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1、<p><b>  中文4440字</b></p><p><b>  畢業(yè)設計/論文</b></p><p>  外 文 文 獻 翻 譯</p><p>  系  別 計算機與電子系 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 班 級 計算機科學與技術

2、 </p><p>  姓  名 </p><p>  原 文 出 處 Digital Image Processing 2/E</p><p>  評 分 </p><p>  指 導 教 師

3、 </p><p>  2012 年 3 月</p><p><b>  圖像分割</b></p><p>  前一章的資料使我們所研究的圖像處理方法開始發(fā)生了轉變。從輸人輸出均為圖像的處理方法轉變?yōu)檩斎藶閳D像而輸出為從這些圖像中提取出來的屬性的處理方法〔這方面在1.1節(jié)中定義過)。圖像分

4、割是這一方向的另一主要步驟。</p><p>  分割將圖像細分為構成它的子區(qū)域或?qū)ο?。分割的程度取決于要解決的問題。就是說當感興趣的對象已經(jīng)被分離出來時就停止分割。例如,在電子元件的自動檢測方面,我們關注的是分析產(chǎn)品的圖像,檢測是否存在特定的異常狀態(tài),比如,缺失的元件或斷裂的連接線路。超過識別這此元件所需的分割是沒有意義的。</p><p>  異常圖像的分割是圖像處理中最困難的任務之一


6、標,比如移動中的裝備和部隊。</p><p>  圖像分割算法一般是基于亮度值的不連續(xù)性和相似性兩個基本特性之一。第一類性質(zhì)的應用途徑是基于亮度的不連續(xù)變化分割圖像,比如圖像的邊緣。第二類的主要應用途徑是依據(jù)事先制定的準則將圖像分割為相似的區(qū)域,門限處理、區(qū)域生長、區(qū)域分離和聚合都是這類方法的實例。</p><p>  本章中,我們將對剛剛提到的兩類特性各討論一些方法。我們先從適合于檢測灰


8、別具有吸引力,因為它將本章第一部分提到的幾種分割屬性技術結合起來了。我們將以圖像分割的應用方面進行討論來結束本章。</p><p><b>  10.1間斷檢測</b></p><p>  在本節(jié)中,我們介紹幾種用于檢測數(shù)字圖像中三種基本的灰度級間斷技術:點、線和邊緣。尋找間斷最一般的方法是以3.5節(jié)中描述的方式對整幅圖像使用一個模板進行檢測。圖10-1所示的3x3模

9、板,這一過程包括計算模板所包圍區(qū)域內(nèi)灰度級與模板系數(shù)的乘積之和。就是說,關于式(3.5.3),在圖像中任意點的模板響應由下列公式給出:</p><p><b> ?。?0.1.1)</b></p><p>  圖10-1 一個一般的3*3模板</p><p>  這里Zi是與模板系數(shù)Wi相聯(lián)系的像素的灰度級。照例,模板響應是它的中心位置。有關執(zhí)

10、行模板操作的細節(jié)在3.5節(jié)中討論。</p><p><b>  10.1.1點檢測</b></p><p>  在一幅圖像中,孤立點的檢測在理論上是簡單的。使用如圖10-2(a)所示的模板,如果</p><p>  |R| ≥ T (10.1.2)</p><p>  我們說在模板中心的位置上已經(jīng)檢測到一個點。這里


12、。注意,模板系數(shù)之和為零表示在灰度級為常數(shù)的區(qū)域,模板響應為零。</p><p><b>  (a)</b></p><p> ?。╞) (c) (d)</p><p>  圖10-2 (a)點檢測模板,(b)帶有通孔的渦輪葉片的X射線,(c)點檢測的<

13、/p><p>  結果,(d)使用式(10.1.2)得到的結果(原圖由X-TEK系統(tǒng)公司提供)</p><p>  例10.1圖像中孤立點的檢瀏</p><p>  我們以圖10-2(b)功為輔助說明如何從一幅圖中將孤立點分割出來.這幅X射線圖顯示了一個帶有通孔的噴氣發(fā)動抓渦槍葉片,通孔位于圈像的右上象限。在孔中只嵌有一個黑色像素。圖10-2(c)是將點檢測模板應用于X


15、<b>  10.1.2線檢測</b></p><p>  復雜程度更高一級的檢測是線檢測,考慮圖10-3中顯示的模板。如果第l個模板在圖像中移動,這個模板將對水平方向的線條(一個像素寬度)有更強的響應。在一個不變的背景上,當線條經(jīng)過模板的中間一行時會產(chǎn)生響應的最大值。畫一個元素為1的簡單陣列,并且使具有不同灰度級(如5)的一行水平穿過陣列,可以很容易驗證這一點。同樣的實驗可以顯示出圖10-

16、3中的第2個模板對于</p><p>  45°方向線有最佳響應;第3個模板對于垂直線有最佳響應;第4個模板對于</p><p>  -45°方向線有最佳響應;這些方向也可以通過注釋每個模板的優(yōu)選方向來設置,即在這些方向上用比別的方向更大的系數(shù)(為2)設置權值。注意每個模板系數(shù)相加的總和為零,表示在灰度級恒定的區(qū)域來自模板的響應為零。</p><p&

17、gt;  Horizontal +45° Vertical -45°</p><p><b>  圖10-3 線模板</b></p><p>  令R1,R2,R3和R4。從左到右代表圖10-3中模板的響應,這里R的值由式(10.1.1)給出。</p><p>

18、  假設4個模板分別應用于一幅圖像,在圖像中心的點,如果|Ri|>|Rj| ,</p><p>  j≠i,則此點被認為與在模板i方向上的線更相關。例如,如果在圖中的一點有|Ri|>|Rj| ,j=2,3,4,我們說此特定點與水平線有更大的聯(lián)系。</p><p>  換句話說,我們可能對檢測特定方向上的線感興趣。在這種情況下,我們應使用與這一方向有關的模板,并設置該模板的輸出門

19、限,如式(10.1.2)所示。換句話說,如果我們對檢測圖像中由給定模板定義的方向上的所有線感興趣.只需要簡單地通過整幅圖像運行模板,并對得到的結果的絕對值設置門限即可。留下的點是有最強響應的點。對于一個像素寬度的線,這些響應最靠近模板定義的對應方向。下列例子說明了這一過程。</p><p>  例 10.2特定方向上的線檢測</p><p>  圖10-4(a)顯示了一幅電路接線模板的數(shù)字

20、化(二值的)圖像。假設我們要找到一個像素寬度的并且方向為-45°的線條?;谶@個假設,使用圖10-3中最后一個模板。圖10-4(b)顯示了得到的結果的絕對值。注意,圖像中所有水平和垂直的部分都被除去了。并且在圖10-4(b)中所有原圖中接近-45°方向的部分產(chǎn)生了最強響應。</p><p><b>  (a)</b></p><p> ?。╞)

21、 (c)</p><p>  圖10-4 線檢測的說明。(a)二進制電路接線模板,(b)使用-45°線檢測器</p><p>  處理后得到的絕對值,(c)對圖像(b)設置門限得到的結果</p><p>  為了決定哪一條線擬合模板最好,只需要簡單地對圖像設置門限。圖10-4(c)顯示了使門限等于圖像中最大值后得到


23、法來定向的。這些孤立點也可以使用圖10-2(a)中的模板進行檢測,然后刪除,或者使用下一章中討論的形態(tài)學腐蝕法刪除。</p><p>  10.1.3邊緣檢側</p><p>  盡管在任何關于分割的討論中,點和線檢測都是很重要的,但是邊緣檢測對于灰度級間斷的檢測是最為普遍的檢測方法。本節(jié)中,我們討論實現(xiàn)一階和二階數(shù)字導數(shù)檢測一幅圖像中邊緣的方法。在3.7節(jié)介紹圖像增強的內(nèi)容中介紹過這些導

24、數(shù)。本節(jié)的重點將放在邊緣檢測的特性上。某些前面介紹的概念在這里為了敘述的連續(xù)性將進行簡要的重述。</p><p><b>  基本說明</b></p><p>  在3.7.1節(jié)中我們非正式地介紹過邊緣。本節(jié)中我們更進一步地了解數(shù)字化邊緣的概念。直觀上,一條邊緣是一組相連的像素集合。這些像素位于兩個區(qū)域的邊界上。然而,我們已經(jīng)在2.5.2節(jié)中用一定的篇幅解釋了一條邊緣

25、和一條邊界的區(qū)別。從根本上講,如我們將要看到的,一條邊緣是一個“局部”概念,而由于其定義的方式,一個區(qū)域的邊界是一個更具有整體性的概念。給邊緣下一個更合理的定義需要具有以某種有意義的方式測量灰度級躍變的能力。</p><p>  我們先從直觀上對邊緣建模開始。這樣做可以將我們引領至一個能測量灰度級有意義的躍變的形式體系中。從感覺上說,一條理想的邊緣具有如圖10-5(a)所示模型的特性。依據(jù)這個模型生成的完美邊緣是

26、一組相連的像素的集合(此處為在垂直方向上),每個像素都處在灰度級躍變的一個垂直的臺階上(如圖形中所示的水平剖面圖)。</p><p>  實際上,光學系統(tǒng)、取樣和其他圖像采集的不完善性使得到的邊緣是模糊的,模糊的程度取決于諸如圖像采集系統(tǒng)的性能、取樣率和獲得圖像的照明條件等因素。結果,邊緣被更精確地模擬成具有“類斜面”的剖面,如圖10-5(b)所示。斜坡部分與邊緣的模糊程度成比例。在這個模型中,不再有細線(一個像

27、素寬的線條)。相反,現(xiàn)在邊緣的點是包含于斜坡中的任意點,并且邊緣成為一組彼此相連接的點集。邊緣的“寬度”取決于從初始灰度級躍變到最終灰度級的斜坡的長度。這個長度又取決于斜度,斜度又取決于模糊程度。這使我們明白:模糊的邊緣使其變粗而清晰的邊緣使其變得較細。</p><p>  圖10-6(a)顯示的圖像是從圖10-5(b)的放大特寫中提取出來的。圖10-6(b)顯示了兩個區(qū)域之間邊緣的一條水平的灰度級剖面線。這個圖

28、形也顯示出灰度級剖面線的一階和二階導數(shù)。當我們沿著剖面線從左到右經(jīng)過時,在進人和離開斜面的變化點,一階導數(shù)為正。在灰度級不變的區(qū)域一階導數(shù)為零。在邊緣與黑色一邊相關的躍變點二階導數(shù)為正,在邊緣與亮色一邊相關的躍變點二階導數(shù)為負,沿著斜坡和灰度為常數(shù)的區(qū)域為零。在圖10-6(b)中導數(shù)的符號在從亮到暗的躍變邊緣處取反。</p><p> ?。╝) (b)</p&

29、gt;<p>  圖10-5 (a)理想的數(shù)字邊緣模型,(b)斜坡數(shù)字邊緣模型。</p><p>  斜坡部分與邊緣的模糊程度成正比</p><p>  圖10-6 (a)由一條垂直邊緣分開的兩個不同區(qū)域,(b)邊界附近的細</p><p>  節(jié)顯示了一個灰度級剖面圖和一階與二階導數(shù)的剖面圖</p><p>  由這些現(xiàn)象我們


31、;/p><p>  最后,注意到某些邊緣模型利用了在進人和離開斜坡地方的平滑過渡(習題10.5)。然而,我們在接下來的討論中將得出同樣的結論。而且,這一點從我們使用局部檢測進行處理就可以很明顯地看出(因此,2.5.2節(jié)中對于邊緣的局部性質(zhì)進行了說明)。</p><p>  盡管到此為止我們的注意力被限制在一維水平剖面線范圍內(nèi),但同樣的結論可以應用于圖像中的任何方向上。我們僅僅定義了一條與任何需

32、要考察的點所在的邊緣方向相垂直的剖面線,并如前面討論的那樣,對結果進行了解釋。</p><p><b>  注:出自</b></p><p>  Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition . Prentice Hall</p><p>  Image Segmentation</p><p&

33、gt;  The material in the previous chapter began a transition from image processing methods whose input and output are images, to methods in which the inputs are images, but the outputs are attributes extracted from those

34、 images (in the sense defined is Section 1.1). Segmentation is another major step in that direction.</p><p>  Segmentation subdivides an image into its constituent regions or objects. The level to which the

35、subdivision is carried depends on the problem being solved. That is, segmentation should stop when the objects of interest in an application have been isolated. For example, in the automated inspection of electronic asse

36、mblies, interest lies in analyzing images of the products with the objective of determining the presence or absence of specific anomalies, such as missing components or broken connect</p><p>  Segmentation o

37、f nontrivial images is one of the most difficult tasks in image processing. Segmentation accuracy determines the eventual success or failure of computerized analysis procedures. For this reason, considerable care should

38、be taken to improve the probability of rugged segmentation. In some situations , such as industrial inspection applications, at least some measure of control over the environment is possible at times. The experienced ima

39、ge processing system designer invariably pays </p><p>  Image segmentation algorithms generally are based on one of two basic properties of intensity values: discontinuity and similarity. In the first catego

40、ry, the approach is to partition an image based on abrupt changes in intensity, such as edges in an image. The principal approaches in the second category are based on partitioning an image into regions that are similar

41、according to a set of predefined criteria. Thresholding, region growing, and region splitting and merging are examples of methods</p><p>  In this chapter we discuss a number of approaches in the two categor

42、ies just mentioned. We begin the development with methods suitable for detecting gray level discontinuities such as points, lines, and edges. Edge detection in particular has been a staple of segmentation algorithms for

43、many years. In addition to edge detection per se, we also discuss methods for connecting edge segments and for "assembling" edges into region boundaries. The discussion on edge detection is followed by the intr

44、od</p><p>  10.1Detection of Discontinuities</p><p>  In this section we present several techniques for detecting the three basic types of gray-level discontinuities in a digital image: points,

45、lines, and edges. The most common way to look for discontinuities is to run a mask through the image in the manner described in Section 3.5. For the 3 x 3 mask shown in Fig. 10.1, this procedure involves computing the su

46、m of products of the coefficients with the gray levels contained in the region encompassed by the mask. That is. with reference to Eq. (3.5-</p><p><b> ?。?0.1.1)</b></p><p>  FIGURE

47、10.1 A general 3 x 3 mask.</p><p>  where z; is the gray level of the pixel associated with mask coefficient Wi. As usual, the response of the mask is defined with respect to its center location. The details

48、 for implementing mask operations are discussed in Section 3.5.</p><p>  10.1.1 Point Detection</p><p>  The detection of isolated points in an image. is straightforward in principle. Using the

49、mask shown in Fig. 10.2(a), we say that a point has been detected at the location on which the mask is centered if</p><p>  |R| ≥ T (10.1.2)</p><p>  where T is a nonnegative threshold and R

50、is given by Eq. (10.1-1). Basically,this formulation measures the weighted differences between the center point and its neighbors. The idea is that an isolated point (a point whose gray level is significantly different f

51、rom its background and which is located in a homogeneous or nearly homogeneous area) will be quite different from its surroundings, and thus be easily detectable by this type of mask. Note that the mask in Fig. 10.2(a) i

52、s the same as the m</p><p><b> ?。╝)</b></p><p> ?。╞) (c) (d)</p><p>  FIGURE 10.2(a) Pointdetection mask. (b) X-ray image of a

53、 turbine blade with a porosity. (c) Result of point detection. (d) Result of using Eq. (10.1-2).(Original image courtesy of X-TEK Systems Ltd.)</p><p>  EXAMPLE 10.1:Detection of isolated points in an image.

54、</p><p>  We illustrate segmentation of isolated points from an image with the aid of Fig. 10.2(6), which shows an X-ray image of a jet-engine turbine blade with a porosity in the upper, right quadrant of th

55、e image. There is a single black pixel embedded within the porosity. Figure 10.2(c) is the result of applying the point detector mask to the X-ray image, and Fig. 10.2(d) shows the result of using Eq. (10.1.2) with T equ

56、al to 90% of the highest absolute pixel value of the image in Fig. 10.2(c). (Thresh</p><p>  10.1.2 Line Detection</p><p>  The next level of complexity is line detection. Consider the masks sho

57、wn in Fig. 10.3. If the first mask were moved around an image, it would respond more strongly to lines (one pixel thick) oriented horizontally. With a constant background, the maximum response would result when the line

58、passed through the middle row of the mask. This is easily verified by sketching a simple array of 1's with a line of a different gray level (say, 5's) running horizontally through the array. A similar experimen&l

59、t;/p><p>  Horizontal +45° Vertical -45°</p><p>  FIGURE 10.3 Line masks.</p><p>  Let R1, R2, R3, and R4 denote the responses of the masks in

60、 Fig. 10.3, from left to right, where the R's are given by Eq. (10.1-1). Suppose that the four masks are run individually through an image. If, at a certain point in the image, |Ri| > |Rj|, for all j ≠ i, that po

61、int is said to be more likely associated with a line in the direction of mask i. For example, if at a point in the image, |Ri|>|Rj|, for j = 2, 3. 4, that particular point is said to be more likely associated with a h

62、orizontal l</p><p>  EXAMPLE 10.2:Detection of lines in a specified direction</p><p>  Figure 10.4(a) shows a digitized (binary) portion of a wire-bond mask for an electronic circuit. Suppose th

63、at we are interested in finding all the lines that are one pixel thick and are oriented at-45". For this purpose, we use the last mask shown in Fig. 10.3.The absolute value of the result is shown in Fig. 10.4(b). No

64、te that all vertical and horizontal components of the image were eliminated, and that the components of the original image that tend toward a -45° direction</p><p><b> ?。╝)</b></p>&l

65、t;p> ?。╞) (c)</p><p>  FIGURE 10.4 Illustration of line detection (a) Binary wirebond mask.</p><p>  (b) Absolute value of result after processing with -45° line d

66、etector. (c) Result of thresholding image. (b) produced the strongest responses in Fig. 10.4(b).</p><p>  In order to determine which lines best fit the mask, we simply threshold this image. The result of us

67、ing a threshold equal to the maximum value in the image is shown in Fig. 10.4(c).The maximum value is a good choice for a threshold in applications such as this because the input image is binary and we are looking for th

68、e strongest responses. Figure 10.4(c) shows in white all points that passed the threshold test. In this case, the procedure extracted the only line segment that was one pixel thic</p><p>  10.1.3 Edge Detect

69、ion</p><p>  Although point and line detection certainly are important in any discussion on segmentation, edge detection is by far the most common approach for detecting meaningful discontinuities in gray le

70、vel. In this section we discuss approaches for implementing first- and second-order digital derivatives for the detection of edges in an image. We introduced these derivatives in Section 3.7 in the context of image enhan

71、cement. The focus in this section is on their properties for edge detection. Some of t</p><p>  Basic formulation </p><p>  Edges were introduced informally in Section 3.7.1. In this section we

72、look at the concept of a digital edge a little closer. Intuitively, an edge is a set of connected pixels that lie on the boundary between two regions. However, we already went through some length in Section 2.5.2 to expl

73、ain the difference between an edge and a boundary. Fundamentally, as we shall see shortly, an edge is a "local" concept whereas a region boundary, owing to the way it is defined, is a more global idea. A reason

74、</p><p>  We start by modeling an edge intuitively. This will lead us to a formalism to which "meaningful" transitions in gray levels can be measured. Intuitively, an ideal edge has the properties

75、of the model shown in Figure 10.5(a). An ideal edge according to this model is a set of connected pixels (in the vertical direction here), each of which is located at an orthogonal step transition in gray level (as shown

76、 by the horizontal profile in the figure).</p><p>  In practice, optics, sampling, and other image acquisition imperfections yield edges that are blurred, with the degree of blurring being determined by fact

77、ors. such as the quality of the image acquisition system, the sampling rate, and illumination conditions under which the image is acquired. As a result, edges are more closely modeled as having a "ramplike" pro

78、file, such as the one shown in Figure 10.5(b). The slope of the ramp is inversely proportional to the degree of blurring in the edge. I</p><p>  Figure 10.6(a) shows the image from which the close-up in Fig.

79、 10.5(b) was extracted. Figure 10.6(b) shows a horizontal gray-level profile of the edge between the two regions. This figure also shows the first and second derivatives of the gray-level profile. The first derivative is

80、 positive at the points of transition into and out of the ramp as we move from left to right along the profile: it is constant for points in the ramp: and is zero in areas of constant gray level.丁he second derivative i&l

81、t;/p><p>  a b</p><p>  FIGURE 10.5 (a) Model of an ideal digital edge. (b) Model of a ramp edge. The slope of the ramp is proportional to the degree of blurring in the edge.

82、</p><p>  FIGURE 10.6 (a) Two regions separated by a vertical edge. (b) Detail near the edge, showing a gray-level profile, and the first and second derivatives of the profile</p><p>  We concl

83、ude from these observations that the magnitude of the first derivative can be used to detect the presence of an edge at a point in an image (i.e.,to determine if a point is on a ramp). Similarly, the sign of the second d

84、erivative can be used to determine whether an edge pixel lies on the dark or light side of an edge. We note two additional properties of the second derivative around an edge: (7 ) II produces two values for every edge in

85、 an image (an undesirable feature); and (2) an imagi</p><p>  Although attention thus far has been limited to a I -D horizontal profile. A similar argument applies to an edge of any orientation in an image.

86、We simply define a profile perpendicular to the edge direction at any desired point and interpret the results as in the preceding discussion.</p><p><b>  From: </b></p><p>  Introduc

87、tion to Algorithms Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition . Prentice Hall封面</p><p><b>  山東建筑大學</b></p><p>  2009級工程造價專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計任務書</p><p>  題 目: 山東省職業(yè)技術學院辦公樓工程項目商務標書</

88、p><p>  設計期限: 自2011年7月</p><p><b>  至2011年10月</b></p><p>  班 級: 0720913141</p><p><b>  學生姓名: </b></p><p><b>  學 號: </b


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