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1、<p>  Research of dragline application in Shenhua Group opencast mines</p><p>  ABSTRACT:Dragline application is an advanced technique for opencast mining, which is integrated with mining, transportatio

2、n and earth discharge. It can directly discharge the stripping earth into the earth stockyard. This technique enjoys the advantage of large production capacity, cost effective and the shallow-burden opencast Mining. This

3、 article summarizes the dragline application in Heidaigou Opencast Mine, including the dragline type</p><p>  the analyses of the mining parameter and cast blast technique and economic and technological anal

4、yses, and also introduces the dragline application in Haerwusu Opencast Mine. The two examples witness the availability of the dragline used in Chinese opencast mines and its potential application as well.</p><

5、;p>  1 QUESTION</p><p>  Coal is the major consumption energy in China. In recent years, the coal recovery at state-owned main coalmines, state-owned local coalmines and country coalmines in our country i

6、s 50%, 30% and 15% respectively. The recovery of our coal resource is low, for underground mining methods hold much more proportion. Why surface mining with higher recovery is not developed universally? Analysis founds t

7、hat is related much to technology of surface mining .The railway transport technology was employed ma</p><p>  The dragline stripping application is an advanced mining technology in the world, which integrat

8、es with three operations of digging, transport and dumping, can strip the overburden and dump at the spoil side of the mined-out area. This application is in worldwide use nowadays, for its easier mining method, no restr

9、iction of working bench length. Centralized operation, higher efficiency and especial advantages to almost flat-bedded deposit,</p><p>  2 RESEARCH OF DRAGLINE APPLICATION IN ZHUNGEER COALMINE</p>&l

10、t;p>  Shenhua Group Zhungeer Energy Co. Ltd, is an extra-large-size comprehensive energy enterprise integrated with Heidaigou Coalmine and an integral preparation plant with an annual output of 12,000,000 tons each, a

11、 mine-mouth power plant with an installed capacity of 2×100 MW and a first-degree single-track electric railway of 264 km long straight, and all facilities and equipments of the company are first-class and modern. W

12、ith the development and industry reforms, the company gradually started to</p><p>  2.1.Availability of dragline application in Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine</p><p>  In Heidaigou Opencast Coalmin

13、e, the thickness of surface soil is about 49 meters, rock layer about 56 meters and coal seam about 28.8 meters. The surface soil is to be stripped by bucket wheel excavator continuous system; rock and coal by shovel-tru

14、ck system. The rock layer thickness ranges from 50 to 70 meters, with a lot of fractures, hardness of the rock f= 3 –5. The coal type is lignite with features of low sulfur, extra low phosphorus, medium ash and high ash

15、fusion point; the average calor</p><p>  Considering the coal deposit and rock condition, cast blast and dragline application will be a very suitable stripping method for the mine. The dragline can be locate

16、d at the top of the coal floor, rock above coal top floor can be dumped into the inner dump, the left rock and the top losses still employs the original mining technology</p><p>  2.2 Dragline stripping oper

17、ation</p><p>  Dragline can be applied in four ways. The mine chooses one of them. To make a dragline stand on the extended platform leveled by a bulldozer after blasting, and dump the overburden into the m

18、ined-out area, refer to Figure1. </p><p>  2.3 Stripping parameters are defined as follows</p><p>  2.3.1 coal mining working bench length</p><p>  The minimum coal mining working b

19、ench length is related to the production scale. Coal seam thickness coal seam density and working bench advance speed, the calculation formula is detailed as below:</p><p>  Lmin = M/(V× h × r 

20、5; d) = 2002 m</p><p>  Take 2000m for easier calculation. Stripping working bench length is 2110 meters, of 1987 meters is to be done by dragline alone, of 61 meters at each end walls is to be done under th

21、e assistance of other auxiliary equipments.</p><p>  2.3.2 Stripping working bench parameters</p><p>  Stripping working bench parameters: the height of stripping bench is 45m, coal bench is 30m

22、, bank width is 60 m, stripping bench slope is 75º, coal bench slope is 75º, inner dump bench slope is 38º, the blast drop is 31.5 m, casting factor is 0.25, coal haulage ramp width is 30 m, dumping materi

23、al swell factor is 1.35, spoil height is 72.5m, average height of spoil yard is 60.8m.</p><p>  2.4 Plan of truck haulage in the pit</p><p>  We designed two ramps at both end walls according To

24、 the features of one dragline stripping technology and tile complicated deposit conditions. In this way, the coal continuous production is guaranteed, for the: other ramp can be used when the dragline operation stops the

25、 access of one ramp.</p><p>  2.5 Dragline stripping steps</p><p>  Dragline strips overburden and exposes coal on the blasted level. While coal is dug at the right mining block, and transported

26、 by trucks from the right ramp. With the performance of stripping, some coal at left Mining block is exposed gradually, at meanwhile, the coal in the right mining block is gradually mined out, so the coal digging shall b

27、e moved to left block. At this time, coal digging is performed al both blocks, and coal can be moved out by both coal ramps. When coal-digging transfers t</p><p>  2.6 Dragline production capability calculat

28、ion</p><p>  a. Dragline annual production:</p><p><b>  m³</b></p><p>  b. Dragline annual volume of per cubic meter of bucket capacity:</p><p>  c. Dr

29、agline bucket capacity:</p><p><b>  m³</b></p><p>  2.7 Coal mining method</p><p>  We take the original coal mining method, that is, to expose coal over top floor

30、of the coal seam, separate layers along coal slope, mine the coal by layers, dig and transport coal separately. Bench height of top No.6 coal seam is 0 ~12 m, middle No.6 coal seam is 10~15 m, bottom No. 6 coal seam is 6

31、m, the total width of exposed coal is only 60 m, so mining along the dragline working direction is the only available way.</p><p>  2.8 Cast blast</p><p>  (l) Borehole Drilling and Blast Method

32、: we will employ a blast hole drill with a 270~300mm diameter bit, 50~60 m drilling depth and 70 ~90℃ drilling angle to drill through. We use multi-row millisecond cast blast pattern with 0.8 kg/ m³ power factor and

33、 25% casting factor. In order to stabilize the stripping bench slope and minimize vibration, we plan to use pre-split blast, the pre-split borehole is 160~200 mm, and space is 3 m, power volume of each borehole is 75 kg

34、and distance from the maim </p><p>  (2) Vibration and Security Measures: reduce some explosive of detonation; delay intervals and detonation order; pre-split blast.</p><p>  2.9 Comparisons wit

35、h the main features of shovel-truck operation</p><p>  In order to explore the technical feasibility and economic benefit, we also studied the shovel-truck operation, and compared the main features, as follo

36、ws.</p><p>  2.9.1 The main technical features of shovel-truck application</p><p>  Mining Program consists: the overburden after extension of the mine will be losses, rock above coal top floor

37、and coal seam .The mining technologies consist: BWE continuous system for losses and maximum stripping volume is 19 15 mm³/a, shovel-truck operation for the left losses and rocks, above the coal top floor, shovel-tr

38、uck-brusher station-belt conveyer semi-continuous system for coal seam.</p><p>  Main equipments and Quantities: required equipment to reach planned production: 5 units of 14rn³ single shovels, 1 units

39、of 25.2 rn³ single shovel, 9 units of 32 rn³ single shoves, 1 unit of 38 rn³ single shovel, 24 units of 108 ton trucks, 104 units of 154 ton trucks.</p><p>  2.9.2 main technical features of d

40、ragline application</p><p>  The mining technologies consist: BWE continuous system for losses, shovel-truck operation for the losses above and under the wheel and in the northwest end walls and rock under t

41、he losses, dragline application for rock layer above the coal top floor, shovel-truck-brusher station-belt conveyer semi-continuous system for coal seam.</p><p>  Main equipments and Quantities: for BWE mini

42、ng continuous system: 4 units 3100 rn³/h bucket wheel excavator, 2 units of 6200 rn³/h spreaders, 6780 m long belt conveyor (1.4 m wide), 6595 m long belt conveyor (1.8 m wide)</p><p>  For shovel-

43、truck operation: Losses above and under the wheel and northwest end wall and rock will employ shovel-truck operation. Required equipments: 3 units of 32 m³ single shoves, l unit of 25.2 m³ single shovel, 4 unit

44、s of 14 m³ single shovels, 42 units 154 ton trucks, 11 units 108 ton trucks.</p><p>  For dragline application: 1 dragline, bucket size is 85 m³, operating radium is 121.9 meters, and machine weigh

45、t is 6718 tons.</p><p>  For the coal mining system: 1 unit of 38 m³ single shovel, 2 units of 14 m³ single shovels, 19 units of 154 ton trucks and 13 units of 108 ton trucks.</p><p> 

46、 2.10 Economic index analysis and evaluation of mining technology</p><p>  Compare a dragline application design with shovel-truck operation design: Economic Index Analysis proves that dragline application i

47、n Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine is economically reasonable .It costs less, the increased production operating cost is 23.25 Yuan/t, 13.20 Yuan/t less than shovel truck design; It operates more efficiently, stripping capabi

48、lity of one dragline equals with 4 units of 395 B1 shovels and 34 units of 154 ton trucks; There is no capital construction needed, with dragline ap</p><p>  2.11 Research of dragline application in Harwusu

49、Opencast Coalmine</p><p>  Harwusu Opencast Coalmine is adjacent to Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine. With the construction and development of ambient power stations, coal marketing becomes larger and larger year

50、 by year, industry groups of coal and power joint operation gradually come into being. The coal deposit condition of Harwusu Opencast Coalmine is quite similar to Heidaigou mine, so dragline can be operated in the same o

51、peration procedure and method.</p><p>  Selected machine model: 1 2570WS dragline, 109 m³ bucket capacity, 107 m operating radium, 121.9 m boom length, 7413 t working weight.</p><p>  3 RES

52、EARCH OF DRAGLINE APPLICATION IN VICTORY NO.1 OPENCAST COALMINE </p><p>  Shenhua Group Victory Coalfield is located in the middle of Xilinguole League of Inner Mongolia, the mining condition enjoys exceptio

53、nal advantages, and it is an important coal base for power and chemical industries. Construction capability is 20 mt/a, which will be constructed in two phases: 10 mt/a production for phase I , to realize full production

54、 by 2009;20 mt/a for phase Ⅱ,to realize full production by 2015. There are two kinds of major minable coal seams, NO.5 and NO.6 coal seam, angle sl</p><p>  The practical working bench length of dragline app

55、lication is 1800m. Stripping bench height is 45 m, Selected Machine Model is 1570 WS dragline with 66 m³ (additionally increase 4 m³ more than needed) bucket capacity, 106 m operating radium, 115.8 m boom lengt

56、h, 34º boom angle, 62.5 m maximum digging depth, 51.2 m maximum dump height, 179.2 t maximum suspension load, 4559 t working weight. Annual advance is 200 meters; annual mining production is 17.28 mm³. All benc

57、hes are to be dug directly wit</p><p>  關(guān)于神華集團(tuán)露天礦拉斗鏟的應(yīng)用研究</p><p>  摘要:拉斗鏟在露天礦的應(yīng)用是一種先進(jìn)的技術(shù),它能集開采、運(yùn)輸、剝離于一體。它能在采場直接倒堆,這種技術(shù)有很大的生產(chǎn)能力,對露天開采經(jīng)濟(jì)上是非常劃算的。這篇文章主要介紹了拉斗鏟在黑岱溝露天礦的應(yīng)用,以及拉斗鏟的型號,分析在經(jīng)濟(jì)和技術(shù)上開采范圍和拋擲爆破,另

58、外,還介紹了拉斗鏟在哈爾烏素的應(yīng)用。這兩個(gè)例子證明了拉斗鏟在中國現(xiàn)有露天礦中還有潛在的巨大的應(yīng)用市場。</p><p><b>  1問題</b></p><p>  在中國煤是最基礎(chǔ)、最主要的能源,最近一些年煤主要依靠國有大型煤礦、地方煤礦、鄉(xiāng)村煤礦,它們的比重分別為50%、30%、15%。但我們的資源回收率卻比較低由于地下開采占有很大的比重。為什么有著高回采率的露


60、t;p>  在世界范圍內(nèi)拉斗鏟剝離的應(yīng)用是一種先進(jìn)的開采工藝,它集采、運(yùn)、排三種主要作業(yè)環(huán)節(jié)于一體,能在把剝離物在剝離后直接排棄到采空區(qū),在當(dāng)今世界范圍內(nèi)得到廣泛的應(yīng)用,由于它簡單的開采方法,工作線長度沒有限制,集中控制,尤其對平緩的礦層具有很高的作業(yè)效率。</p><p>  2在準(zhǔn)格爾露天礦拉斗鏟的應(yīng)用研究</p><p>  神華集團(tuán)準(zhǔn)葛爾有限責(zé)任公司是一個(gè)特大型的能源企業(yè),它


62、,主要介紹設(shè)備的選型、分析開采范圍、拋擲爆破技術(shù)和經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。</p><p>  2.1拉斗鏟應(yīng)用在黑岱溝露天礦的現(xiàn)狀</p><p>  在黑岱溝露天煤礦,表土大約厚49m,巖石大約厚56m,煤層大約厚為28.8m。表土有輪斗挖掘機(jī)采用連續(xù)工藝剝離;巖石和煤采裝有單斗-汽車工藝。巖層厚度大約為50~70m,需預(yù)先爆破,巖石的硬度普氏系數(shù)f=3~5。褐煤的特征是含二氧化硫低,含磷少,中等和

63、高灰份摻和,平均發(fā)熱量是19223~22154J/g(4588~5288卡/克),與這些能量等值。這主要煤層的平均厚度(6號煤層)為24m,傾角大約3~5º,煤的普氏系數(shù)f=1~3。</p><p>  考慮到煤的沉積和巖石條件,拋擲爆破和拉斗鏟剝離方法的應(yīng)用將會(huì)非常適合本礦。拉斗鏟站立在煤層頂板,煤層上部的巖石能排棄到內(nèi)排土場,剩余的巖石和丟失的礦物仍然需要原始的開采工藝。</p>&l

64、t;p>  2.2 拉斗鏟剝離環(huán)節(jié)</p><p>  拉斗鏟有四種用途,礦山可以選擇任意一種,為了使拉斗鏟站立在延深的水平上在爆破后用推土機(jī)推平,直接把剝離物排棄到采空區(qū),可見表1。</p><p>  2.3 剝離范圍有以下原則確定</p><p>  2.3.1 煤礦工作線長度</p><p>  煤礦的最小工作線長度是根據(jù)生產(chǎn)規(guī)

65、模確定的,煤層厚度,煤層層數(shù)和工作線推進(jìn)速度,計(jì)算公式如下:</p><p><b>  m</b></p><p>  取2000 m更容易計(jì)算。</p><p>  剝離一個(gè)工作線長度為2110 m,其中的1987 m由拉斗鏟單獨(dú)完成,另外臺階兩端的61 m需要輔助設(shè)備來完成。</p><p>  2.3.2 剝離工

66、作的范圍</p><p>  剝離工作的范圍:剝離的高度為45 m,煤的30 m,兩側(cè)寬度為60m,剝離傾角75º,煤的傾角為75º,內(nèi)部排卸的角度為38º,爆破拋擲距離是31.5m,拋擲系數(shù)為0.25,煤的運(yùn)輸通道寬度為30m,剝離物的松散系數(shù)為1.35,排棄物的高度為72.5m,排土場的平均高度為60.8m。</p><p>  2.4 在礦內(nèi)采場運(yùn)輸?shù)挠?jì)

67、劃</p><p>  我們設(shè)計(jì)兩個(gè)斜坡道在臺階的兩端根據(jù)拉斗鏟剝離工藝的特征及復(fù)雜的沉積條件。用這種方法,煤的生產(chǎn)便能連續(xù)進(jìn)行能得到保證,其它的斜坡道被用來當(dāng)拉斗鏟停止作業(yè)時(shí)接近一個(gè)斜坡道的出口。</p><p>  2.5 拉斗鏟剝離步驟</p><p>  拉斗鏟剝離剝離物并使煤在爆破水平上暴露出來。當(dāng)挖煤的時(shí)候用合適的采礦方法處理大塊,從最近的斜坡道中由卡車


69、階的運(yùn)輸通道出去后開始下一個(gè)作業(yè)循環(huán)。</p><p>  2.6 拉斗鏟生產(chǎn)能力計(jì)算</p><p>  a. 拉斗鏟年生產(chǎn)能力</p><p><b>  式(1)</b></p><p><b>  m³</b></p><p>  b. 拉斗鏟每立米鏟斗的單

70、位生產(chǎn)能力:</p><p><b>  式(2)</b></p><p><b>  m³</b></p><p>  c.拉斗鏟鏟斗的生產(chǎn)能力:</p><p>  m³ 式(3)</p><p>  2.7 煤礦開采方法</p&g

71、t;<p>  我們用最原始的采煤方法去把煤層上面的剝離掉從而使煤顯露出來,并根據(jù)煤層的傾斜坡面劃分單獨(dú)的層,分層開采,采煤和運(yùn)煤各自獨(dú)立。6號煤層上部厚0~12 m,中部煤層厚度為10~15m,下部煤層厚度為6m,顯露煤的總寬度為60m,因此沿著拉斗鏟工作方向開采是一種可行的方法。</p><p><b>  2.8 拋擲爆破</b></p><p>

72、 ?。?)鉆機(jī)鉆孔和爆破方法:我們需鉆一個(gè)直徑為270~300mm、50~60m深和角度在70~90º的爆破鉆孔。我們用多排微差爆破來完成拋擲爆破,用能量為0.8kg/m³的炸藥和要求拋擲系數(shù)為、0.25。為了能使剝離沿著層面剝離和使震動(dòng)減到最小,我們采用預(yù)裂爆破,預(yù)裂爆破的爆破孔直徑為160~200mm,間隔距離為3m,每孔的炸藥容積裝75kg炸藥并距離主爆炸孔4m,我們采用三角形的型式在巖層和煤層之間。</

73、p><p> ?。?)震動(dòng)和安全尺度:減少炸藥爆炸的次數(shù),增長爆炸的間隔時(shí)間及改變爆炸順序:預(yù)裂爆破。</p><p>  2.9 與單斗-汽車主要作業(yè)環(huán)節(jié)主要特征的比較</p><p>  為了研究技術(shù)上的可行和經(jīng)濟(jì)上的合理,我們還需要研究單斗-汽車的作業(yè)環(huán)節(jié),以下是對比一些主要特征:</p><p>  2.9.1單斗-汽車應(yīng)用的主要技術(shù)特征

74、</p><p>  開采計(jì)劃包括:礦山在延深后一些煤層頂板和煤層上面的剝離物會(huì)被遺棄。開采技術(shù)包括:BWE連續(xù)生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)最大剝離的生產(chǎn)能力為19.15百萬m³/a,單斗-卡車作業(yè)時(shí)剝離煤層頂板的剝離物,單斗-卡車—推土機(jī)-膠帶輸送機(jī)的半連續(xù)采煤生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  主要設(shè)備的數(shù)量:設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)能力要求的設(shè)備:5臺14 m³ 的電鏟,1臺25.2 m³ 的

75、電鏟,9臺 32 m³的電鏟,1臺38 m³的電鏟,24輛108噸的卡車,104輛154噸的卡車。</p><p>  2.9.2拉斗鏟應(yīng)用的主要技術(shù)特征</p><p>  開采工藝包括:BWE連續(xù)生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),單斗-汽車作業(yè)為了在車輪各個(gè)角落的遺棄剝離物,拉斗鏟應(yīng)用在煤層上部的巖層,單斗-卡車—推土機(jī)-膠帶輸送機(jī)的半連續(xù)采煤生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)。</p><p&

76、gt;  主要設(shè)備的數(shù)量:BWE開采連續(xù)生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng):4臺3100 m³/h的輪斗挖掘機(jī),兩條長6780m、6200 m³/h寬度為1.4m的膠帶,以及6595m長的膠帶(寬度為1.8m)。</p><p>  單斗-汽車作業(yè)環(huán)節(jié):遺棄各個(gè)角落里的剝離物需要單斗-汽車作業(yè)。要求的設(shè)備:3臺32 m³的電鏟,1臺25.2 m³的電鏟,4臺14 m³的電鏟,42輛154噸

77、的卡車,11輛108噸的卡車。</p><p>  拉斗鏟的應(yīng)用;1臺拉斗鏟,鏟斗容積為85 m³,作業(yè)半徑為121.9m,機(jī)器重量為6718噸。</p><p>  煤的開采運(yùn)輸系統(tǒng):1臺38 m³的電鏟,2臺14 m³的電鏟,19輛154噸的卡車和13輛108噸的卡車。</p><p>  2.10經(jīng)濟(jì)指數(shù)分析和開采技術(shù)評價(jià)<

78、/p><p>  拉斗鏟應(yīng)用的設(shè)計(jì)和單斗-汽車作業(yè)環(huán)節(jié)的設(shè)計(jì)之間的對比:經(jīng)濟(jì)指數(shù)分析說明黑岱溝露天礦拉斗鏟應(yīng)用的經(jīng)濟(jì)合理性。生產(chǎn)成本低,作業(yè)環(huán)節(jié)生產(chǎn)成本的增加為每噸23.25元,每噸節(jié)省了13.2元比單斗-卡車工藝;拉斗鏟工作起來更有效率,一臺拉斗鏟的剝離能力相當(dāng)于4臺395B1電鏟和34輛154噸的卡車;有了拉斗鏟的應(yīng)用,其它的投入就不是太多了,根據(jù)角度的增加而改變工作面,巖層和煤層在一個(gè)工作組合臺階上,其它的投入

79、就更不需要了;勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率將從每人49.11噸提升到52.78噸比單斗-汽車工藝??傊痪湓?,每一項(xiàng)指數(shù)都大大高于單斗-汽車工藝。</p><p>  2.11 拉斗鏟應(yīng)用在哈爾烏素露天煤礦的研究</p><p>  哈爾烏素露天煤礦毗鄰黑岱溝露天煤礦。隨著四周一些電廠的建造和擴(kuò)大,煤的市場一年一年增大,煤的工業(yè)需求也逐漸的成為了一個(gè)新的增長點(diǎn)。哈爾烏素露天煤礦煤的沉積條件與黑岱溝露天煤礦比

80、較相似。因此拉斗鏟能被用同樣的方法和開采程序來運(yùn)用于哈爾烏素露天煤礦。</p><p>  設(shè)備選型:1臺2570W拉斗鏟,鏟斗容積為109m³,開采范圍為107m,臂長為121.9m,工作重量為7413噸。</p><p>  3拉斗鏟應(yīng)用在勝利一號露天煤礦的研究</p><p>  神華集團(tuán)勝利露天煤礦坐落在內(nèi)蒙古中部的錫林郭勒市,開采條件得天獨(dú)厚,它


82、垂直抗壓強(qiáng)度不超過6.0Mpa。</p><p>  拉斗鏟工作線的實(shí)際長度為180m。剝離高度為45m,設(shè)備選型為1570WS的鏟斗容積為66 m³(可增加4 m³比原來需要的)拉斗鏟,開采范圍為106m,115.8m,臂長為115.8m、傾角為34º,最大挖掘深度為62.5.m,最大挖掘高度為51.2m,可最大承受179.2噸,工作重量為4559噸。年推進(jìn)距離200m,年生產(chǎn)能力


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