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1、<p><b>  附錄</b></p><p><b>  附錄1</b></p><p><b>  英文原文</b></p><p>  The Evolutionary Rules of Production System</p><p>  Abstract

2、: The competition among modern enterprises has been converted from products to capability. As the basis of competition, production system can’t win the market unless it takes advantage of its capability in competition. H

3、ere in this article, the evolutionary rules of production system contributing to the establishment, renovation, reform, invention and promotion of the production of modern enterprises are observed.</p><p>  

4、Key words: production system rule evolution</p><p>  1. Introduction</p><p>  Manufacturing industry is the cornerstone of national economy and the source of national income. Especially, sin

5、ce 1980s, with the shift in business concepts and competition patterns from products to capabilities, the production system has been focused on manufacturing. The production system is the basis of competition among enter

6、prises. It’s vital for any enterprise to pay more attention to strengthen their own capabilities and qualities so as to take the lead in competition in the Age of Knowl</p><p>  2. The Rules of the Evolution

7、 of Production System</p><p>  2.1 The Expansion of Functions and Direction of Market</p><p>  In general, the production management is meant to plan, organize and control production activities

8、in order to put out qualified goods efficiently, low-costly, flexibly and punctually to serve customers. With the expansion of the function of modern production system, including the production of tangible commodities an

9、d intangible operations, like service, knowledge and information, the difference between manufacturing industry and service industry becomes dim. Most manufacturers are serving as s</p><p>  2.2 The Variety

10、and Reasonability of Targets in Production System</p><p>  Market investigations are performed when the production system is established, renovated and regulated in order to learn more about the demand, to s

11、et up practical goals and to regulate the specification, the output and the production speed of commodities. Some reasons for the variety and reasonability are shown as follows:</p><p>  (1) With the develop

12、ment of economy, consumers have converted their attention to various commodities and they’re keen on peculiar ones which are efficient and fashionable;</p><p>  Early target Transmitting ta

13、rget Modern target</p><p>  (2) New commodities occurred as soon as old commodities lose their marker and vanished quickly. In this circle, the life spans of product are so short that many u

14、p-to-date ones have to be developed and produced in time;</p><p>  (3) Because of the severe competition, how to increase the shares in the market becomes an important target. To take the lead, enterprises a

15、re supposed to put out more and more new commodities.</p><p>  2.3 The Flexibility of Production System</p><p>  The assembly line production and mass production used to be of low-cost but they

16、were limited because of the variety, changeability and short life span. So the law of “scale economy” is being challenged in its application. Single-product production system couldn’t adjust to the changes in market and

17、in the operation of enterprise. As a result, along with the shift to variety and mass production, GT (group technology), AM (Agile manufacturing), IMI (Independent Manufacturing island) and FMS (Flex</p><p>

18、  2.4 The Automation, Integrity and Intellection of Production System</p><p>  The automation technology, esp. information technology, computer technology and systematic technology, brought the advanced manu

19、facturing industry into prosperity which prepared well enough to meet dynamic adaptability in terms of material and technological conditions. The 5th technology revolution that began in 1970s actually was a breakthrough

20、in micro-electronic and computer technology. Generated from both of them, the advanced manufacturing technology and information technology come into bei</p><p>  (1) In traditional patterns, it took high pri

21、ce to acquire knowledge and information, so mass production was the solution. When CIMS, MRPⅡ, ERP, Internet, Intranet among enterprisers and extranet of enterprises occurred, the information of designing and management

22、was stored in software. The cost of using and regulating information was so low that mass production wasn’t the solution any more; (2) The intellectual and automatic manufacturing equipment took up the repetitive task an

23、d work efficien</p><p>  2.5 Emphasis on People——The Main Factor in the Production System</p><p>  People who are in charge of manufacturing activities are faced with new requirement with regard

24、 to their role status, knowledge and capability. It’s due to the change of production means and the expansion of production activities.</p><p>  (1) The ultimate factor in manufacturing activities——people: T

25、he automation of manufacturing system was ever the center of international manufacturing research. And “no one factory” pattern, that is, auto-operated factory was expected. The early CIMS was based on this imagination.

26、But only a few enterprises achieved what they had expected. Most of them failed in fulfilling their goals in some developed industrial countries. In comparison with the large investment, the profit was too far from bei&l

27、t;/p><p>  2.6 The Production System Tends to Be Labor-intensive</p><p>  To get the similar effect in production in a fixed quantity to in a large quantity, high efficiency and regional economy ar

28、e being targeted. A stable and balanced production is to eliminate ineffective work and waste, to shorten the process of producing, to lower the cost and avoid stocking too long. Labor-intensive and elastic labor organiz

29、ing should be executed soon. Consequently, the management converts from the one by individuals and departments to the whole production system based on man.</p><p>  3. Conclusion</p><p>  Findin

30、g out the rules of evolution production system, in a sense, contributes to the establishment, refreshment, innovation and promotion of the system itself and also support the functional target set for it and its construct

31、ion strategy. For the progress in quality and competitiveness in contingency, all the enterprises are supposed to follow the rules, in the view of production strategy and competition advantages.</p><p>  Ref

32、erences:</p><p>  1. Qingshan Zhang, Guoqing Jiang. Modern Production Management, Northeast University Publishing House, 1998.05</p><p>  2. Kesheng Zhang, Songqian Zhang. The Evolution of Manuf

33、acturing Modes in US & Japan, Enterprise Management, 1998(1)</p><p>  3. Ying Tao. The New Tendency of Foreign Enterprises Management and Its Implication, Modernization of Management, 1997(6)</p>

34、<p><b>  中文譯文</b></p><p><b>  制造系統(tǒng)的改革</b></p><p>  摘要:現(xiàn)代企業(yè)之間的競爭已轉換成產品生產能力的競爭。以此為基礎的競爭,除非它充分利用了其能力的優(yōu)勢,否則企業(yè)是不能贏得市場的。在這篇文章中,制造系統(tǒng)的改革有助于建立,改造,改革,發(fā)明和促進現(xiàn)代生產企業(yè)遵守進化規(guī)則。</p&

35、gt;<p>  關鍵詞:生產系統(tǒng) 規(guī)則 演變</p><p><b>  1導言</b></p><p>  制造業(yè),是國民經濟和國家收入的來源。特別是20世紀80年代以來,隨著在經營理念和競爭模式從產品到能力的變化,生產系統(tǒng)已集中于制造業(yè)。生產系統(tǒng)的基礎是企業(yè)之間的競爭。在知識經濟和新經濟時代,為了起帶頭作用,在競爭中更多地注意提高自身的能力


37、  2生產系統(tǒng)規(guī)則的演變</p><p>  2.1擴大市場的職能和方向,</p><p>  一般來說,生產管理是指計劃、組織和控制生產活動,以便把商品的合格率,低費用高品質,靈活和準時向客戶提供服務。隨著現(xiàn)代生產體系功能的擴大,包括生產有形和無形的商品,像服務、知識和信息,制造業(yè)和服務業(yè)之間的差異變得暗淡。大多數(shù)制造商都提供相應服務。產品在許多工業(yè)部門,在事實上,是完整的硬件,軟件和服

38、務。經濟的發(fā)展和技術在后工業(yè)社會和信息時代提出的要求,在市場越來越缺少穩(wěn)定。因此,大規(guī)模生產的地位在競爭中日益下降。多變的要求確定以客戶為主體的模式,大規(guī)模生產已發(fā)展成為多品種和小規(guī)模的生產活動。</p><p>  2.2生產系統(tǒng)中品種和合理的目標</p><p>  市場調查執(zhí)行時,建立,翻新和規(guī)范生產系統(tǒng),以便更多地了解客戶,設立實際的目標和規(guī)范的規(guī)格,提高產量和加快產品的生產速度。

39、幾個品種和合理的原因如下顯示:</p><p>  (1)隨著經濟的發(fā)展,消費者已將注意力轉移到各種商品和他們熱衷于那些奇特的有效率及時髦的東西;</p><p>  早期的目標 轉遞的目標 現(xiàn)代的目標</p><p>  (2)新商品的產生造成舊商品失去了他們市場和被迅速淘汰。在這

40、圈子,產品的壽命周期是非常短的,許多產品必須及時更新和生產;</p><p>  (3)由于嚴重的競爭,如何增加在市場上的股份成為一個重要的因素。要起帶頭作用,企業(yè)必須生產更多的新商品。</p><p>  2.3生產系統(tǒng)的靈活性</p><p>  裝配線生產和大規(guī)模生產曾經是低成本,但因為該品種,多變性和短期的壽命,他們受到了限制。因此,“規(guī)模經濟”的法律在其申

41、請時受到挑戰(zhàn)。在運作的企業(yè),單一產品生產系統(tǒng)無法適應市場的變化進行調整。因此,隨著轉向品種和大量生產,GT, FMS,IMI,AM和柔性制造系統(tǒng)式很容易適應的。特別是,鞏固制造業(yè)離島的基礎上,就整體而言,集成制造系統(tǒng)與計算機和IMI的技術,增加了靈活性和應變性。</p><p>  2.4生產系統(tǒng)的自動化和完整性 </p><p>  物質和技術條件準備充足的自動化技術,電除塵器,信息技術

42、,計算機技術和系統(tǒng)技術,帶來了先進制造業(yè)的繁榮。第5次技術革命的開始,在20世紀70年代,在微型電子技術和計算機技術上其實是一個突破。從他們兩個開始,意味著先進制造技術和信息技術的誕生。這樣一來,原材料和燃料的低成本,以及高效率和適應性,在現(xiàn)代企業(yè)中成了可能。從理論上講,利潤來源,規(guī)模經濟是可以實現(xiàn)的。</p><p>  (1)在傳統(tǒng)的模式中,花了高昂的代價,以獲得知識和信息,因此,大規(guī)模生產是解決問題的方法。

43、當計算機集成制造系統(tǒng),如MRP的ⅱ , ERP系統(tǒng),互聯(lián)網,內聯(lián)網之間企業(yè)信息的交流,,軟件存儲信息設計和管理。成本的使用和規(guī)范的信息是如此之低,大規(guī)模生產是不解決任何更多問題。</p><p>  (2)智力和自動生產設備的矛盾意味著不一定能提高工作效率。效率,如果只以下的順序,從中央計算機。累積的經驗,并不意味著很多在這里,所謂的大規(guī)模生產的經驗和學習過程將不再存在。</p><p>

44、  (3)在傳統(tǒng)的模式,專門和有效率的生產設備和工具,是適合大規(guī)模生產,以增加生產力和降低成本。但現(xiàn)代設備的,往往不是多功能的。他們是許多制造業(yè)相適應的程序,確保高生產力,沒有大規(guī)模生產; ( 4 )在現(xiàn)代先進制造技術,生產一種商品在一定量的費用幾乎高達同樣數(shù)量的其他品種,但在同一個工廠制造它的成本比在不同的工廠會少得多; ( 5 )與技術的CAE技術,計算機輔助設計, CAPP系統(tǒng), CAM和柔性制造系統(tǒng),設計和制造的新商品,可于短期

45、內完成并隨著質量的提高交付期限也在縮短。</p><p>  2.5在生產系統(tǒng)中側重于人的主要因素 </p><p>  負責制造業(yè)的人在活動中對于他們的作用,地位,知識和能力正面臨著新的要求。這是由于改變生產方式和擴大生產活動的原因。</p><p>  (1)在制造業(yè)活動中的最終因素-人:自動化制造系統(tǒng)是曾經國際制造中心的研究“沒有人的工廠”模式,即自動操作的工

46、廠。估計早期的計算機集成制造系統(tǒng)是在此基礎上想象的。但只有少數(shù)企業(yè)達到了他們的預期。在一些發(fā)達工業(yè)國家,他們大多未能在履行達到他們的目標。在比較大的投資,利潤也遠遠不能令人滿意。最后, CIMS在許多國家已淘汰。人的作用,在現(xiàn)代制造系統(tǒng)不是削弱了而是加強。它引起了不同尋常的關注,許多發(fā)達國家培養(yǎng)能主管這個行業(yè)技術工人和行政人員。因此,甚至是一套為工人和行政人員的更高的標準;</p><p>  (2)加強人們的知

47、識和能力:從綜合技術上發(fā)展現(xiàn)代制造技術。它的特點是多學科,所以技術是為了有一個堅實的專業(yè),不只是專業(yè)知識,但也有很多的知識,關注先進的研究。在同一時間內,了解所涉及的科目,以及擴大來看,刷新知識和接受新觀念是非常重要的。倡議的定義和能力的完整性,是被預計的。</p><p>  2.6生產系統(tǒng)往往是勞動力密集型的</p><p>  獲得類似的效果,在生產,從一個固定的數(shù)量到大量,高效率和

48、區(qū)域經濟是目標。一個穩(wěn)定和均衡的生產是為了消除無效的工作和浪費,以縮短生產過程,降低成本,并避免囤積過久。勞動密集和彈性的勞動組織,應盡快執(zhí)行。因此,基于一個人,管理的轉換,是從一個由個人和部門到整個生產系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b>  3結論</b></p><p>  找出生產系統(tǒng)的規(guī)則演變,在某種意義上,有助于制度本身的建立,創(chuàng)新和推廣也支持功能所定的目標,為

49、它和它的建設策略,為進步的素質和競爭力應變,在生產策略和競爭優(yōu)勢上,所有企業(yè)要遵守規(guī)則。</p><p><b>  參考文獻: </b></p><p>  [1] 張青山,姜國慶.現(xiàn)代生產管理.東北大學出版社, 1998</p><p>  [2] 張聲.美國和日本的演變的制造模式.企業(yè)管理 1998年 </p><p


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