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1、Author: Laird Reed,Reviewers: Sarah Millard, Jason Trevison,BDP,BDP,Agenda,,The Best Demonstrated Practices (BDP) ConceptApplicationsBDP StepsClient ExampleKey Takeaways,BDP,Agenda,,BDP,Description,*Whereas an R

2、CP always deals with costs, a BDP could deal with costs or revenues,BDP is used to identify the best practices - those leading to the most revenue at the least cost - inside of or outside of a company.,BDP - practices le

3、ading to the most revenue at the least cost*,Internal,External,Between organizations,Historical,Competitors,Companies in different industries,來自www.3722.cn中國最大的資料庫下載,BDP,Internal vs. External,,Internal BDPs are more str

4、aightforward to conduct than are external BDPs, but they tend to lead to less dramatic, though often significant, change.,Gathering data:,Degree of change:,Straightforward,Continuous improvement,Difficult,Dramatic change

5、,來自www.3722.cn中國最大的資料庫下載,BDP,Possible Reasons for Better Performance,,More consolidated supply (VMRs)Lower cost raw materialsHigher quality raw materialsMore parts outsourcedMore parts made in lower-cost countries,Pr

6、oductsSimpler productsFewer product variationsPlantsFewer, more highly-focused plantsMore efficient production process (longer runs, less waste)Better equipmentBetter quality controlLaborLonger-term contractsBe

7、tter structured incentivesBetter supervisor-to-labor ratio,Following is a list of possible reasons some companies perform better than others:,,,,,Purchasing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Selling,Better delivery method (tru

8、ck vs. train vs. airplane)More (or less) frequent deliveriesLarger (or smaller) delivery sizes,Better trained salesforceLarger salesforceBetter organized salesforce (by region, by product, by industry)Better structu

9、red incentives,BDP,BDP in Theory,,In theory, by applying BDP practices, you could create a BDP company.,,,,,Purchasing,Manu-facturing,Distribution,Selling,Corporate,,,,,Purchasing,Manu-facturing,Distribution,Selling,Corp

10、orate,,,,,Purchasing,Manu-facturing,Distribution,Selling,Corporate,Client,Competitor A,Competitor B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BDP Company,,,,Non-BDP,B

11、DP,BDP,BDP in Practice,,In practice, BDP analysis is used only in areas of the company where it can have a significant impact.,Manufacturing BDP,Salesforce BDP,,,Non-BDP,BDP,Situation:,Before BDP:,After BDP:,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12、,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Corporate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Purchasing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Selling,,,,,,,Corporate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Purchasing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Selling,,,,,,,,Manufacturing costs are a signif

13、icant portion of total costs, and the client is far from BDP in manufacturing.,Revenue per sales representative is a major driver of profitability, and the client’s sales representatives are far from BDP in revenue per r

14、epresentative.,Corporate,,,,,Corporate,,,,,Actions:,Purchase new equipmentRearrange equipment to improve production flowRecycle wasteDecrease supervisor to labor ratio,Increase amount of trainingReorganize salesforce

15、 by industryRestructure incentives to encourage cross-selling,BDP,Reasons for Using BDP,,Because BDP is simple, pragmatic, and positive (it focuses on what the client does best), it helps us achieve results.,BDP helps u

16、s achieve results,,Simple,Pragmatic,Positive,Simple methodologyEasy to explain to clientStraightforward to implementEasy to measure results,Focuses on existing businessFocuses on most leveraged areasAllows for quant

17、ification of potential improvementLeads to concrete actions,Builds morale at the client by focusing on what client does bestProvides a framework for continuous learning,BDP,Agenda,,,The Best Demonstrated Practices (BDP

18、) ConceptApplicationsBDP StepsClient ExampleKey Takeaways,來自www.3722.cn中國最大的資料庫下載,BDP,Applications,,A large European paperboard manufacturer operated seven plants throughout Europe. A Bain team analyzed unit costs a

19、t each plant and identified a number of best practices worth $20MM or 40% of total operating expenses.A Spanish steel producer’s margins were coming under pressure from falling trade barriers. The company asked Bain to

20、 conduct an analysis of the technology and practices of its global competitors. The BDP resulted in dramatic cuts in labor costs and a reduction in the cost per kilogram of steel of 20%.The CEO of an Italian supermarke

21、t chain demanded cost cuts his management team could not deliver. A Bain BDP revealed 10-15% productivity gaps between departments in the chain’s 200 stores. The full scale BDP led to an average cost improvement of 10%

22、 per store.,Bain has used BDP in hundreds of cases and in dozens of industries. Some examples of our work include:,BDP,Agenda,,The Best Demonstrated Practices (BDP) ConceptApplicationsBDP StepsClient ExampleKey Take

23、aways,,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparableorganizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizationsinto major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onio

24、n” inleveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Organizations should produce similar products/services under similar operating conditions,Lay out major (3-5) processes,Gather dataIdentify best practice organizati

25、on for each process,Adjust data for uncontrollable elements (e.g., labor rates, product mix) to ensure an “apples-to-apples” comparison,Calculate potential impact (revenue increase or cost savings) by unit and by process

26、,Focus on organizations and processes with the most potentialDetermine drivers of differences at a more disaggregated level,Set a BDP targetEstablish a detailed scheduleAssign responsibilities,Obtain commitment at all

27、 levels of the organizationCommunicate goals, deadlines and responsibilitiesCelebrate successes along the way,Doing a BDP analysis involves several steps.,BDP,Agenda,,BDP,Sticky Tape* - Background,*Disguised client cas

28、e,Situation:,The client, Sticky Tape, is the the market leader in the adhesive tape industry and has four plants making duct tape and masking tape. There is significant cost sharing between these two products,Complicati

29、on:,The CEO is concerned that Sticky Tape’s cost advantage might be eroding and he is eager to find ways to cut manufacturing costs,Question:,How can Sticky Tape identify the most leveraged areas for cost reduction, the

30、cost reduction potential, and ways to implement the cost reduction opportunities?,Bain used BDP to help our client, Sticky Tape, reduce its manufacturing costs.,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comp

31、arable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion” in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Organizatio

32、ns should produce similar products/services under similar operating conditions,,BDP,Sticky Tape - Comparable Organizations,Across the most important screening criteria, Sticky Tape’s four plants and its competitors’ plan

33、ts are roughly comparable.,Comparable organizations,,,,,,Similar products, product mixes, and volumes,Similar customer requirements and business practices,Similar technology,Similar product designs,,,Similar accounting p

34、ractices,,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the O

35、nion” in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Lay out major (3-5) processes,,BDP,Sticky Tape - Major Processes,,Making tape involves three major processes:,Rewinding,Slitting,Packaging,Base material runs from

36、 a core rollAdhesive material is added and curedBase material plus adhesive is fed onto a master roll,Master roll is slit into final widths,Various sized units are packaged,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Facto

37、rs,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion” in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Impleme

38、nt,Gather dataIdentify best practice organization for each process,,BDP,Sticky Tape - Overall Cost Position,,Overall, Sticky Tape is the lowest cost manufacturer.,BDP,Sticky Tape - First-Cut BDP,*Competitors B and C had

39、 no BDPs,Although Sticky Tape is already the lowest cost manufacturer, none of its plants is BDP in every process, and Competitor A is the BDP in packaging.,,BDP,Competitor A,Plant D,Plants A and C,Sticky Tape,,,$0.15,$0

40、.05,$0.10,$0.10,$0.07,$0.15,$0.10,$0.10,$0.10,$0.08,$0.02,$0.15,$0.10,$0.05,$0.20,$0.02,$0.05,$0.10,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into

41、major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion” in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Adjust data for uncontrollable elements (e.g., labor rates, product mix)

42、 to ensure an “apples-to-apples” comparison,,BDP,Controllable vs. Uncontrollable Costs,,For analysis to be meaningful (and believable), costs must be adjusted for those that are beyond the control of operating managers.,

43、Controllable,Uncontrollable,Raw materialscost/unitusageQualityLabor hoursOverhead staffingSpace utilization,Product mixLabor ratesUnion-imposed costsRental ratesUtility ratesInsuranceTaxesAccounting procedur

44、es,BDP,Sticky Tape - Uncontrollable Costs,,Different plants have different uncontrollable costs.,“An unadjusted comparison is unfair. We’ve got the highest labor rates in the country.”- Supervisor, Plant A,“We’re mak

45、ing masking tape over 30% of the time. That stuff rips all the time. Let me run duct tape all day and I’ll beat any plant.”- Rewinder, Plant C,“We’re a union shop. Our work rules create costs the other plants don’t

46、 have.”- Plant manager, Plant D,BDP,Sticky Tape - Adjusted* BDP,*Adjusted for labor and utility rates and product mix**In this particular case, the overall BDP does not happen to change. The components, however, do

47、change.,Adjusting for uncontrollable costs has a significant impact on the costs for each plant.,,,BDP (adjusted),BDP (unadjusted),Rewind,Slit,Package,Plant A,Plant B,Plant C,Plant D,Competitor A,$0.15,$0.05,$0.05,$0.07,

48、$0.10,$0.15,$0.10,$0.05,$0.07,$0.07,$0.15,$0.18,$0.10,$0.08,$0.10,$0.08,$0.10,$0.09,$0.08,$0.05,$0.02,$0.03,$0.15,$0.12,$0.05,$0.05,$0.10,$0.09,$0.20,$0.18,$0.05,$0.03,$0.02,$0.09,$0.10,$0.05,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,

49、Key Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion” in leveraged areas,Develop an ac

50、tion plan,Implement,Calculate potential impact (revenue increase or cost savings) by unit and by process,,BDP,Sticky Tape - Potential Savings,,Sticky Tape can save an average of $0.08 per roll, or $5.6MM overall, by impl

51、ementing best practices.,Rolls per year:,20MM,18MM,6MM,27MM,Potential Savings per Roll,Potential Total Savings,,Average potential savings = $0.08,BDP,Sticky Tape - Backup for Potential Savings,,Total potential savi

52、ngs by plant:,Total potential savings by process:,Plant A savings per roll,X,Number of rolls,= (,),+,Plant B savings per roll,X,Number of rolls,(,),Plant C savings per roll,X,Number of rolls,(,),+,Plant D savings per rol

53、l,X,Number of rolls,(,),+,= ($0.10 x 20MM) + ($0.13 x 18MM) + ($0.08 x 6MM) + ($0.03 x 27MM) = $5.6MM,= Rewind savings at each plant + Slit savings for each plant + Package savings for each plant,= ($0.06 x 20MM)+($0.09

54、 x 18MM)+($0.03 x 27MM)+($0.04 x 20MM)+($0.04 x 18MM)+($0.05 x 6MM)+($0.03 x 6MM) = $5.6MM,,,Rewind savings at each plant,Slit savings for each plant,Package savings for each plant,,+,+,=,來自www.3722.cn中國最大的資料庫下載,BDP,BDP

55、 Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion” in leverage

56、d areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Focus on organizations and processes with the most potentialDetermine drivers of differences at a more disaggregated level,,BDP,Priority Matrix,,,,,Unattainables,Back burner,High

57、,Low,Low,High,Ability to Implement,Impact,Quick hits,,Top priority,Focus on those areas that will yield the greatest benefits.,BDP,Sticky Tape - Top Priorities,,The top priorities for Sticky Tape are plants A and B and r

58、ewinding.,What do Plants C and D do differently that results in lower costs? What drives rewinding costs?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plant D,Plant C,Plant B,Plant A,Package,Slit,Rewind,By plant,By process,$5.6MM,$5.6MM,$0.0,$2.0,$4.

59、0,$6.0,Potential Annual Savings ($MM),Potential Total Savings,BDP,Sticky Tape - Rewinding Costs,*Utilities, occupancy, supplies, supervision,Plant C is the BDP in rewinding labor and rewinding raw materials, plant D in r

60、ewinding overhead.,Plant D,Plant C,Plant C,,,BDP,Sticky Tape - Drivers of Rewinding Costs,,The Bain team determined the drivers of rewinding costs in order to suggest concrete action steps:,Run time,Master roll load/unlo

61、ad,Core load/ unload,First quality,Defects,Ease of moving spools of tape around the room,Ease of loading and unloading spools of tape,Tape tears,Adhesive runs,,Suggest concrete action steps,Labor,Raw materials,Overhead,R

62、ewinding,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the On

63、ion” in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Set a BDP targetEstablish a detailed scheduleAssign responsibilities,,BDP,Sticky Tape - Action Plan,,,Buy larger internal diameter cores to slide more easily int

64、o place,Move rewinding room walls to provide greater clearance for loading/unloading,Use lower core bins to make core storage easier,Reduce tension to 122 to reduce tape tears,Install air conditioning system to reduce ad

65、hesive runs,Cost,---,$72K,$17K,---,$130K + $40K per year,Average Savings/ Master Roll,$16,$10,$4,$28,$22,Annual Savings,$0.8MM,$0.5MM,$0.2MM,$1.4MM,$1.1MM,Timing,Three months to draw down inventory,Two monthsfor const

66、ruction,Now,Now,Three months for installation,Responsibility,Purchasing,Plant manager,Line supervisor,Line supervisor,Technical manager,Developing an action plan involved setting targets, establishing a schedule, and ass

67、igning responsibilities.,BDP,BDP Steps,,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify imp

68、act,“Peel the Onion” in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Obtain commitment at all levels of the organizationCommunicate goals, deadlines and responsibilitiesCelebrate successes along the way,,BDP,Sticky

69、 Tape - Implementation,,Successful implementation involves obtaining commitment at all levels of the client organization; communicating clearly about goals, deadlines, and responsibilities; and celebrating achievements m


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