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1、<p><b>  附 錄</b></p><p><b>  附錄A.英文文獻</b></p><p>  Hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles have advantages in many fields,such as technology, economy and environmen

2、t will become the first decades of the new century, the development of mainstream cars and automobile industry become the consensus of all of the industry. The Chinese government also has the National High Technology Res

3、earch and Development Program (863 Program) specifically listed, including hybrid vehicles, including electric cars of major projects. At present, China's independent in</p><p>  With completely independ

4、ent intellectual property rights form the power system technology platform, established a hybrid electric vehicle technology development. Is the core of hybrid vehicles batteries (including battery management system) tec

5、hnology. In addition, also include engine technology, motor control, vehicle control technology, engine and electrical interface between the power conversion and is also the key. From the current situation, China has est

6、ablished a hybrid electric vehicle p</p><p>  Mastered the core technology of key components, developed a series of products, a comprehensive follow-up of key components and parts industry. In the core of hy

7、brid cars - battery technology research and development, China has independently developed the capacity to 6Ah-100Ah Ni-MH and Li-ion battery products, energy density and power density close to the international level an

8、d break through the security technology bottlenecks the scale of the world's first urban public transport buses used; t</p><p>  Motor system to achieve maximum efficiency 93%; self-developed fuel cell e

9、ngine technology advanced, more than 50% efficiency, control the world's few car a hundred kilowatt fuel cell engine development, manufacturing and testing technology one of the countries. At the same time, the key c

10、omponents of hybrid car industry, a comprehensive follow-up of production capabilities and complete. </p><p>  Mastered the entire vehicle key development, the formation of a capability to develop various ty

11、pes of electric vehicles. Hybrid cars in China in systems integration, reliability, fuel economy and other aspects of the marked progress in achieving fuel economy of different technical solutions can be 10% -40%. Meanwh

12、ile, the hybrid vehicle automotive enterprises and industrial R &amp; D investment significantly enhanced, accelerating the pace of industrialization. </p><p>  A vehicle that has two or more power train

13、s is called a hybrid vehicle. The power train is defined as the combination of the energy source and the energy converter A hybrid vehicle drive train usually consists of no more than two power trains. More than two powe

14、r trains will make the drive train very complicated. For the purpose of recapturing braking energy that is dissipated in the form of heat in conventional IC engine vehicles, a hybrid drive train usually has a power train

15、 that allows energ</p><p>  A hybrid drive train can supply its power to the load by a selective power train. There are many available patterns of operating two power trains to meet the load requirement:<

16、/p><p>  1. Power train 1 alone delivers its power to the load.</p><p>  2. Power train 2 alone delivers its power to the load.</p><p>  3. Both power train 1 and power train 2 deliver

17、 their power to the load simultaneously.</p><p>  4. Power train 2 obtains power from the load (regenerative braking).</p><p>  5. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1.</p><

18、p>  6. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1 and the load simultaneously.</p><p>  7. Power train 1 delivers power to the load and to power train 2 simultaneously.</p><p>  8. Power

19、train 1 delivers its power to power train 2, and power train 2 delivers its power to the load.</p><p>  9. Power train 1 delivers its power to the load, and the load delivers the power to power train 2.</

20、p><p>  In the case of hybridization with a gasoline (diesel)–IC engine (power train 1) and a battery–electric machine (power train 2), pattern (1) is the engine alone propelling mode. This may be used when the

21、 batteries are almost completely depleted and the engine has no remaining power to charge the batteries, or when the batteries have been fully charged and the engine is able to supply sufficient power to meet the power d

22、emands of the vehicle. Pattern (2) is the pure electric propelling mode, in wh</p><p>  The abundant operation modes in a hybrid vehicle create much more flexibility over a single power train vehicle. With p

23、roper configuration and control, applying a specific mode for a special operating condition can potentially optimize the overall performance, efficiency, and emissions. However, in a practical design, deciding which mode

24、 should be implemented depends on many factors, such as the physical configuration of the drive train, power train efficiency characteristics, load characteristi</p><p><b>  附錄B.中文翻譯</b></p>

25、;<p>  混合動力汽車及電動汽車在技術、經濟和環(huán)境等方面的綜合優(yōu)勢使其成為新世紀前幾十年汽車發(fā)展的主流,并成為我國汽車界所有業(yè)內人士的共識。我國政府也已經在國家高技術研究發(fā)展計劃(863計劃)中專門開列了包括混合動力汽車在內的電動汽車重大專項。目前,我國在新能源汽車的自主創(chuàng)新過程中,堅持了政府支持,以核心技術、關鍵部件和系統(tǒng)集成為重點的原則,通過產學研緊密合作,我國混合動力汽車的自主創(chuàng)新取得了重大進展。</p&g

26、t;<p>  形成了具有完全自主知識產權的動力系統(tǒng)技術平臺,建立了混合動力汽車技術開發(fā)體系?;旌蟿恿ζ嚨暮诵氖请姵兀ò姵毓芾硐到y(tǒng))技術。除此之外,還包括發(fā)動機技術、電機控制技術、整車控制技術等,發(fā)動機和電機之間動力的轉換和銜接也是重點。從目前情況來看,我國已經建立起了混合動力汽車動力系統(tǒng)技術平臺和產學研合作研發(fā)體系,取得了一系列突破性成果,為整車開發(fā)奠定了堅實的基礎。</p><p>  掌


28、進,效率超過50%,成為世界上少數(shù)幾個掌握車用百千瓦級燃料電池發(fā)動機研發(fā)、制造以及測試技術的國家之一。與此同時,混合動力汽車關鍵零部件的產業(yè)化全面跟進,生產配套能力顯著增強。</p><p>  掌握了電動汽車整車開發(fā)關鍵技術,形成了各類電動汽車的開發(fā)能力。我國混合動力汽車在系統(tǒng)集成、可靠性、節(jié)油性能等方面進步顯著,不同技術方案可實現(xiàn)節(jié)油10%-40%。同時,各汽車企業(yè)對混合動力汽車的研發(fā)和產業(yè)化投入顯著增強,產

29、業(yè)化步伐不斷加快。</p><p>  一個擁有兩個或以上動力系統(tǒng)的汽車稱為混合動力車,這個動力系統(tǒng)被定義成能量源和能量轉換裝置的結合,通?;旌蟿恿嚨尿寗酉挡粫嘤趦蓚€動力系統(tǒng)。多于兩個動力系統(tǒng)會似的驅動系非常的復雜。出于回收傳統(tǒng)內燃機車輛制動過程中變成熱消耗掉的能量,混合動力驅動系通常有一個動力系統(tǒng)允許能量雙向流動。</p><p>  混合動力驅動系可以將動力通過可選擇的路線傳遞給負

30、載。兩個動力系統(tǒng)滿足負載的有效方式有很多種:</p><p>  1、 動力系統(tǒng)1單獨傳遞動力到負載。</p><p>  2、 動力系統(tǒng)2單獨傳遞動力到負載。</p><p>  3、 動力系統(tǒng)1和2同時傳遞動力到負載。</p><p>  4、 動力系統(tǒng)2從負載獲得能量 (再生制動)。</p><p>  5、 動

31、力系統(tǒng)2從動力系統(tǒng)1獲得能量。</p><p>  6、 動力系統(tǒng)2同時從動力系統(tǒng)1和負載獲得能量。</p><p>  7、動力系統(tǒng)1同時將動力傳遞給動力系統(tǒng)2和負載。</p><p>  8、動力系統(tǒng)1將能量傳遞給動力系統(tǒng)2,動力系統(tǒng)2將能量傳遞給負載。</p><p>  9、 動力系統(tǒng)1將動力傳遞給負載,負載將動力傳遞給動力系統(tǒng)2。&

32、lt;/p><p>  汽油機(柴油機)——內燃機(動力系統(tǒng)1)和電動動力系統(tǒng)(動力系統(tǒng)2)組合的情況下,方式(1)是發(fā)動機單獨驅動模式。通常是電池幾乎完全用盡并且發(fā)動機沒有剩余動力給電池充電,或者是電池已經完全充滿而發(fā)動機能夠提供足夠的動力來滿足車輛的負載需求。方式 (2) 是純電動模式,發(fā)動機關閉。這種方式是在發(fā)動機不能有效地運行的場合,比如速度非常低,或者某些嚴禁排放的區(qū)域。方式 (3)是混合驅動模式,可能在需

33、要大功率的情況下運用,比如急加速或者爬陡坡。方式 (4)是在生制動模式, 通過電動機作為發(fā)電機運行來回收動能或潛在的能量。再生的能量儲存到電池里,以后再利用。方式(5) 是充電模式,當車輛停止,滑行或者下小斜坡的時候,沒有動力傳遞到負載,也沒有動力傳回來。方式 (6) 是再生制動和內燃機同時給電池充電模式。方式 (7) 是發(fā)動機驅動車輛行駛同時給電池充電。方式(8) 是發(fā)動機給電池充電,電池提供動力給負載。方式 (9) 是發(fā)動機將動力通


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