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1、participation in and contribution to the organizational accident investigation unit leadership, supervision of “four no“ (the cause of the accident is not clear left off; those responsible for the accident and should be

2、educated without education left off; responsible for the accidents did not address left off; do not take preventive measures did not miss) the implementation of the principle of completed accident statistics, analysis, r

3、eporting and evaluation comments; (F) to contribute to the safety recommendations or observations for the granting of recognition, reward; to have those responsible for the accident, criticism and punishment recommendati

4、ons or opinions; (VII) participation in engineering and project design review, construction team qualification and acceptance, and work relating to scientific research achievement appraisal. 23rd: safety supervisory per

5、sonnel terms of reference: (a) the right to enter production areas, construction sites, control rooms, control room to examine the security situation; (B) the right to prevent illegal operations, in violation of, acts i

6、n violation of production labor discipline; (C) the right to request the protection of the scene of the accident; the right to investigate the accident to any person within the company and extract raw data; right to take

7、 pictures of the accident scene, sound recordings, videos, etc; (D) survey of accident analysis and dealing with different opinions, reflect the right to deliver to the supervisor or security oversight bodies; for violat

8、ions of rules, procedures, hide or impede the investigation of the accident is entitled to reflect corrected or leapfrog. The fifth Festival rules and regulations article 24th: units of the company to the State and relev

9、ant safety regulations issued by the superior, standards, regulations, procedures, systems, accident prevention measures must be strictly implemented. Units may formulate rules in practice in the follow-up or supplementa

10、ry regulations, but shall not be in conflict with higher provisions, shall not be less than the higher standards required. 25th: units of the company should establish a sound system to ensure safety of the procedure, as

11、 follows: (a) according to the regulation, issued by the superior system, technical measures against accidents and equipment manufacturer's manual, operation procedures for enterprises of various kinds of equipment,

12、systems, approved by the Chief Executive; (B) issued under the parent's maintenance procedures and regulations, development of enterprise maintenance management systems; according to the canonical description technic

13、al regulations and equipment manufacturing, production of primary and secondary equipment maintenance procedures and quality standards, by the General Engineering ...、Measures to prevent accidents when you need to modify

14、 the procedures of the enterprise, should be to supplement or to amend the relevant provisions of regulations, written notice to the persons concerned; (B) procedures should be carried out once a year to review, revise,

15、 and notify the person in writing; does not need to be revised, should also issue a review and the signature of the individual “can continue their“ written notice concerned personnel; (C) field procedures once every 3-5

16、years a comprehensiverevision, approved and issued. Field practice for additions or changes, should strictly carry out the approval process. 27th: the Corporation's regular publication list of point system in force;

17、Enterprise published annually a list of the unit's current point system, and complete list of all procedures relating to the systems. 28th: companies working in other organizations, individuals must be executed in st

18、rict two votes (and operational), three systems (shift system, mobile inspection system, regular rotation of test equipment) and the equipment defect management system; operation must strictly implement the system of saf

19、e construction and safe technology to give the low-down. If necessary, strictly implement the eight jobs, votes to ban homework. 29th: the operation records shall not be less than 12 months, the remaining long-term prese

20、rvation archives (not less than 8 years). Sixth joint anti-accident measures planned and security technology protection measures article 30th: carbon company must prepare annual accidents per year action plan technical

21、protection measures and security schemes. 31st: carbon annual anti-accident measures planned to voice security technology protection measures planned by the company's leading organization, production and technical de

22、partments, safety supervision departments participate in the development. Article 32nd anti-accident measures plan should be based on national and superiors issued accident prevention measures, need to address significan

23、t deficiencies, and improve equipment reliability improvement measures as well as the accident prevention measures of the unit system. Anti-accident measures plan should be included in the maintenance or reconstruction p

24、lans, special expenses and establish account for security costs. Article 33rd: security technology protection measures should be based on country, industry, standards issued by the group in order to “scientific developme

25、nt, people-oriented“ as the starting point, reduce employee stress, improve working conditions and prevent personal injury accidents, prevention of occupational diseases, promoting the standardization of safety facilitie

26、s, improve the level of fire protection and other aspects of the preparation. Project safe construction measures of construction should be in accordance with the specific circumstances of the project, operation methods,

27、 construction machines, industrial hygiene, the environment and other aspects of the preparation. Article 34th: safety, security, risk analysis, supervision, management, reliability analysis, the result should be the for

28、mulation of anti-accident measures planned an important basis of technical protection measures and security schemes. Emergency plan for flood, earthquake, Typhoon and other required items, can be used as a basis for desi

29、gning and updating of anti-accident measures plan. 35th: carbon companies should prioritize anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection measures required funds. Security technology protection measures

30、required funds extracted from security costs each year, special use. Article 36th: safety supervision Department is responsible for the supervision of anti-accident實習周志焦作大學機電工程學院電氣自動化技術(shù) 2 班苑佳駒participation in and contrib

31、ution to the organizational accident investigation unit leadership, supervision of “four no“ (the cause of the accident is not clear left off; those responsible for the accident and should be educated without education l

32、eft off; responsible for the accidents did not address left off; do not take preventive measures did not miss) the implementation of the principle of completed accident statistics, analysis, reporting and evaluation comm

33、ents; (F) to contribute to the safety recommendations or observations for the granting of recognition, reward; to have those responsible for the accident, criticism and punishment recommendations or opinions; (VII) part

34、icipation in engineering and project design review, construction team qualification and acceptance, and work relating to scientific research achievement appraisal. 23rd: safety supervisory personnel terms of reference: (

35、a) the right to enter production areas, construction sites, control rooms, control room to examine the security situation; (B) the right to prevent illegal operations, in violation of, acts in violation of production la

36、bor discipline; (C) the right to request the protection of the scene of the accident; the right to investigate the accident to any person within the company and extract raw data; right to take pictures of the accident sc

37、ene, sound recordings, videos, etc; (D) survey of accident analysis and dealing with different opinions, reflect the right to deliver to the supervisor or security oversight bodies; for violations of rules, procedures, h

38、ide or impede the investigation of the accident is entitled to reflect corrected or leapfrog. The fifth Festival rules and regulations article 24th: units of the company to the State and relevant safety regulations issue

39、d by the superior, standards, regulations, procedures, systems, accident prevention measures must be strictly implemented. Units may formulate rules in practice in the follow-up or supplementary regulations, but shall no

40、t be in conflict with higher provisions, shall not be less than the higher standards required. 25th: units of the company should establish a sound system to ensure safety of the procedure, as follows: (a) according to t

41、he regulation, issued by the superior system, technical measures against accidents and equipment manufacturer's manual, operation procedures for enterprises of various kinds of equipment, systems, approved by the Chi

42、ef Executive; (B) issued under the parent's maintenance procedures and regulations, development of enterprise maintenance management systems; according to the canonical description technical regulations and equipment

43、 manufacturing, production of primary and secondary equipment maintenance procedures and quality standards, by the General Engineering ...、Measures to prevent accidents when you need to modify the procedures of the enter

44、prise, should be to supplement or to amend the relevant provisions of regulations, written notice to the persons concerned; (B) procedures should be carried out once a year to review, revise, and notify the person in wr

45、iting; does not need to be revised, should also issue a review and the signature of the individual “can continue their“ written notice concerned personnel; (C) field procedures once every 3-5 years a comprehensiverevisio

46、n, approved and issued. Field practice for additions or changes, should strictly carry out the approval process. 27th: the Corporation's regular publication list of point system in force; Enterprise published annuall

47、y a list of the unit's current point system, and complete list of all procedures relating to the systems. 28th: companies working in other organizations, individuals must be executed in strict two votes (and operatio

48、nal), three systems (shift system, mobile inspection system, regular rotation of test equipment) and the equipment defect management system; operation must strictly implement the system of safe construction and safe tech

49、nology to give the low-down. If necessary, strictly implement the eight jobs, votes to ban homework. 29th: the operation records shall not be less than 12 months, the remaining long-term preservation archives (not less t

50、han 8 years). Sixth joint anti-accident measures planned and security technology protection measures article 30th: carbon company must prepare annual accidents per year action plan technical protection measures and secu

51、rity schemes. 31st: carbon annual anti-accident measures planned to voice security technology protection measures planned by the company's leading organization, production and technical departments, safety supervisio

52、n departments participate in the development. Article 32nd anti-accident measures plan should be based on national and superiors issued accident prevention measures, need to address significant deficiencies, and improve

53、equipment reliability improvement measures as well as the accident prevention measures of the unit system. Anti-accident measures plan should be included in the maintenance or reconstruction plans, special expenses and e

54、stablish account for security costs. Article 33rd: security technology protection measures should be based on country, industry, standards issued by the group in order to “scientific development, people-oriented“ as the

55、starting point, reduce employee stress, improve working conditions and prevent personal injury accidents, prevention of occupational diseases, promoting the standardization of safety facilities, improve the level of fire

56、 protection and other aspects of the preparation. Project safe construction measures of construction should be in accordance with the specific circumstances of the project, operation methods, construction machines, indu

57、strial hygiene, the environment and other aspects of the preparation. Article 34th: safety, security, risk analysis, supervision, management, reliability analysis, the result should be the formulation of anti-accident me

58、asures planned an important basis of technical protection measures and security schemes. Emergency plan for flood, earthquake, Typhoon and other required items, can be used as a basis for designing and updating of anti-a

59、ccident measures plan. 35th: carbon companies should prioritize anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection measures required funds. Security technology protection measures required funds extracted fro

60、m security costs each year, special use. Article 36th: safety supervision Department is responsible for the supervision of anti-accident要第三電源的場合使用。廣泛適用于市電中斷時各類一級和特別重要負荷的交流應急供電,如各類重要計算機系統(tǒng)的供電;各類建筑的工作供電和消防供電;醫(yī)院安全供電;交通系統(tǒng)高速公路

61、、隧道、地鐵、輕軌、民用機場的供電;電力系統(tǒng)的供電;各類不能斷電的生產(chǎn)、實驗設備的供電。是設備要求純凈正弦波高質(zhì)量供電電源。真的很沒想到,一個電源,竟然會有這么多知識在里面。2013 年 3 月 12 日 星期二今天最主要的任務是學習和認識變壓器及互感器。首先是變壓器,現(xiàn)場指導老師主要向我介紹了怎樣判別電源變壓器參數(shù):電源變壓器標稱功率、電壓、電流等參數(shù)的標記,日久會脫落或消失。有的市售變壓器根本不標注任何

62、參數(shù)。這給使用帶來極大不便。下面介紹無標記電源變壓器參數(shù)的判別方法。此方法對選購電源變壓器也有參考價值。 1、從外形識別 常用電源變壓器的鐵芯有E形和C形兩種。E形鐵芯變壓器呈殼式結(jié)構(gòu)(鐵芯包裹線圈) ,采用D41、D42優(yōu)質(zhì)硅鋼片作鐵芯,應用廣泛。C形鐵芯變壓器用冷軋硅鋼帶作鐵芯,磁漏小,體積小,呈芯式結(jié)構(gòu)(線圈包裹鐵芯) 。 2、 從繞組引出端子數(shù)識別 電源變壓器常見的有兩個繞組,即一個初級和一個次級繞組,因此有四個引出端。

63、有的電源變壓器為防止交流聲及其他干擾,初、次級繞組間往往加一屏蔽層,其屏蔽層是接地端。因此,電源變壓器接線端子至少是4個。 3、從硅鋼片的疊片方式識別 E形電源變壓器的硅鋼片是交*插入的,E片和I片間不留空氣隙,整個鐵芯嚴絲合縫。音頻輸入、輸出變壓器的E片和I片之間留有一定的空氣隙,這是區(qū)別電源和音頻變壓器的最直觀方法。至于C形變壓器,一般都是電源變壓器。然后就是互感器,互感器(instrument transformer)是按比例變

64、換電壓或電流的設備。其功能主要是將高電壓或大電流按比例變換成標準低電壓(100V)或標準小電流(5A 或 10A,均指額定值) ,以便實現(xiàn)測量儀表、保護設備及自動控制設備的標準化、小型化。同時互感器還可用來隔開高電壓系統(tǒng),以保證人身和設備的安全。按比例變換電壓或電流的設備?;ジ衅鞣譃殡妷夯ジ衅骱碗娏骰ジ衅鲀纱箢?,其主要作用有:將一次系統(tǒng)的電壓、電流信息準確地傳遞到二次側(cè)相關(guān)設備;將一次系統(tǒng)的高電壓、大電流變換為二次側(cè)的低電壓(標準值)


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