終端1,2或3,這表明一名乘客已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了出租車。終端C,G應(yīng)為高電平,以確保相應(yīng)的顯示仍然是籠罩。其他端口,如D,H端口保持不變。<


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