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1、3000 英文單詞, 英文單詞,1.7 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 5400 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Elena, Alina C . Social Media – A Strategy in Developing Customer Relationship Management[J]. Procedia Economics and Finance, 2016, 39:785-790.Social Media – a Strat

2、egy in Developing Customer Relationship ManagementCerchia Alina ElenaAbstractIn this era of new technologies, social media is a must for an organization to remain competitive on the market. Social Media is a tool to mana

3、ge relationships with customers and keep them closer. This paper aims to analyze how social media supports the development of customer relationship management. It is examined the significant role of social media, the use

4、 and the rise of social networks. The use of social media marketing represents a strong factor in developing a CRM strategy. CRM considers the client the center of a business and orientates the marketing policy in this d

5、irection. Based on case studies and questionnaires, this article analyzes the necessity of transition from traditional CRM to social CRM. Although social CRM is a relatively new domain, the researchers are very intereste

6、d in how CRM can emerge with social media. The study emphasizes examples of how companies can benefit from the use of social media, growing sales and profitability, creating advertisements, acquiring new customers, retai

7、ning them and make them loyal. Organizations should adapt to the rise of this new trend – social media.Keywords: customer relationship management, social media, marketing1. IntroductionThe customer relationship managemen

8、t became popular in the mid-90s, although this concept was called in the `80s: database marketing. The concept was defined as a group that had to interact individually with all the clients of an organization in order to

9、create databases full of information about customers. Roberts believes that, because of the huge size of these data bases, to keep the communication lines opened and to be constantly informed about clients` needs, they w

10、ere setting a target group, usually, the key-clients.Nowadays, CRM applications ca use the advantages that new technologies offer. CRM applications can use technology to collect and process the information that can predi

11、ct consumers’ behaviour. CRM exists today due to technology, due to computer science, due to Internet. CRM can be defined in many ways. The most fitting definition for Customer Relationship Management is: CRM is a busine

12、ss strategy, strongly related to relational marketing, based on the evolution of technology and customer focus.An important component of a CRM strategy assumes interaction on two channels: between client and organization

13、 (external communication). CRM wants to keep a strong relationship between customers and organization, in order to find the best solutions to satisfy customers` needs and make them loyal.2. Transition from traditional CR

14、M to social-CRM (SCRM)The transition from traditional CRM to social CRM is the new challenge of this social era. In order to meet the purpose of this study, we will briefly define these two dimensions, observe the impact

15、 social media has on them and identify how the connection to each other can lead to increasing company value and profit alike.2.1. Traditional CRMCustomer relationship management defined as a business strategy, it is con

16、sidered to be the new ones and focusing their attention on them.Social media presents huge opportunities to listen and engage with customers. Stelzner believes that social media is important for business and it helps gen

17、erate exposure, increasing traffic and providing market place insight.Social media networks constitute new channels for the brand’s voice and content. For example, loyalty can increase by creating a brand’s Facebook page

18、, which will make it more accessible and it will help familiarization with devoted clients. It offers the possibility of keeping them updated by posting news about products or services. Brands who engage in social media

19、enjoy higher loyalty from their customers, according to a report published by Texas Tech University.CRM needs social media to serve better the clients` interests, to build them a support, to increase clients` experience

20、and to help clients choosing their channels for a better collaboration (JAKOB MORGAN 2010) Social CRM refers to companies using social medias as marketing techniques to interact with clients. This means interactive parti

21、cipation of clients in collaborative discussions.A strong argument for the transition from traditional CRM to SCRM is the statistics made by Contenet Marketing Institute (2012) which states that 86% of people skip TV com

22、mercials, 44% of direct email is never opened, 91% of email users have unsubscribed from a company email they previously opted into.Heidi Cohen, the President of Riverside Marketing Strategies, agrees that Facebook is th

23、e most popular method for sharing interesting content and over 70% of online adults use a form of social media networking.CRM allows you to create campaigns that start getting leads to your organization using different t

24、ools like direct email and phone calls. CRM creates groups and direct monitor the results. Social CRM is more about customer service representative, about putting the customers first and using social media accounts in a

25、way to connect one to one, not just to push marketing materials to them.3. Social Media – a necessitySocial media became a mass phenomenon for customers. The numbers are talking about social media: Facebook, the most use

26、d social network, has more than 950 million people that log on daily (source: Facebook, April, 2015).In September-October 2015 I conducted one survey and was completed by 87 business executives/managers from Romania. The

27、 executives represented companies from different industries such as: financial services, distribution, communication and tourism. Moreover, I conducted 3 interviews with people responsible for the social media platform o

28、f the organization.The percentage of companies that applied social medias as part of their marketing strategies: 90% of the companies use social networks, while 10% do not have a profile yet, 40% of the organizations use

29、 media sharing sites, while 60% don’t have a profile yet, 70% use blogging sites, 30% have never used one, 30% use other social media tools, while other 70% don’t use other social media tools.The survey conducted shows t

30、hat people who use social medias in Romania are mostly aged between 18-34. The results in Romania are different from the general surveys found on the internet maybe because the elders are reticent. They lived most of the


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