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1、<p><b>  畢業(yè)設計/論文</b></p><p>  外 文 文 獻 翻 譯</p><p>  系  別 城市建設學院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 班 級 給水排水工程0701班   </p><p>  姓  名

2、 </p><p>  評 分 </p><p>  指 導 教 師 </p><p>  華中科技大學武昌分校</p><p><b>  2011 年3月</b><

3、;/p><p>  多層住宅建筑給排水設計的幾個問題 摘要:本文就多層住宅建筑給排水設計中給水管材的選用,管道的敷設方式, 水表出戶設置,家用熱水器的設置及空調冷凝水排放等問題進行探討,并提出一些具體看法。 </p><p>  關鍵詞:多層住宅,給水管材,管道敷設,水表,太陽能熱水器 </p><p>  多層住宅以其配套設施簡單,造價低,物業(yè)管理方便等特點,很受中

4、小城市房地產開發(fā)商和廣大居民的歡迎。 如何按2000年小康住宅科技產業(yè)工程居住區(qū)規(guī)劃設計導則的要求,提高住宅的設計水平,為每個住戶營造出一個舒適 的生活空間,是每個設計人員的職責所在。作為住宅的心臟――廚房、衛(wèi)生間,是功能復雜,衛(wèi)生、安全和舒適度要求 高,營造繁雜,技術要求高的空間。因此,設計人員必須以整體設計的觀念和方法,綜合考慮廚房、衛(wèi)生間給排水管道 和設備的安裝等。下面就多層住宅給排水設計中給水管材的選用、管道的敷設、水表出戶設置

5、、家用熱水器的設置和空 調冷凝水排放等問題與同行們一起探討。 </p><p> ?。ㄒ唬?給水管材選用問題   傳統(tǒng)的給水管材一般采用鍍鋅鋼管,由于鍍鋅鋼管易銹蝕,使用壽命短,用于輸送生活用水不能滿足水質衛(wèi)生標準等 缺點,建設部正大力推廣塑料給水管的應用。許多地市已明文規(guī)定:禁止設計使用鍍鋅鋼管,推廣使用塑料給水管。塑料給水 管與金屬管道相比,具有重量輕,耐壓強度好,輸送液體阻力小,耐化學腐蝕性能強,安裝方便

6、,省鋼節(jié)能,使用壽命長等 優(yōu)點。給水用塑料管道主要有:硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)、高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)、交聯聚乙烯(PEX)、改性聚丙烯(PP-R ,PP-C)、聚丁烯(PB)、鋁塑復合管(PE-AL-PE,PEX-AL-PEX)和鋼塑復合管等。  管材的選擇是經濟技術的比較過程,技術上應從壓力、溫度、使用環(huán)境、安裝方法等方面進行考慮,同時結合業(yè)主 的要求和住宅的檔次,進行經濟技術綜合考慮后確定。以上所塑料給水管材都可作為住宅生活給

7、水管材。經濟適用房和解 困房主要面對廣大中低收入居民,可選用衛(wèi)生級硬聚氯乙烯管(PVC-U)作為給水管,以降低造價;中高檔商品房可用鋁 塑復合管(PE-AL-PE,PEX-AL-PEX)或其他塑料給水管材作為給水管。住宅配水點的</p><p>  衛(wèi)生間內排水橫支管在本層敷設具體措施有:   1) 提高衛(wèi)生間地面。地面勢高150mm,采用后排式坐便器,洗臉盆、浴盆和地漏的排水橫管暗埋在墊層內。   2) 采

8、用下沉式衛(wèi)生間。衛(wèi)生間樓板面下沉350mm,衛(wèi)生器具排水橫管暗埋在下沉空間里。   這兩種做法均可實現衛(wèi)生間的排水橫支管埋設本層的地面而不進入鄰戶。暗埋管道安裝時,施工質量一定要嚴格把關, 經驗收合格后方可施工衛(wèi)生間地面,以免給日后使用中留下隱患。衛(wèi)生間地面施工可填充煤灰等輕質材料,亦可采用砌磚 架空鋪設制板施工地面,地面須做防水處理,做法可參照屋面防水處理,如做兩油一布橡塑油膏防水。  ?。ㄈ?水表戶外設置問題   水表設在

9、戶內,不但抄表的工作量很大,而且使住宅的安全性和私密性大大降低。故住宅的分戶水表或分戶水表的數字 顯示宜設在戶外。多層住宅水表戶外設置有以下幾種形式:   1.采用遠傳水表   把普通水表換成遠傳水表,由一根信號線連接水表與數據采集機,再傳至智能管理(微機)。它的優(yōu)點在于節(jié)省大量人 力來抄表,數據準確,缺點是造價高。   2.采用磁卡式水表   用戶預先購買自來水公司的電子卡,然</p><p>  

10、譯文來源:美國PE雜志建筑給排水工程師2010年第10期</p><p>  The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water several questions designed Summary : This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housi

11、ng design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on t

12、he discussion , And put forward some concrete views. </p><p>  Keyword: Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heater The skyscraper is simp

13、le with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized

14、 cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead</p><p>  1)Will install it in the corner place of the kitchen, bathroo

15、m tomorrow. Adopting this kind of way of laying more in the design of house in the past, it is convenient for it to construct, But will reveal the pipeline and hinder the room beautifully tomorrow Watch, the households w

16、ill mostly be hidden with the light quality material in the equipment two times.</p><p>  2)Will install it in the overcast angle place of the outer wall of the building tomorrow. Way this suitable for south

17、ern weather warm district only, the minimum temperature in winter cant be lower than zero degrees Centigrade, In case water pipe water-logging freeze ice is bloated to split pipeline, influence household use. Pipeline la

18、y in outer wall, influence building to be beautiful, too inconvenient on manage and maintain in the future. </p><p>  3)Lay it in the pipeline well. This way makes the room clean and beautiful , but the pipe

19、line well has taken up the area of the bathroom, And pipeline construct, maintain relatively more difficult. Bathroom set up concentrate pipeline well, concentrate pipeline on assign in the well feed pipe, drain pipe, Th

20、is is that the civilized importance lives in the kitchen of comfortable house, bathroom Embodiment. I think : Should consider the establishment of the pipeline well of the bathroom in the med</p><p>  1)Set

21、up in the brick wall secretly. Wall turn on and in charge of trough in brick when constructing, in charge of trough width tube +20 mm, de of external diameter,, degree of depth tube external diameter de, The pipeline is

22、imbedded and managed directly Trough, and with in charge of card fix in trough of inning charge of son.</p><p>  2)Whether pipe diameter supply water and prop up and last de ≤ 20mm,can set up at floor secret

23、ly piece make level by layer. Turn on and in charge of trough in floor( ground) the board when constructing, it wides trough have to be de +10 mm deeply 1/2 of the de, Half pipeline imbed and in charge of trough, and wit

24、h in charge of card fix in trough of inning charge of tube. Aluminium mould compound and in charge of and pay and unite polypropylene in charge of pipeline adopt metal pipe fittings conn</p><p>  1)Improve t

25、he bathroom ground . Ground tendency high 150mm, adopt back row type take stool pot, washing basin, bath tub, water drainage of floor drain in charge of and bury in cushion layer secretly sideways.</p><p>  

26、2)Adopt the sinking type bathroom. Bathroom sink 350mm the floor, hygiene utensil drain off water and in charge of and bury on sinking space secretly sideways Two method these can realize water drainage of bathroom

27、prop up and in charge of earths surface to bury underground this one without entering the neighbor family sideways. Bury pipeline when installing, construction quality must check on strictly, can construct bathroom groun

28、d after confirming qualified secretly, So as not to leave th</p><p>  1)The water gauge is set up in the stair have a rest in the alcove of the platform. Household watersupply to prop up and manage and enter

29、 the kitchen, bathroom after the water gauge is measured. Way this realize water gauge produce room set up, equivalence low project have , supply water and set up and in charge of and set up with water gauge office resul

30、ts in aesthetic problems in stair. It suitable for the South warm district kitchen, bathroom assign close to the houses of positions of stairca</p><p>  2)The water gauge concentrates on being set up among t

31、he water gauges( meter box). Person who give when supplying water, set up water gauge in ground floor( meter box) on falling, every household watersupply to prop up and is in charge of applying having in the pipeline wel

32、l, Southern area can overcast horn place lay along the outer wall in building too; Person who give when supplying water, can set up water gauge in roof( meter box) under upgoing. This way increases and supplies water to


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