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1、,學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):,1.掌握第一頁至第二頁的新單詞。 2.學(xué)會“自我介紹”。 3.學(xué)會禮貌的與他人交往。,,重點(diǎn):1、What’s your/his/her name?2、My/Her/His name’s…3、I’m……4、Nice to meet you.,,,Write English words for the things in the p

2、icture.寫出圖中物品的英文名稱。map windowbagruler clockbookfish ball,1a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1b,Listen and number the conversation[1-3]聽錄音,為對話編號1-3,,A:What’s your name?B:Alan.A:Hello,Alan.I’m Ms.Brown,,A:Good morning!! I’m Cind

3、y.B:Hello, Cindy! I’m Dale.A:Nice to meet you!,,A:Hi.My name’s Gina.B:I’m Jenny.Nice to meet you!A: Nice to meet you,too.,1,2,3,Conversation 1,Hi! What’syour name?,My name is Jenny.,I’m Alan. Nice to meet you!,N

4、ice to meet you, too.,,3,1,2,4,Listen to the conversation and numberthe pictures[1-4].聽對話,為圖片編號。,2a,Tony : Hello. What’s your name?Jenny: My name is Jenny.Tony :I’m Tony.Jenny :Nice to meet you, Tony.,Bill :What’s hi

5、s name?Maria :His name is Tony.Bill :And what’s her name?Maria :Her name is Jenny.,,Bob :Excuse me ,are you Mark? Mark Yes ,I am.Bob : I’m Bob. Nice to meet you !Mark :Nice to meet you, too.,,,,T: Good morning

6、, boys and girls. My name’s Linda. What’s your name?S :My name’s Jim.T: And what’s your name? S: My name’s Mary.,,,對對碰,游戲規(guī)則:1、每人在一張規(guī)定的小紙條上寫好自己的英文名和中文名并交給老師收好。2、每人隨機(jī)抽取一張小紙條并用今天所學(xué)的句型“What’s your name?”在班上找到拿著你英文名字的

7、同學(xué)。3、誰能用在最短的時間找到拿著你英文名字的同學(xué)可獲得獎勵。,What’s his name?,He is Obama(美國總統(tǒng)),He’s Zhao Benshan (趙本山).,What’s his name?,What’s his name?His name’s …/ He’s…,Jack Chen,Liu Xiang,Her name is Yang Lan (著名主持人楊瀾).,What’s her name?,Wha

8、t’s her name?,She’s Song dandan (宋丹丹 ).,,,What’s her name?,Her name is Song Zuying.,What is your name?,What is his name?,What is her name?,What is its name?,Her name is …,Its name is …,His name is …,My name is …,,縮寫為:,

9、,,What ’s your name?,What ’s his name?,What ’s her name?,What ’s its name?,,Her name ’s …,Its name ’s …,His name ’s …,My name ’s …,What is,What ’s,name is,name ’s,I,,my,you,,your,it,,its,人稱代詞,adj 物主代詞,Good afternoon!M

10、y name’s Linda.Are you Helen?,Yes, I am.Nice to meet You,Linda,Conversation 2,根據(jù)圖片,想象他們之間的對話,并寫下來。A: B:,Unit 1 My name’s Gina,Zhao Benshan,Song dandan,—What’s his name? (his: 他的)— His name is Zha

11、o Benshan./ He is Zhao Benshan.,—What’s her name? (her: 她的)— Her name is Song dandan./ She is Song dandan.,Revison,Section B,教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、學(xué)會0-9的英文數(shù)字 。2、學(xué)會如何詢問并回答電話號碼。 3、能用英語說出自己的電話號碼。,,,重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn):1、詞匯: zero—nine, telephone

12、 number, phone.2、句型:—What’s your telephone number?    —My telephone number is …,,,0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9,zero two four six

13、 eight,one three five seven nine,zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,110,120,114,119,Can you read?,110,119,120,114,1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.聽對話,寫出電話號碼。,2

14、78-6926,,,,,,,---,,,,Practice,,It’s 281-9176,What’s your telephone number,Li Xin?,,,,1d Listen and match the names with telephone numbers. 聽錄音,將名字和電話號碼配對。1e Listen again .complete the phone numbers.再聽一遍錄 音,補(bǔ)全下

15、面的電話號碼。,,1.Tom___2.Linda__3.Bob___4.Mary__,a.929-31_ _b.398-61_ _c.278-79_ _d.555-80_ _,C,d,b,a,6 0,4 9,2 8,2 4,,游戲規(guī)則:1、各學(xué)習(xí)小組組長組織成員在一張規(guī)定的小紙條上寫好自己的電話號碼和名字,一分鐘后,各學(xué)習(xí)小組組長將本組的小紙條交給老師。2、由老師指定人隨機(jī)抽出小紙條來撥打電話,抽中號碼的人及全組成員必須

16、迅速站起來并做接電話狀。3、反應(yīng)慢的同學(xué)要表演節(jié)目。,打電話,,句型講解What’s your telephone number?★在交換聯(lián)系方式時常用此句型來詢問對方的電話號碼?;卮饡r, 可以說It’s...或My telephone number is...或直接說出電話號碼。例如:—What’s your telephone number?你的電話號碼是多少?—(It’s / My telephone number i

17、s) 15292113129.,【課堂練習(xí)】一、 按照規(guī)律填入所缺的數(shù)字1.______ one two _______ four 2. two four _______ ________ ten 3.ten ______ ________ seven six 4. one three ________ _________ nine二、按照要求完成句子。1. My telephone number is 456

18、-8523 .(對畫線部分提問) _______ ______ telephone number ?2. phone, is, my, number,650-2128 .(組句)_______________________________,,【課堂練習(xí)】一、 按照規(guī)律填入所缺的數(shù)字1. zero one two three four 2. two four six eight ten 3.ten

19、 nine eight seven six 4. one three five seven nine二、按照要求完成句子。1. My telephone number is 456-8523 .(對畫線部分提問) What’s your telephone number ?2. phone, is, my, number,650-2128 .(組句) My phone number is 65

20、0-2128,Homework1、背誦P4的新單詞。2、完成導(dǎo)學(xué)案的拓展練習(xí)部分。,Thank you!,,Let’s play a name game.,,,What’s name?,her,Her name is Shawn Johnson.,,First name,,Last name,Family name,What’s name?,his,His name is Michael Phelps.,,F

21、irst name,Last name,,,Family name,What’s name?,her,Her name is Zhang Shaohan.,,First name,Last name,,,Family name,first name = given name 名last name = family name 姓,在英語中,通常先說名再說姓。如:Tom Smith, Tom是他的名,而Smith才是

22、他的姓。,Tom Smith,,,first name,last name,,1.Alan 6.Jack2.Green 7.Smith3.Miller 8.Brown4.Mingming 9.Zhang5.Gina 10.Mary,,L,L,L,L,L,F,F,F,F,F,在美國, 萬人以上的大姓有三千多個,其中最大的姓氏是Smi

23、th, 美國十大姓氏的排列順序是: 1.Smith 史密斯 2. Johnson 約翰遜 3.Williams 威廉姆斯 4. Brown 布朗 5.Jones 瓊斯 6. Miller 米勒 7.Davis 戴維斯 8. Martinson 馬丁森 9.Anderson 安德森

24、 10 .Wilson 威爾遜,英語國家人名分析圖,What’s your first name ?,What’s your last name ?,Pairwork,,,,,,,BOYS,GIRLS,FIRST NAME,LAST NAME,FIRST NAME,LAST NAME,Tony,Wang,Make a survey:,Tracy,Yuan,,Report: My friend’s name is To

25、ny Wang. He is a boy. His first name is Tony His last name is Wang,Requirement(要求):At least(至少)3 boys and 3 girls Using(使用):What’s your first name?What’s your last name?,Exercise,Hello, my first name is ______. My l

26、ast name is ______. I have ______ friends. She is my new friend. Her first name is ______. Her last name is ______. And he is my friend, too. His first name is ______. His last name is ___.,Make your own conversations ab


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