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1、3700 英文單詞, 英文單詞,19900 英文字符,中文 英文字符,中文 6400 字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:Schwarzl S, Grabowska M. Online marketing strategies: the future is here[J]. Journal of International Studies, 2015, 8(2): 187-196.Online marketing strategies: the f

2、uture is hereSusanne Schwarzl,Monika GrabowskaAbstractIt is well-known that traditional (offline) marketing strategies are already widely used by the companies around the world and there are almost no new options for fos

3、tering competition. And here comes online marketing with almost unlimited possibilities and options. This paper focuses on the growing importance of online marketing, including research of the state of the art through an

4、alysis of the data provided by numerous surveys. It also contains brief description of the online marketing itself, basic strategies on the internet nowadays and the answer to the question: How it is possible to get new

5、customers while keeping the old ones?Keywords: online marketing, customer behaviour, customer journey, marketing researchINTRODUCTIONAmerican Marketing Association defines a brand as “a name, term, design, symbol, or any

6、 other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term of brand is trademark”. Brands are seen as complex social phenomena which have a huge value for companie

7、s and customers. A brands’ goal is identification of a product and its producer as to differentiate the offering in a valued way and command margin (Mooradian et al., 2012; Herget et al. 2015).On the contrary, “customer

8、journey” describes the “tour” a customer goes through before purchasing, ordering or asking for a certain product or service of a company. It shows what kind of touch points are responsible for a potential consumer to fi

9、nally end up on a company’s website. This journey can last a few hours or even days (Mattscheck, n.d.). The so-called touch points are classy advertisements as TV or radio spots, banners but also online marketing measure

10、s or mouth-to-mouth advertisements where customers get the possibility to get in touch with a company (Mattscheck, n.d.).As said before, the world of online marketing is a new one for that reason there are many different

11、 definitions and projections. It is not clear where to make the difference between online marketing and internet marketing. Very often online marketing is also equalised with “Online advertising”, “Performance marketing”

12、 or “Search engine marketing”, although this terms do not have an equal meaning (see e.g. Constantinides, 2002; or Lammenett, 2014). Internet marketing is a target-orientated use of the internet tools like WWW or email.

13、Here the major constituent is an internet page (Naik and Raman, 2003).On the other hand online marketing implies packages of measures, which should lead internet users to certain webpages to buy or order certain products

14、 or services. So web presence is the main object of online marketing. In addition also arrangements outside the internet are included in online marketing, e.g.: a banner on a plane which shows an uniform resource locator

15、 (URL) (Lammenett, 2014).Online advertising means to show banner from the company on the webpage from another company. What started with ordinary banners became more developed nowadays. Beside banners also layer-ads, int

16、erstitials and videos are used to get users’ attention on foreign websites (Naik According to the data collected by the CMO Council 71% of internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand that they are following o

17、n a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook. Moreover, the majority of marketers (59%) are using social media for 6 hours or more each week. Additionally, online marketing generates 3 times as many leads as tr

18、aditional outbound marketing, but costs 62% less. Herewith, marketing professionals are 50% more likely than consumers to like a brand on Facebook, 400% more likely to follow brands on Twitter, 100% more likely to make a

19、 purchase as a result of seeing something on Facebook, and 150% more likely to make a purchase as a result of a tweet. But still, 83% of consumers reported that they have had a “bad experience with social media marketing

20、, consequently there is a room for improvement.Pursuant to the data collected by WebDAM the following are the key facts on the online marketing:– in 2014 the marketers spent approximately 135 billion of dollars on new on

21、line marketing collateral.– 78% of CMOs think that online marketing is the future of the marketing.– Internet advertising will make up nearly 25% of the entire advertising market by 2015. Surveys of iContact and ContentP

22、LUS provided us with the following insights:1. Average return on online marketing investment: $44.25 for every dollar spent;2. Consumers who are involved in online marketing spend 83% more when shopping, make orders 44%

23、larger and 28% more often;3. Personalized online marketing improves click-through rates by 14%, and conversion rates by 10%;4. Blogs are 63% more likely to influence purchase decisions than magazines.As we can see, onlin

24、e marketing is revolutionizing the way in which companies compete between each other. Marketers around the world have realized the importance of online marketing and its advantages compared to traditional marketing. Onli

25、ne marketing has a lot of pros, namely: it can reach customers more effectively; it is cost effective; results can be reliably measured, it can be personalized, etc. However, it has also a lot of cons, the most significa

26、nt of which is too high level of competition. Therefore, companies should clearly understand what they have to do and how they have to do it. Thus, in the text below we will provide information necessary for development

27、of efficient online marketing strategies.CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUROne of the most important topic companies should focus on is the customer behaviour. It is necessary to understand how customers evaluate and make decisions to s

28、egmenting, targeting, positioning and to developing an effective marketing mix.It must be said that there is a difference between ultimate consumers and organizational buyers (especially businesses). In this paper the fo

29、cus is on the behaviour of ultimate customers (Springer Gabler Verlag, n.d.). Before a consumer decides to buy a certain product or service he or she goes through five different stages which are summarized in the so call

30、ed “consumer decision making process” which will be explained below:Stage 1: Problem Recognition:A consumer’s “need” is the fundamental reason for making a buying decision. All people do have needs because these are basi


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