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1、探討蔓越莓對預防泌尿道感染 之成效,外科組:趙美珍.陳麗麗.江雪黛. 陳秀鉛.郁文棋.林步鴻,動機目的EBN問題與步驟文獻評讀結(jié)論討論,大綱,全院感染率1-6月份以泌尿道感染率為最高:1.68 0/00外科病房的泌尿道感染率有偏高的趨勢 95年1-6月9A病房4.1 0/00醫(yī)生常常告訴病人多喝蔓越莓汁醫(yī)院製作的衛(wèi)教單張也衛(wèi)教病人多喝蔓越莓汁但究竟應喝多少? 有何效果????

2、院內(nèi)護理之家住民有長期食用蔓越莓汁之情形,why?,動機,目的,經(jīng)由EBN之實證精神,探索神奇的蔓越莓,透過文獻蒐集與評讀:瞭解蔓越莓功效為何?如何實際地運用在臨床上?,目的,Step 1: 整理出一個可以回答的問題 Step 2: 尋找文獻證據(jù) Step 3: 嚴格評讀文獻Step 4: 應用於病人身上 Step 5: 對過程進行稽核,實證五步驟,,蔓越莓對預防泌尿道感染的成效?,Step 1: 整理出一個可以回答的問題

3、,,名詞解釋,蔓越苺:又稱小紅莓,(cranberry,學名Vaccinium macrocarpon) 蔓生植物漿果,正圓球體約1公分大小,呈紅、暗紅色,表面平滑富光澤。 原產(chǎn)地及大面積耕種的地區(qū)是北美及加拿大,主要的產(chǎn)季在九月及十月左右。,,MoweryDB : The scientific vlidation of herbal Medicine New Canaan Conn :Keats Pub ,1986:316

4、,2. 泌尿道感染(Urinary Tract Infection) 有癥狀的泌尿道感染(Symptomatic) 無癥狀菌尿癥(Asymptomatic),出處 :http://www.cdc.gov.tw/file/38694_7029398148院內(nèi)感染定義.,名詞解釋,,有癥狀的泌尿道感染,癥狀:發(fā)燒、急尿、小便困難、恥骨上 壓痛☆具有尿路感染的癥狀任一項且尿液培養(yǎng)--菌落數(shù)每毫升大於或等於十萬個

5、 (colony count ≧ 105ml),,☆尿液培養(yǎng)之微生物七天內(nèi)連續(xù)兩次相同方式 取得之尿液標本,連續(xù)兩次相同,菌落數(shù)每 毫升大於或等於十萬個,,無癥狀的菌尿癥,,,Step 2: 尋找文獻證據(jù),Step 3: 嚴格評讀文獻,,研究證據(jù)的價值取決於其品質(zhì)及效度評讀文獻的黃金標準中,以雙盲隨機對照臨床試驗得出的結(jié)果為最佳證據(jù)等級,The Evidence Pyramid臨床研究證據(jù)等級,證據(jù)等級,--US Ag

6、ency for Health Care Policy and Research Classification (AHCPR, 1992,文獻推薦等級,,Develop by JBI,文獻評讀,,文獻評讀,文獻查證蔓越莓對預防泌尿道感染作用機轉(zhuǎn),,尿液酸化一直被認為是蔓越莓預防尿道感染的主要作用,但是經(jīng)過許多的研究後證實這只是蔓越莓的作用之一。 蔓越莓汁中分離而得的濃縮單寧酸(condensed tannins) ,或稱初花

7、青素(proanthocyanidins),發(fā)現(xiàn)其具有特殊的抗黏附活性成份,能抑制大腸桿菌E.coli 的P型纖毛黏附於尿道細胞上。,,Lowe ,F.C. (2001),每100g蔓越莓汁成分Water(%)……………………. 92.9Solid r(%) ………………….. 7.1Calories …………………........27Total carbohydrate (g)…… 6.8 Sugar (g)

8、………………….. .3.7 Dietary fiber (g)………….0.1Protein (g)…………………… <0.1Fat (g) ……………………….. <0.1Mineral Sodium(mg)…………………..3.8 potassium(mg)………………85.2 calcium(mg)………………… .6.8 iron(mg)………………………… ..0.33Vit

9、amin C(mg)……………………2PH……………………………………2.5,,,,其他的成分還包括:類黃酮(flavonoids) 、前花青素(proanthocyanidins)、兒茶素(catechin),Lowe ,F.C. (2001),Role of Cranberry Juice on Molecular-Scale Surface Characteristics and Adhesion Behavior of E

10、scherichia coli,BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING, VOL. 93, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 5, 2006,Yatao Liu, Matthew A. Black, Lizabeth Caron, Terri A. Camesano,文獻查證蔓越莓對預防泌尿道感染作用機轉(zhuǎn),RESULT & DISCUSSION,Exposure to cranberry juice r

11、esulted in a decrease in the equilibrium length of the p-fimbriae on the surface of E. coliCranberry juice blocks adhesive action of P-fimbriae (proanthocyanidin)Cranberry juice causes loss of expression of P-fimbriae,

12、年份:1995 篇名:Efficacy of cranberry in prevention of urinary tract infection in a susceptible pediatric population.作者:Foda MM, Middlebrook PF, Gatfield CT, Potvin G, Wells G, Schillinger JF.Can J Urol;2:9

13、8-102收案族群:40/21位診所小朋友,有神經(jīng)性膀胱 並需間歇性導尿(平均9.35歲),文獻評讀-1,文獻查證相關研究(一),實驗設計 :單盲(醫(yī)師)、交叉設計 措施:每天15ml/kg cranberry 雞尾酒汁(成分30﹪),持續(xù)6個月cranberry 雞尾酒汁,6個月水 結(jié)果:有癥狀的上泌尿道感染 -- cranberry:19/112 months(17﹪)

14、 -- Placebo:20/117 months(17.1﹪) 無癥狀的上泌尿道感染 --Cranberry:27/112 months(24.1﹪) --Placebo:34/117 months(29﹪),AHCPR文獻等級 : II a,年份:1999篇名:Effect of cranberry juice on bacteriuria in chi

15、ldren with neurogenic bladder receiving intermittent catheterization. J Pediatr 1999;135:698-702. 作者:Schlager TA, Anderson S, Trudell J, Hendley JO.收案族群:15/15小朋友,有神經(jīng)性膀胱並需間 歇性導尿(2-18歲),文獻查證相關研究(二),實驗設計 :隨機/Do

16、uble blind/交叉設計 措施:每天300cc cranberry(成分30﹪),控制組:Placebo controlled(安慰劑)看起來和嚐起來相似的果汁,持續(xù)3個月cranberry juice,持續(xù)3個月安慰劑結(jié)果:有癥狀的上泌尿道感染 -- Cranberry:3 times UTI In 2 children --Placebo:3times UTI In 3 ch

17、ildren 無癥狀的上泌尿道感染 --Cranberry:120/160 months(75﹪) --Placebo:114/151months(75﹪),AHCPR文獻等級 : I a,年份:2002篇名: randomized trial to evaluate effectiveness and cost effectiveness of n

18、aturopathic cranberry products as prophylaxis against urinary tract infection in women. Can J Urol 2002;9:1558-62. 作者:Walker EB, Barney DP, Mickelsen JN, Walton RJ, Mickelsen RA Jr. 收案族群:19/10有性交活動的女性(28-44歲)收案條件: 未懷孕

19、有性交活動的女性(18-45歲) 有過UTI病史,文獻查證相關研究(三),實驗設計:Double blind/交叉設計措施:Cranberry錠劑(400mg)控制組:Placebo (安慰錠劑持續(xù)3個月cranberry 錠劑,持續(xù)3個月安慰錠劑 )結(jié)果:有癥狀的上泌尿道感染 --Cranberry:6times UTI --Placebo:15times U

20、TI,AHCPR文獻等級 : II a,,年份: 2005 題目: Dose ingestion of cranberry juice reduce symptomatic urinary tract infection In older people in hospital ? 作者: MarionE.T.Mcmurdo, LINDA Y.BISSETT,ROSEMARY J.G.PRICE,GABBY PHILLIPS,L

21、AIN K,CROMBIE,文獻評讀-5,文獻查證相關研究(四),對象:376 在醫(yī)院的老年人方法:隨機、雙盲措施:隨機給予300ml/day cranberry juice or matching placebo beverage 結(jié)論:no significant differences were found between treatment group,AHCPR文獻等級 : I a,Te

22、ro Kontiokari, Kaj Sundqvist, M Nuutinen, T Pokka, M Koskela and M Uhari BMJ2001;322;1571,Randomized trial of cranberry-lingo berry juice and lactobacillus GG drink for the prevention ofurinary tract infections in wome

23、n,文獻查證相關研究(五),AHCPR文獻等級 I a,(一),,(二)This is a 20% reduction in absolute risk in the cranberry group compared with the control group,P. Di Martino A R. Agniel A K. David A C. TemplerJ. L. Gaillard A P. Denys A H. Botto

24、Published online: 6 January 2006 Springer-Verlag 2006,,Reduction of Escherichia coli adherence to uroepithelial bladder cellsafter consumption of cranberry juice,文獻查證相關研究(六),(一),AHCPR文獻等級 :1a,(二)INTRODUCTION,ZafririD

25、,ofek I,Pocino M,Sharon N(1989)inhibitory activity of cranberry juice on adherence of type 1and type p fimbriated E coli to eukaryotic cells,(三)成份比較,Cranberry juice PlaceboCalories (Kcal) 41.6 42.7Total

26、carbohydrates (g) 10.4 10.7Ascorbic acid (mg) 63 63Total organic acids (g) 1.8 1.6Total phenolics (mg) 179 161Total anthocyanidins (mg) 9.3 42Proanthocyanidins (mg) 40 ND,,(四)Result Anti-adherence acti

27、vity of the cranberry juice: comparisonof the regimens, means for the 20 volunteers and 6 types of E coli strains,(四)Result,No significant differences in the pH or specific gravity between the urine samples collected af

28、ter cranberry or placebo consumption. We observed a dose dependent significant decrease in bacterial adherence associated with cranberry consumption.,Reduction of bacteriuria and pyuria after ingestion of Cranberry juic

29、e,Avorn,jerry Md; JAMA,271(1o).March9,1994.751-754,文獻查證相關研究(七),(一),AHCPR文獻等級 :1a,METHOD,Ocean spray cranberry Bacterial cultureAntibiotic sensitivity外觀顏色(使用糖精)瓶蓋每月收集一 次教導中間尿,Results,Escherichal coli was the most co

30、mmonly identified organism (43% of isolates), with Klebsiella the second most common single organism (7%); mixed flora accounted for 22% of bacteriuric-pyuric urine samples.,Placebo group,Cranberry group,ResultThe diffe

31、rence was not present in the first month,INFECTED URINE SAMPLES%,Result,We did not find evidence that urinary acidification was responsible for the observed effect, since the median pH of urine samples in the cranberry g

32、roup (6.0) was actually higher than that in the experimental group (5.5)..,8,Result,Demonstration of the capacity of cranberry beverage to reduce the occurrence of bacteriuria with pyuria in elderly women dose lend crede

33、nce to the belief that it contains a substance with biologic activity in relation to the urinary tract.,Conclusions,These findings suggest that use of a cranberry beverage reduces the frequency of bacteriuria with pyuria

34、 in older women. Prevalent beliefs about the effects of cranberry juice on the urinary tract may have microbiologic justification. Jama.1994;271;751-754,COMMENT,These finding, if replicated in other s

35、ettings, would suggest evidence for the bacteriostatic property of cranberry beverage in the bladder. Further studies are needed on the biochemical properties of this substance As an adjunct to antibiotic,in the treatme

36、nt of this common disorder.,Step 4: 應用於病人身上,現(xiàn)況:院內(nèi)護理之家住民長期在食用蔓越莓汁食品處方:由營養(yǎng)室設計安排,費用算在伙食費內(nèi)。使用方法:每天下午由營養(yǎng)室配送蔓越莓原液100g(無糖),護理人員稀釋成200cc,餵食時間為11pm(原因:避免與白天藥物有交叉反應)對象:泌尿道感染的住民一定使用,除糖尿病、腸胃出血、高血鉀、洗腎病人不給,其他住民也一律給。但意識清楚,由口禁食住民多半不喝

37、, 則不強迫。,,為何不用錠劑: 因為曾有住民食用後有高血鉀情形。泌尿道感染率:未做研究分析。,經(jīng)研究證實蔓越莓可以預防泌尿道感染文獻上並無明確建議蔓越莓食用劑量泌尿道感染常在病人無癥狀的幾個月後才發(fā)生,有些的研究期間較短,較無法看出成果研究中退出的病人數(shù)較高(20-55﹪) 可能因病人較無法接受需長期飲用蔓越莓汁, 在小孩身上這是主要原因,結(jié)論,蔓越莓汁成本高:長期飲用耗費的成本需考量 (平


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