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1、<p><b>  中文4642字</b></p><p>  Things to Consider When Buying Home Water Coolers</p><p>  Adults tend to drink more liquids every day when its easy to dispense at their finger ti

2、ps. Kids love their liquids when it's really cold. If you've got some problems home waiting for the faucet to get cold then the obvious solution is to keep a bottled water dispenser at home.</p><p> 

3、 Home water dispensers are great because they make sure that your water is always icy so you can save on your utility bills. Water coolers are perfect when placed outside, so anyone can just grab a plastic cup and have t

4、heir own refreshing drink without having to step inside the house to quench their thirst. Water coolers encourage your children to skip that unhealthy bottle of soda and head for the easier-to-get glass of water which is

5、 better for their health. If you run out of water for the bot</p><p>  You need to find a bottled water dispenser that is cheap and fits your needs. In order to know how to a buy home water dispenser, you ne

6、ed to know that there are two types of water dispensers available in the market. One is the Point of Use (POU) cooler and the other is the bottled dispenser. POUs need to be connected to your building's water supply

7、in order to function. A POU can chill water just as much as a bottled water dispenser could, but only with the added hassle of actually having to pl</p><p>  Bottled water coolers, on the other hand, are coo

8、lers that can hold 5 gallon bottles of water for easy dispensing. These coolers can be placed anywhere in your house or building for easier access, with the only disadvantage being the difficulty of replacing the bottled

9、 water when the water runs out. After you decide which of these two can suit you better, it's time to know how to buy home water coolers.</p><p>  You need to shop around to look for the cooler with the

10、lowest price. The best way of how to buy home water coolers is to select which cooler available in the market is the most affordable. Go ahead and browse online for any affordable offers or head over to online major reta

11、ilers to discover the baseline price.</p><p>  Once you've discovered how much a home water cooler can be, you now have three options on how to buy home water coolers. You can either purchase one online,

12、 join an online auction, or you can head over to your nearest hardware store to see if you can get your hands on the cheapest one. Try looking around for the best deals, too.</p><p>  Home Water Dispenser -

13、Top Questions To Ask When Choosing One</p><p>  Do you want to find the best home water dispenser, but don't know how to choose the one that will be the best for your family? Then you need to understand

14、the top questions that you have to be sure you get answers for to help you locate the right one.</p><p>  Your search will be much easier by asking these questions and getting answers for them. Below are the

15、 top questions that should always be asked by anyone that is going to add a water dispenser to your home. </p><p>  1. What is it going to cost me? This is always one of the first questions that need an answ

16、er. You can locate the answer by getting on the internet and taking time to compare the water coolers that can be found. </p><p>  The different types and brands of water dispensers will vary in price. That

17、is why you have to compare them. This is the only way to determine exactly what it will cost you, so you can find the one that fits the best into your price range. </p><p>  2. How much space is it going to

18、take up? There are many different sizes of water coolers that can be found. So, answering this questions will depend on the amount of space there is in your house for a cooler. </p><p>  If you are very limi

19、ted on space, then you may want to consider getting a desktop water dispenser. For anyone that has more space to put one, you will have more options. </p><p>  None of the dispensers will take up a lot of sp

20、ace, but before you can choose the right one for your home, you first need to take time to answer this yourself. </p><p>  3. Are the bottled dispensers better or the bottles? This answer will depend solely

21、on your own preference. You want to take time to look at both types, and other types that you find before you make your decision. </p><p>  Once you know some information about these different types, you wil

22、l not have a hard time deciding on the one that you prefer. </p><p>  4. How difficult is the water dispenser to get installed? This question is one that you need to learn the answer for before you purchase

23、a particular dispenser. That way you will know if you can install it easily, or if it is going to be difficult to get it into your home and working effectively. </p><p>  Majority of the water coolers that c

24、an be found are very easy for anyone to install, even if you have absolutely no experience doing it. </p><p>  These are the most essential questions that need to be asked and find answers for, but definitel

25、y not every question that you will have. Be sure you get all the answers you need because this will make your search for the right home water dispenser much simpler.</p><p>  Drinking the right of enterprise

26、s for national standards - water dispenser, water purifier, direct drinking machine - household appliances</p><p>  Drinking National standard-making powers in battle almost 'heated' up. " Cixi,

27、 Zhejiang Province, a famous fountain company CEOs recently told reporters, as formulated Electrical Uniform standards of international organizations?? International Electrician Committee there is no single standard of d

28、rinking products, many companies at all costs, even unscrupulous competition for the right to participate in the formulation of standards. According to the National Standardization Technical Committee, </p><p&

29、gt;  Buying Water Filters - Let Me Tell you Something</p><p>  There is a lot of hype and doubtful claims about water filters in the media. It's hard for the average consumer to understand the different

30、methods and types of water filtration systems without buying into all the sales talk.Water filtration or treatment in itself is a quite a large topic with many methods and technologies involved. Most household water fil

31、ters/treatment systems are designed to remove various contaminants such as chlorine, lead, mercury, Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs), Total</p><p>  Advantages Of Hot And Cold Water Dispenser</p><

32、;p>  It's quite surprising how much we are dependent on water in present-day and to what level we don't even realize that fact. In the morning for our daily beverage, in heating up or cooling down food and dri

33、nks, in taking care of health problems, and so on, it is frequently something we take for granted. Hot and cold water dispensers in our homes are something that we would quite have an easy access to, at the tip of our fi

34、ngers. Even though not evident at first, you can save a lot of time by insta</p><p>  If you need cool, fresh drinking water for yourself or your pet or in condition where clean water is in demand, the hot a

35、nd cold water dispenser is right what you need. Hot water can be used not only for beverage preparation like coffee, tea and hot chocolate, but also fast cooking of rice, sauces, noodles, pasta, cereals or baby food. Ho

36、usehold and cleaning activities that require water become much easier. Things like removing jar labels, cleaning recycle bins, polishing silver, making hot com</p><p>  Installing hot and cold water dispense

37、r is not as difficult as it may sound. If you are not uneasy to deal with a few pipes and screws, to drill a few holes and secure a few plugs, you can do it all by yourself and save money. The preference between hot and

38、cold water, and a combination of both in a hot and cold water dispenser, is entirely dependent on what you most need the precious liquid for. Inspecting your daily routine can help you make that option, as the variation

39、in prices between comb</p><p>  If you think about how much time you waste every day waiting for water to boil in order to make your tea, coffee or cocoa, it really adds up in the long run. How about the sho

40、rt but annoying moments every time you need cold water and you have to wait with the tap open? A countertop hot and cold water dispenser not only solves all that, but it permits you to cover many activities much faster,

41、thus providing you with more spare time and fewer expenses.</p><p>  購買家用冷卻飲水機(jī)時需要考慮的事項(xiàng)</p><p>  飲水越方便,人們就會喝越多的水。孩子們更喜歡喝冷飲,如果你在家里等待水來冷卻時遇到了一些問題,很明顯,解決辦法是在家放一個桶裝的飲水機(jī)。</p><p>  家用飲水機(jī)的出

42、現(xiàn)是很有必要的,因?yàn)樗_保你的水是冷的,因此你可以節(jié)省水電費(fèi)。在室外放置飲水機(jī)是很好的選擇,因?yàn)檫@樣任何人都可以不必走進(jìn)屋里而是僅僅拿起一個塑料杯就可以解決喝水問題。飲水機(jī)促使孩子放棄蘇打飲料和對大腦不健康的瓶裝飲料而去選擇從飲水機(jī)上取到的水,這樣更方便而且更有利于健康。如果桶里的水用光了,是容易在商店買到的。如果你不知道如何用最好的方式來買家用飲水機(jī),可以采取的建議如下:</p><p>  你需要找到一個便宜

43、的并且適合你的需求的飲水機(jī)。為了知道如何買家用飲水機(jī),你需要知道在市場上有兩種飲水機(jī)的類型。一個是直飲機(jī),另一種是桶裝飲水機(jī)。 直飲機(jī)需要連接到你房間里的水龍頭,以發(fā)揮作用。一個直飲機(jī)可以冷卻和桶裝飲水機(jī)同等容量的水,但是唯一的麻煩是不得不連接到水龍頭上。有了直飲機(jī),你永遠(yuǎn)不會再需要搬桶裝水來重新裝上了。</p><p>  桶裝飲水機(jī),某種意義上說,就是能容納5加侖水的飲水機(jī)。這種飲水機(jī)可以放在你的房子里更容易

44、接觸的地方,唯一的缺點(diǎn)就是當(dāng)水用完時要重新再放一桶。在你決定這兩中哪個能更適合你后,就知道如何買家用冷水機(jī)了。</p><p>  你需要貨比三家來尋找最低價的飲水機(jī)。買飲水機(jī)的最好的辦法是選擇在市場上最經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)惠的凈水器,上網(wǎng)來找可以付得起的報價或者在網(wǎng)上零售點(diǎn)尋找最低的價格。</p><p>  一旦你了解了一個家用飲水機(jī)的價格,就有三個購買選擇了。你可以上網(wǎng)購買一臺,加入網(wǎng)上拍賣,你也

45、可以直接到離你家最近的五金商店,看看你是否可以買到最便宜的,并且試圖找到最好的交易。</p><p>  家用飲水機(jī)——首要問題是什么時候來選擇一臺</p><p>  你能找到最好的家用飲水機(jī),但可能不知道哪一個對你的家人來說最好。那么你必須去找到能幫助你確定買哪一種的辦法。 </p><p>  這些問題會使你搜索答案變得容易很多。下面是在買家用飲水機(jī)時需

46、要問的熱門問題。</p><p>  1.要花多少費(fèi)用?這往往是需要回答的第一個問題,你可以通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)來獲得,尋找你要的飲水機(jī)。 不同種類和品牌的飲水機(jī)的價格會有所不同。這就是為什么你必須進(jìn)行比較。這是確定你究竟會花費(fèi)多少的唯一的方法,這樣你就可以在適合你的價格范圍里找到你想要的。</p><p>  2. 要占用多少空間呢?你可以發(fā)現(xiàn)有許多不同尺寸大小的飲水機(jī)。所以,回答這個問題

47、將取決于你的房間有多大的位置。如果是非常有限的空間,那么你可能要考慮配置臺式飲水機(jī)。對于一些有更多的空間的,你將有更多的選擇。一個飲水機(jī)不會占用很多空間,但在你為家庭有一個正確的選擇之前,首先需要花時間來考慮自己的情況。</p><p>  3.桶裝飲水機(jī)好還是瓶裝水好?這個答案將完全取決于你自己的喜好。在你做決定之前,你要花時間去看看這兩種類型,以及其他類型。一旦你了解了這些不同類型的信息,你將不會有什么困難來

48、決定你喜歡哪個。</p><p>  4.如何安裝飲水機(jī)?這是在購買一個飲水機(jī)前需要弄清楚的問題。這樣,你就會知道是否能夠安裝它,否則它將會很難運(yùn)作??梢园l(fā)現(xiàn)飲水機(jī)對大多數(shù)人來說是很容易安裝的,即使你完全沒有經(jīng)驗(yàn)。</p><p>  這些就是需要了解的最基本的問題,但絕對不是每一個問題你都要知道。只要確保你得到你需要的答案,這會讓你更容易選擇到你想要的飲水機(jī)。</p>&l

49、t;p>  飲用水的國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)權(quán)利的企業(yè)-飲水機(jī),凈水器,直飲機(jī) -家用設(shè)備</p><p>  飲用水國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)制定的決策權(quán)在戰(zhàn)斗中幾乎“白熱化”了。 浙江省慈溪市一個著名的飲水機(jī)公司老總最近告訴記者,由于制訂電器統(tǒng)一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的國際組織(國際電工委員會)對飲水裝置不止一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn),許多公司不惜一切代價,即使是不擇手段的競爭也要來參與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的制定。根據(jù)全國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化技術(shù)委員會的資深成員了解到 “制定飲用水的注冊標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的權(quán)力斗爭

50、仍然是家電標(biāo)準(zhǔn)制定中的最激烈的。目前,飲水機(jī)產(chǎn)業(yè)在世界占有很重要的地位, 全球大約80%的飲水機(jī)在中國生產(chǎn)的。作為世界最大的生產(chǎn)國,中國的飲水機(jī)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),一旦形成,最可能被國際使用,進(jìn)而影響全球飲水機(jī)行業(yè)的整體發(fā)展方向。”他說如果哪些公司可以參與到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的制定,這意味著在同行業(yè)中這個企業(yè)將成為知名度和權(quán)威性的代表。這是飲水機(jī)行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)制定的“重要的一年”,要經(jīng)過“激烈的斗爭”來獲得正確的權(quán)利標(biāo)準(zhǔn)制定。隨后,飲水機(jī)節(jié)能產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證(數(shù)控)和技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)由

51、起草到爭議確定“中國名牌”的爭議選擇與制定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的權(quán)力斗爭非常強(qiáng)烈。業(yè)內(nèi)人士告訴記者,家電一直是個行業(yè)競爭非常激烈的的一個產(chǎn)業(yè),但是現(xiàn)在單一的產(chǎn)品也不存在了,比如現(xiàn)在飲水機(jī)的情況,而不僅僅是一個單一的家電市場,整個家電市場比飲水機(jī)市場更混亂。我們的</p><p>  買凈水器—讓我告訴你一些</p><p>  在媒體上有許多關(guān)于凈水器的炒作和懷疑。不了解不同類型的凈水器,普通消費(fèi)者會很難

52、理解。 水過濾或治療本身是一個相當(dāng)大的課題。大多數(shù)家用凈水機(jī)的設(shè)計是用來消除如氯,鉛,汞各種污染物質(zhì),揮發(fā)性有機(jī)化合物(VOCs)的,總?cè)芙夤腆w(TDSs),隱孢子蟲,氯胺,殺蟲劑,除草劑,賈第蟲和其他不良?xì)馕痘蛭兜涝亍?lt;/p><p><b>  特征和功能的差異:</b></p><p>  大多數(shù)凈水器工作原理一般過程是一樣的。水是通過一個過濾劑(物理

53、,化學(xué)或紫外線),凡污染物要么刪除要么瓦解。處理后的水,要么分到系統(tǒng)之外要么儲存在一個儲罐供以后使用。一般來說,大多數(shù)凈水器是非常簡單和便宜的,不同制造商生產(chǎn)的飲水機(jī)沒有太大的不同。下面是一個在你要買一套凈水器之前需要考慮的。</p><p><b>  過濾技術(shù)</b></p><p>  第一個過濾器是最常見的,過濾采用物理屏障消除,如泥土,淤泥,沙子或生銹以及微

54、型,如賈第蟲或隱孢子蟲的生物懸浮顆粒。物理過濾器測量單位是微米。過濾器功能越好越能把更小的和更多種的粒子從水中隔離。 另一種類型的化學(xué)過濾器,是在使用過程中在未凈化的水中消除潛在的有害污染物。根據(jù)不同的污染物類型,過濾器元素可以包括活性炭,銅,鋅等。過濾技術(shù)的最新形式是利用紫外線破壞水中的細(xì)菌,病毒或病原體。超紫外線光通常是包裹在未凈化的水進(jìn)行處理時,要么是通過存儲或通過一個紫外線罐時,紫外光破壞了有機(jī)微粒的DNA,阻斷了它們的

55、繁殖能力和致病能力。通常,一個水過濾系統(tǒng)將包含多個類型的過濾器,因?yàn)槊恳粋€過濾器都有其特定的優(yōu)勢,共同實(shí)現(xiàn)更廣泛的過濾功能。</p><p><b>  系統(tǒng)類型</b></p><p>  有幾個基本的凈水器類型,范圍從小型便攜裝置到可以提供給一個完整的家或辦公室。以下是比較常見的類型: 反頂部:這些類型的過濾器就像名字說的,是放在頂部的柜臺上,并連接到水龍

56、頭。該系統(tǒng)通常的容量有限,并且過濾后的水只能通過水龍頭才可以使用。 根據(jù)非處方:這些系統(tǒng)是非常相似的反頂系統(tǒng),他們只提供較小的能力和處理過的水到一個水龍頭。所不同的是,這些系統(tǒng)不占用寶貴的可用空間,但需要更先進(jìn)的管道,這使得它稍貴一點(diǎn)。 龍頭安裝:這些系統(tǒng)是最便宜并且更容易提供過濾水。該系統(tǒng)是安裝在水龍頭本身并單獨(dú)提供給水龍頭的。</p><p>  全樓:這些水過濾系統(tǒng)通常是一所房子或辦公室最需

57、要的全面和昂貴的過濾器類型。這些系統(tǒng)進(jìn)入房子或辦公室前需要連接到房子的管道,這意味著他們將供應(yīng)整個房子或辦公室的飲用水。這些水過濾器的購買和維護(hù)一般都相當(dāng)昂貴,但所有的水均在房子內(nèi)部。 軟水機(jī):這些類型的水過濾器專門用于去除只有一些污染物類型的,即從一個家庭的供水中去掉一些不需要的元素如鈣,鎂,石灰,鐵等有害元素。這些元素使水有金屬味和咸味。</p><p>  飲水機(jī)/罐裝凈水器:這些系統(tǒng)通常很簡單,分

58、為罐/分配器來內(nèi)置過濾器組件。同樣,這類型的過濾器是非常簡單和便宜的,但是相比過濾污染物不會那么好。 便攜式:這些水過濾器便于攜帶,有些是專為野營和快速旅行設(shè)計的。而另一些則用來作為運(yùn)動飲料瓶。有趣的是,可以用一種紫外線光筆來去除更復(fù)雜的微生物,如前面提到的。</p><p><b>  3)容量</b></p><p>  通常有兩種水過濾器,用“容量”來測

59、量。容量可以被用來作為衡量以確定水過濾器可以承受多少水。 另一方面,如果水處理系統(tǒng)是根據(jù)儲蓄罐來建造的,容量也是對儲蓄罐的一個衡量。這正好與流速相吻合。這種測量方法通常是一加侖每分鐘。應(yīng)當(dāng)指出,對于反頂或散熱片的應(yīng)用,在需要等待更長的時間來裝滿一杯水上,不會是非常重要的問題。然而,對于內(nèi)部系統(tǒng)整體流動比率非常重要,你不會想在洗澡的時候水被卡住沒有水吧。 應(yīng)當(dāng)指出,容量和流量直接涉及到這個系統(tǒng)有多昂貴。</p>

60、<p><b>  4)成本</b></p><p>  當(dāng)選擇購買凈水器,你還必須考慮維護(hù)過濾器的運(yùn)行成本。一般情況下,更復(fù)雜,更高容量的系統(tǒng)將花費(fèi)更多的維護(hù),當(dāng)然也能更好地運(yùn)行。是根據(jù)經(jīng)過處理的水量而定,水過濾系統(tǒng)將需要每隔一段時間更換或維護(hù)自身的水過濾系統(tǒng)。 此外,有些復(fù)雜的過濾器,像反滲透水過濾器,每4加侖水只會產(chǎn)生1加侖的水,這將意味著你的水費(fèi)得一樣增加。不僅如

61、此,超紫外線光系統(tǒng)也將需要一個動力來源,也將影響你的電費(fèi)。 冷熱飲水機(jī)的各個優(yōu)勢</p><p>  這是相當(dāng)驚人的,在今天我們依賴水都到了什么程度,我們甚至沒有意識到這一事實(shí)。溫?zé)岷屠鋮s飲水機(jī)使得我們對早晨提供健康的每日飲料以及加熱和冷卻的食物有一個更容易的接觸。盡管起初并不明顯,但是你在安裝臺面冷熱飲水機(jī)之后可以節(jié)省很多時間。   如果你需要冷的、

62、新鮮的飲料來提供給自己或你的寵物,或需要干凈水的時候,冷熱飲水機(jī)是對你是很需要的。 熱水不僅可用于準(zhǔn)備飲料,如咖啡、茶和熱巧克力,也可以用于快速烹飪大米,調(diào)味品,面條,面食,麥片或嬰兒食品。在家用或做清潔時,需要很容易接到水,熱水能除去瓶子標(biāo)簽、清洗回收箱、解決拋光餐具這些問題和許多其他問題。只要涉及到冷凍肉類及蔬菜的解凍,融化和升溫,冰淇淋,奶油,巧克力,或準(zhǔn)備奶瓶,你就必須先倒一些熱水放入容器來處理。 安裝冷熱飲


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