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1、<p>  外文標題:Analysis and Study of Low-Carbon Clothing Design and Fashion Lifestyle</p><p>  外文作者:Yan Zhang, Rong-rong Xu</p><p>  文獻出處:Journal of Arts and Humanities,Volume 5,Issue 6,2016,23

2、-29</p><p>  英文3379單詞, 18792字符,中文5966漢字。</p><p>  此文檔是外文翻譯成品,無需調(diào)整復雜的格式哦!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!</p><p>  Analysis and Study of Low-Carbon Clothing Design and Fashion Lifestyle</p><

3、;p>  Yan Zhang, Rong-rong Xu</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  Low-carbon is not only a slogan, but also a global action to protect the environment. In the clothing industry, low-

4、carbon clothing design has drawn public focus and it also conveyed the notion that we should respect for nature and advocate the concept of conservation. Through the analysis and study of low-carbon clothing design, it c

5、omes to two conclusions: On the subjective aspect, low-carbon design consciousness of designers which humanization of costume design, design clothing beyond beauty,</p><p>  Keywords: Clothing Design, Enviro

6、nmental Protection, Fashion, Lifestyle, Low-Carbon.</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  With the rapid development of industrial civilization in 20th century, people have changed their material life.

7、 However, global environment suffers from malignant pollution. For example, ecological resource is destroyed and the species diversity is reduced. In order to protect our earth, humans began to focus on ecological protec

8、tion and emphasize low-carbon sustainable development (Liming, 2010). In the clothing industry, low-carbon clothing design has drawn enough attention. Firstly, people pa</p><p>  The background of low-carbon

9、 clothing at home and abroad</p><p>  Low-carbon is not only a slogan, but also the environmental protection operation of everyone on earth. With the arrival of a low-carbon economy era, the development of c

10、lothing industry should be adapted to the trends of the global economy. Low-carbon clothing design has become the trend of the clothing development (Xiaodan, 2015). People's life has been quickly improved. Humans beg

11、an to focus on eco-environmental protection and sustainable development. In December 2009, the United Nations Clima</p><p>  On May 19, 2015, “Made in China 2025 strategy”, officially released by the State C

12、ouncil, puts forward the basic policy of "Innovation driven, quality first, green development, structural optimization, people-oriented". Made in China 2025 strategy is the key to the development of China's

13、 garment industry. Green development policy extends the green manufacturing engineering. It including costume green production, environmental protection design and recycle the old cloth (Yanhong, 2015). On May 20</p&g

14、t;<p>  Earth hour is the world's largest environmental action launched by the world natural foundation in Australia from 2007. It appeals to people all over the world to switch off their lights for one hour o

15、n Saturday night in March of every year. This action shows their supports for global action to combat climate warming and thinking on environmental problems (Lun, 2010). In 2016, the Earth Hour campaign’s theme is blue l

16、ife, encouraging the public farewell sustainable living and consumption pattern</p><p>  Low-carbon clothing design</p><p>  From the anti-fur campaign, more and more people realize that environ

17、mental protection is not just a slogan. It calls for all human beings put their actions to protect the earth (Ting, 2010). Have you done low-carbon today? Recently, this is the most popular internet topic. This is a new

18、generation of network people committed to environmental protection and low-carbon. They pushed the fashion trend to the low-carbon era. They show low-carbon fashion, lifestyle and advocate low-carbon environment</p>

19、;<p>  Study on low-carbon clothing designs at the subjective level</p><p>  Fashion designer needs more low-carbon concept of consciousness and thinking. Clothing brand advocate the low-carbon as the

20、 trend of development. The public like the low-carbon and creative costumes. Consumer's behavior consciousness is being raised. They are voluntarily looking for the rational orientation and pursue clothing quantitati

21、ve upgrading to the quality.</p><p>  Fashion designers' low-carbon design</p><p>  Fashion design must be beautiful. Japan fashion designers, cubist master Issey Miyake released the 1325.Se

22、ries clothing design. Among them, 1 represents a whole piece of fabric, 3 represents a three-dimensional, 2 represents the two-dimensional shape after folding, 5 represents a new three-dimensional experience. 1325. Serie

23、s use low-carbon sustainability as a design concept. Its inspiration comes from Japanese Origami. Every piece of clothing material is recyclable plastic bottle (PET material)</p><p>  Low-carbon activities o

24、f brand clothing</p><p>  The environmental work shows at London Fashion Week, many brands are based on low-carbon concept. For example, organic cotton fabrics can not only protect the environment but also w

25、ears comfortable to human body. Bamboo fiber is a special natural fiber which has very good permeability. It is easy to dry and difficult to produce bacteria. Linen and cereal fiber raw materials are also eco-friendly fa

26、brics. South Korea's environmental protection fashion show display designer's works using old cloth</p><p>  Low-carbon is activities of brand clothing. For example, H&M introduced organic cotton

27、 clothing. Giorgio Armani used flax and corn fiber as raw materials. Armani believes that unprocessed material is the environmental. In the low-carbon activities held by Armani, clothing selling is bond with money donati

28、on for African children. This money is used for HIV/AIDS treatment (Xiao, 2012). The clothing design concept of GUESS is low-carbon. It launched Green series. This series is green jeans which ar</p><p>  Stu

29、dy on low-carbon clothing designs at the objective level</p><p>  With the development of high-tech, clothing fabric, shape and color have reached a new level. For example, 3D printing fabric has been widely

30、 used in our life. The emergence of 3D printing pen achieves a fairy tale magic brush Ma Liang. 3D printing pen can create on any surfaces, even paint directly in the air. 3D printing pen is small. It is needed to select

31、 the right materials. It can start creation. For example, graduated from the United States Charlotte art college, fashion design artist Pat</p><p>  In the fashion industry, 3D printing technology has been u

32、sed in a variety of brands, such as the New balance’s shoes, Chanel‘s suits. Recently, the Ministry of Supply of Boston clothing brand designed a 3D print woven carbon seamless coat. Print quality of this jacket is very

33、classy. Coats, clothing, collar, and the sleeves are needed to design complete clothing. Ministry of Supply’s seamless coat was printed directly rather than sew. The advantages of this dress are fitted wearing, durable w

34、ea</p><p>  3D printing low-carbon era is the future trends in fashion design; Using high-tech low-carbon fabrics to replace ordinary cloth. Fashion design can become low-carbon, environmental protection and

35、 intelligent.</p><p>  Analysis and study on low-carbon lifestyle and fashion</p><p>  Low-carbon fashion design is a clothing design based on environmental protection. From a design standpoint,

36、 the engagement of low-carbon and lifestyle should be carefully considered. Low-carbon clothing is artistic creation which has been intensively studied and combined with fashion life.</p><p>  Lifestyle unde

37、r the concept of slow fashion</p><p>  Slow fashion concept gradually returns to people's lifestyle. Designers need to express human emotions, beyond beautiful, user-friendly works. Transmit environmenta

38、l messages to the people and constantly promote the development of low-carbon trend. For example, the mother of fashion punk Vivienne Westwood encouraged people to buy less clothing in the campaign to save the Arctic, sh

39、e shouted the slogans: quality not quantity.</p><p>  Consumer concept</p><p>  Nowadays, the public's consumption concept gradually returns to slow fashion culture. People began to pursue a

40、 quality of life. The attitudes of low-carbon and environmentally-friendly have gradually penetrated into every consumer’s lifestyle. Low-carbon is not only the way of environmental protection, but also the lifestyle. Si

41、milarly, low-carbon design should be suitable for consumers and a development goal of the recycling enterprises. Consumer consumption concept is the decisive factor which</p><p>  Firstly, the influence that

42、 the mainstream concept of consumption having on the concept of personal consumption. Green low-carbon is the new consumption trend. More and more consumer’s requirements gradually increased. They focus on clothing durab

43、ility, environmental protection and low-carbon fabric. Through the network and other ways, consumers should understand the impact to the environment in the process of clothing produce. These consumption concepts graduall

44、y formed the mainstream culture a</p><p>  Secondly, Personal factors are determined by the degree of people's culture, thinking and the quality of thinking. As 2015 China's first eco environmental f

45、abrics design competition jury expert judges, they think in terms of consumer's personal consciousness, if each category of consumers can be like the mother and infant brand consumers, the promotion of ecological env

46、ironmental protection will quickly enter a new stage in China's textile and garment industry (Jing & Peipei, 2015). In the low-c</p><p>  Revival and recovery of old clothing</p><p>  Lo

47、w-carbon clothing design of the old clothes is related to the life style of the public. It is also one of the acts of green environmental protection. The revival of the old clothing can be the DIY re-design of the old cl

48、othing. DIY means do it yourself. Consumers reduce unnecessary clothes. It can put the concept of low- carbon environmental protection into the life style. Consumers can start from the DIY design using the old clothing.

49、DIY can also be understood design it yourself. Creative de</p><p>  Re-surrection using clothes can come from clothing factory. In response to low-carbon and environmental protection slogans, Sweden's fa

50、st fashion chain clothing Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) clothing stores in China offer "collection of used clothing " boxes, consumers can use their own old clothes in Exchange for a H&M 85 percent coupon. R

51、ecently H&M brand material on these old clothes to design new "Close the loop" denim. Old clothes for this series of revival in apparel fabric are 20% for cotton a</p><p>  Conclusion</p>

52、<p>  Low-carbon is not only the consumption trend in global economy but also a green lifestyle. It is a way to solve the earth environmental problem. Low-carbon slogans should be advocated to upgrade to the envir

53、onmental protection action for everybody. In the clothing industry, on one hand, every brand donates themselves into low-carbon clothing activities, encouraging consumers to participate in low-carbon behaviors. On the ot

54、her hand, consumers begin to reposition themselves. They purchase clothes</p><p>  References</p><p>  Guangjie N. (2012). Dialectical Thinking of Chinese Traditional Consumption Concept in Ecol

55、ogical Environmental Percept. Dalian Maritime University, China.</p><p>  Huadi Y, Xinxin Z, &Pan W. (2015). Six keywords see "made in China 2025" core intention. New Era, No.7306:6-8.</p>

56、;<p>  Jing H, & Peipei C. (2015). Green keys unlock competition puzzle. Textile and Apparel Weekly, 75434,30-31.</p><p>  Liming, B. (2010). Dietary changes impact on public health: cope with cha

57、llenges and low-carbon. Paper presented at the Second Conference on Nutrition Improvement on Both Sides of the Four Places, Chinese Nutrition Society.</p><p>  Lun C. (2010). "Earth Hour": dark lit

58、 up hope. Eco-economic, 22606, 10-15.</p><p>  Ruixiang W. (2015). Promote international production capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation, and create a new situation in the opening up of the openi

59、ng up of the machinery industry. Internal Combustion Engine & Parts, 11, 40-46.</p><p>  Ting Z. (2010).Environmental protection leading global fashion crazes. Green China, 29901, 54-56.</p><p

60、>  Xiao Y. (2012). Luxury is also a preference for "low-carbon fan children". Energy Saving and Environmental Protection, 21404, 72-73.</p><p>  Xiaodan Z. (2015). Discussion on the design conce

61、pt of ecological clothing in the era of low-carbon economy. Chinese & Foreign Entrepreneurs, 49412,247. </p><p>  Yanhong F. (2015). Study on clothing design under the background of green low-carbon life

62、. Arts House 09:68-69.</p><p>  Yuanling L. (2015). The development and evolution of the Obama administration's climate control policy in the United States. Contemporary World, 40912, 72-75.</p>&

63、lt;p>  低碳服裝設計與時尚生活方式的分析與研究</p><p>  Yan Zhang, Rong-rong Xu</p><p>  文章網(wǎng)站:https://theartsjournal.org/index.php/site/article/view/1022</p><p>  雜志名稱:Journal of Arts & Humaniti

64、es(藝術與人文學科雜志)</p><p>  發(fā)表時間:第05卷,第10期,2016年</p><p>  頁碼:第23-29頁</p><p><b>  摘要:</b></p><p>  現(xiàn)如今,低碳一詞不僅僅是一個口號,而且也成為了全球保護環(huán)境的行動。在服裝行業(yè)中,大眾對低碳服裝設計已經(jīng)表示出極大的關注,這傳達


66、該要提升到人文關懷設計的層面上來以確保低碳概念是全球人類共同的需求和職責。</p><p>  關鍵詞:服裝設計,環(huán)境保護,時尚,生活方式,低碳。</p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  伴隨著20世紀人類工業(yè)文明的快速發(fā)展,人們改變了他們的物質(zhì)生活。而另一個方面是全球環(huán)境遭受到嚴重的污染。比如,生態(tài)資源被破壞、物種多樣性


68、lt;/p><p>  國內(nèi)外對低碳服裝研究的背景</p><p>  低碳一詞不僅是一個口號,也成為地球上每一個人對環(huán)境保護的實際行動。隨著低碳經(jīng)濟時代的到來,服裝業(yè)的發(fā)展也要適應全球經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展趨勢。低碳服裝設計已成為服裝發(fā)展的趨勢(曉丹,2015)。人們的生活得到了很大的改善。人類已經(jīng)開始關注生態(tài)環(huán)境的保護以及它的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。聯(lián)合國氣候變化會議于2009年12月在丹麥的哥本哈根舉行,這引發(fā)


70、,中國的二氧化碳排放量逐年增加。從2009年到2014年,碳排放量從77億噸增長到104億噸,但是2015年中國的二氧化碳排放量下降了1.5%??梢钥闯鎏寂欧帕砍尸F(xiàn)明顯下降的趨勢。這意味著人們更加關心低碳和環(huán)保問題。為了實現(xiàn)低能耗、低污</p><p>  圖一 中國的二氧化碳排放量</p><p>  在國務院于2015年5月19日正式發(fā)布的“中國制造2025戰(zhàn)略”中,提出來了“以創(chuàng)新為


72、中國的制造業(yè)還沒有擺脫高投入、高消耗、高排放的發(fā)展模式。資源的過度消耗已成為制約中國經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展的重要因素(華地,欣欣以及潘,2015)。從國家工業(yè)企業(yè)層面上來看,“先成長后治理”的道路上是錯誤的,我們應該時時刻刻記住從別人的錯誤中去吸取教訓。</p><p>  自2007年以來,地球一小時是由澳大利亞世界自然基金會發(fā)起的全球最大的環(huán)境保護行動。它呼吁世界各地的人們每年三月的周六晚上關燈一小時。該行為表明他們支

73、持全球環(huán)保行動,以應對氣候變暖和考慮到了環(huán)境保護的問題(倫,2010年)。 2016年,地球一小時活動的主題是藍色生活,為了我們?nèi)祟惖乃{天和地球,鼓勵大眾要過可持續(xù)的生活和消費模式。衣食住行和娛樂是人們?nèi)粘I畹奈鍌€方面。面對氣候變化,人們希望陰霾消失,天空更藍。關燈一小時,而不僅僅是為環(huán)保做一小時的努力。在時尚界,全球快時尚品牌Urban Revivo(UR)采取實際行動表明其對低碳環(huán)保的決心。UR商店的104家店鋪于3月19日晚上2

74、0點30分熄燈一小時。它影響著公眾要去關注環(huán)境保護。 UR積極參與各個領域的低碳行動。為了減少污染,其購物袋由低碳材料制成,紙袋也是可生物降解和可回收利用的。低碳可持續(xù)生活方式使這一行動得到公眾的廣泛支持。</p><p><b>  低碳服裝設計</b></p><p>  從服裝反動物毛發(fā)的運動中,越來越多的人意識到環(huán)境保護不僅僅是一句口號。它呼吁所有人為保護地球


76、要素進行了分析。</p><p>  低碳服裝設計主觀層面的研究</p><p>  時裝設計師在設計的過程中需要更多的低碳意識和思維觀念。許多的服裝品牌提倡低碳作為其發(fā)展的潮流趨勢。大眾喜歡既低碳又有創(chuàng)意的服飾。消費者的行為意識正在提高。他們根據(jù)自己的意愿尋求合理的定位,從追求服裝數(shù)量提升到追求服裝的質(zhì)量。</p><p>  時裝設計師的低碳設計</p&g

77、t;<p>  時裝設計過程中必須追求美麗。日本時裝設計師立體派大師Issey Miyake(三宅一生)發(fā)布了“1325”系列的服裝設計。其中,1代表整塊織物,3代表三維,2代表折疊后的二維形狀,5代表新的三維體驗。 1325.系列使用了低碳可持續(xù)性作為設計理念。它的靈感來自日本折紙。每件衣服材料都是可回收塑料瓶(PET材料)。三宅一生的設計超越了二維和三維空間。三維時尚被折疊成二維幾何平面。設計師需要有創(chuàng)新的精神和對人需

78、求的思考,設計應該更加關注文化和情感的交流。</p><p>  品牌服裝進行的低碳活動</p><p>  基于許多品牌服裝低碳環(huán)保的觀念,環(huán)境保護的工作在倫敦時裝周上得到了展示。例如,有機棉織物不僅可以保護環(huán)境,而且穿在人體身上很舒服。竹纖維是一種特殊的天然纖維,具有很好的滲透性。它很容易干燥并且很難產(chǎn)生細菌。亞麻和谷類纖維原料也是環(huán)??椢铩mn國的環(huán)保時裝秀展示了設計師使用陳舊的布做成

79、服裝的作品。例如,包的設計,它使用舊西裝作為材料。設計師將舊衣服或舊材料重新設計成時裝布。設計師希望鼓勵人們參與低碳活動。對舊衣服的回收已經(jīng)融入到了人們的時尚生活。</p><p>  品牌服裝推廣了低碳的活動。例如,H&M推出了有機棉服裝。喬治阿瑪尼以亞麻和玉米纖維為原料。服裝品牌阿瑪尼認為未加工的材料就是環(huán)保的。在阿瑪尼舉辦的低碳活動中,服裝銷售與非洲兒童捐款息息相關。這筆錢用于艾滋病毒/艾滋病治療(肖,20

80、12)。 GUESS的服裝設計理念是低碳。它推出了綠色系列的服裝。這個系列的服裝是由有機棉制成的綠色牛仔褲。品牌服裝的原則是綠色設計。其設計理念是低碳化,倡導公眾參與低碳活動。人們應該把低碳融入時尚的生活方式,共同保護自然、尊重自然。</p><p>  客觀層面的低碳服裝設計研究</p><p>  伴隨著高科技技術的發(fā)展,服裝所使用的面料形狀及其顏色都達到了一個新的水平。例如,3D打印

81、織物已被廣泛應用于我們的生活中。 3D打印筆的出現(xiàn)實現(xiàn)了神筆馬良的夢想。 3D打印筆可以在任何表面上進行創(chuàng)建,甚至可以直接在空氣中進行噴涂。 3D打印筆在體積上很小。需要選擇合適的材料才可以開始它的創(chuàng)作。比如,畢業(yè)于美國夏洛特藝術學院的時裝設計師帕特里泰就用3D打印筆設計了一條裙子。整個作品消耗了100個小時。使用3D打印筆在模特身上畫一條裙子。這個創(chuàng)造的靈感來源于幾何學、現(xiàn)代建筑和一些獨特的紋理。 3D打印筆已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了他的作品,在服裝

82、設計中選用FLEXY材料的ABS塑料和相對柔軟的3D打印材料,可以體現(xiàn)出材料中的低碳環(huán)保設計。 3D打印技術開辟了低碳材料的新路徑。同時為設計師提供各種獲得靈感的方法。</p><p>  在各個時尚行業(yè)中,3D打印技術已被用于各種品牌,如New Balance的鞋子,Chanel的套裝等。最近,波士頓服裝品牌供應部設計了一種3D打印的編織碳素無縫外套。該外套的印花質(zhì)量非常優(yōu)雅。設計完整的服裝需要衣料、布匹、領子

83、和袖子。供應部提供的無縫外套是直接打印的而不是縫制的。這件衣服的優(yōu)點是適合穿著、耐用和節(jié)約面料。據(jù)調(diào)查,傳統(tǒng)的裁剪和縫制服裝工藝可浪費約25%-30%的面料。使用3D打印的低碳無縫涂層產(chǎn)生的廢布料百分比為0%,這意味著無浪費。顯然,它可以節(jié)省生產(chǎn)過程中的織物成本,并減少環(huán)境污染。更加智能的是在3D打印過程中,它可以使用智能建模讓消費者感覺更加舒適。</p><p>  3D打印的低碳時代是未來時尚設計的趨勢;采用

84、高科技低碳面料取代普通布料。時尚設計可以變得低碳、環(huán)保和智能化。</p><p>  低碳生活方式和時尚的分析與研究</p><p>  環(huán)保的服裝設計是基于低碳的時尚設計。從設計的角度來看,要考慮到低碳和生活方式的融合。低碳服裝是經(jīng)過深入研究、結(jié)合時尚生活的藝術創(chuàng)作。</p><p><b>  慢時尚概念下的生活</b></p>

85、<p>  慢時尚的概念逐漸回歸到人們的生活方式。設計師在設計的過程中需要表達出對人類情感、超越美麗、對用戶友好的作品。還要向人們傳遞環(huán)保信息,不斷推動低碳發(fā)展的趨勢。例如,時尚朋克Vivienne Westwood的母親鼓勵人們在拯救北極的運動中購買較少的衣服,她高喊口號:要質(zhì)量不要數(shù)量。</p><p><b>  消費者觀念</b></p><p>

86、;  現(xiàn)如今大眾的消費觀念逐漸回歸到慢時尚文化。人們開始追求生活質(zhì)量。對低碳環(huán)保的追求逐漸滲透到每個消費者的生活方式中。低碳不僅是環(huán)保的方式,也是生活方式。同樣,低碳設計應該適合消費者以及回收企業(yè)的發(fā)展目標。消費者消費觀念是決定服裝產(chǎn)業(yè)生態(tài)環(huán)境發(fā)展速度的決定性因素(Jing&Peipei,2015)。但是,由誰來引導消費者的消費理念呢?消費者的消費態(tài)度是民族文化長期積累的結(jié)果,是社會現(xiàn)實的直接反映。在引發(fā)個人消費觀念的諸多因素中,主要消

87、費觀念和個人因素是引導消費觀念的基本因素(Guangjie,2012)。</p><p>  第一是主流的消費理念對個人消費理念的影響。綠色低碳是新的消費趨勢。越來越多的消費者對它的需求逐漸增加。他們專注于服裝的耐用性、環(huán)保性以及是否為低碳織物。消費者通過網(wǎng)絡等方式應該了解到服裝生產(chǎn)過程對環(huán)境的影響。這些消費的觀念逐漸形成主流文化,從而繼續(xù)影響他人觀念。根據(jù)數(shù)據(jù)分析,越來越多的消費者會購買更少的衣服和購物理性,甚

88、至一些環(huán)保消費者愿意多花費20%-30%的價格購買低碳織物服裝或者回收衣服以體現(xiàn)他們的消費價值觀和生活方式。</p><p>  其次是個人因素,這取決于個人受教育的文化程度、思維和思維的深度。身為中國首個生態(tài)環(huán)保面料設計大賽(2015年)的評委會專家,他們認為從消費者的個人意識來看,如果每一類消費者都能像母嬰品牌消費者那樣,那么生態(tài)環(huán)保在中國紡織服裝業(yè)將很快進入一個全新的階段。(Jing&Peipei,2015

89、)。在低碳時代,回歸慢生活和理性的生活方式,他們可以清楚地知道自己的消費理念的定位。理性的生活方式包括,首先個人主觀上減少購買衣服的數(shù)量或?qū)⑴f衣物翻新。每個人減少一件衣服,這相當于減少了約5.7公斤的二氧化碳排放量。其次,消費者需要選擇環(huán)保面料和款式。如李寧和帝人ECO CIRCLE通過合作制作的面料服裝。通過CIRCLE ECO系統(tǒng)恢復過程,每3000件服裝減少的二氧化碳排放量,相當于每年228棵樹木吸收的二氧化碳量。第三,選擇環(huán)保的

90、洗滌材料將節(jié)約用水,防止洗滌劑污染。多用手洗,而不是使用機器清洗,并做到自然干燥。一次手洗可減少二氧化碳排放量0.26千克。第四,消費者可以參加慈善活動,向災區(qū)捐款捐物,幫助困難群眾。當消費者發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的定位融入了消費者個人觀念的生活方式時,他們會對低碳環(huán)保產(chǎn)生共鳴。</p><p>  對舊衣服的再使用和恢復</p><p>  對舊衣服的低碳服裝設計關系到大眾的生活方式。這也是綠色環(huán)保行

91、為之一。對舊衣服的恢復可以是對舊衣服的DIY重新設計。 DIY意味著自己動手。消費者減少了不必要的衣服。它可以把低碳環(huán)保理念融入到自己的生活方式中去。消費者可以從使用舊衣服的DIY設計開始。 DIY也可以理解為你自己設計。創(chuàng)意設計可以結(jié)合流行的元素、鮮明的外形、拼接以及簡單的裁剪等。設計創(chuàng)意也可以是對舊衣服的設計,使舊衣服變成購物袋。這是對織物的重新設計。讓舊衣服DIY設計成為可以持續(xù)穿著的服裝。</p><p>

92、;  對衣服再修復的材料可以來自服裝工廠。為響應低碳環(huán)保的號召,瑞典的快時尚連鎖服裝Hennes and Mauritz(H&M)在中國的服裝店提供了“舊衣服收集箱”,消費者可以使用自己的舊衣服換購H&M 85%的優(yōu)惠券。近期,H&M利用這些舊衣服上的品牌材料設計了新的"Close the loop"牛仔布。該系列的舊衣復原的衣料中20%的是棉花和80%的是有機棉,這是此次設計的最大亮點之一。衣服回收成本會相對較高。

93、 H&M,阿迪達斯,PUMA也都參與了回收舊衣服的活動。I:CO公司提供了技術支持,并表示目前40%至60%的舊衣服經(jīng)過消毒處理后回收再加工流入到二級市場,其余部分將回收用于制造布等產(chǎn)品,其他的將用于火力發(fā)電。時下H&M推出了二手服裝收集周的活動,世界上第一次二手服裝收集周將于4月18日開始,計劃在全球范圍內(nèi)收集1000多噸舊服裝,活動的口號是“回收一件T恤 節(jié)省2100升水 “從而提高大家回收舊衣服的積極性。</p>&

94、lt;p><b>  結(jié)論</b></p><p>  低碳不僅僅是全球經(jīng)濟活動的消費趨勢,而且它也是一種綠色生活方式。這是解決地球環(huán)境問題的一種方法。我們應該倡導低碳這一口號要升級為每個人保護環(huán)境的行動。一方面,在服裝行業(yè)中的每個品牌都將自己投身到低碳服裝的活動中來,而且要鼓勵消費者參與低碳的活動,付出實際行動。另一方面,消費者逐漸開始重新定位自己。他們開始理性地購買衣服,通過自己的

95、創(chuàng)造力重新再使用衣服,從而減少丟棄。在低碳時代的大背景下,設計師的創(chuàng)意活動應該從人類開始,設計出展現(xiàn)人性思想的服裝。慢時尚的理念逐漸回歸到時尚的生活方式。低碳理念的服裝上升到了人文主義,低碳概念與人類的行為息息相關。所有的這些行動使低碳概念成為人類最基本的需求和責任。</p><p>  References</p><p>  Guangjie N. (2012). Dialectica

96、l Thinking of Chinese Traditional Consumption Concept in Ecological Environmental Percept. Dalian Maritime University, China.</p><p>  Huadi Y, Xinxin Z, &Pan W. (2015). Six keywords see "made in Ch

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98、2010). Dietary changes impact on public health: cope with challenges and low-carbon. Paper presented at the Second Conference on Nutrition Improvement on Both Sides of the Four Places, Chinese Nutrition Society.</p>

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