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1、In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the party's mass line of educational practice, the party's eighteen to ma ke a major deployment. The Central Committee issued .

2、6 month on the 18th, the Central Committee held the party's mass line of educational practice wor king conference on, Xi general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, Comrade Comrade attended the meeting

3、 and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arrangement of deployment of 6 April 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control implement the central The eight prescribed id

4、eological reality and the actual wor k, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole pa rty to carry out educational p

5、ractice made an example. Group Party attaches great importance to educational practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central Committee General Secretary Xi and a series of

6、important speech to convey the spirit of learning, study and formulate the Corporation of party work plan for the mass line of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of. Now, I

7、talk about the four aspects of the problem. A full understanding of the significance of the party's mass line of educational practice The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of wor k of the party. To carry o

8、ut the party's mass line of educational practice is party in the new situation must insist on the party manage the party, strictly is great and decision-making, conform to the expectations of the masses, to strengthe

9、n the learning type, service and innovation of Marxist ruling party's construction of a major deployment, is the important measure to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Education pract

10、ice activities, to keep the party's advanced nature and purity, consolidating the party's ruling foundation and ruling position, to effectively change the style of work, to further promote the spirit of “Three G

11、orges“, the strategic goal of building a world-class clean energy group, has significant and the profound Significance. First, to carry out the party's mass line of educational practice, is implementing the spirit of

12、 the party's eighteen and realize the dream of China, is the inevitable requirement of the Three Gorges dream. Part y 18 put forward the struggle goal of “two hundred years“, namely in the 100 anniversary of the foun

13、ding of the Chinese Communist Party in China to completed a comprehensive well-off society, in New China was founded 100 years built a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country. Party afte

14、r eighteen, General Secretary Xi proposed the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream is the dream nation, people's dream and dream of every Chinese enterprise. The

15、full realization of the goals of the Twelf th Five Year Plan , in 2020 to basically completed a world-class clean energy group is in the hearts of the Three Gorges new “Three Gorges dream“, is an integral part of the C

16、hinese dream. To realize the party's eighteen identif ied goals and realize the Chinese dream, dream of the Three Gorges, we must develop in close contact w ith the masses of the fine style of wor k, bearing in mind

17、the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, and hedonism and extravagant wind; must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, all from a practical point of v

18、iew, follow the rules of mar ket economy and the development of enterprises, promote enterprise of scientif ic development; must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the cadres and workers, initiative, creativity, Boost

19、Qi God, twisted into a vigor, unite as one to tac kle tough, in order to realize the dream of China, the Three Gorges dream and struggle. The second, to carry out the party's mass line of educational practice, is to

20、 strengthen the state-owned enterprise party construction, keep the party's advanced nature and purity, consolidating the party's ruling foundation and ruling status of inevitable requirement. The party's adv

21、anced nature and the party's ruling status is not a once and for all, immutable. Past advanced does not equal the present advanced, now advanced is not equal to advanced forever. In the past have not equal to now hav

22、e, now have is not equal to always have. Keep the party's advanced nature and purity, consolidating the party's ruling foundation and ruling position, is the party's Facing the construction of the fundamental

23、 problem and the subject of the times. Central enterprises is completed a comprehensive well-off society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important basis for

24、the Communist Party of China. To carry out the party's mass line of educational practice, is to further strengthen and improve the party's leadership, play the exemplary vanguard role of Party members, the peopl

25、e honest and pragmatic value pursuit deeply rooted in the thoughts and actions of all Party members, and keep the party's advanced nature and purity. It is to hold to a party to want to manage the party, strictly, so

26、 as to promote the ideological and wor king style construction of the party building in all respects, Party of the body and the party ranks of self purification, self end At the beginning of the good, self innovation, se

27、lf - improvement; is to further development of Zhuang country economy and enhance control of state-owned enterprises, influence and vitality to further consolidate the party's ruling foundation, to consolidate the p

28、arty's ruling status. Third, to carry out the party's mass line of educational practice, is vigorously carry forward the spirit of “Three Gorges“, “four winds“ in the control group of scientific development outst

29、anding issues to solve the inevitable requirement. The central government decided to the mass line of educational practice is mainly focus on style building, efforts to solve formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extra

30、vagant w ind “four winds“. In the process of long-term construction of the Three Gorges project, the company Always maintain a hard work, truth-seeking and pragmatic, scientific and democratic, solidarity and cooperation

31、 of the fine style of work, unity and lead all the Three Gorges builders tenacious struggle, the successful completion of the Three Gorges project construction tasks, to the party and the people on the a qualified answe

32、r. Second, conscientiously implement the central spirit, solidly carry out the party's mass line of educational practice central the education practice of guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, basic principles, method

33、s, steps made specific provisions, Party accordingly formulated the , selected documents > the learning materials, learning Xi Jinping and other leading comrades of the Central Comm ittee on strengthening the constru

34、ction of style of a series of important exposition, learning the glorious history of the CPC and the fine tradition of ideolo gical reality, the transformation of the subjective world, building prison ideological line of

35、 defense. Explicitly requested by the party, the party members and cadres to participate in learning when Room shall be not less than 30 hours, on business to timely make up a missed lesson, deputy division level and ab

36、ove cadres to writing reading experience. In the learning stage of education, party to schedule three discussion focused on learning. Is around the stic k to the mass line of the party, masses viewpoi nt, how close party

37、 group do group carry out study and discussion topics; the second is based on anti-corruption and maintain cadres honest invite experts to give lectures, to further enhance the ability to resist corruption and cadres; th

38、ree is to implement the provisions of the central eight carry out inspections, to change the style, ningxinjuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group provide strong guarantee as the theme to carry out

39、 special topic for discussion.5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 剛才,XX 匯報了一季度經(jīng)濟運行情況;其它 30 多個市直單位、9 個縣市區(qū)印發(fā)了書面材料,大家對形勢的分析都比較理性、客觀,對做好下階段的工作信心較足、措施具體;幾位市領導結合分管工作,談了很好的意見;等會,易書記還將作重要講話,大家務必認真領會精神,切

40、實抓好落實。下面,我講兩個方面的意見。一、分析一季度的經(jīng)濟形勢,我們既要看到差距,更要堅定信心,理性看待新常態(tài)下的新變化今年以來,面對持續(xù)加大的經(jīng)濟下行壓力,全市上下認真貫徹落實中、省、市各項決策部署,堅持穩(wěn)中求進總基調,積極應對、主動作為,取得了較好成效。一季度,全市地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值增長 8.6%;固定資產(chǎn)投資增長 25.2%;規(guī)模工業(yè)增加值增長 9% ;社會消費品零售總額增長 12.1%。經(jīng)濟運行主要呈現(xiàn)以下幾個方面的新特點。(一)雖然

41、經(jīng)濟增速下降,但發(fā)展活力增強。一季度,全市 GDP 增幅同比回落 1.8 個百分點,比年度計劃增速低 1.4 個百分點,比全省高 0.2 個百分點;規(guī)模工業(yè)同比回落 3.4 個百分點,比年度計劃增速低 2.5 個百分點,比全省高 1 個百分點;社會消費品零售總額增幅同比回落 0.5 個百分點,比年度計劃增速低 0.9 個百分點,與全省增幅持平。雖然經(jīng)濟增速下降,但得益于去年以來商事登記、“三證合一”等改革措施的落實,發(fā)展活力不斷增強。這

42、從新增市場主體、新增銀行貸款和民間投資增速可以得到體現(xiàn)。一季度,全市新登記企業(yè) 1102 家,在去年“井噴式”增長的基礎上,繼續(xù)保持較快增長勢頭,注冊資本增幅達 35.2%;金融機構新增貸款增長 124.2%;民間投資同比增長 36.7%,占全市投資比重達 77.9%。(二)雖然企業(yè)經(jīng)營困難,但產(chǎn)業(yè)轉型加快。隨著國家實施“債貸雙控”政策、清理融資平臺、嚴控地方債風險和房地產(chǎn)債務風險,對資金面產(chǎn)生明顯制約。一季度,全市在建項目到位資金增幅

43、比全市投資增幅低 3.5 個百分點;3 月份,全市有 110 家規(guī)模以上工業(yè)企業(yè)停產(chǎn),占全市規(guī)模以上工業(yè)企業(yè)的 10%;受價格下滑等因素影響,一季度全市采礦業(yè)實現(xiàn)利潤同比下降 27.8%,有色行業(yè)企業(yè)經(jīng)營普遍困難。但是,在企業(yè)經(jīng)營困難的同時,產(chǎn)業(yè)轉型步伐進一步加快。一季度,全市規(guī)模以上高加工度工業(yè)增加值增長 12%,高技術工業(yè)增加值增長 20%,增幅分別比規(guī)模以上工業(yè)高 3 個和 11 個百分點;萬元規(guī)模工業(yè)增加值能耗同比下降 9.6%

44、 ;第三產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值占 GDP 比重同比提高 0.7 個百分點,達到 39.1%,對 GD P 增長的貢獻率達 43.9%,同比提高 2.7 個百分點,拉動經(jīng)濟增長 3.8 個百分點(三)雖然外貿(mào)增長平緩,但內(nèi)需增勢較強。一季度,全市外貿(mào)進出口總額同比僅增長 1.2%。在外貿(mào)增長平緩的同時,內(nèi)需卻增勢強勁。從投資看,一季度,全市固定資產(chǎn)投 資同比增長 25.2%,增幅同比提高 0.4 個百分點,比年度計劃目標高 3 個百分點。房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)投

45、資增速高于全市投資增速 10.8 個百分點,比去年同期提高 24 個百分點;商品房屋施工面積、土地購置面積同比分別增長 28% 和 160.8%。從消費看,一季度,全市社會消費品零售總額增幅比全國高 1.5 個百分點。特別是,新消費業(yè)態(tài)繼續(xù)擴張,電子商務蓬勃發(fā)展,帶動快遞等相關行業(yè)快速增長,為電商直接服務的快遞業(yè)務總量同比增長 34.3%。 (四)雖然財政收入減少,但稅收占比提升。一季度,全市一般公共預算收入同比下降 8.2%,增幅同比

46、回落 21.2 個百分點;地方財政收入同比下降 10.7%,增幅同比回落 27 個百分點。究其原因,有政策性減收因素,也有經(jīng)濟下行帶來的影響。但從財政收入質量看,一季度,全市全部稅收收入占一般公共預算收入比重提高 3.6 個百分點,其中地方稅收收入占地方財政收入比重提高 2.5 個百分點。 這些特點和變化表明,我市經(jīng)濟結構正在發(fā)生積極變化,質量趨好,結構趨優(yōu),后勁增強。我們要堅定信心、迎難而上,扎實推進各項工作,確保經(jīng)濟持續(xù)平穩(wěn)健康發(fā)展

47、。 二、推進下階段的經(jīng)濟工作,我們既要盯緊目標,更要精準發(fā)力,努力實現(xiàn)“雙過半” 按照市委經(jīng)濟工作會議和市四屆人大四次會議確定的目標,今年全市地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值要增長 10%以上,公共財政收入和地方財政收入要增長 10%以上,固定資產(chǎn)投資要增長 22%;規(guī)模工業(yè)增加值要增長 11.5% ;社會消費品零售總額要增長 13%。對這些發(fā)展目標,各級各部門必須緊盯不放,以抓鐵有痕、踏石留印的作風,精準發(fā)力,狠抓落實,確保目標實現(xiàn)。當前,重點要圍繞“

48、雙過半”,突出抓好五個方面的工作。 (一)扎實推進項目建設,擴大有效投資。要圍繞做大做強優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)和構筑交通、能源、信息、水利“四網(wǎng)”,以推進“五大提質”和“新三創(chuàng)”為抓手,按照“前期促開工、建設促竣工、投產(chǎn)促增效”的要求,扎實推進重大項目建設,努力擴大有效投資。要全力抓好中昆總部經(jīng)濟、中煙郴州煙廠和湖南煙葉復烤場技改擴規(guī)、三十六灣綜合治理、東江湖保護等在建項目跟蹤調度,密切協(xié)調配合,強化工作落實,切實解決征地拆遷、資金籌措、施工環(huán)境等方

49、面存在的問題,嚴格按照時間節(jié)點,倒排工期,搶抓進度,確保每個月都有一批項目竣工。對納入新建項目計劃,但暫不具備開工條件的項目,必須加快辦理前期手續(xù),抓緊把設計、拆遷、融資、手續(xù)辦理到位,抓緊做好莽山水庫等重大項目的開工準備,確保每個月都有一批重大項目開工。要繼續(xù)做好郴州機場、靖永郴贛鐵路等重大項目前期工作。發(fā)改、國土、財政、金融等部門要開辟“綠色通道”,在審批、土地、資金等方面,優(yōu)先給予保障。尤其要著力解決資金瓶頸問題,通過爭取上 級資


51、市區(qū)、市直相關單位要抓緊各類招商引資活動,力爭引進一批科技含量高,帶動就業(yè)強的大項目好項目。要突出招商引資的方向性和成功率,著力抓好簽約項目的跟蹤落實。 (二)著力抓好企業(yè)幫扶,提振實體經(jīng)濟。突出經(jīng)濟建設主戰(zhàn)場,突出發(fā)展實體經(jīng)濟,以工業(yè)為重點,以園區(qū)為主陣地,著力推進園區(qū)經(jīng)濟特別是主導產(chǎn)業(yè)、骨干企業(yè)的發(fā)展,更好地發(fā)揮園區(qū)在穩(wěn)增長中的主體作用。圍繞全省創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)園區(qū)“135”工程,全力抓好創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)園區(qū)“1655”工作計劃實施,在優(yōu)化政府服


53、企業(yè)上市 ,擴大直接融資規(guī)模,促進企業(yè)提質升級。要圍繞促進農(nóng)村新型經(jīng)營主體做大做強,著力幫扶解決土地流轉、農(nóng)資供應、農(nóng)技服務、生產(chǎn)資金和市場流通等方面的困難和問題,推進現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展。 (三)培育壯大新興產(chǎn)業(yè),謀求多點支撐。以“十大新增長點”為重點,扎實開展“產(chǎn)業(yè)建設突破年”活動,全面推進創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè),加強科技、管理、市場、產(chǎn)品、商業(yè)模式等創(chuàng)新,加速培育和壯大新的增長點。當前,重點是舉全市之力辦好第三屆礦博會,加快發(fā)展寶石產(chǎn)業(yè)和會展經(jīng)濟,提升

54、對外開放水平。要“像抓工業(yè)化和城鎮(zhèn)化那樣抓旅游”,在現(xiàn)有“吃、住、行、游、購、娛”旅游六要素基礎上,圍繞“商、養(yǎng)、學、閑、情、奇”旅游新六要素,創(chuàng)新旅游發(fā)展體制機制,加強旅游項目建設和整體營銷,研究建立旅游發(fā)展目標考核機制,推動旅游文化產(chǎn)業(yè)的大發(fā)展大提升。同時,要精心籌辦好 2016 年中國(湖南)紅色旅游文化節(jié)和中國(郴州)國際休閑旅游文化節(jié),以“節(jié)”促項目、以“節(jié)”促營銷、以“節(jié)”創(chuàng)品牌。要認真落實中、省相關政策,促進房地產(chǎn)業(yè)持續(xù)穩(wěn)

55、定發(fā)展。要積極發(fā)展電子商務,扶持本土電商企業(yè)做大做強,拓展新型消費模式。要大力推進新型城鎮(zhèn)化,在城鄉(xiāng)統(tǒng)籌發(fā)展中發(fā)現(xiàn)和培育新興產(chǎn)業(yè),特別是結合規(guī)范農(nóng)村建房,積極推進農(nóng)村住宅產(chǎn)業(yè)化。 (四)全面深化改革開放,激發(fā)市場活力。要認真落實中央、省、市關于簡政放權的各項改革舉措,以實施“三清單一目錄”為重點,進一步深化行政審批、商事登記制度、“三證合一”登記管理等各項改革,加快轉變政府職能,不斷激發(fā)非公有制經(jīng)濟活力和創(chuàng)造力,為掀起大眾創(chuàng)業(yè)、萬眾創(chuàng)業(yè)

56、新浪潮搭好平臺。突出抓好財稅體制、投融資、農(nóng)村金融、國企國資、公共資源交易管理、人力資源市場等各項經(jīng)濟體制改革,破解資源要素等制約發(fā)展的瓶頸問題,切實增強經(jīng)濟發(fā)展后勁和抗風險能力。扎實推進湘南承接產(chǎn)業(yè)轉移示范區(qū)建設,實質性 推動湘粵開放合作試驗區(qū)建設。加大羅霄山片區(qū)區(qū)域合作力度,積極探索與海西經(jīng)濟區(qū)、東盟自由貿(mào)易區(qū)開放對接,重點推動交通互聯(lián)互通,引導企業(yè)“走出去、請進來”,構建對外開放新通道。創(chuàng)新招商引資理念和方式,突出引進大企業(yè)、創(chuàng)新

57、型企業(yè)和大項目、科技創(chuàng)新項目,加強招商項目跟蹤服務,促進簽約項目履約落地,進一步提高招商引資實效。 (五)抓實“民生 100 工程”,強化民生保障。認真組織實施“民生 100 工程”項目,全面落實創(chuàng)業(yè)就業(yè)、社會保障、義務教育、醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生等各項民生政策和農(nóng)村安全飲水、“兩房兩棚”“兩供兩治”等各項民生工程項目,推動民生大提質。以羅霄山片區(qū)縣為重點,繼續(xù)實施精準扶貧,進一步加大精準扶貧、駐村幫扶、金融扶貧試點工作力度,積極創(chuàng)新扶貧機制,切實

58、加快脫貧致富奔小康步伐。通過民生大提質,不斷增加城鄉(xiāng)居民收入,為擴大消費需求奠定基礎。扎實開展安全生產(chǎn)“十大戰(zhàn)役”攻堅活動,確保安全生產(chǎn)形勢持續(xù)穩(wěn)定好轉。把良好的生態(tài)環(huán)境作為重大民生事業(yè),更加重視生態(tài)建設和環(huán)境保護,扎實推進省政府湘江流域保護和治理“一號重點工程”。扎實做好防汛抗旱準備工作,對各類水利設施、尾砂庫、地質災害易發(fā)點組織開展安全隱患排查和整改,確保安全度汛。 同志們, 實現(xiàn)“雙過半”目標的時間非常緊迫、任務非常艱巨。大家一定

59、要對照目標找差距,以“抓落實”為工作導向,精準施策、精準發(fā)力,努力實現(xiàn)“雙過半”,為圓滿實現(xiàn)全年目標奠定基礎。 在新兵集訓開訓典禮動員大會上領導講話 在新兵集訓開訓典禮動員大會上領導講話 ? 今天總隊在這里召開 2013 年新兵訓練動員大會,這是我省消防部隊認真貫徹落實“161”工程,開創(chuàng)部隊建設新局面的一個重要舉措,也是確保新兵訓練質量,鞏固和提高部隊戰(zhàn)斗力的重要開端。借此機會,我謹代表總隊黨委和全省 3000 多名消防官兵向踴躍應

60、征入伍的 530 名新戰(zhàn)友表示熱烈的歡迎! ? 消防部隊是一支以防火、滅火和搶險-救援為主要任務的多功能搶險隊伍。福建省消防總隊建隊 16 年來,全省消防官兵始終牢記宗旨,不辱使命,長期奮戰(zhàn)在滅火救災和搶險救援第一線,為保衛(wèi)福建的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和社會穩(wěn)定作出了巨大的貢獻,涌現(xiàn)出陳貴雙、鄭忠華等一大批英雄先進人物。近日,鄭忠華被國務院、中央軍委授予“搶險救援勇士”榮譽稱號,這是福建消防官兵乃至福建人民的榮譽和驕傲。可以說在福建經(jīng)濟建設中,無不閃

61、現(xiàn)著我們消防官兵的身影,流淌著我們消防官兵的汗水。事實證明,消防部隊是一支召之能來,來之能戰(zhàn),戰(zhàn)之能勝的,人民信得過的鋼鐵勁旅,作為一名消防兵,我們應該感到無比的光榮和自豪。你們的到來為我省消防部隊又注入了新鮮的血液,增添了蓬勃的朝氣。為了使你們盡快實現(xiàn)從一名普通老百姓向一名合格軍人In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main cont

62、ent of the party's mass line of educational practice, the party's eighteen to ma ke a major deployment. The Central Committee issued .6 month on the 18th, the Central Committee held the party's mass line of e

63、ducational practice wor king conference on, Xi general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, Comrade Comrade attended the meeting and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arran

64、gement of deployment of 6 April 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control implement the central The eight prescribed ideological reality and the actual wor k, to carry out criticism and self-critic

65、ism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole pa rty to carry out educational practice made an example. Group Party attaches great importance to educational

66、practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central Committee General Secretary Xi and a series of important speech to convey the spirit of learning, study and formulate the Cor

67、poration of party work plan for the mass line of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of. Now, I talk about the four aspects of the problem. A full understanding of the signif

68、icance of the party's mass line of educational practice The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of wor k of the party. To carry out the party's mass line of educational practice is party in the new situa


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