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1、<p>  At present,the main control way in automation field are rlay control,microcomputer control and PLC control. Compared with the relay control system and the microcomputer control systerm,the PLC control systerm

2、has a series of advantages,sush as little work load of designing,installing,wiring and debugging, short cycle of development of working environment and convenient maintenance. Meanwhile, the relay control systerm has alr

3、eady been few used on the machine control systerm is inferior in abilit</p><p>  The electrical control system of z-3040 Radial arm drill has many defects such as complex circuit, high failure rate, large ma

4、intenance workload, poor reliability and flexibility. This paper introduces the z-3040 Radial arm drill relay contact analog control system reformation with PLC to guarantee the rapidity, accuracy and rationality of elec

5、tric control system. It satisfied real production demand and enhance the economic benefit.The original was introduced initial controller of programmable </p><p>  What is a PLC control system? </p>&

6、lt;p>  Since the 1960s the United States to launch programmable logic controller (Programmable Logic Controller, PLC) to replace conventional control devices since the relay, PLC has been rapid development in various

7、parts of the world have been widely used. At the same time, PLC's function also improved. With computer technology, signal processing technology, control technology network technology development and user demand for

8、continuous improvement, PLC in dealing with the volume switch on the basis</p><p>  PLC touch by the imitation of the original relay control principle developed in the 1970s, only the PLC logic control switc

9、h, first of all applications in the automotive manufacturing industry. To the implementation of its store operations logic, the order of control, timing, counting and computing, and other operating instructions; and digi

10、tal input and output operation to control all types of machinery and production process. The preparation of the user control procedures to express the produc</p><p>  Over the past 10 years, with the PLC to

11、lower prices and growing user demand, a growing number of small and medium-sized equipment to start using PLC control, PLC in China grew rapidly. With China's rapid economic development and the basis of the level of

12、automation and continuous improvement in the next period of time in the PLC will continue to maintain our growth momentum. General PLC can be used in special equipment that it is an embedded controller, but in general

13、the relative PLC and emb</p><p>  PLC control system design main point</p><p>  In the modernized industrial production equipment, has the massive digital quantity and t

14、he simulation quantity control device, for example the electrical machinery stops, solenoid valve's make and break, the product counting, the temperature, the pressure, the current capacity hypothesis and the control

15、 and so on, in the industry scene's these automatic control question, the programmable controller (PLC) has become one of solution most effective tools. When PLC control system design should pay </p><p>

16、  4. “COM " choice, different PLC product, it " COM " a quantity is dissimilar, some " COM " belt 8 output spots, some belt 4 output spots, also has the belt 1 or 2 output spot. When the load typ

17、e are many, and the electric current is big time, uses one " COM " a belt 1-2 output product, when the load type minority quantity are many, uses one " COM " a belt 4-8 output product. 5. Because each

18、 Manufacturer's development software is different, the compatibility is also systematically selects and pur</p><p>  Third, the expansion module selects regarding the small system, like in 80 spot system

19、s, do not need to expand generally; When the system is big, must expand. The different company's product, has the limit to the system total points and expansion module quantity, when expands still could not meet the

20、needs, may use the network architecture. At the same time, some factory product's individual instruction does not support the expansion module, therefore, when carries on the software to program mus</p><p&

21、gt;  The pulse quantity's control uses in step-by-stepping much the electrical machinery, the servo electrical machinery's angle control, the distance control, the position control and so on. The following is tak

22、e step-by-steps the electrical machinery as regularly to show each control mode. 1, step-by-steps electrical machinery's angle control. Must first step-by-step explicitly electrical machinery's segmentation numbe

23、r, then the determination step-by-steps the total pulse number which the electric</p><p>  How S7-300 FB41 does the PID parameter establish?</p><p>  PID does

24、not have the routine and the empirical value may refer, each equipment is different, needs according to the scene equipment to debug. Sometimes same two set of equipment P, I, D parameter can be different. Therefore the

25、PID parameter also needs to try little according to the actual situation. the following step only supplies the reference.the PID transfer must complete in OB35. will insert FB41 inside ob35, the square goes against will

26、have the rubrication, will input a DB block like “D</p><p>  Third, simulates 1, manual man_on=true with plcsim, looked that outputs whether to be equal to man; 2, automatic man_on=false, adjusts pv or sp, e

27、nables to have the deviation to be bigger than the dead area, looks at the output variation, here simulation can only show that pid has worked, cannot test the actual adjustment effect. COM_RST: BOOL: Starts PID: When th

28、is TURE: The PID execution restarts moves the function, repositions the PID interior parameter to the default value; Usually may not u</p><p>  the digital quantity input and output reflection area the 1. in

29、put reflection register (digital quantity input reflection area) (I) the digit quantity input reflection area is S7-200 CPU is a memory block which the input end signal condition opens. The input reflection register'

30、s designator is I, in each scanning period's start, CPU carries on the sampling to the entrance point, and saves the sampling value in inputs in the reflection register. the input reflection register is PLC receives

31、the e</p><p>  May according to the position, the byte, the character, the double word four ways deposit and withdraw. (1) presses “the position” the way: From Q0.0-Q15.7, altogether has 128 (2) to press “th

32、e byte” the way: From QB0-QB15, altogether has 16 byte (3) to press “the character” the way: From QW0-QW14, altogether has 8 character (4) to press “the double word” the way: From QD0-QD12, altogether has 4 double word (

33、two) to simulate the quantity input reflection area and output reflection area the 1. si</p><p>  This article introduced programmable controller and when frequency changer's connection and connection sh

34、ould pay attention question, in order to avoid causes the programmable controller either frequency changer's misoperation or the damage. </p><p>  introduction The programmable controller (PLC) is one ki

35、nd of digital operation and the operation control device. PLC as the traditional relay's substitution product, widely applies in industrial control each domain. Because PLC may use the software to change the controll

36、ed process, and has the volume to be small, the assembly is flexible, the programming is simple, antijamming ability is strong and the reliable higher characteristic, is suitable specially under the wicked poor environme

37、nt moves</p><p>  1. switch order signal input In frequency changer's input signal including to running statuses and so on movement/stop, clockwise/reverse, fine motion carries on the operation the switc

38、h command signal. The frequency changer usually or has the tip switch characteristic primary device using the tip (for example transistor) with PLC) connected, obtains the running status instruction, as shown in Figure 1

39、. When use tip, brings the misoperation frequently because of the bad contact; Uses when the tr</p><p>  Input signal against disturbance's connection in the frequency changer also has some values (for e

40、xample frequency, voltage and so on) the command signal input, may divide into the digital input and the analog input two kinds. The digital input uses on the frequency changer kneading board's keyboard operation and

41、 the serial interface much assigns; The analog input assigns through the binding clamp by exterior, usually through 0~10V/5V voltage signal or 0/4~20mA electric current signal input. As </p><p>  Moreover, w

42、hen uses PLC carries on the sequential control, because CPU carries on the data processing to require the time, has certain time delay, therefore when precise control should give to consider. Because the frequency change

43、r will have the strong electromagnetic interference in the movement, to guarantee PLC not, because the frequency changer main circuit circuit breaker and the switch component and so on will produce the noise will present

44、 the breakdown, will connect the frequency change</p><p>  simple PLC sequential control system's desIntroduction Is producing machinery's automatic control domain, the PLC s

45、equential control system should the amount used big surface be broad. However, craft different production machinery request design different control system trapezoidal chart. At present, many electrical design personnel

46、still used the empirical design law to design the PLC sequential control system, not only the rated capacity is low, is easy the mistake, moreover the design stage d</p><p>  目前,在自動化領(lǐng)域主要的控制方式有繼電器、微機控制和PLC三種。

47、由于PLC控制系統(tǒng)與繼電器控制系統(tǒng)及微機控制系統(tǒng)相比,具有設(shè)計、安裝、調(diào)試工作量小,研制周期短,可靠性高,抗干擾能力強,故障率低,對工作環(huán)境要求低,維護方便等一系列優(yōu)點。而繼電器控制系統(tǒng)因技術(shù)性能差,功能單一,在機械控制系統(tǒng)中很少使用。微機控制系統(tǒng)因抗干擾能力較差,對工作環(huán)境要求高,設(shè)計研制周期較PLC控制系統(tǒng)長,因此,在自動化控制領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用呈逐年下降趨勢。</p><p>  隨著信息化產(chǎn)業(yè)的高速發(fā)展,數(shù)控機床


49、統(tǒng)進行技術(shù)改造,從而保證了電控系統(tǒng)的快速性、準確性、合理性,更好地滿足了實際生產(chǎn)的需要,提高了經(jīng)濟效益。</p><p>  什么是PLC控制系統(tǒng)?</p><p>  自60年代以來,美國推出可編程邏輯控制器(可編程邏輯控制器,可編程控制器) ,以取代傳統(tǒng)的控制設(shè)備,因為中繼,公司一直在快速發(fā)展中世界各地區(qū)都得到廣泛應(yīng)用。 At the same time, PLC's func

50、tion also improved.同時, PLC的功能也有所改善。 With computer technology, signal processing technology, control technology network technology development and user demand for continuous improvement, PLC in dealing with the volume swi

51、tch on the basis of the increase in the amount of analog processing and motion control functions.隨著計算機技術(shù),信號處理技術(shù),控制技術(shù),網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的發(fā)展和用戶需求的不斷提高, PLC在處理開關(guān)量的基礎(chǔ)上增加了模擬量處理和運動控制功能。 Today, </p><p>  離散控制系統(tǒng)的首選產(chǎn)品, PLC在二十世紀90年

52、代和80年代,取得了長足的發(fā)展在世界上的PLC保持年均增長20 %至30 % 。 With the factory automation and continuous improvement in the PLC and market base expansion in recent years in the PLC industry slowdown in the growth rate of developed countries.

53、隨著工廠自動化和持續(xù)改進的PLC和市場基礎(chǔ)擴大最近幾年在PLC的工業(yè)增速下降趨勢,發(fā)達國家。 However, China and other developing countries in the PLC's growing very rapidly.然而,中國和其他發(fā)展中國家的公司的發(fā)展十分迅速。 Comprehensive information, in 2004 global sales of the PLC for a

54、bout 10,000,000,000 US dollars, in the f</p><p>  PLC的觸摸的仿原繼電器控制原理研制在上世紀70年代,只有PLC邏輯控制開關(guān),首先應(yīng)用在汽車制造業(yè)。 To the implementation of its store operations logic, the order of control, timing, counting and computing,

55、 and other operating instructions; and digital input and output operation to control all types of machinery and production process.在執(zhí)行其存儲業(yè)務(wù)的邏輯,順序控制,定時,計數(shù)和計算,和其他業(yè)務(wù)的指示;和數(shù)字音頻輸入和輸出操作,控制所有類型的機器和生產(chǎn)工藝。 The preparation of the us

56、er control procedures to express the production process requirements and advance into the PLC user program memory.編寫控制程序的用戶</p><p>  在現(xiàn)代化的工業(yè)生產(chǎn)設(shè)備,擁有大量的數(shù)字量和模擬量控制裝置,例如電機停止,電磁閥的制造和突破,產(chǎn)品計數(shù),溫度,壓力,目前的能力假說,以及控制和等等,在

57、業(yè)界現(xiàn)場的這些自動控制問題,可編程控制器( PLC )已成為解決最有效的工具。 When PLC control system design should pay attention to the following several spots.當PLC控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計應(yīng)注意以下幾個點。 one, programmable controller (PLC) and programmer's selecting and purchas

58、ing: 1 ,可編程控制器( PLC )和程序員的選擇和采購: in the present market's PLC product is numerous, besides the domestically produced brand, the overseas brand includes: Japanese OMRON, MITSUBISHI, FUJI, IDEC, HITACHI, do Matush</p

59、><p>  4. 4 com ”域名的選擇, different PLC product, it " COM " a quantity is dissimilar, some " COM " belt 8 output spots, some belt 4 output spots, also has the belt 1 or 2 output spot.不同公司的產(chǎn)品,

60、它“ com ”域名的數(shù)量是不同的,有些“ com ”域名的輸出帶8點,一些帶4個輸出點,還帶1個或2個輸出點。 When the load type are many, and the electric current is big time, uses one " COM " a belt 1-2 output product, when the load type minority quantity are m

61、any, uses one " COM " a belt 4-8 output product.當負載類型有很多,和大電流時,使用一個“ com ”域名皮帶1-2輸出產(chǎn)品,當負載類型少數(shù)民族數(shù)量很多,使用一個“ c</p><p>  Third, the expansion module selects第三,擴展模塊選擇 regarding the small system, like in

62、 80 spot systems, do not need to expand generally; When the system is big, must expand.對于小型系統(tǒng),如在80位系統(tǒng),沒有必要擴大一般;當系統(tǒng)大,必須擴大。 The different company's product, has the limit to the system total points and expansion module

63、 quantity, when expands still could not meet the needs, may use the network architecture.不同公司的產(chǎn)品,有限制的系統(tǒng)總分和擴展模塊的數(shù)量,當擴展仍不能滿足需要,可使用的網(wǎng)絡(luò)架構(gòu)。 At the same time, some factory product's individual instruction does </p>

64、<p>  脈沖量的控制使用在逐步加強多電機,伺服電機的角度控制,遠程控制,位置控制等。 The following is take step-by-steps the electrical machinery as regularly to show each control mode.以下是采取循序漸進的方式,步驟,電氣機械,以顯示每個控制模式。 1, step-by-steps electrical machinery&

65、#39;s angle control. 1 ,逐步步驟電動機械的角度控制。 Must first step-by-step explicitly electrical machinery's segmentation number, then the determination step-by-steps the total pulse number which the electrical machinery transfe

66、rs needs.首先必須一步一步明確電動機械的分割號碼,然后確定分步驟總?cè)藬?shù)的脈沖電動機械轉(zhuǎn)讓的需要。 Computation “angle percent</p><p>  如何西門子S7 - 300 FB41 PID參數(shù)是否建立?</p><p>  PID控制器沒有常規(guī)和經(jīng)驗的價值可能會提到,每個設(shè)備是不同的,需要根據(jù)現(xiàn)場的設(shè)備進行調(diào)試。 Sometimes same two s

67、et of equipment P, I, D parameter can be different.有時同樣的兩個成套設(shè)備磷,一, D參數(shù)可以不同。 Therefore the PID parameter also needs to try little according to the actual situation.因此, PID參數(shù)也需要嘗試很少根據(jù)實際情況。 the那個 following step only supplie

68、s the reference.the以下步驟僅供reference.the PID transfer must complete in OB35.轉(zhuǎn)讓必須完成的PID在OB35 。 will insert FB41 inside ob35, the square goes against will have the rubrication, will input a DB block like “DB20”.將插入FB41</p

69、><p>  Third, simulates第三,模擬 1, manual 1 ,手動 man_on=true with plcsim, looked that outputs whether to be equal to man; man_on =如此plcsim ,期待產(chǎn)出是否等于男子; 2, automatic 2 ,自動 man_on=false, adjusts pv or sp, enables to

70、have the deviation to be bigger than the dead area, looks at the output variation, here simulation can only show that pid has worked, cannot test the actual adjustment effect. man_on = FALSE時,調(diào)整的PV或SP ,使有偏差大于死區(qū),著眼于產(chǎn)出的變化,

71、這里只能模擬顯示, PID控制工作,無法測試實際的調(diào)整作用。 COM_RST: BOOL: Starts PID: When this TURE: The</p><p>  S7 - 200系列PLC的數(shù)據(jù)區(qū)</p><p>  數(shù)字量輸入和輸出反射區(qū) the那個 1. 1 。 input reflection register (digital quantity input refle

72、ction area) (I)輸入反射登記(數(shù)字量輸入反射區(qū)) (一) the那個 digit quantity input reflection area is S7-200 CPU is a memory block which the input end signal condition opens.數(shù)字量輸入反射區(qū)是S7 - 200系列的CPU是一個內(nèi)存塊的輸入端的信號條件下打開。 The input reflection re

73、gister's designator is I, in each scanning period's start, CPU carries on the sampling to the entrance point, and saves the sampling value in inputs in the reflection register.輸入反射登記的名稱是我,在每一個掃描時期的開始,</p>

74、<p>  May according to the position, the byte, the character, the double word four ways deposit and withdraw.可根據(jù)位置,字節(jié)的字符,雙字四種方式存款和撤回。 (1) presses “the position” the way: From Q0.0-Q15.7, altogether has 128 ( 1 )壓力機“

75、的立場”的方式:從Q0.0 - Q15.7 ,共有128 (2) to press “the byte” the way: From QB0-QB15, altogether has 16 byte ( 2 )按“字節(jié)”的方式:從QB0 , QB15 ,共有16字節(jié) (3) to press “the character” the way: From QW0-QW14, altogether has 8 character ( 3 )按

76、“字符”的方式:從QW0 - QW14 ,共有8個字符 (4) to press “the double word” the way: Fro</p><p>  本文介紹了可編程控制器和變頻器時的連接和連接應(yīng)注意的問題,以避免造成可編程控制器或者變頻器的誤操作或破壞。 </p><p>  introduction導(dǎo)言 The programmable controller (PLC)

77、is one kind of digital operation and the operation control device.可編程控制器( PLC )是一種數(shù)字化運作和操作控制裝置。 PLC as the traditional relay's substitution product, widely applies in industrial control each domain. PLC作為傳統(tǒng)繼電器的替代產(chǎn)品,廣

78、泛應(yīng)用于工業(yè)控制每個域。 Because PLC may use the software to change the controlled process, and has the volume to be small, the assembly is flexible, the programming is simple, antijamming ability is strong and the reliable higher c

79、haracteristic, </p><p>  switch order signal input開關(guān)信號輸入命令 In frequency changer's input signal including to running statuses and so on movement/stop, clockwise/reverse, fine motion carries on the operati

80、on the switch command signal.在變頻器的輸入信號包括運行狀態(tài)等運動/停止,順時針/扭轉(zhuǎn),罰款的議案進行操作開關(guān)命令信號。 The frequency changer usually or has the tip switch characteristic primary device using the tip (for example transistor) with PLC) connected, obt

81、ains the running status instruction, as shown in Figure 1.通常的頻率更換或有提示開關(guān)特性的主要設(shè)備使用提示(如晶體管)與PLC )相連,得到運行狀</p><p>  簡單的PLC順序控制系統(tǒng) </p><p>  導(dǎo)言 Is producing machinery's automatic control domain, t

82、he PLC sequential control system should the amount used big surface be broad.生產(chǎn)機械的自動化控制領(lǐng)域, PLC順序控制系統(tǒng)應(yīng)當使用量大的表面是廣泛的。 However, craft different production machinery request design different control system trapezoidal chart.然

83、而,不同的生產(chǎn)工藝要求設(shè)計不同的機械控制系統(tǒng)的梯形結(jié)構(gòu)圖。 At present, many electrical design personnel still used the empirical design law to design the PLC sequential control system, not only the rated capacity is low, is easy the mistake, moreove


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