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1、內(nèi)部策劃操作指南Guideline for Internal Plan,Finance DepartmentSept.2011,主要內(nèi)容 Subjects,需要提交內(nèi)部策劃的活動 What kinds of activities/events need to prepare Internal Plan? 提交內(nèi)部策劃需遵循的政策 Which policies need to be c

2、omplied when prepare Internal Plan?提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料 What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?內(nèi)部策劃的批準(zhǔn)流程 Internal plan approval procedure?員工可求助的資源 Any helpful resources for easy r

3、eference? 與內(nèi)部策劃相關(guān)的常見問題案例 Internal plan related case study,需要提交內(nèi)部策劃的活動 What kinds of activities/events need to prepare Internal Plan?,1、贊助醫(yī)院及醫(yī)療機(jī)構(gòu)主辦的活動,如: Sponsorship of hospital and/or healthcare instit

4、ution organized activities/events, e.g.國內(nèi)外的醫(yī)學(xué)會議 Medical conference within or outside China專題報(bào)告會 Medical Symposium專業(yè)教育研討會 Medical workshops and seminars 醫(yī)學(xué)教育活動 Medical education

5、 events 病人教育活動 Patient education events 2、贊助醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士參加醫(yī)學(xué)教育會議、座談會、一般會議、進(jìn)修班和研討會 Sponsorship of Individual Healthcare Professionals to attend medical education conferences, symposiums, meetings, workshops and se

6、minars within or outside China3、邀請醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士在雅培心血管主辦的/第三方主辦的活動中從事任何有償服務(wù) (如專業(yè)演講、撰寫專業(yè)評論文章、翻譯等)Invite HCP to perform professional services during Abbott and/or 3rd-party organized activities/events. E.g. Speaking, writing medi

7、cal / heath / educational articles, translation etc.4、 雅培組織的醫(yī)學(xué)教育活動、專題報(bào)告會、研討會等 Abbott organized medical education activities/events 總之,所有與醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士、醫(yī)療機(jī)構(gòu)相關(guān)的活動均需提交內(nèi)部策劃表,經(jīng)內(nèi)部批準(zhǔn)流程、按照雅培中國心血部批準(zhǔn)權(quán)限表獲得批準(zhǔn)后,才能對外作出承諾,如簽署合同、發(fā)出邀請

8、函等。 Note: Prior to any commitment of sponsorship, internal plan must be completed and proper approved as per AV China Approval Matrix.,提交內(nèi)部策劃需遵循的政策 Which policies need to be complied when prepare Internal

9、 Plan?,1、 必須遵守雅培中國相關(guān)的OEC政策 Relevant Abbott China OEC policies must be complied推廣活動(贊助、禮品、宴請和招待)政 策 Policy on Promotional Practices-Sponsorships, Gifts, Meals and Hospitality 專業(yè)服務(wù)政策 Professional Serv

10、ices Policy 2、必須遵守雅培心血管中國的其他相關(guān)政策 Relevant AV China internal policies簽字權(quán)限表 Approval Matrix采購政策 Purchasing policies支付政策 Policy on disbursement and payment process費(fèi)用報(bào)銷政策 P

11、olicy on expense reports3、雅培中國的OEC政策、雅培心血管中國本地政策的政策文件及相關(guān)表格的獲取途徑 Where to find Abbott China OEC policies, AV China local policies? E-HR (雅培中國的OEC政策及相關(guān)表格) OEC網(wǎng)站 (雅培內(nèi)部網(wǎng)站) http://oec.web.abbott.com/inter

12、national/ OEC website雅培心血管中國的公共盤 (包括雅培中國的OEC政策、雅培心血管中國本地政策的政策文件及相關(guān)表格), 路徑: AV China public drive P:\Public\AV policies\Updated Policies,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Inter

13、nal Plan?,1、內(nèi)部策劃表 (Internal plan)按活動內(nèi)容填寫,列示預(yù)算項(xiàng)目,如贊助費(fèi)、會議費(fèi)、機(jī)票費(fèi)、交通費(fèi)、住宿費(fèi)、膳食費(fèi)、注冊費(fèi)、講課費(fèi)等 Prepare by event, list major budget items, e.g. Sponsorship, meeting fee, airfare, transportation, meals, accommodation, regist

14、ration fee, honorarium etc. 如有費(fèi)用先由AV中國支付,最終將由雅培其他關(guān)聯(lián)公司承擔(dān),也需要列入Internal Plan總預(yù)算,并注明承擔(dān)該成本的關(guān)聯(lián)公司 If any cost will be paid by AV China first, and eventually the cost will be covered by other Abbott affiliates, it st

15、ill need to be included into Internal Plan so as to show the total budget cost for the event.因員工反映現(xiàn)有Word版本的內(nèi)部策劃表填制不方便, 現(xiàn)已更新為Excel電子表格版本。新模版見附件。Notes: Internal Plan form is updated from Word Version to Excel Version as

16、attached for easy preparation.,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,2、贊助申請 (Sponsorship Request Form - SRF)根據(jù)贊助對象及內(nèi)容選擇并填寫恰當(dāng)?shù)馁澲暾埍?Select and fill in correct SRF acco

17、rding to recipient of sponsorship 贊助個(gè)人 Sponsor Individual: SRF-Individual 贊助團(tuán)體 Sponsor a Group of Individual: SRF-Group 贊助機(jī)構(gòu) Sponsor Institution: SRF-Institute 注意:所有確認(rèn)條款都要打鉤 Attenti

18、on: all confirmation items must be ticked贊助費(fèi)用如在人民幣500元以上,必須以公司轉(zhuǎn)賬方式支付給活動組織者、機(jī)構(gòu)或部門。如有例外(現(xiàn)場注冊費(fèi)除外),必須填寫現(xiàn)金支付申請表, 事先獲得批準(zhǔn) Sponsorship payment above RMB500 to HCP, Medical Institution or association, travel agent or

19、meeting organizer, must be paid via wire transfer from company’s bank account. Except for on-site registration fee, exception must be approved by General Manager via Cash Advance & Cash Payment Pre-Approval Form in

20、 advance.,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,3、費(fèi)用計(jì)算表/費(fèi)用分?jǐn)偙?Expenses calculation form/allocation form按預(yù)算項(xiàng)目列出計(jì)算明細(xì) List detail calculation for each budgeted items如

21、總費(fèi)用包括多個(gè)成本中心,需另外提交費(fèi)用分?jǐn)偙?If total cost will be shared by multiple cost center, expenses allocation form among cost center need to be provided 4、會議組織者發(fā)出的會議邀請 Invitation Letter distributed by meeting organ

22、izer to potential participants邀請信應(yīng)包括大會主辦方、地點(diǎn)、日期、參會人員、會議內(nèi)容、會議議程等信息 The detail information like meeting organizer, venue, date, target participants, content of meeting, agenda etc, should be included in the invitat

23、ion letter.,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,5、致雅培的贊助申請信 Sponsorship request letter to Abbott如果贊助款直接支付給醫(yī)院/醫(yī)療機(jī)構(gòu),必須由會議主辦方出具說明贊助性質(zhì)的信件或者主辦方與雅培簽署贊助協(xié)議,贊助申請/協(xié)議中寫明贊助金額,醫(yī)院/醫(yī)療機(jī)構(gòu)對

24、贊助款的用途,如場地租賃,設(shè)備租借,參會人員住宿等,或者是雅培在該活動中參與的項(xiàng)目 If sponsorship payment need to be paid to hospital, medical institution or association directly, a sponsor request letter issued by meeting organizer or an agreement bet

25、ween meeting organizer and Abbott is mandatory. Sponsor request letter/Agreement must address sponsorship amount, purpose of the sponsorship, (e.g. rental fee for space, rental fee for equipment, accommodation for atten

26、dees), or activities which Abbott will participate. 6、致雅培的會議通知及與大會指定的承辦方的協(xié)議 Meeting invitation to Abbott and Agreement with designated supplier by meeting organizer 如果款項(xiàng)支付給大會指定的承辦方,會議主辦方出具會議通知,通知中寫明參會金額及承辦方名稱

27、 If payment need to be paid to designated supplier by meeting organizer, meeting invitation letter must address the meeting fee and name of designated supplier which appointed by meeting organizer公司要與承辦方簽署會務(wù)協(xié)議,協(xié)議

28、中要列示公司參加的項(xiàng)目,如衛(wèi)星會、展臺、擺放有公司LOGO 的宣傳資料、會議場租、參會人員住宿等 Abbott need to engage agreement with designated supplier, clearly indicate the activities which Abbott will participate, like satellite conference, booth, promotion materi

29、al with Abbott logo, rental fee for space, accommodation for attendees etc. 大會主辦方、承辦方和雅培也可以簽署三方協(xié)議,協(xié)議中寫明各自的權(quán)益和責(zé)任 Agreement among meeting organizer, designated supplier, Abbott is also acceptable. Obligation an

30、d benefit for each parties should be clearly stated in the agreement.,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,7、采購申請(Purchase Requisition-PR)除會議主辦方指定的供應(yīng)商提供的服務(wù)外,如涉及需要其他供應(yīng)商提供的實(shí)物/服

31、務(wù)的采購 (如搭建展臺,請旅行社安排行程等), 要同時(shí)提交采購申請(PR),經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)后均由采購部辦理。 Except for service from designated supplier by meeting organizer, any purchasing of physical goods or service (e.g. booth, outsource to travel agent to arrange it

32、inerary etc.), PR is mandatory and should be submitted with internal plan. Approved PR should forwarded to purchasing department for further processing. 如有員工隨行,相應(yīng)預(yù)算一并列入PR,只是在PR上單獨(dú)列示員工的預(yù)算 If Abbott employee will

33、travel with HCP, corresponding budget should be included in PR as well, but in separate line for employee’s cost 任何超過 20,000元的費(fèi)用需要投標(biāo)分析和3方報(bào)價(jià)。如果沒有競標(biāo),須記錄不必要進(jìn)行競標(biāo)的原因(比如,單一供應(yīng)商、合同等) Bid analysis is mandatory if purchas

34、ing amount > RMB20,000. If no bid analysis, reason must be record. (like solely supplier etc.)如采購合同金額與PR差異大于20%與20,000的兩者較低者,且與事先批準(zhǔn)的供應(yīng)商不一致,則需要重新提交請購單 If the actual purchasing amount is 20% or RMB 20,000 (app

35、ly the lower one, inclusive 20% or RMB 20,000) above previous approved PR amount, the PR should be returned to applicant for adjustment and re-approval by properly authorization,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of do

36、cumentation required for Internal Plan?,8、專業(yè)服務(wù)費(fèi)用申請 Honorarium Request Form-HRF聘用醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士/客戶提供專業(yè)服務(wù),必須嚴(yán)格遵從雅培中國的OEC政策-專業(yè)服務(wù)政策的各項(xiàng)規(guī)定: Invite HCP/Customer to deliver professional service, OEC policy on professional ser

37、vice must be strictly complied ? 禁止以明確或暗示同意使用、購買、租用、定購、開處方、或優(yōu)先選擇雅培產(chǎn)品為交換條件聘請醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士 No individual may be retained by Abbott to perform a Professional Service in exchange for an explicit or implicit agreement

38、that Abbott products will be used, purchased, leased, ordered, prescribed, recommended or arranged for or provided formulary or other preferential or qualifying status. ? 對參加以宣傳雅培產(chǎn)品為目的的會議的醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士/客戶,不得付費(fèi)

39、No payment must be made in exchange for a Healthcare Professional / Customer’s participation in, or attendance at, a presentation / meeting intended or designed to promote Abbott products, including promotional detailin

40、g session. ? 聘請醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士必須以其資格與經(jīng)驗(yàn)為準(zhǔn),以公平的市場價(jià)格為基礎(chǔ), 支付合理費(fèi)用;雅培一年內(nèi)支付給任一專業(yè)人士的講演費(fèi)用的總和不得超過人民幣20萬元 Healthcare Professional must be chosen to perform Professional Services based on his / her qualifications and expertis

41、e, and must be paid upon fair market value. The total amount of annual compensation that Abbott pays to an individual healthcare professional in connection with all speaking arrangements must not exceed 200, 000RMB.,提交內(nèi)部

42、策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,8、專業(yè)服務(wù)費(fèi)用申請 Honorarium Request Form-HRF ? 聘請?zhí)峁┓?wù)人員的數(shù)量必須能夠合理反應(yīng)所提供的服務(wù)需求 The number of individuals selected for any activity must r

43、easonably reflect the need for such services. ? 必須使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)合同文本。未經(jīng)事先批準(zhǔn),合同期限不得超過一年 Abbott standard agreement must be completed prior to the performance of any services. No prior approval, the duration of agreem

44、ent can not exceed 1 year ? 專業(yè)服務(wù)費(fèi)用必須通過公司轉(zhuǎn)賬支付;如有例外,必須填寫現(xiàn)金支付申請表事先獲得批準(zhǔn) Payment for professional service fee must be made via wire transfer and directly to HCP. Any exception, must be prior approved by Genera

45、l Manager via Cash Advance & Cash Payment Pre-Approval Form. ? 邀請其他國家/ 地區(qū)的專業(yè)人士為雅培中國大陸提供專業(yè)服務(wù),還必須同時(shí)遵守對方國家/地區(qū)的雅培OEC政策的要求 Invite HCP from other countries/regions to perform professional service for Abbott Chi

46、na, other countries/regions’ OEC policies must be complied as well ? 支付給美國醫(yī)療專業(yè)人士的任何咨詢費(fèi)、講課費(fèi)或其他專業(yè)服務(wù)費(fèi)用必須通過雅培總部的轉(zhuǎn)賬支付系統(tǒng)或美國總部相關(guān)部門支付。 Payment for consultative or other professional service or speaking service per

47、formed by US HCPs must be made by check or wire transfer, issued to the US HCP by Abbott’s Corporate Disbursement Operation (Lake County) or other equivalent Division accounts payable departments in the US and Puerto Ric

48、o. No Abbott entity outside the US is permitted to make such a payment to a US HCP.,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,8、專業(yè)服務(wù)費(fèi)用申請 Honorarium Request Form-HRF內(nèi)部策劃預(yù)算中含有講課費(fèi)的,需

49、同時(shí)提交專業(yè)服務(wù)費(fèi)用申請表,講課者的名字和講課內(nèi)容要在會議議程中體現(xiàn) If any honorarium cost included in Internal Plan budget, HRF must be submitted with Internal Plan. The name of speaker and content should be presented in meeting agenda.如實(shí)際舉辦會

50、議時(shí)講課人員變更,需另外提供更新的會議議程和演講PPT If speaker change, updated agenda and/or PPT need to be provided.相關(guān)表格: Relevant forms,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) What kinds of documentation required for Internal Plan?,9、OEC

51、Global Event Planning Report如果參加國際會議,需在OEC Global Event網(wǎng)頁上填寫完整并打印報(bào)告,一并提交 OEC Global Event Planning Report is mandatory for oversea meeting. The report must be submitted with Internal Plan.網(wǎng)址 web-site:http://

52、oecgept.web.abbott.com/GEPTWeb/defineEventLoad.do,提交內(nèi)部策劃需準(zhǔn)備的資料及主要注意事項(xiàng) (待續(xù)) Important Notice for Internal Plan,重要提示:Important Notice 遵循政策規(guī)定的所有細(xì)節(jié)條款 All specific and detailed regulation in relevant policies must be str

53、ictly complied. 文件必須得到預(yù)先批準(zhǔn),在文件上簽字的需同時(shí)標(biāo)注時(shí)間Proper approval must be obtained prior to event. Date required alongside with signature. 避免引發(fā)歧義的用詞Avoid to use any words might result in various interpretations. 在任

54、何情況下使用涂改液都是不允許的,若發(fā)現(xiàn)錯(cuò)誤可以將其劃去,重新填寫正確內(nèi)容,并在劃去的修改處簽名并備注日期Correction fluid is not allowed. If any mistake, it should be stripped off, and sign name and date besides the correction.,內(nèi)部策劃的批準(zhǔn)流程 Internal plan approval p

55、rocedure?,內(nèi)部活動策劃Internal Plan Preparation,步驟 Activity,執(zhí)行部門Performing Function,直屬上級簽批Line Manager Approval,財(cái)務(wù)人員預(yù)審Pre-check by Finance,,,備注Remark,按簽字權(quán)限表獲得業(yè)務(wù)及財(cái)務(wù)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的書面批準(zhǔn)Get approval as per AV China Approval Matrix,退回不

56、合格文件Reject unqualifiedinternal plan,業(yè)務(wù)部門Operational dept.,業(yè)務(wù)部門Operational dept.,財(cái)務(wù)部門Finance dept.,業(yè)務(wù)部門及財(cái)務(wù)部門Operational and Finance dept.,請務(wù)必提交完整合規(guī)的文件。Completed and sufficient documentation must be provided togethe

57、r with Internal Plan form for management approval.內(nèi)部策劃表需業(yè)務(wù)部門和財(cái)務(wù)部共同審批,預(yù)算金額越大涉及的簽字層級越高。(詳見簽字權(quán)限表)Internal Plan must be approved both by operational and finance as per AV China approval matrix. 內(nèi)部策劃預(yù)算總金額在RMB10萬元以下的需在活動

58、前十個(gè)工作日提交,大于10萬元的涉及更多更高層級審批,需更早提交。If budget amountRMB100K, should be submitted earlier because more and higher approval level involved,員工可求助的資源 Any helpful resources for easy reference?,向您的經(jīng)理或其他相關(guān)同事咨詢 (包括OEC部門和財(cái)務(wù)部門同事)

59、 Consult with your manager and other relevant colleague, e.g. OEC officer and finance colleague通過OEC網(wǎng)站 (雅培內(nèi)部網(wǎng)站) Access OEC website http://oec.web.abbott.com/international/ 點(diǎn)擊“Select Country”下拉框,點(diǎn)擊相應(yīng)的國家/地區(qū)名稱,您就可以獲相

60、應(yīng)國家/地區(qū)的OEC政策文本。進(jìn)入E-HR系統(tǒng) Access E-HR system: http://www.AbbottHR.com 點(diǎn)擊頁面的“員工自助”圖標(biāo),進(jìn)入一個(gè)新的頁面 點(diǎn)擊此頁面“OEC政策”圖標(biāo),即可進(jìn)入含有所有相關(guān)政策的頁面。 點(diǎn)擊欲查詢政策的名稱,即可顯示該政策的內(nèi)容。進(jìn)入雅培中國心血管事業(yè)部公共盤: P:\Public\AV policies\Updated Policies 進(jìn)入下設(shè)的各類文

61、件的子文件夾內(nèi)即可查找到您需要的政策文件 Access AV China public drive P:\Public\AV policies\Updated Policies,與內(nèi)部策劃相關(guān)的常見問題案例 (待續(xù)) Internal plan related case study,案例 1、致雅培的贊助信上沒有寫明贊助的項(xiàng)目或贊助款的用途Case 1: No purpose is stated on Sponsorship

62、 Request Letter to Abbott × 大會信息***,望貴公司支持本次會議人民幣XX元,付款至XX醫(yī)院,XX賬號。 To Abbott, brief meeting information, request Abbott to sponsor the meeting, amount RMB..., please pay to XX hospital, bank account inform

63、ation is … √ 大會信息***,望貴公司支持本次會議人民幣XX元,付款至XX醫(yī)院,XX賬號, 用于會議期間手術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)播、場地租賃、參會人員住宿等。 To Abbott, brief meeting information, request Abbott to sponsor the meeting, amount RMB..., please pay to XX hospital, bank acc

64、ount information is …. The sponsorship will be used for operation live broadcasting, space rental, accommodation…,Sample: No specific purpose for sponsorship,與內(nèi)部策劃相關(guān)的常見問題案例 (待續(xù)) Internal plan related case study,案例 2、致雅

65、培的會議通知上只寫支付給指定第三方承辦,沒有明確的金額 Case 2: On meeting invitation to Abbott, there’s only instruction that the meeting fee should be paid to designated supplier which is appointed by meeting organizer, no specific amount. &#

66、215; 大會信息***,本次會議由***公司承辦,請將會議費(fèi)支付給該公司。 To Abbott, brief meeting information, request Abbott to sponsor the meeting. Please arrange payment to XX company, bank account information is … √ 大會信息***,本次會議由***公司承辦,

67、請將會議費(fèi)人民幣**元支付給該公司。 To Abbott, brief meeting information, request Abbott to sponsor the meeting. Meeting fee is RMB... Please arrange payment of RMB… to XX company, bank account information is …,與內(nèi)部策劃相關(guān)的常見問題案例

68、(待續(xù)) Internal plan related case study,案例 3、致雅培的會議通知上的金額為手工填寫, 而非打印文本Case 3: On meeting invitation to Abbott, the amount of meeting fee is manual handwriting, not pre-printed.,Good Sample,Bad Sample,與內(nèi)部策劃相關(guān)的常見問題案例 (待續(xù)

69、) Internal plan related case study,案例 4、 √ 給醫(yī)生的邀請信上的日期不能早于內(nèi)部策劃表的批準(zhǔn)日 The date on invitation letter can not be earlier than internal plan approved date日期恰當(dāng)?shù)姆独?Internal Plan 批準(zhǔn)日為 Jun.22, 2011; 給醫(yī)生的邀請


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