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1、英語課標教學課件,選修7,單元影視,Beyond Borders is a 2003 romantic-drama film about aid workers, directed by Martin Campbell and starring Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen.The movie takes place in three different time periods. The first o

2、ne is in London in 1984. Sarah Jordan (Jolie) is an American living a luxurious (奢侈的) life with her new British husband, Henry Bauford (Linus Roache).,At a fancy wedding reception hosted by Henry’s father Lawrence (Timo

3、thy West), a rebel doctor named Nick Callahan (Clive Owen) bursts in with a little Ethiopian boy and protests (抗議) the cut in funds for the relief camps where he works in Africa that were being funded by Lawrence. Sarah

4、feels sorry for Nick’s plight (境況), so she decides to visit his latest camp in Ethiopia.,She meets Nick’s associates there, including his less dramatic partner, Elliott Hauser (Noah Emmerich). She also tries to save an E

5、thiopian boy and her mother. Nick regards her help as just a rich woman wanting to unburden (卸去……的負擔) her guilt at first, but eventually sees her actual compassion (同情). Compared to Nick and Elliot, her stay there is r

6、elatively (相對地) short, but she becomes more involved in humani-tarian aid (人道主義援助) via the U.N.,Next, we jump to 1989. We’re back in London, and Sarah has a son with Henry, but her marriage is in trouble. Elliot comes

7、to visit her hoping that she might put a U.N. stamp on a shipment of supplies into a Cambodian refugee camp. She not only does that, but she insists on tagging along (緊跟) with them on the mission. While in Cambodia, love

8、 with Nick blooms and a tragic event happens with someone else.,Finally, we jump to 1995. We’re in London again, Sarah has her son and now a daughter, and her marriage to Henry seems to have mended. Her TV anchor sister,

9、 Charlotte (Teri Polo), finds out that Nick is missing somewhere in Chechnya due to his involvement with covert (隱密的) CIA operative named Jan Steiger (Yorick van Wageningen.) Against Henry’s wishes, she sets out to find

10、him, because she still loves him and she has a secret to tell him. When trying to save Nick, Sarah steps on a land mine (地雷) and died.,Audio & Visual,Listening for details,注: 另附 word 文檔。點擊此處鏈接,— …, I'm still sho

11、rt about 8,000.— But, Sarah, this isn't how it's _____. You don't go ...— Henry, Henry. I've ________________.— Well, then ____ the money, do charitable work, ________, but don't go roa

12、ring off to some godforsaken hole in Africa just to salve your conscience. It's just too ...— Too what?,done,made up my mind,send,whatever,— Well, it's not the most _________ way to deal with t

13、his situation.— Well, maybe I don't want to grow up.— Fine. Fine. If that's what you _____ …— It is.— Then fine. I'll help you ____ the money.— Thank you.— I'll talk to Dad. He knows __________.

14、 Mind you, Ethiopia is a bit ... It'll be fine. It'll be fine. We'll find the ______.,grown-up,want,find,everybody,money,— Come with me.— Honey, ______ I could ...— You can't?— No, it's not

15、 that. You know me, I'm not made for that ____ of thing. I'm a ____ boy. I need four _____ and a ____. _______, I've got meetings up to here for the next ______. You ______ go. Yo

16、u've got the right _______.,even if,kind,city,walls,bed,Besides,month,should,attitude,— Listen, I know this ______ like Little Miss Bleeding Heart and all that ... I just, I don't _____. I know I'

17、m being crazy and _______ you crazy, and of course I __________ you can't come, but ... you meet me ___ the plane? You _____ me off the plane?— Of course I'll meet you off the _____.,soun

18、ds,care,driving,understand,off,meet,plane,— Three _____ and no ____, not a drop. That, and ___. People leave their ______, they walk for many days. We only have ten camps on the south ____. Too many

19、 people, not _____________. Measles (麻 疹), you know measles?— Yes, of course.— We ____ more people to measles and diarrhea (痢疾). Many ___, no vaccine (疫苗).— We brought some vaccines ...,years,rain,h

20、omes,war,side,enough camps,lose,die,— Also cholera (霍亂), __________. We dig very deep now for good _____. Starvation everywhere, _____ is everywhere.— You _____ English very well.— Missionaries ______ me.—

21、 Yeah? So are you _______? Do you have a ________?— Man? Bullshit. I need no man. They beg to ______ me, many times, but I _____ truck. Lazy man, good-for-nothing.,everywhere,water,death,speak,teach,mar

22、ried,husband,marry,drive,I'm too old now anyway. No man in my village want woman over ___. — In my tribe, it’s ___. Stop. Stop the _____. Stop. Stop!— Abraha! Abraha! Abraha ...— Is this your ____? Th

23、is your son? — Abraha ... Abraha? Ab-Ab ... — No ____. We go. Too dangerous to stop. We go now. Is a _____. Child and mother, both a waste. ______ baby woman.,18,30,truck,son,baby,waste,Stupid,Sentenc

24、es appreciation,If he revives, call the nurse. If he doesn't, at least he'll have someone with him when he dies.如果他活下來了,就叫護士來。如果他沒有醒過來,那至少他死的時候有人陪伴在他的身邊。,I wonder. Do we all know where we belong? And if we do, i

25、n our hearts, why do we so often do nothing about it? There must be more to this life, a purpose for us all, a place to belong.我懷疑我們都知道自己屬于哪里嗎?如果我們心中的答案是肯定的,那為什么我們總是不為它做點什么呢?生命一定有更多的意義,我們每個人都有一個使命,一個可以歸屬的地方。,They don

26、9;t thank you like they thank you here 'cause here they feel everything,straight from God. There's no drugs, there's no painkillers. It's the weirdest, purest thing — suffering. And when you've seen t

27、hat kind of courage in a little child, how could you ever want to do anything but just take them in your arm?,他們不會用這里的方式來感謝你,因為在這里他們感受一切,直接來自上帝的東西。沒有藥物,沒有止痛藥。不可思議的最純粹的事情——苦難。當你從一個孩子身上看到那種勇氣時,你怎么能抑制將他們抱入懷中的沖動?,No one else

28、 comes here, so what do you want me to do? You want me to watch thousands of kids die of measles 'cause I wouldn't bend the rules? Is that a price worth paying? Or am I actually killing more than I save? You seri

29、ously believe that I don't worry about that? That I don't think about that every minute of every day? What's worse? You tell me. You tell me what I should do.,沒有其他人來這里,那么你想讓我做什么?你要我看著數(shù)以萬計的孩子死于麻疹就因為我沒有屈服于規(guī)則之下?

30、你覺得那值得么?或者我真的殺的人比救的人多?你真的認為我不擔心?我沒有每時每刻都考慮這個問題?還能有什么更糟的?你告訴我。你告訴我我該怎么做。,Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very nervous to be standing in front of you today. I also feel very honored … I pray for those who survive him who cont

31、inue his work without certainty or security wherever they may be in this world.女士們、先生們,今天站在你們面前我感到很緊張,同樣我也感到非常榮幸?!覟槟切┰诓话踩闆r下仍繼續(xù)工作的人祈禱,無論他們在世界上的哪一個地方。,Listen and sing,注: 另附 word 文檔。點擊此處鏈接,Don't Give UpIn this pro

32、ud land we ________ strongWe were wanted all alongI was taught to fight, taught to winI never thought I could ____No fight left or so it seemsI am a man whose ________ have all deserted,grew up,fail,dreams,I've

33、________ my face, I've changed my nameBut no one wants you when you ____Don't give up'cos you have _______Don't give upYou're not _______ yetDon't give upI know you can ______ it goodThoug

34、h I saw it all _____________ thought I could be affected,changed,lose,friends,beaten,make,around,Never,Thought that we'd be the ____ to goIt is so _______ the way things turnDrove the night toward my homeThe plac

35、e that I was ____, on the lakesideAs daylight broke, I saw the ______The trees had burned down to the ______Don't give upYou still have ___Don't give upWe don't need much of ________,last,strange,born,e

36、arth,ground,us,anything,Don't give up'cause ___________ there's a placeWhere we _______Rest your _____You worry too muchIt's going to be _______When times get roughYou can fall _____ on usDon'

37、t give upPlease don't give up'Got to _____ out of here,somewhere,belong,head,alright,back,walk,I can't take ________Going to stand on that ___________ my eyes down belowWhatever may _____And whatever ma

38、y ____That river's ________That river's flowingMoved on to _______ townTried hard to settle downFor every ____, so many menSo many men no-one ______,anymore,bridge,Keep,come,go,flowing,another,job,needs,Don

39、't give up'Cause you have friendsDon't give upYou're not the _____ oneDon't give upYou still _____ usDon't give upWe're _______ of who you areDon't give up'Cause I ______ ther


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