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1、<p><b>  第1章</b></p><p><b>  英文原文:</b></p><p>  Abstract - A vehicle is consider Green when it more environmentally friendly than the traditional petroleum combustio

2、n engine, in which includes any nontraditional vehicle like, HEV, Plug In, EV, Fuel Cell, Bio fuel etc. that improves fuel economy. The development of electric vehicle has been over a hundred years but failure to gain th

3、e public acceptance in various stages due to various reasons which explained. While EV was never mass produced, Hybrid electric vehicle gains the momentum in recen</p><p>  Keywords :electric vehicle, hybrid

4、, plug in, green, history</p><p>  INTRODUCTION</p><p>  As associated with energy independence and environmental issue, alternative fuel vehicle, especially Electric and Hybrid electric vehicle

5、 has become part of the government policy all over the world. The united State mandates a stricter fuel economy standard. China issued a new energy vehicle policy to accelerate & subsidize the deployment of electric

6、this year and set a goal of 500k for 2011. Hong Kong also set a clear vision for EV application in the near future.</p><p>  As for the auto industry, a silent green resolution is undergo significant transfo

7、rmation after gasoline price rose significantly to exceed US$2 level and market demands for such vehicle. The industry introduced more fuel efficient HEVs and less polluted vehicles to the market. As Oil price surged rap

8、idly during the last few years, the phenomenon has pushed pure electric vehicle development regaining traction among automakers and governments.</p><p>  The consumer market has brought significant gain in a

9、lternative fuel vehicle as well as HEV and electric vehicles. A HEV study (Fig. 1) conducted by Polk & Company indicated an upward trend of market share of HEV sales in United State and Western Europe. An even bigger

10、 share of HEV and EV were predicted when they combined. In fact, selection of HEV models from OEMs have grown from two (Insight & Prius) in 2000 to more than twenties as today. Sales of the HEV are in the fast track

11、along with more</p><p>  Chevy Volt, the first plug-in hybrid, and a bunch of planned electric vehicles saluted for end consumer in the North America will lead to a round of new energy vehicle in the market.

12、</p><p>  HISTORY OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT</p><p>  The development of electric vehicle has a long history. Since the invention of electric motor, electric vehicle has been around for 150

13、 years. From simple non-chargeable to modern state of art control system, the development of Electric vehicle can be classified into three stages:</p><p>  A. Early development stage</p><p>  El

14、ectric vehicle was considered among the earliest automobile and well ahead of combustion engine. It dominated the vehicle registration with 3:1 comparing to gasoline vehicles in the late 1920s to 1930s and held most of t

15、he land vehicle performance record in early 1900s. It was a major transportation tool and widely used in the society for local transportation improved from horse carriages. </p><p>  Until 1930, electric veh

16、icle leadership was overtaken by gasoline vehicle development and was never able to reclaim the status for following reasons: Maturity of Gasoline vehicle and can be mass produced at a reasonable cost. With the mass prod

17、uction of Model T & manufacture process revolution, vehicles became suddenly available to general public and proceed as a way to improve life; Gasoline vehicle took over as the leader and surpass electric vehicle bot

18、h in performance and cost. Infrastructur</p><p>  Widely discovery of gasoline in the sate and ready availability of cheap fuel also contributed the spread of gasoline vehicle. Petrol in the 1930s provided a

19、 direct cheap source of energy for vehicle transportation. It could be carried around by container which enabled and extended the mobility of owning a vehicle.</p><p>  B. Midterm development (1930s-1980s)&l

20、t;/p><p>  Electric vehicle production and development came to a halt as personal transportation after combustion engine took over in 1935. Political sensitivity with OPEC created a necessity of energy independ

21、ence during the 1960s and 1970s. U.S Government and environmentalist reintroduced tougher fuel efficient standard for the industry and ignited a board interest in electric vehicle in the period. Energy crisis in early 70

22、s driven the US postal service placed a large order of 350 EV test fleet. It is t</p><p>  C. Modern Development</p><p>  Modern EV development was dominated by EV1 who produced by GM for fleet

23、application. Following a program funded by Department of Energy, Ford developed EV Ranger pick up truck, Toyota provided Rav4 EV and Honda had an EV available as well during late 1990s and early 2000s. Unfortunately, thi

24、s short surge of EV availability did not realized into commercial production because of a complicated issue of politics, economic, education and technology that includes vehicle production cost and safety con</p>

25、<p>  D. Modern HEV development</p><p>  However, in 1999 and early 2000s, a new type of electric vehicle emerged from pure electric vehicle. Honda introduced the first HEV, Honda Insight, to the US Mar

26、ket that brought another milestone in auto industry. With brisk market acceptance and success of the Prius, HEV technology shows it maturity and potential. Ford introduced the first American hybrid electric vehicle, Esca

27、pe SUV HEV, during the ‘Manhattan on a Tank’ event and registered 600 miles/tank in congestive city traffic that opened</p><p>  Toyota is the clear leader in the HEV arena base on volume and range of models

28、 with it “synergy drive system”. Honda and Ford are right behind with their offering in full hybrids. GM offers its “two mode” technology in hybrid passenger cars and trucks as well.</p><p>  E. Future Devel

29、opment</p><p>  As gasoline price rise rapidly, combined with environmental concern, the society renews the call for social responsibility. Electric Vehicle and other AFV suddenly becomes popular again.</

30、p><p>  With announcement of the Chevy Volt plug-in concept couple years ago and pure electric vehicle from Nissan, a new round of EV development has resurrected into OEM’s cycle plan in the up coming years. Th

31、e fruit of this EV trend will be seen in the next three years.</p><p>  Comparing to previous electric vehicle development, there are a few factors that will ensure this initiation be successful in the futur

32、e:</p><p>  Vehicle operators are the direct target customers of developing EV. Market driven approach always creates competitive and attractive products at reasonable cost and performance.</p><p&

33、gt;  Early technology and environmental adopter will the initial leaders and users. They are willing to support and has the capability to influence the success. Also various education programs and EV initiatives transfor

34、m general understanding of fuel efficient vehicles and their benefits. Warm acceptance of electric vehicle is high in the coming years.</p><p>  Cooperation in charge station and infrastructure development h

35、as gained attention at different level. Various business models are being explored. The industry and government are confident that final plan will reach prior to the mass launch of electric vehicle.</p><p> 

36、 Energy storage technology improvement makes lithium battery application became safe in vehicle. Sophistication of system management upgrades and improves electric vehicle to a comparable level of combustion engine. Last

37、ly, proper government policy provides a development foundation for the industry. Special tax incentives and subsidy will offset consumer burden for purchasing electric vehicle. It is a confident vote for the product when

38、 government is willing to provide financial and strategic sup</p><p>  III. CONCLUSION</p><p>  Like many emerging technology, electric vehicle development and application have been around for a

39、 long time, but until recently, the technology has not really taken off. Even though HEV started as a good alternative to gasoline vehicle and well publicized by the media, but it only represented as the intermediate ste

40、p or near term solution. Government regulation and environmental prospect, in particular will drive the adoption of transportation electrification. Electric vehicle will be the final</p><p><b>  第2章<

41、;/b></p><p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  引言:一輛汽車被認為是綠色的,如果這部車比傳統(tǒng)燃油內燃機對環(huán)境更友好,而這種汽車包含了任何非傳統(tǒng)的汽車,如混合動力汽車,包括EV,燃油電池,生物燃料等提高了燃油經濟性。電動車的開發(fā)已超過100年,但未能獲得公眾接受在不同階段,由于各種原因的解釋。雖然從來沒有大規(guī)模生產電動汽車,混合動力

42、電動汽車在近幾年增長的勢頭。福特已經推出了第二代混合動力汽車和通用汽車公司也宣布在2010年首演。相較于普通混合動力汽車,堵塞是由于混合動力汽車的發(fā)展模式,擴大旅游范圍和電力的一個零排放的可能性,只要行走距離的新趨勢比收費門檻低。但是,最近以來,在汽車行業(yè)的電氣化趨勢已經形成,它將改變這個行業(yè)。有了正確的政策和政府的幫助和電動汽車技術的進步,對電動汽車的前景將是光明和未來發(fā)展的聚焦點。</p><p>  關鍵字

43、 - 電動汽車,混合動力,插入,綠色,歷史</p><p><b>  1 引言</b></p><p>  由于能源獨立和環(huán)境問題,替代燃料車輛,特別是電力和混合動力電動汽車已經成為相關政府政策的一部分,在世界各地。美國推廣了一項更嚴格的燃油經濟標準。中國發(fā)布了一項新能源汽車補貼政策,以加速和部署今年的電力,并為2011年50萬的目標。香港還成立了電動汽車在不久的將

44、來應用的清晰版本。</p><p>  至于汽車行業(yè),無聲的綠色解決方案是經過重大改造后的汽油價格大幅上漲超過2美元的水平,并為這些車輛的市場需求。業(yè)引進更多的混合電動汽車的燃油效率和減少污染車輛的市場。由于石油價格上漲在過去幾年里發(fā)展很快,這種現象已使純電動汽車發(fā)展的汽車制造商和政府之間恢復牽引力。</p><p>  消費市場帶來了替代燃料汽車以及混合動力汽車和電動汽車重大增益。HEV


46、汽車產量甚至更多。添加插件和電動車的線路將進一步加強和加快目前電氣化的趨勢。</p><p>  雪佛蘭伏特,第一款插入式混合動力車,和一堆計劃(生產)電動汽車(銷售商)為對北美北美最終消費者表示敬意將在北美市場上引出一輪新能源汽車。</p><p><b>  2 電動汽車發(fā)展史</b></p><p>  電動車的發(fā)展有著悠久的歷史。由于電

47、動機的發(fā)明,電動汽車已經出現了150年。從簡單的非充電控制系統(tǒng),以藝術的現代國家,對電動車的發(fā)展可分為三個階段劃分。</p><p><b>  2.1早期開發(fā)階段</b></p><p>  電動車被認為是最早的汽車和內燃機遙遙領先。它與比較主導20世紀20年代末到30年代3:1汽油車輛的車輛登記,并于1900年代初的土地大部分車輛性能記錄。這是一個重大的交通手段和

48、廣泛的社會使用當地交通從馬車改善。</p><p>  直到1930年,電動汽車領導和取代汽油車的發(fā)展,是永遠無法回收的狀況,原因如下:成熟的汽油車,并且可以在合理的成本大規(guī)模生產。隨著T型車大規(guī)模生產和制造過程的革命,車輛突然成為可供一般公眾,進而以此來改善生活;汽油汽車接任領導和趕超的電動汽車的性能和成本。基礎設施的改善和城市間的交通需求,往往需要較長的旅行距離,從來沒有能夠利用由電動車前。缺乏基礎設施的發(fā)展

49、費用,可靠的電力傳輸和有限的旅行距離,電動汽車已不再適合消費者的需求,失去了優(yōu)勢,以普通汽油車。有限或沒有電子基礎設施的支持被迫辭職和早期電動車數量。</p><p>  儲量豐富的汽油礦藏被廣泛發(fā)現,以及廉價燃料造就了燃汽交通工具的廣泛傳播。在20世紀30年代石油能源直接提供了廉價的運輸車輛來源。它可以進行這使周圍的貨柜,延長車輛的擁有流動性</p><p>  2.2 中期發(fā)展階段(1

50、930-1980)</p><p>  電動車生產和發(fā)展來作為個人交通停止燃燒后發(fā)動機發(fā)生在1935年結束。政治敏感性與歐佩克期間創(chuàng)建60和70年代的能源獨立的必要性。美國政府和環(huán)保重新提出更嚴格的燃料效率標準的行業(yè),點燃一期間在電動汽車板的興趣。能源驅動的美國郵政服務70年代初的危機放在了350電動汽車試驗車隊大訂單。這是中期發(fā)展的最高節(jié)點。</p><p>  然而,部分原因是由于性能

51、有限,其他政府優(yōu)先事項,董事會對公司的基礎設施支持和參與范圍,在此期間發(fā)展低調而迅速的下降。</p><p>  2.3 現代發(fā)展階段</p><p>  現代電動汽車發(fā)展的主導力量是由通用汽車生產的EV1,車隊中的應用。繼美國能源部資助的計劃,福特開發(fā)的電動汽車護理拿起卡車,豐田和本田提供的RAV4電動汽車提供了一個電動汽車以及20世紀90年代后期和21世紀初。</p>&

52、lt;p>  不幸的是,這種電動汽車提供短期激增也沒有把由于復雜的政治問題,實現商業(yè)化生產,經濟,教育和技術,其中包括汽車生產成本和安全問題。 EV1電動車,蘭杰,RAV4和本田電動車,車隊測試的目的只,幾乎所有的車輛已經停止出售,銷毀和回收。只有極少數的電動汽車存活在愛好者的手中。</p><p>  2.4 現代HEV的發(fā)展</p><p>  然而,出現在1999年和2000年

53、初,一個新型的電動汽車由純電動汽車。本田推出了第一款混合動力汽車,本田Insight,對美國市場的汽車行業(yè)帶來了另一個里程碑,在強勁的市場接受和普瑞斯混合動力技術的成功。表明它的成熟和潛力。福特推出了第一個美國混合動力電動汽車,混合動力SUV車逃逸,在曼哈頓坦克坦克事以及注冊600公里每小時在這個充血一般的城市交通開辟了一個新的電動汽車之間的競爭領域</p><p>  到2008年,混合動力汽車銷量超過總銷量的

54、2.5%。更進一步,混合動力汽車豐田,本田和福特的下一代,引入更新的技術,沿著2009年進一步完善。燃油效率也同樣得到了提高。</p><p>  豐田公司在數量和型號的混合動力汽車領域的基地范圍與它的領導者“協(xié)同驅動系統(tǒng)”。本田和福特是正確的落后與他們的完全混合動力汽車產品。通用汽車提供混合動力轎車和卡車的“二?!钡募夹g。</p><p><b>  2.5 未來發(fā)展</

55、b></p><p>  隨著汽油價格上漲迅速,環(huán)境問題相結合,社會再次對社會責任的呼吁。電動汽車和其他替代性燃料車輛突然變得流行了。</p><p>  隨著公布的雪佛蘭伏特插件的概念幾年前從日產純電動汽車的電動汽車發(fā)展的新一輪復活成OEM的周期計劃在未來幾年上升。這種電動汽車的發(fā)展趨勢成果將在未來的三年中清晰可見。</p><p>  相較于以前的電動汽車

56、發(fā)展,有幾個因素將確保這一點開始在未來的成功:車輛經營者發(fā)展電動汽車的直接目標客戶。市場驅動的方法始終創(chuàng)建以合理的價格和性能競爭力和吸引力的產品。</p><p>  早期采用者將技術和環(huán)境的初步領導人和用戶。他們愿意支持并有能力影響的成功。還有各種教育計劃和EV倡議轉化燃料效率的汽車和一般的了解他們的利益。電動汽車在最近幾年將會很容易的被接受。并且有很多教育計劃和電動汽車的倡議改革者寬容的理解了車輛的燃油效率和

57、它的好處。</p><p>  在收費站的合作和基礎設施發(fā)展出現了不同程度的關注。各種商業(yè)模式正在探索。業(yè)界和政府有信心,最終計劃將達到之前的電動汽車大規(guī)模推出。</p><p>  儲能技術的改進使得鋰電池應用成為汽車安全的。復雜的系統(tǒng)管理升級系統(tǒng),提高電動車的燃燒發(fā)動機媲美。最后,適當的政府政策,為業(yè)界提供了一個發(fā)展的基礎。特殊的稅收優(yōu)惠和補貼將抵消購買電動汽車的消費者的負擔。這是針對

58、該產品的信心投票當政府愿意提供資金和戰(zhàn)略支持。</p><p><b>  3 結論</b></p><p>  像許多新興的技術,電動汽車的開發(fā)和應用已經存在了很長一段時間,但直到最近,這項技術還沒有真正起步。盡管混合動力電動汽車開始作為一個很好的替代汽油的車輛,并廣為媒體宣傳,但它只是作為中間步驟或短期內解決的代表。</p><p>  政


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