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1、Traveling and Travelers,Unit 5,Warm-up,01,Listening and Speaking,02,Viewing and Speaking,03,CONTENTS,Project,04,,1,Warm-up,,1 The following are four pictures about different ways oftraveling. Work in pairs and discuss w

2、hich one you like most and why.,Warm-up,Package tour,Backpacking,Personalized tour,Couchsurfing,Picture 1 shows a group of people traveling in a tour group. This is usually in the form of a package tour which comprises

3、transport and accommodation. Other services may be provided such as meals, activities or outings during the trip. For people who are not experienced travelers or people who want to save the trouble to find places to eat

4、or stay, this might be a good choice. The cost may also be low if people travel off the peak. The disadvantage of this type of travel is that people have to go to places where the tour operator has planned, and very ofte

5、n such tour would involve some shopping stops.,Reference answers,Warm-up,Picture 2 shows two typical backpackers, who are traveling by backpacking. I like this way of traveling because during a backpacking trip I can mee

6、t interesting people, explore places that are not usually included in a package tour, and more importantly, I can save money. But there are risks in traveling in this way. One has to be strong, both mentally and physical

7、ly, to do this.,Reference answers,Warm-up,Picture 3 is a personalized tour. This is obviously a kind of luxury possible only for wealthy people. People traveling this way usually would try to avoid those crowded and nois

8、y places, rather they would like to go to some small islands or places not easily accessible by tour groups. I fancy having such a trip with my beloved one sometime in a remote island.,Reference answers,Warm-up,Picture 4

9、 shows couchsurfing which refers to the practice of moving from one friend’s house to another, sleeping in whatever spare space that is available, floor or couch, and generally staying a few days before moving on to the

10、next house. Couchsurfing is becoming more and more popular due to the ever-increasing cost of travel. But there have also been some couchsurfing-related criminal activities which make people think twice before making the

11、 decision.,Reference answers,Warm-up,,2,Listening and Speaking,Topic OneThe benefits of traveling,1 Now listen to a talk and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,Listening and Speaking,The benefits of traveling,Listen

12、ing and understanding,Benefits of traveling? Traveling gives us the opportunity to disconnect from 1) _____________.? Another great benefit is the 2) _____________ you get.? Traveling increases 3) ____________ and wid

13、ens 4) ____________.? New experiences of traveling increase 5) _________________.? When traveling with friends or family, it creates 6) ______________________.,our regular life,relaxation,our knowledge,our perspective,

14、our resourcefulness,memories for a lifetime,2 Listen to the talk again and complete the summary.,Listening and Speaking,Listening and understanding,I believe it’s very important to see the world and different cultures. I

15、t lets usopen 1)___________ to new things and we get to experience life in different ways. While traveling, we get to forget our 2)________ for weeks and figure out things that we would not have understood without t

16、he 3)________ traveling gives us. Traveling also allows us to live life 4)___________ and enjoy a 5) ____________ with ourselves. Traveling gives us a new perspective on life and can help us change some of our habits or

17、even 6)_______________. People who travel a lot in life are ready to embrace 7)_______ and have a natural ability of 8)_________________ that others would frown upon. Traveling also creates happy memories which can be ch

18、erished throughout our life. Whenever we feel nostalgic, we can take an hour of our life and 9)________________ again by looking at the pictures taken during the trip. My advice is that you take a trip and experience

19、 10) _________________ if you have some time off.,our minds,problems,distance,to its fullest,stress-free time,create new ones,change,overcoming problems,experience the trips,what life has to offer,The benefits of traveli

20、ng,3 You have heard a talk about the benefits of traveling. Read the quotes about traveling and work in groups to discuss which ones you agree with and which you disagree with and why.,Listening and Speaking,Thinking and

21、 speaking,? Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry ( 偏執(zhí) ), and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetat

22、ing (呆板地生活) in one little corner of the Earth all one’s lifetime. —Mark Twain? When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money. —Susan Heller? Pleas

23、e be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in. —Andrew Zimmern? No man should travel unt

24、il he has learned the language of the country hevisits. Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby — so helpless and so ridiculous. —Ralph Waldo Emerson,The benefits of traveling,Listening and Speaking,Thinking

25、 and speaking,The benefits of traveling,? Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry ( 偏執(zhí) ), and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things

26、 cannot be acquired by vegetating (呆板地生活) in one little corner of the Earth all one’s lifetime. —Mark Twain The first quote by Mark Twain relates to the talk in a nice way. It means that travel makes people more

27、open-minded and free from prejudice. Well-traveled people are better prepared to accept different things and their life would be more interesting.? When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.

28、Then take half the clothes and twice the money. —Susan Heller The second quote is a piece of advice to travelers. For one thing, one should try to bring as few things as possible since bringing too many things whi

29、le traveling will prove burdensome. One should bring only the absolute necessities. For another, traveling costs money and one should bring enough money in case some unexpected things happen.,Listening and Speaking,Think

30、ing and speaking,The benefits of traveling,? Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we l

31、ive in. —Andrew Zimmern The quote by Andrew Zimmern points to the difference between a traveler and a tourist. While traveling one tries new things, meets new people and experiences different cultures. Traveling has

32、an educational value and has lot of benefits as mentioned in the talk we’ve just heard. Being a tourist, one just tours around for fun. The two words are different from an etymological point of view. The word “travel” is

33、 from Latin, meaning “hardship”, “torture”, etc., therefore traveling involves difficulties, risks, adventures, etc. The root form of the word “tourist” is “tour” which is from Greek referring to something used for drawi

34、ng a circle. Therefore a tourist is a person who just goes around.,Listening and Speaking,Thinking and speaking,The benefits of traveling,? No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country hevisits.

35、 Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby — so helpless and so ridiculous. —Ralph Waldo Emerson The quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson points to the importance of language learning for traveling. While one is tr

36、aveling, one sees things in the target language, hears people talk in the target language, and more importantly, he needs to communicate with the people he meets. If he does not understand the target language, he will no

37、t be able to truly understand the culture and the people. He will just be touring around. I agree with the first three, but not the last one. There are different ways of communication, both verbal and nonverbal. Even

38、 if we do not know the language, we can still manage to communicate using gestures, postures, and so on.,Topic Two Traveling: Travel agent or not?,1 Now listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the

39、 questions you hear.,Listening and Speaking,Traveling: Travel agent or not?,Listening and understanding,1 What makes Nicki Fung stick to the same travel agent for over 10 years? C. Her ability to think ahead for clien

40、ts.2 What is the number of licensed travel agencies in Hong Kong in the year 2010? B. 1,568.3 Which of the following is NOT a reason why the speaker uses the same travel agent for years? D. Extra mileage.4 Which

41、 of the following is the travel agency the speaker uses? A. Green Travel.5 Which of the following is true according to Phocuswright? D. There are more online bookings in Asia-Pacific than in the rest of the world.

42、6 Which of the following countries has the lowest rate of online bookings? D. South Korea.,2 Listen to the news report again and complete the table.,Listening and Speaking,Traveling: Travel agent or not?,Listening an

43、d understanding,seat availability,last-minute schedule changes,complex,time,the best fares,2 Listen to the news report again and complete the table.,Listening and Speaking,Traveling: Travel agent or not?,Listening and un

44、derstanding,the fare class,seat and meal,the Internet,twice,leads the region,outliers,3 Read the following sentence from what you heard. Work in pairs and discuss the possible reasons for this phenomenon.,Listening and S

45、peaking,Thinking and speaking,Traveling: Travel agent or not?,South Korea and China’s Hong Kong which have high Internet penetration rates in the world are outliers.,Listening and Speaking,Thinking and speaking,Traveling

46、: Travel agent or not?,I do not know very much about the situation in South Korea, so I would only talk about the situation in China’s Hong Kong. I think there are two possible reasons for this phenomenon in Hong Kong. F

47、irst, traditional travel agents in Hong Kong provide very good services. They help people plan their routes, reduce cost and make last-minute changes which is not usually possible for online bookings. Further, if one use

48、s a certain travel agent often, the travel agent would know the customer’s needs and preferences better and thus provide better service. Second, my observation is that elderly people in Hong Kong like to travel. I’m from

49、 a city which is one of the most popular tourist destinations, and every year there are many tourists from home and abroad. We can always see many tourists from Hong Kong and they are mainly elderly people. Unlike the yo

50、ung people, elderly people use the Internet lessand they would prefer face-to-face communication, so they use traditional travel agents more.,Topic ThreeBarcelona, a traveler’s delight,1 Now listen to a talk and number

51、 the places in the order you hear.,Listening and Speaking,Barcelona, a traveler’s delight,Listening and understanding,_______ Barrio Gotico_______ Chupitos_______ La Rambla_______ Port Olímpic_______ La Sagrada

52、Familia,4,2,5,1,3,2 Listen to the talk again and complete the note.,Listening and Speaking,Barcelona, a traveler’s delight,Listening and understanding,BarcelonaGeneral introduction: 1) ___________________ city in Spain

53、Official language: Catalan and 2) _________ Currency: 3) _____ Best tourist months: 4) __________Best food: waffle and 5) __________Entertainment:? 6) _________: head to Port Olímpic? 7) _________: Chupitos?

54、 8) _________: UNESCO World Heritage Sites? 9) _________ and parades,the second largest,Spanish,euro,August,seafood,nightlife,shots,culture,festivals,2 Listen to the talk again and complete the note.,Listening and Speak

55、ing,Barcelona, a traveler’s delight,Listening and understanding,BarcelonaTravel tips:? Most but not all shopping malls will be closed on 10) _________ inBarcelona.? Avoid souvenirs from areas like Barrio Gotico and L

56、a Rambla.? Head to the 11) _________ for small fashion and souvenir shops.,Sundays,old city,3 What other factors should also be included in an introduction? Add them to the list you’ve got in Exercise 2.,Listening and S

57、peaking,Thinking and speaking,Barcelona, a traveler’s delight,As the second largest city in Spain, Barcelona is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. Barcelona is located on the northeast coast of

58、 the Iberian peninsula, facing the Mediterranean Sea. Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate, with mild, humid winters and warm, dry summers. The Barri Gòtic is the center of the old city of Barcelona. Many of the bu

59、ildings date from medieval times, some from as far back as the Roman settlement of Barcelona. Several of these buildings are World Heritage Sites. Especially remarkable is the work of architect Antoni Gaudí, which c

60、an be seen throughout the city. His best-known work is the immense yet unfinished church,Listening and Speaking,Thinking and speaking,Barcelona, a traveler’s delight,of La Sagrada Familia, which has been under constructi

61、on since 1882. The construction is mainly financed by private donations. As of 2007, completion is planned for 2026. There are many historic buildings and monuments such as Casa Milá, The Cathedral of the Holy C

62、ross and Saint Eulalia, the Columbus Monument, etc. Also worth visiting are such museums as the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, and Picasso Museum. Besides, Barcelona be

63、ach was listed as number one in a list of the top 10 city beaches in the world. You won’t feel bored if you spend a week by the sea. Nightlife in Barcelona is also interesting. You can go to the many bars to experience i

64、t all. Barcelona is a fascinating place you must go!,,3,Viewing and Speaking,Topic OneCouchsurfing,1 Watch a video clip and decide whether the statements are true or false.,Couchsurfing,Viewing and understanding,Vie

65、wing and Speaking,1 Global backpacking trip is not easy now due to economic reasons.2 To be a couchsurfer, one needs to post personal details on social networking sites like Bebo or Facebook.3 People participate in cou

66、chsurfing for charitable reasons.4 People signing up to couchsurfing websites average 10,000 every week.5 In general, couchsurfing applies to Western travelers.6 Brian from London is traveling through Europe as part o

67、f a round-the-world trip.7 Brian decided to try couchsurfing because he couldn’t afford a trip otherwise.8 A night in an average hotel in Tokyo may cost about 150 pounds.9 Shintarô does not think safety should be

68、 a concern in putting up complete strangers.,T,F,F,T,F,F,F,F,T,2 Watch the video clip again and complete the sentences.,Viewing and understanding,Viewing and Speaking,1 Now, it’s not the easiest time to embark on a globa

69、l backpacking trip. There is less ___________ these days and the cost of international travel ___________. So you need to be ______________ and one of the big phenomena of recent years is couchsurfing, online networks th

70、at link you up with someone in ______________, willing to let you stay in their home __________.2 According to recent headlines, the era of cheap travel is over. _____ fuel surcharges and the _______________ is (are) in

71、creasing the cost of holidays.3 Much like any of the other social networking sites like Bebo or Facebook, you post your details online for other members to ____________. People will then request to stay at your home ___


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