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1、<p>  1750單詞,9500英文字符,3200漢字</p><p>  Housing Problems and Options for the Elderly</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  Housing is a critical element in the lives of older persons. T

2、he affordability of housing affects the ability of the elderly to afford other necessities of life such as food and medical care. Housing that is located near hospitals and doctors, shopping, transportation, and recreati

3、onal facilities can facilitate access to services that can enhance the quality of life. Housing can also be a place of memories of the past and a connection to friends and neighbors. Housing with supportive features an&l

4、t;/p><p>  Housing Situation of Older Persons </p><p>  How typical is the housing situation of the olders? We will begin by examining five areas :(1)Prevalence of home ownership (2)Length of stay

5、in current residence (3)Living arrangements (4)Attachments of older persons to where they live (5)Moving behavior.</p><p>  With whom older persons live can influence housing affordability, space needs, and

6、the ability to age in place. About 54% of older persons live with their spouses, 31% live alone, almost 13% live with related persons other than their spouse and about 2% live with unrelated persons. With increasing age,

7、 older persons (primarily women) are more likely to live alone or with a relative other than a spouse. Frail older women living alone are the persons most likely to reside in homes with ‘extra’ roo</p><p>  

8、Many older persons have strong psychological attachments to their homes related to length of residence. The home often represents the place where they raised their children and a lifetime of memories. It is also a connec

9、tion to an array of familiar persons such as neighbors and shopkeepers as well as near by places including houses of worship, libraries and community services. For many older persons, the home is an extension of their ow

10、n personalities which is found in the furnishings . In addit</p><p>  Although most older persons move near their current communities, some seek retirement communities in places with warmer weather in the so

11、uthwest, far west and the south.</p><p>  The Federal Government's Housing Programs for the Elderly</p><p>  The federal government has had two basic housing strategies to address housing pr

12、oblems of the elderly. One strategy, termed the "supply side" approach, seeks to build new housing complexes such as public housing and Section 202 housing for older persons. Public housing is administered by q

13、uasi-governmental local public housing authorities. Section 202 Housing for the elderly and disabled is sponsored by non-profit organizations including religious and non-sectarian organizations. Approximately </p>

14、<p>  While advocates for housing have been trying to hold on to the existing programs in the face of huge budget cuts at HUD, much of the attention has been shifting towards meeting the shelter and service needs o

15、f the frail elderly. This emphasis reflects the increasing number of older persons in their eighties and nineties who need a physically supportive environment linked with services. This group of older persons includes a

16、high percentage of older residents of public and Section 202 housing. In</p><p>  The Housing Continuum: A Range of Options for Elderly</p><p>  A long-standing assumption in the field of housin

17、g has been that as persons become more frail, they will have to move along a housing continuum from one setting to another. As the figure on housing options suggests, along this continuum are found a range of housing opt

18、ions including single family homes, apartments, congregate living, assisted living, and board and care homes (Kendig & Pynoos, 1996). The end point of the housing continuum has been the nursing home. These options va

19、ry considerably</p><p>  The concept of a continuum of supportive care is based on the assumption that housing options can be differentiated by the amount and types of services offered; the supportiveness of

20、 the physical setting in terms of accessibility, features, and design; and the competency level of the persons to whom the housing is targeted. The figure on housing options indicates how such options generally meet the

21、needs of older persons who are categorized,as independent, semi-dependent and dependent. Semi-depe</p><p>  Although the continuum of housing identifies a range of housing types, there is increasing recognit

22、ion that frail older persons do not necessarily have to move from one setting to another if they need assistance. Semi-dependent or dependent older persons can live in a variety of settings, including their own homes and

23、 apartments, if the physical environment is made more supportive, caregivers are available to provide assistance and affordable services are accessible.</p><p>  Conclusions</p><p>  Housing pla

24、ys a critical role in the lives of older persons. Most older homeowners who function independently express a high level of satisfaction with their dwelling units. However, high housing costs, especially for renters, rema

25、in a financial burden for many older persons and problems associated with housing condition persist especially for low- income renters and persons living in rural areas. Federal housing programs such as public housing, S

26、ection 202 housing, and Section 8 housing certifi</p><p>  老年人的住宅問題與選擇</p><p><b>  一、簡介</b></p><p>  住宅在老年人生活的極為重要。住房負(fù)擔(dān)能力的影響老人對生活的其他必需品,如食品和醫(yī)療的負(fù)擔(dān)能力。住宅附近的醫(yī)療設(shè)施,購物,交通和娛樂設(shè)施服

27、務(wù),可以提高生活質(zhì)量。住宅是回憶過去,同時(shí)也是聯(lián)系朋友和鄰居的地方。存在支持功能和服務(wù)設(shè)施的住宅也可以使人們老有所養(yǎng)。在這一部分,我們會(huì)研究住房問題和老年人的選擇。于此同時(shí),我們將用一系列問題和練習(xí)測試住宅的智能。 </p><p>  二、老年人的住房情況</p><p>  老年人的住房情況典型在哪里?我們將從五個(gè)方面開始研究:(1)住房所有權(quán)的普及,(2)常留現(xiàn)有地,(3)生活安排。

28、(4)老年人對現(xiàn)有住房的依戀,(5)移動(dòng)行為。</p><p>  老年人與誰生活可以影響其購房能力,空間需要,以及對這些地方養(yǎng)老的能力。約54%的長者與配偶生活,31%獨(dú)居,幾乎13%和他的親人居住而不是和他的配偶,同時(shí)有大約2%的老年人和沒有關(guān)系的人居住。隨著年齡的增長,老年人(主要是婦女)更可能獨(dú)居或和親人居住兒不是和配偶住在一起。年老體弱獨(dú)居的婦女最有可能居住在有額外房間的家園,需要身心都支持性住房和服務(wù)

29、來實(shí)現(xiàn)“老得其所”。人口的這一部分組成的群體,他們更愿意居住在有保障設(shè)施的建筑里。</p><p>  很多老年人在生理上很大程度依賴他們生活很久的住宅。在這些地方他們將自己的孩子養(yǎng)大,留下了一生的記憶。它也是聯(lián)系像鄰居,店主這樣一系列家庭成員的橋梁,除此之外位于教堂,圖書館,和一些社區(qū)服務(wù)設(shè)施附近。對于大多數(shù)老年人來說,在探索與追求中,住宅是他們個(gè)性的延伸。另外,住宅可以表現(xiàn)他們將來的經(jīng)濟(jì)保障,特別是對這些已經(jīng)

30、買下住宅的人來講。對于住宅所有者來講,住宅通常是他們做可靠的財(cái)產(chǎn)。住宅代表著一種獨(dú)立,表明居民可以靠自己居住。基于這些原因,在AARP的一項(xiàng)關(guān)于老年人的住宅類型偏好的調(diào)查中,有將近80%的老年人想要居住在自己家里永遠(yuǎn)不想搬出的這種結(jié)果是可以理解的。這種現(xiàn)象被解釋為居家養(yǎng)老偏好。</p><p>  雖然大多數(shù)老年人目前社區(qū)附近的移動(dòng),尋求與一些如西南地區(qū)天氣溫暖的退休社區(qū),遙遠(yuǎn)的西部和南部地區(qū)。</p>

31、;<p>  三、聯(lián)邦政府的老年人住房方案</p><p>  聯(lián)邦政府有兩個(gè)基本的住房戰(zhàn)略來解決老人的住房問題。策略之一,被稱為“供方”的方式,尋求建立如公共住房或第Section住宅為老年人提供居住的新住宅區(qū)。公共房屋由準(zhǔn)政府地方公共住房當(dāng)局管理。同時(shí)為老人和殘疾人建設(shè)的第Section202住宅是由非盈利組織出資建造,包括宗教和非宗派組織。約有150萬老年人或3%的老年人口生活在聯(lián)邦政府資助房


33、的補(bǔ)貼,提供低收入租房者使用證明或憑證,他們可以使用各種設(shè)置的多單元,包括在私營部門,公寓符合條件的租金和指導(dǎo)方針。這些憑證旨在減少住房費(fèi)用過高。一些證明被稱為“基于項(xiàng)目的補(bǔ)貼”,并連接到聯(lián)邦資助,如Section202住</p><p>  雖然在面對的龐大的預(yù)算削減中,房屋的倡導(dǎo)者們一直試圖留住現(xiàn)有的方案,注意力卻一直朝著滿足體弱長者的住房和服務(wù)需求轉(zhuǎn)移。這個(gè)強(qiáng)調(diào)體現(xiàn)了在八十歲和九十歲的老年人中,需要一個(gè)有利


35、00位政府的協(xié)調(diào)員資助全國的房屋建設(shè)。</p><p>  四、房屋連續(xù):一個(gè)老人的選擇范圍</p><p>  一個(gè)在住房領(lǐng)域長期存在的假設(shè)是,隨著老年人越來越虛弱,他們將不得不從一個(gè)設(shè)立的住房連續(xù)搬到另一個(gè)。住房選擇的數(shù)字表明,沿著這條連續(xù)性我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了這些選擇,其中包括單戶住宅,公寓,集中住宅,資助房屋和護(hù)理院(肯迪格&Pynoos,1996)。房屋連續(xù)的終點(diǎn)養(yǎng)老院。這些選擇在他們的可

36、獲得性,可承擔(dān)性,和對滿足虛弱的老年人的能力方面有很大的不同。</p><p>  一個(gè)支持性持續(xù)照顧的概念是基于這樣的假設(shè):住房選擇可以由提供服務(wù)的數(shù)量和類型區(qū)別;在交通便利,功能和設(shè)計(jì)方面的生理狀況支持;和住房所指向的人們的能力水平。住房選擇的數(shù)字顯示,這樣的選擇怎樣滿足獨(dú)立,半依賴和依賴的老年人的需求。半依賴型老人可以在一些日常生活中,如做飯,打掃衛(wèi)生,和購物等活動(dòng)方面需要其他人的幫助。除了需要一些日常生活

37、的幫助,依賴型老年人可能在如廁所,飲食和洗澡更基本的活動(dòng)需要幫助助。雖然半依賴和依賴?yán)夏耆丝梢栽诔霈F(xiàn)整個(gè)住房的連續(xù)中,獨(dú)立的老年人不太喜歡住在有輔助生活設(shè)計(jì)及裝備,以滿足體弱長者的需要房屋類型,除非他們的配偶要求這些。</p><p>  雖然連續(xù)性確定了住房類型的范圍,但是越來越多人認(rèn)識(shí)到,即使年老體弱的老年人需要幫助,他們也不一定要從一個(gè)地方搬到另一個(gè)地方。半依賴或依靠老年人能夠在各種環(huán)境下生活,包括他們自己

38、的住宅和公寓,前提是環(huán)境更加適宜,照顧者可以提供協(xié)助和方便實(shí)惠的服務(wù)。</p><p>  五、在不同類型住房選擇上的老年人的分布</p><p>  約81%的老年人居住在單個(gè)家庭的單元房里,7.2%老年人居住在流動(dòng)性住宅里。移動(dòng)房屋,經(jīng)常被稱為現(xiàn)在的預(yù)制房屋,已經(jīng)因?yàn)槠湎鄬^低的成本,房屋供應(yīng)量正在迅速增長。約8%的老年人居住在公寓以及專門為他們居住而設(shè)計(jì)的街區(qū)。它們的范圍很廣,從主要

39、支持退休后的休閑化的生活方式(主動(dòng)退休社區(qū))的適用性住房,到主要是為了迎合體弱的老年人的個(gè)人幫助和護(hù)理服務(wù)(Pynoos&Golant,1995; Golant,1992年)。估計(jì)數(shù)字顯示,約有老年人口總數(shù)的一百萬(或剛剛超過3%),目前選擇綜合性支持住宅,這類住宅也提供服務(wù)。對住房選擇可用性(本身就對許多不同類型的簡短定義附錄)在國家和地區(qū)之間差異很大。例如,在一些地區(qū),分區(qū)禁止或使人們很難創(chuàng)造像附件公寓或ECHO單位住房類型。因此,

40、對于老年人來講,在為老年人提供的住宅類型選擇上存在嚴(yán)重差距。 </p><p><b>  六、結(jié)論</b></p><p>  住宅在老年人的生活中發(fā)揮了關(guān)鍵作用。大部分獨(dú)立生活的老年人戶主對他們所住的單位表示十分滿意。然而,住房費(fèi)用高,特別是對于租房者,仍然是許多老年人面臨的財(cái)政問題,對于低收入的租房者和生活在農(nóng)村地區(qū)的人來講也是如此。聯(lián)邦住宅計(jì)劃,如公共房屋,第



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