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1、四級作文最常見錯誤 四級作文最常見錯誤1. 最常見錯誤:從句連接詞缺失,最主要的是 THERE BE 句型:There is a saying goes ... [應(yīng)為 There is a saying which goes ...]There are many people think that... [應(yīng)為 There are many people who think that...或者直接說 Many people think

2、 that...]It's the major thing affects people's friendship. [少了一個 that]When we have difficulty, someone helps you right away is the real friend. [少了一個 who]2. NO MATTER / WHETHER 錯誤,這是英語專業(yè)學(xué)生最容易犯的另一類錯誤:Friendship is

3、 important for no matter rich people or poor people. [宜改為 Friendship is possible, whether for rich people or for poor people. “no matter“后面必須接一個小句(主語、謂語完整)]3. C 語類重復(fù)。所謂 C 語類是個句法用語,用于引導(dǎo)一個完整的小句,起標(biāo)志作用,如that/whether 等等:Peop

4、le are not sure that whether... [that 一詞多余]4. LACK / LACKING似乎受漢語語感的影響,多數(shù)英語學(xué)生似乎認為 lack 是形容詞,所以時常說 is lack of...5. 邏輯域錯誤。這個應(yīng)該不難判斷,但還是經(jīng)常出錯:If people become friends, both of them won't care about money... [可改為 neither o

5、f them care about money...]其他:語義重復(fù)In my opinion, I agree with the view that... [agree 一詞本身就表示說話人的觀點,可將 In my opinion 去掉,或把后面的一半改為 the view that... is right]share many common interests [common 與 share 屬同義反復(fù),可改為 have many

6、common interests 或 share many interests]論斷過于絕對,缺乏足夠思考A person with good finance will not understand why his poor friend gets on a sardine-jam like bus and always choose to dine at some poor-condition restaurant at the ro

7、adsides... [相信富人也不至于笨到這個程度]句義嚴(yán)重反復(fù),缺乏變化Some people believe that financial disparity affects friendship. Some believe that financial disparity doesn't affect friendship. For my part, I agree with the latter, because fi

8、nancial disparity doesn't affect friendship. [不必多說了]連詞錯誤It is not difficult to imagine if those rich people have some poor friends with common interests. [if 一詞顯然應(yīng)該是 that,不過更通順的說法應(yīng)該是 It is not difficult to imagine ri

9、ch people having some poor friends with similar interests.]不會使用照應(yīng)語We won't ask people whether they have much money or not when making friends with other people. [people 和 other people 顯然應(yīng)該是同指關(guān)系,后面的 other people 應(yīng)改為 t

10、hem才對]作文是對語言的綜合運用,可以集中體現(xiàn)出學(xué)習(xí)者的基本功和思維能力;語感非常重要,的位置來確定它的詞性,或借助“的“、“地“、“得“。例:a. 學(xué)生抱怨作業(yè)太多。 (抱怨 動詞)b. 我不想再聽你的抱怨。 (抱怨 名詞)a. 如果你努力學(xué)習(xí),你一定會成功。 (成功 動詞)b. 他是一位成功的商人。 (成功 形容詞)c. 他的成功是由于他的勤奮。 (成功 名詞)而英語則有詞性的變化,學(xué)生辨別詞匯種類的能力不夠,同一漢語意思的動詞、

11、名詞和形容詞分不清,造成詞匯錯誤。例:誤 The students complaint that there are too muchhomework.正 The students complain that there is too much homework.誤 If you work hard, you will be sure to success.正 If you work hard, you will be sure to

12、succeed.(2) 用詞不確切學(xué)生所接觸的詞匯主要來自精讀和泛讀,他們所掌握的詞匯有口語、一般用語、正式用語,也有俚語、方言;有美國英語,也有英國英語。他們對同義詞或近義詞的細微區(qū)別不太了解,英語詞與近義漢字區(qū)別不清。例如:誤 He finally resolved the problem.正 He finally solved the problem.resolve 的漢語意思是“使分解“、“解決“,resolve 雖有解決之意,

13、只是解決的不是問題,而是 contradiction 或 doubt, 解決問題應(yīng)用 “resolve“。2.語法錯誤語法錯誤的類型有:名詞單復(fù)數(shù)變化錯誤;時態(tài)不一致謂語或句型出錯,句子不完整;介詞、冠詞遺漏等。(1) 時態(tài)、人稱和數(shù)用錯漢語動詞無時態(tài)、人稱和數(shù)的變化,而對英語動詞來說,這些都至關(guān)重要。例:誤 They said they can complete the work in three months.正 They said

14、 they could complete the work in threemonths.誤 My father is a work and my mother is teachers.正 My father is a worker and my mother is a teacher.(2) be 動詞遺漏在主系表結(jié)構(gòu)中,漢語中沒有動詞的句子是允許的,英語中每個完整的句子都必須有動詞來承擔(dān)謂語,如:“我累了。“這個句子沒有動詞作謂語,

15、而用形容詞,但英語形容詞不能作謂語,一定要寫成:I'mtired.誤 He will sure to come and help me.正 He will be sure to come and help me.(3) 句子不完整有的考生因為對句子結(jié)構(gòu)認識模糊,所以出現(xiàn)只寫半句的現(xiàn)象,這也是造成失分的原因之一。誤 Because the kids thought their wages were too low.正 Becaus


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