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1、Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold.生活不在于握有一手好牌,而在于把手里的牌打好。Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer.親近你的朋友,但更要親近你的敵人。He who would search for pearl must dive deep.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。T

2、he value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.生命的價值不在于能活多少天,而在于我們?nèi)绾问褂眠@些日子。Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.生活就像洋蔥頭:你只能一層一層地把它剝開,有時你還會流淚。

3、He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon than he who aims at a tree.目標遠大,效果必佳The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.生活中最使人筋疲力盡的事是弄虛作假。The land did not move, but moved. The sea was not still, yet was stil

4、l.大地止而亦行,大海動而亦靜。Today I‘ll do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.今天我愿意做別人不愿做的事,明天我就可以做別人不能做的事。Cowards die many times before their deaths.懦夫在未死之前,已身歷多次死亡的恐怖了。An hour in the morning is worth

5、two in the evening.一日之計在于晨。Everyone deserves not just to survive, but to live.--Steve McQueen人應該生活,而非僅僅為了生存而活著。(《為奴十二載》導演史蒂夫·麥奎因)People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death.人的生死就在一線間。Lookers-on s

6、ee most of the game.-- Smedley旁觀者清?!?斯密萊Friendship and play shorten the day.好朋友,共游玩,日子過得歡。Beauty is a gift of God.-Aristotle美者,天賦也?!獊喞锸慷嗟翯et a livelihood, and then practise virtue.先謀生而后修身。Who dares do all that may beco

7、me a man,and dares no more,he is a man indeed.能屈能伸,方為大丈夫。What makes life dreary is the want of motive - George Eliot沒有了目的,生活便郁悶無光。(喬治.埃略特)Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.讀書足以怡情,足以博彩,足以長才。Life can

8、 only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.要理解生活,只有回頭看;但要生活好,則須揚帆向前。愿逝者安息,生者堅強!The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。A particular fine spring c


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