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1、I獨 創(chuàng) 性 聲 明本人聲明所呈交的論文是我個人在導師指導下進行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。盡我所知,除了文中特別加以標注和致謝的地方外,論文中不包含其它人已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果, 也不包含為獲得山東理工大學或其它教育機構的學位或證書而使用過的材料。 與我一同工作的同志對本研究所做的任何貢獻均已在論文中作了明確的說明并表示了謝意。研究生簽名: 時間: 年 月 日關于論文使用授權的說明本人完全了解山東理工大學有關保留、使用學位論文的規(guī)

2、定,即:學校有權保留送交論文的復印件和磁盤, 允許論文被查閱和借閱; 學??梢杂貌煌绞皆诓煌襟w上發(fā)表、傳播學位論文的全部或部分內(nèi)容,可以采用影印、縮印或掃描等復制手段保存、匯編學位論文。(保密的學位論文在解密后應遵守此協(xié)議 保密的學位論文在解密后應遵守此協(xié)議)研究生簽名: 時間: 年 月 日導師簽名: 時間: 年 月 日山東理工大學碩士學位論文 AbstractIIAbstractRegional rule of law is a

3、hot issue in china and even around the world. Shandong Peninsula BlueEconomic Zone is an area mainly supported by our government. This paper focuses on the regional ruleof law in this blue economic zone.Regional rule of

4、law has direct impact on the whole development in this Blue Economic Zone,even on the balanced development between regions and implementation of the Rule of Law in China.These factors are reasons that the author selected

5、 this topic, in this paper, sort out and integrate them asa theoretical guidance for this topic. People have done lots of research on the peninsula blue economiczone and regional rule of law respectively at home and abro

6、ad, but they seldom combine these twokinds of research together. This provides the possibility of this paper.All the related theory in classical Marxist, institutional economics, law and economics as well asregulation ec

7、onomics are considered as the theoretical bases for the regional rule of law in blueeconomic zones. And from a practical perspective, to create a favorable environment for thedevelopment of blue economic zones; to make r

8、ules for their development; it is necessary to achievescientific and efficient management in order to effectively control and regulate development of theseeconomic zones. For now, there are many negative factors in the r

9、elation between legislation and policy,law enforcement and judiciary. All these factors lead to the necessity of strengthening and deepening theregional rule of law in blue economic zones.With strong economic base, stabl

10、e and harmonious political situation, history and culture of theobjective conditions in Shandong Province, learning the rule of law in other areas of practicalexperience abroad, combine present situation of Blue Economic

11、 Zone in the area of the rule of law, thispaper attempts to investigate the way from five aspects: establishing judicial cooperation mechanism,improving the legal system of supervision, strengthening the petition system

12、and fosterring modernlegal culture. In order to achieve the grand goal of building the rule of law Peninsula Blue EconomicZone area,We need to promote affection of favorable conditions continuely and minimize disturbance


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