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1、<p><b>  附錄:</b></p><p>  THE FILE TRANSMISSION GEAR SELECTION </p><p>  OF THE BASIC PARAMETERS</p><p>  1, Reasonable choice of module:</p><p>  Modu

2、lus is an important gear basic parameters, the greater the modulus, the greater the tooth thickness, the bending strength of gear is also greater, and its greater carrying capacity. Instead modulus smaller tooth thicknes

3、s will be thinner, the bending strength of gear will be smaller. The low profile of the gear, due to the low rotational speed, torque, and gear of the relatively large bending stress, so need to choose a larger module in

4、 order to ensure its strength. And high-speed file gear,</p><p>  In a modern gearbox design, the file selection module gear is different. For example, a transmission gear of a file to the five-gear gear mod

5、ule are: 3.5; 3; 2.75; 2.5; 2; to change over the past modulus or modulus of the same can not be the situation of Latin America.</p><p>  2, a reasonable selection of pressure angle:</p><p>  Wh

6、en a gear module and set the number of teeth, the gear diameter is determined, and the gear tooth involute base circle depends on the size, the size of the base circle and under pressure angle. For the same pitch circle

7、of gear, if its pitch circle a different pressure angle, base circle is different. When the greater the pressure angle, the base circle diameter of the smaller, more curved involute, tooth root of the tooth will thicken,

8、 increase the tooth surface radius of curvature, which can</p><p>  For example: a gear module 3, the number of teeth of 30, when the pressure angle of 17.5 degrees for the circular tooth thickness of the ba

9、se to 5.341; when the pressure angle of 25 degrees, the tooth thickness of the base circle to 6.716; its base circle to increase the tooth thickness 25%, so increase the pressure angle to increase their flexural strength

10、.</p><p>  3, A reasonable selection of Helix Angle:</p><p>  Compared with the straight gear, helical gear drive with a smooth, coincidence degree, the impact is small and the advantages of sma

11、ll noise. As a result of the present with synchronous transmission, and transmission will no longer be a direct mobile gear meshing with another gear, but with all the gears are meshing, so that'll bring convenience

12、to the use of helical gear, so to bring the gearbox synchronizer Most of the use of helical gear.</p><p>  Helical gear as a result of the characteristics of the entire tooth width decision not to enter the

13、mesh at the same time all but one end of first gear into the mesh, with the drive gear along the tooth width direction mesh gradually until all the teeth have wide access to mesh, so the actual meshing helical gear spur

14、the region than the large. When the tooth when a certain width, the contact ratio of helical gear with helix angle increases. Carrying capacity is also stronger, have better stabil</p><p>  In the modern des

15、ign of the gearbox, in order to ensure smooth gear drive, low noise and less impact, all . Files forgear should choose a larger helix angle, generally about 30 high-speed gear as a result of the higher speed, for a smoo

16、th, low impact, low noise, so the use of small modulus, large helical angle; and low-profile gear module using the larger, smaller helix angle.</p><p>  4, The perspective of a reasonable modification is sel

17、ected:</p><p>  With good conditions for the lubrication of the hardened gear is generally believed that the main danger is in the cycle under alternating stress, the fatigue crack Dedendum gradual expansion

18、 of the tooth root fracture caused by the failure. Failure in the gear transmission is a part of this. In order to avoid a broken tooth, should be to maximize the tooth root bending strength, and the use is changed, and

19、can achieve this objective. Under normal circumstances, the greater the coefficient, the </p><p>  In the hardened gear, the tooth surface pitting failure is one of the reasons off. Increased engagement angl

20、e, can reduce the inter-tooth contact stress and maximum slip rates, can greatly increase the ability of anti-pitting. And increased engagement angle, it must have a gear shift is introduced, thereby enhancing contact st

21、rength of tooth surface can improve the flexural strength of tooth roots, so as to enhance the effect of the carrying capacity of gears. However, for helical gear drive, va</p><p>  Therefore, in the design

22、of a modern gearbox, the majority of all reasonable use of gear shift is the angle in order to maximize its advantages. Mainly in the following design criteria:</p><p>  low profile for the gear pair, the dr

23、iving gear of the coefficient should be larger than the passive gear shift coefficient, and pair of high-speed profile, the driving gear of the coefficient should be less than passive coefficient gear.</p><p&g

24、t;  gear with the modification coefficient increased gradually stalls xiajiang. This is because low-grade zones as a result of low rotational speed, torque, and gear for high intensity, so the need to use more of the mod

25、ification coefficient da.</p><p>  The total of the gear profile shift coefficient is positive (of the angle shift as amended), and increased with the stalls and gradually decreased. The smaller the total co

26、efficient, a pair of pair of tooth root of the thickness of the total will be thin, tooth root becomes weak, the lower the bending strength, but decreased as a result of the stiffness of the tooth, easy to absorb shock a

27、nd vibration, so can reduce the noise. And tooth contact ratio will increase, which bear a single tooth at t</p><p>  5, to improve tip high coefficient:</p><p>  Top gear in the transmission of

28、 high quality factor, the impact of focusing on adaptation, in the main impact of helical gear contact ratio face. Coincidence degree by the end of the formula, we can see that when the number of teeth and meshing certai

29、n angle, the tooth tip is affected by tooth pressure angle coefficient of the top high impact factor the greater the high-tip, round tip the greater the pressure angle, contact ratio is The greater and ore stable drive.

30、However, the high coefficient</p><p>  Top gear in the transmission of high quality factor, the impact of focusing on adaptation, in the main impact of helical gear contact ratio face. Coincidence degree by

31、the end of the formula, we can see that when the number of teeth and meshing certain angle, the tooth tip is affected by tooth pressure angle coefficient of the top high impact factor the greater the high-tip, round tip

32、the greater the pressure angle, contact ratio is The greater and more stable drive. However, the high coefficien</p><p>  The above is from the module, pressure angle, helix angle, coefficient and a high coe

33、fficient of this addendum to an independent analysis of the five aspects of gear design trends. In fact between the various para-meters are inter-related, involved with each other, the choice of transmission parameters,

34、it is necessary to take into account their strengths and weaknesses, but also consider the relationship between them, so in order to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses to improve trans</p><p>  變速

35、箱各檔齒輪基本參數(shù)的選擇</p><p><b>  1、合理選用模數(shù)</b></p><p>  模數(shù)是齒輪的一個重要基本參數(shù),模數(shù)越大,齒厚也就越大,齒輪的彎曲強度也越大,它的承載能力也就越大。反之模數(shù)越小,齒厚就會變薄,齒輪的彎曲強度也就越小。對于低速檔的齒輪,由于轉速低、扭矩大,齒輪的彎曲應力比較大,所以需選用較大的模數(shù),以保證其強度要求。而高速檔齒輪,由于轉

36、速高、扭矩小,齒輪的彎曲應力比較小,所以在保證齒輪彎曲強度的前提下,一般選用較小的模數(shù),這樣就可以增加齒輪的齒數(shù),以得到較大的重合度,從而達到降低噪聲的目的。</p><p>  在現(xiàn)代變速箱設計中,各檔齒輪模數(shù)的選擇是不同的。例如,某變速箱一檔齒輪到五檔齒輪的模數(shù)分別是:3.5;3;2.75;2.5;2;從而改變了過去模數(shù)相同或模數(shù)拉不開的狀況。</p><p><b>  2

37、、合理選用壓力角</b></p><p>  當一個齒輪的模數(shù)和齒數(shù)確定了,齒輪的分度圓直徑也就確定了,而齒輪的漸開線齒形取決于基圓的大小,基圓大小又受到壓力角的影響。對于同一分度圓的齒輪而言,若其分度圓壓力角不同,基圓也就不同。當壓力角越大時,基圓直徑就越小,漸開線就越彎曲,輪齒的齒根就會變厚,齒面曲率半徑增大,從而可以提高輪齒的彎曲強度和接觸強度。當減小壓力角時,基圓直徑就會變大,齒形漸開線就會變

38、的平直一些,齒根變薄,齒面的曲率半徑變小,從而使得輪齒的彎曲強度和接觸強度均會下降,但是隨著壓力角的減小,可增加齒輪的重合度,減小輪齒的剛度,并且可以減小進入和退出嚙合時的動載荷,所有這些都有利于降低噪聲。因此,對于低速檔齒輪,常采用較大的壓力角,以滿足其強度要求;而高速檔齒輪常采用較小的壓力角,以滿足其降低噪聲的要求。</p><p>  例如:某一齒輪模數(shù)為3,齒數(shù)為30,當壓力角為17.5度時基圓齒厚為5.

39、341;當壓力角為25度時,基圓齒厚為6.716;其基圓齒厚增加了25%左右,所以增大壓力角可以增加其彎曲強度。</p><p><b>  3、合理選用螺旋角</b></p><p>  與直齒輪相比,斜齒輪具有傳動平穩(wěn),重合度大,沖擊小和噪聲小等優(yōu)點?,F(xiàn)在的變速箱由于帶同步器,換檔時不再直接移動一個齒輪與另一個齒輪嚙合,而是所有的齒輪都相嚙合,這樣就給使用斜齒輪帶

40、來方便,因此帶同步器的變速箱大多都使用斜齒輪。</p><p>  由于斜齒輪的特點,決定了整個齒寬不是同時全部進入嚙合的,而是先由輪齒的一端進入嚙合,隨著輪齒的傳動,沿齒寬方向逐漸進入嚙合,直到全部齒寬都進入嚙合,所以斜齒輪的實際嚙合區(qū)域比直齒輪的大。當齒寬一定時,斜齒輪的重合度隨螺旋角增加而增加。承載能力也就越強,平穩(wěn)性也就越好。從理論上講,螺旋角越大越好,但螺旋角增大,會使軸向分力也增大,從而使得傳遞效率降

41、低了。</p><p>  在現(xiàn)代變速箱的設計中,為了保證齒輪傳動的平穩(wěn)性、低噪聲和少沖擊,所有齒輪都要選擇較大的螺旋角,一般都在30左右。對于高速檔齒輪由于轉速較高,要求平穩(wěn),少沖擊,低噪聲,因此采用小模數(shù),大螺旋角;而低速檔齒輪則用較大模數(shù),較小螺旋角。</p><p>  4、合理選用正角度變位</p><p>  對于具有良好潤滑條件的硬齒面齒輪傳動,一般認

42、為其主要危險是在循環(huán)交變應力作用下,齒根的疲勞裂紋逐漸擴張造成齒根斷裂而失效。變速箱中齒輪失效正是屬于這一種。為了避免輪齒折斷,應盡量提高齒根彎曲強度,而運用正變位,則可達到這個目的。一般情況下,變位系數(shù)越大,齒形系數(shù)值就越小,輪齒上彎曲應力越小,輪齒彎曲強度就越高。</p><p>  在硬齒面的齒輪傳動中,齒面點蝕剝落也是失效原因之一。增大嚙合角,可降低齒面間的接觸應力和最大滑動率,能大大提高抗點蝕能力。而增

43、大嚙合角,則必須對一副齒輪都實行正變位,這樣既可提高齒面的接觸強度,又可提高齒根的彎曲強度,從而達到提高齒輪的承載能力效果。但是,對于斜齒輪傳動,變位系數(shù)過大,又會使輪齒總的接觸線長度縮短,反而降低其承載能力。同時,變位系數(shù)越大,由于齒頂圓要隨之增大,其齒頂厚度將會變小,這會影響齒頂?shù)膹姸取?lt;/p><p>  因此在現(xiàn)代變速箱的設計中,大多數(shù)齒輪均合理采用正角度變位,以最大限度發(fā)揮其優(yōu)點。主要有以下幾個設計準則

44、:</p><p>  對于低速檔齒輪副來說,主動齒輪的變位系數(shù)應大于被動齒輪的變位系數(shù),而對高速檔齒輪副,其主動齒輪的變位系數(shù)應小于被動齒輪的變位系數(shù)。</p><p>  主動齒輪的變位系數(shù)隨檔位的升高而逐漸下降。這是因為低檔區(qū)由于轉速低、扭矩大,齒輪強度要求高,因此需采用較da的變位系數(shù)。</p><p>  各檔齒輪的總變位系數(shù)都是正的(屬于角變位修正),而

45、且隨著檔位的升高而逐漸減小??傋兾幌禂?shù)越小,一對齒輪副的齒根總的厚度就越薄,齒根就越弱,其抗彎強度就越 低,但是由于輪齒的剛度減小,易于吸收沖擊振動,故可降低噪聲。而且齒形重合度會增加,這使得單齒承受最大載荷時的著力點距齒根近,使得彎曲力矩減小,相當于提高了齒根強度,這對由于齒根減薄而消弱強度的因素有所抵消。所以總變位系數(shù)越大,則齒根強度越高,但噪聲則有可能增大。因此高速檔齒輪要選擇較小的總變位系數(shù),而低速檔齒輪則必須選用較大的總變位系

46、數(shù)。</p><p><b>  5、提高齒頂高系數(shù)</b></p><p>  齒頂高系數(shù)在傳動質量指標中,影響著重合度,在斜齒輪中主要影響端面重合度。由端面重合度的公式可知,當齒數(shù)和嚙合角一定時,齒頂圓壓力角是受齒頂高系數(shù)影響的,齒頂高系數(shù)越大,齒頂圓壓力角也越大,重合度也就越大,傳動也就越平穩(wěn)。但是,齒頂高系數(shù)越大,齒頂厚度就會越薄,從而影響齒頂強度。同時,從最

47、少不根切齒數(shù)公式來看,齒頂高系數(shù)越大,最少不根切齒數(shù)就會增加,否則的話,就會產生根切。因此,在保證不根切和齒頂強度足夠的情況下,增大齒頂高系數(shù),對于增加重合度是有意義的。</p><p>  因此在現(xiàn)代變速箱的設計中,各檔齒輪的齒頂高系數(shù)都選擇較大的值,一般都大于1.0,稱為細高齒,這對降低噪聲,增加傳動平穩(wěn)性都有明顯的效果。對于低速檔齒輪,為了保證其具有足夠的齒根彎曲強度,一般選用較小的齒頂高系數(shù);而高速檔齒輪


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