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1、Unit 3 A taste of English humorLanguage points,1.find it funny to see someone sliding…… 1. find it… to do 發(fā)現(xiàn)做(某事)很……他發(fā)現(xiàn)向父母解釋自己的困境是很難的。 He found ___ ____ ____ ______his difficulties to his parents.她發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)好

2、英語(yǔ)是很重要的。She found it very important to learn English well.,形式賓語(yǔ),,,賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ),真正主語(yǔ),,it hard to explain,能用于這種形式賓語(yǔ)結(jié)構(gòu)的動(dòng)詞還有:feel, think, make 等等。He makes it a rule to check his homework carefully.I don’t think it possi

3、ble to do it.,賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)可以是:1)名詞, 2)形容詞,3)省to不定式,4)過(guò)去分詞 5)介詞6)現(xiàn)在分詞 Make yourself comfortable.He made them work hard.I made myself understood.I made him outside the room.She made his son s

4、tudying all day.A lot of exercise made him a strong boy.,形容詞,省to不定式,過(guò)去分詞,介詞,現(xiàn)在分詞,名詞,動(dòng)詞+賓語(yǔ)+賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)。可以加賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)的動(dòng)詞有:感官動(dòng)詞:see, watch, notice, find, observe, catch, hear, feel; 使役動(dòng)詞:get, have, make, let, keep leave, send.

5、我聽(tīng)到鳥(niǎo)兒在唱歌。對(duì)不起, 讓你久等了。,I heard birds singing.,I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.,2. content 1)adj. 滿足的,滿意的;2)vt. 使?jié)M足; 3)n.目錄 4)n. 所含之物;內(nèi)容;所容納的東西;She is content/satisfied with the job.The cont

6、ent of the book is on Page 1.I will show you the content of my bagbe content /satisfied with sth /sb; be content to do sth 做某事感到滿意 你對(duì)你的工作滿意嗎? Are you content with your work?她帶在家里照顧孩子,感到非常滿足. She is quite content

7、to stay at home looking after her children.,3. worse off 窮的,缺少的;境況更差。I went to her home and found her living condition was______ __________.,我去她家一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)她的生活狀況比我的更差。,worse off than mine,We shouldn’t complain about

8、 being poor ---many families are much worse off.,我們不應(yīng)該因?yàn)楦F而叫苦連天---許多人的家境更糟。,原形: badly off : in a poor position, esp. financially 潦倒;窮困反義詞:well off他們貧困得根本談不上度假。They are too badly off to have a holiday.實(shí)際上現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)人都比五年前要富裕

9、。In fact most people are______ _____ ____ they were five yeas ago.,better off than,4. The news astonished him. = It astonished him to hear the news聽(tīng)到這消息,他大吃一驚astonish vt. 使驚異;使大為吃驚。astonish sb. 使某人驚奇這個(gè)消息令大家驚訝

10、。The news astonished everybody.我被那些巨大的聲響嚇了一條。 I was astonished at/to hear the loud sound.他出現(xiàn)在宴會(huì)上,使我們感到驚訝。 We were astonished that he appeared at the party.,be astonished at sth.對(duì)……感到驚訝be astonished to do sth.對(duì)做……感

11、到驚訝be astonished that 從句 對(duì)……感到驚訝 5.entertain sb. (with sth.): 用sth.使sb.快樂(lè)/用sth.款待sb.他在家里用美食招待客人。,He entertained the guests with delicious food.,6. Born (adj.) 天生的He is a born singer.,7.in particular=particula

12、rlyBe particular about…… 對(duì)…講究的/挑剔的,6.inspire sth. in sb. (=inspire sb. with sth.)使某人產(chǎn)生某種感情,激發(fā)某人的某種感情。那位父親激發(fā)了兒子的信心。 The father inspired confidence in his son.他經(jīng)常引起我們的厭惡。He inspires dislike in us.[問(wèn)題探究]We we

13、re inspired by his inspiring speech?這句話如何翻譯?他那令人鼓舞的演講令我們受到鼓舞。,inspire sb. to sth./to do sth. 激勵(lì)某人做某事。老師激勵(lì)我們更加努力。 The teacher inspired us to work harder.The teacher inspired us to great efforts.,7. worn-out adj. 不

14、能再穿(用)的,穿舊的;筋疲力盡。他常穿一件破爛不堪的大衣。 He often wears a worn-out coat.,8.be set in 以……為背景。這個(gè)戲劇的背景是倫敦。 The play is set in London.那本小說(shuō)以18世紀(jì)的巴黎為背景。 The novel is set in 18th century Paris.,9. fortunate adj. 幸運(yùn)的,吉利的。be fortu

15、nate in doing 在……方面幸運(yùn)她很幸運(yùn)嫁了一個(gè)好丈夫。She is fortunate in having a good husband.be fortunate to do sth. 幸運(yùn)的能做某事我很幸運(yùn)有健康的身體。I’m fortunate to have good health. It is fortunate that… ……是幸運(yùn)的說(shuō)來(lái)幸運(yùn),他被恰好駛過(guò)的船救起。It was fort

16、unate that he was saved by the passing boat.,10. be caught in 遇上,被絆住,受阻。我們遇到了交通堵塞,開(kāi)會(huì)來(lái)晚了。 We were caught in a heavy traffic jam and arrived late for the meeting.,12. try vt. & vi. 嘗試,試行;設(shè)法;審理(案件);try to do s

17、th.try doing sth.他試著用酒精擦拭那污渣。 He tried cleaning the spot with alcohol.我要設(shè)法學(xué)會(huì)西班牙語(yǔ)。 I’ll try to learn Spanish.,盡力做某事,嘗試著做某事,13. mouthful n. 一口-ful是一個(gè)后綴,加在名詞之后,表示“充滿的”。例如:他喝了一口苦藥,扮了個(gè)鬼臉。He took a mouthful of the bit

18、ter medicine and made a face.a handful of an armful of a basketful ofa bucketful of,一把一抱一籃一桶,14. outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的。例如:顯著的例子an outstanding example杰出人物 an outstanding person,15. wave goodbye to someb

19、ody 向某人揮手告別 我揮手向他告別。 I waved goodbye to him.我們向老師問(wèn)好。 We waved a greeting to the teacher.,16.whisper v. 耳語(yǔ);私語(yǔ);密談。例如:whisper sth.whisper to sb.whisper sth. to sb.whisper to sb. that…whisper that…It is whisper

20、ed that…,他對(duì)她耳語(yǔ),以避免讓別人聽(tīng)到。 He whispered to her so that no one else would hear.她小聲對(duì)我說(shuō)她覺(jué)得很害怕。She whispered to me that she felt very afraid.傳聞?wù)f他身患癌癥。It is whispered that he has cancer.,17. V-ing做定語(yǔ):分析并歸納A walking stic

21、k==a stick for walking A sleeping car==a car for sleeping A waiting man== a man who is waiting The rising sun ==the sun which is rising,,,拐杖,臥鋪車廂,正在等待中的男人,正在升起的太陽(yáng),動(dòng)名詞,現(xiàn)在分詞,重點(diǎn)詞組:be c

22、ontent with badly off pick out cut off star in knock into,交際英語(yǔ),表達(dá)情感 (Emotion)I enjoy this very much because…I laugh at that kind of thing because…This is fun because…How wonderful/surpris

23、ing!,It surprises me that….I felt happy because…It’s amusing that…,重點(diǎn)句型:They stopped laughing at his theory when it proved to be correct. 當(dāng)他的理論證明是正確后,他們不嘲笑了。 2. S

24、he finds it her duty to take good care of the children. 她覺(jué)得好好照顧孩子是她的責(zé)任。 3. He had slid into bad habits. 他不知不覺(jué)地染上了壞習(xí)慣。 4. They come to see me at times.

25、 他們有時(shí)會(huì)來(lái)看我。,5. Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. 可能這會(huì)使我們對(duì)自己的生活更滿足,

26、因?yàn)槲覀兏械接腥吮任覀兏粷?jì)。 6. Everyone was astonished to hear the astonishing fact. 大家聽(tīng)到那令人吃驚的事實(shí)都感到震驚。7. He is famous for his readiness to help others 他因樂(lè)于幫助別人而出了名。,8. Imagine you

27、 are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. (試想一下)你肚子餓了,可供食用的僅有一只煮熟的皮鞋。9. It’s easy to pick him out in a crowd because he is very tall.

28、 很容易從人群中辨認(rèn)出他,因?yàn)樗麄€(gè)子很高。 10. Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating it as if it were the finest meat. 然后他把鞋帶上端的皮子切下來(lái),就像是切一塊最好的肉。,11. He makes it seem as if it were on

29、e of the best meals he has ever had! 這頓飯他吃起來(lái)就像是他所吃過(guò)的最美味一餐! 12. It happened that I had a lot of books on me that day.

30、 碰巧那天我身上帶了很多的書(shū)。 13. I have already read the book twice, but I really want to read a third time. 這本書(shū)我已經(jīng)看過(guò)兩遍了,但我還想再看一遍。,14. She has no sense of time.

31、 她沒(méi)有時(shí)間觀念。 Your brother has a good sense of humor. 你兄弟很有幽默感。a sense of: “…感;…觀念;……意識(shí)”。a可以用any,no

32、等代替。,The End,,,,,; http://m.miaoshuba.com/5_5268/ 我的姐姐是大明星 stz08qus 是在‘割虎皮被子’啊,盡是說(shuō)一些沒(méi)有可能的事情!你們耿伯伯要是知道自己的老家在哪里,還會(huì)把你們兄妹三個(gè)認(rèn)成了他自己的娃兒們,還會(huì)一直住在咱們家嗎?”聽(tīng)爹這么一說(shuō),尚武反而顯得萬(wàn)分不舍了,有些難過(guò)地說(shuō):“我可不想讓耿伯伯走,我要他永遠(yuǎn)住在咱們家里!”李妻卻幽憂地說(shuō):“唉,也不知道他除了已



35、一回 辛苦經(jīng)營(yíng)喜成功|(兄妹三人忙不轉(zhuǎn),雇傭鄰人做幫工;沒(méi)日沒(méi)夜苦經(jīng)營(yíng),“南北小飯莊”利潤(rùn)豐。)隨著來(lái)“南北小飯莊”吃飯買飯的人越來(lái)越多,盡管凈收入也在翻著倍兒增長(zhǎng),但耿正兄妹三人卻實(shí)在是有些忙不過(guò)來(lái)了。他們已經(jīng)把所有的閑暇時(shí)間幾乎全都用在了包餃子上,并且每日里都是起早睡晚的,但濃香四溢的大水餃還是每每供不應(yīng)求。此外,推貓耳朵也成了一個(gè)很大的負(fù)擔(dān)。于是,兄妹三人商議,必須得聘請(qǐng)幾個(gè)會(huì)干活兒,也能夠幫得上忙的人了。聘請(qǐng)誰(shuí)呢?兄妹三人有點(diǎn)兒



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